v.w • .L. Tempo V Bldg • PH. J SY. v)V) Times (ID) New York, N. Y. 100 DA~N 181945 ' -- ' . ~ . "NOT THE UNITED,JEWISH'. AP~E4l' ·;I OF GREATER NEW YORK- · ._•_:___ :·-.\·.- .. 1i the .role fund·r~sltlg agen~Jn tht ~_-._"·\:., A SAC·RIFICE" · merropaUtaq area tor the. .· .... J . following natlon~fj~~ish ()~ganlzi:iilori;; ' ~- {i ~:~ ':' by Franz Werfel AUTHOR OF'"jACOBOWSKY AND THE COiiONEL," · Jolnt.DistributiCin.Coin~ittee ./L i. "THE FORTY DAYS OF MUSA DAGH,'; ETC; Th~J.D,C. i• themaiorAmeiican age~cyfor aid to'. djstressed Jews ove_r,i~as •. In ~u__ ,-~riy-ye~t hiStory I . of rescue, relief and rehabilitation, it h~sspent ovet·: '. :·: $16o,ooo,ooo.to help miiiion•"'jifJews thtougbo~t· ·r:. The Jewisli people, in die early May days of this year, ·the world. During thefiist livinnonths of !?4,,1bO:: experienced a mighty act of grace that fat tf$scends ].D.C. has spent over $12,00Q,Qqo t9 provid~·t.i)er,' gency'asslstance for the1;2'o;ollo'survivlng Jews lit:-· · ·1' .' the Biblical repons of the triumphs of Israel over its persecurors and !Onurert, Europe. ].D.C.'s current progtomlncludei ship~in/1 12,ooo relief. pacliages monthly· to Russia/ ioru o£ · Not the fate of Pharaoh, of Haman, .of Nebuchadnezzar or Antiochus can liiatcli food weekly to Poland, and financing cost ofuans< . ' . itself with the cataclysmic collapse with which the world worked the -nnn of porlin&.~efugees tO Palestine. :. · · ,. il the Nazi demons and their mad, swinish, infernal doctrines. And Y,ct, in these United Palestine-Appeal' . ·.· :_·; days and weeks of the so bloodily invoked victory, something happened that ----- suffused us with an even holier emotion thall did the victory itself. Th~re iJ.P.A. has helped more than 3~0;000relugees estali­ :were but very few Jewish eyes whi~h _llashed transPort and triumph. The Sfu Jish themselves in-Palestine since 1933. It has·b«n. I instrumental ~n the -cr~tion of ~orne -300 agricw.~: · ~. of M~y was not for Israel a hymnic day of victory and of glorious revelation rural setdementt. It has helped build up Palestine's I of divine punishment but rather a.day of strangely painful emotion. Industrial productlop to a point where in 1944 ik l ~ There~, was valued at $180,000,000: It haslrelped the ]$•; . were many who, after hour upon hour at the radio, were ~mazed that the news' 'I> ish National. _Fund purchase 7)0,000 dunaJl)(o( ! land so that Palestln:e might_ be capable of ab\omhig' which they had not dared to visuali~e in their boldest dreams, faded inexplicably, more imm.i~lints._seeking ren,se. ·. · dull and toneless, in their souls. What was it that happened? . I can disclose what happened: The dead had risen, the millions. on millions National Refugee Service of the unnamable who had been cut down, and.camped like an opp~essivedoud- N.R.S. has ~layed a major pan in th;successful',;.'"~ • mass between us and our joy. There were nor merely the dead of Israel, our ab~otpdon of .-~o_o,~)OQ recent immigrants· i~~O ili~::- ·__ :-- J\ sodal itnd ~nomic Hfe o.f th~$ cou~~ry.- It t:urm~~e~ · ~- · ' brothers and sisters, the uncounted manyrs of Maidanek, Okoiecien, Jiuchen:­ ·;medical ca~o-~nd otfler:·supplemerit.ary' Se.rYi~:.-1~-~~ ...- wald and a hundred other M<llock altars;· they were the dead of manici(ld, our tlie 9_82 rcfus:~s in Oswego~ It provid~ f~4,~s:h_~.£--:: '.­ tcr, dot~ing ~4 m~di~al q.re for moie_ ~-h~tr'~Jqol?__ . brothers and sisters, ·who had to give thei~ life's blood that bald blasphemy elderly, sick andincap~cita~~ ief~gees ~·<y_li>:oqt)!._.. :/i; might not rule on eanh beyond thirteen years. They are the dead the gray minor .of whose Miserere mingles wi!h the major mode of victory. They adritonish us National J~w-ish:Welfare Board; '! c. t that the suffering, the sick; tlie hungry, the thirsty,.!he homeless and shelterless, J.w.il, eniisr. ;nd ~~m.~{d,e.;.orkbf~~·itt.' F~ can be helped; that thefmuit be h~lped. They sacrificed their entiiiflife. We Je~ish_Ariny_ and -N_avy-_ ina _Marine_-'~haPlai4J~-Jc __ .·{_:_:.••! ci.ces !or- ~e reli8iou.~ ~d _s~~id hos~i_ta_~ty--~e~S : __ , . have nor sacrificed even a part of our life. ~;:{f:r:~-~~~?sq~!f~~~p:fj:~~~~~-~t;ii -,~~ What can we do to th.ank God that He has again fullilled His ancient promise, . 300, .commuruty :~enter~- an~-~-y_outh__ orgaJUZa~o~_:::t: '.-~·. that it all happened as it did and not otherwise? There is but one thing we can ~ ~hro~~O~t--Pte,~?.u_p,~~ . _. ···/::~--. - do: Give, give, give! And even if, we give'lavishly, it yet will ~ o!!Iy piti­ fully lirtle. It will· yet be not a sacrifice but Jllerely a ransom, the licjuidarion of a saciifice. · 15!~~~~~1!W~:~; UN.ITED- JEW·ISH_·,APPEAt~oE.G.REATER·CN·~~g£{b;&k ,250. ~e·s.~ s7tll .. $,t(eet • .. COI~jrt~*·~:·;~~~!:~~ff,i-~r:{~~";i~;t~·«~~!:i ·· . T,biS 'spitte ui~ (one1!1t~il by met,berio[!fteP_aper ~~~#,kr• ~l6[b;ll~;•!dirfo~i,.j;s·I,"ffjf(i~ ifi;.il~~g#}'!:-, . Women's tJnilerwe~ InJuseq, 1111J C!Jemzcdli111'4'f.'mn![l/tlliitryin.idf!i#on}?.·t -~ls!fPP • · •. ' ,.. c> <': ' J'l~.l':· ,< ; (';,~~!~t1~i~l~ ... ··· .... J ;.· -,l'' '"'qt. Ne• fork \. a-.. APR 9 1945 . UNITED JEWISH APPEAL ...--.· . As country after country is liberated from the Nazi terror, the' ta!t uftl'gul­ tude of the world tragedy of the Jews of Europe begins to be seen. It Is now reported that only 1,500,000 of the 6,500,000 Jews of the Continent, out­ side Russia, have survived, and· that two~thirds of these are homeless, near death, and utterly destitute. Never be­ fore has tl,1.e World known sUch 8. hor­ ror as this, and never before has pity been so urgently challenged. The United J ewlsh Appeal campaign now under way hopes to be equal to the task of answering this heartbreaking · call of need. Its drive for a rescue fund of $75,000,000, to be raised throughout the nation, must succeed. u· help is found In time, the pitiable fragment may yet be saved. Through the war years the work of rescue, supported mainly by, Ame~i­ cans, went on; but it· had to be done from outside the prisOning European fortress and against immense handi· cap_s. Contact between thi afflicted· and their helpers was cUt off by scorn­ ful tyranny an4 bristling frontiers. There was no way of dc;llng the full job, no way, even, of knowing what Ute full job wall!. Now that ~tyranny fa doomed and frontiers .are oPening, the tide of relief can flow in. For thou­ sands of living it may ev~n flow come only in the last moment to be of- use . .Four leading national agen~les-the Joint Distribution Committee, the United Palestine Appeal, the National Refugee Service and the National Jew­ Ish Welfare ~oard-bave joined hands to present the cause to the public of Greater New York. The undertaking is the largest ever made by any Jew­ ish group in this country, if not in the world, and it will be the only cam­ paign in New York of the four par­ ticipating agencies. The furid will sav~ lives not only in Europe, but also in ev13ry continent and country to which re.f ugees the Hitler IJerse. cu].on., have bee(!om cattered. 1 Thousar ds of us are nowadays ~k- · IJ1t In 01/ hearta, "What can w~·':a~ irl41vldu.ai, do to heal the wound lt···h.. e· .· "l?rld haa suffered In this wors 'Of• v{~s ? .. -"' To respond to this call is 'ne· of the aurest "#&Ys of doing our pai-t. J , t '-'-}vr .. c"--Z \../ NewYorkVf!liil~Tel~grani · ·.... APR 7 1945 . ·,:;.- "-) MAR 9 1945 ··!'uu emplOyment •• a priiiclple ., An lntenllive program for the· ,Dlwr DEMANDS. tha~epted by all of WJ," tran.port&tibn and emigration of Mr. McNutt aald. "By ~ty uprooted J-. to P~d who oppose aoci&Jtsm iiiaCOMinu- vtlw: 1~. nlam. By the oman minority who Tbe development of Paleltlne u 60~000~000-JOB U. S. favor IIOCiallam. By theae Amer- a refuge for many thoWJandll of Ieana who dellire Government to a•- homeleu and atatel... Jewo now oume a larger role In the life of wandering throughout Europe. Says Full Employment-Is th the nation. And by thoee Amer• Tile .encouragement of &JI'icul· lcano who would prefer to aee Gov- tural, trade and lndWJtry develop.. Difference Between Healthy ernment play a .-.!nor role In the ment In Paleatlne to lncreue the Society, One Open to War lite of the nation. Whatever our c:apaclty of that country to &'*'ttl dlfferencea-and they are many In aew ltnmlgraatl; a democracy-we can all unite In Aid to the Pal.. tlnlut armed common reaponllibUlty to achieve forcea aervlng the e&UIIe of the Maintaii.tng that "full employ a IIO,OOO,OOO.job America." United NatJona. ment Ia the difference between , ou- • "Maa&" Propaaw Aallatance to new lmmtrranto In· haalthy IOCiety and an a.lllnf th the United State. and the provt-1 clety open to the vlrue of a ne Mr. McNutt Aid that e agen- lion (Jl IIUpplementary 1ervlcea fucilm and a new war,"· Paul V oles In the United Jewish Appeal such u rellgtouo equipment, med· McNutt, Federal Security Admin of ·Greater New York wer6 con-' teal llllpplles and recreational fa· 18trator and chairman of the W fronted with four ''muet" pro- cllltleo for approximately 1,000 Manpower Comrnl8!!1on, declare «ramo: emergency relief, reacue refugees at the emergency refugee l••t night that "there I• a detlnl and rehabUltatlon for JeW11 In the .
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