E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 2020 No. 165 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was degrees that these wildfires will go We have been trying for years to re- called to order by the Speaker pro tem- away, then he is completely delusional. form these laws, resume active forest pore (Mr. CUELLAR). Excess timber comes out of the forest management, and restore our forests to in only two ways: It is either carried f health; yet the environmental leftists out or it burns out. For most of the have blocked us every year. Instead, DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO 20th century, we carried it out. It is politicians use the excuse of climate TEMPORE called logging. change. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- Every year, the U.S. Forest Service fore the House the following commu- foresters would mark off excess timber, Really? These environmental laws nication from the Speaker: and then we auctioned it off to lumber generally apply only to public lands. companies that paid us to remove it, Today, you can easily tell the bound- WASHINGTON, DC, funding both local communities and September 23, 2020. aries between private and public lands the forest service. We auctioned graz- I hereby appoint the Honorable HENRY solely on the condition of the forests. ing contracts on our grasslands. The CUELLAR to act as Speaker pro tempore on How clever of the climate only to deci- result was healthy forests, fewer fires, this day. mate the public lands. NANCY PELOSI, and a thriving economy. Speaker of the House of Representatives. But beginning in the 1970s, we began The climate has changed much over imposing environmental laws that have f the centuries, but the problem has not. made the management of our lands all When Juan Cabrillo dropped anchor in MORNING-HOUR DEBATE but impossible. Draconian restrictions Santa Monica Bay in October of 1542, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- on logging, grazing, prescriptive burn- the height of the Santa Ana fire sea- ant to the order of the House of Janu- ing, and herbicide use on public lands son, he named it the Bay of Smoke. Be- ary 7, 2020, the Chair will now recog- have made modern land management fore western civilization, paleontolo- nize Members from lists submitted by endlessly time consuming and, ulti- gists tell us that we lost between 4 and mately, cost prohibitive. A single tree the majority and minority leaders for 12 million acres a year to wildfire in thinning plan typically requires 4 years morning-hour debate. California. The Chair will alternate recognition and more than 800 pages of analysis. Modern forests and land management between the parties, with time equally The costs of this process exceed the brought that destruction down to just allocated between the parties and each value of timber, turning land mainte- Member other than the majority and nance from a revenue-generating activ- a quarter of a million acres during the minority leaders and the minority ity to a revenue-consuming one. 20th century. That annual destruction Since 1980, these laws have produced whip limited to 5 minutes, but in no is now back up to 3 million acres a an 80 percent decline in timber har- event shall debate continue beyond year. vested off of the Federal forests and a 10:50 a.m. concomitant increase in acreage de- That is not a new normal; that is the f stroyed by fire. In California, the num- old normal reasserting itself. That is ber of sawmills has declined from 149 to not climate change; that is how nature NEED FOR ACTIVE FOREST deals with overgrown lands. And once MANAGEMENT just 27. Now, these laws were passed with the destroyed, it can take centuries for our The SPEAKER pro tempore. The promise they would improve the for- forests to regrow. Chair recognizes the gentleman from ests. Well, after more than four dec- We began active forest management California (Mr. MCCLINTOCK) for 5 min- ades, I think we are entitled to ask: to break that cycle. We decided we utes. How are the forests doing? wanted every generation to enjoy our Mr. MCCLINTOCK. Mr. Speaker, last An untended forest is just like an week, President Trump came to Cali- untended garden. It will grow and grow forests. So we introduced scientific for- fornia to be briefed on the horrific fires until it chokes itself to death. In a est management to do a little gar- now raging in that State. Instead, he morbidly overcrowded State, stressed dening and keep our forests healthy by got a lecture from Governor Newsom trees fall victim to disease, pestilence, suppressing brush and harvesting ex- and his staff on climate change. drought, and, ultimately, catastrophic cess timber so it couldn’t crowd itself Well, if Gavin Newsom actually be- wildfire. In many regions of the Sierra, to death. And it worked, until the envi- lieves that if we all just ride our bikes timber density is now four times great- ronmental laws abandoned science for to work and set our thermostats to 80 er than the land can support. ideology. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H4719 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 06:01 Sep 24, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23SE7.000 H23SEPT1 ctelli on DSK11ZRN23PROD with HOUSE H4720 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 23, 2020 The planet has been warming and Solar Energy Research and Develop- Mike; Mesack, Michelle (Yahng); Miniat, cooling for millennia. Warmer tem- ment Act. This bill authorizes solar en- Charlie; Nordquist, Matt; Olson, Bill; Olson, peratures make it all the more impor- ergy research, development, and de- Richard; Pfister, Sam; Reinhard, Courtney tant to match tree density to the abil- ployment within the Department of (Anderson); Risolute, Scott; Sarley, Chris; Schonert, Neil; Tvrdy, Joe; Uram, Steve; ity of the land to support it. That Energy. Wolf, Saralyn (Tucker); Youssefiani, Darius. means more logging, not less. Utah is a national leader in solar California has taken draconian meas- technology and is projected to produce Mr. SHIMKUS. Mr. Speaker, staff as- ures to reduce carbon dioxide emis- over 1,000 megawatts of solar power in sistants are the first person a visitor sions, at a terrible cost for the quality the next 5 years. My bill addresses the sees or hears in my D.C. office. First of life of Californians. We now suffer very serious threat of climate change, impressions are lasting impressions, so some of the highest costs for energy in while supporting clean energy jobs. even though they are the lowest on the the country; we have destroyed our I am also pleased to see my air qual- totem pole, they are very important. manufacturing base; and we can’t guar- ity bill included. The Background Staff assistants welcome visitors antee enough electricity to keep our Ozone Research Study Act directs the from the district. They help direct refrigerators running. Yet a single cat- EPA and the National Academies of them and, many times, conduct tours astrophic fire makes a mockery of all Science to study the sources of back- of the Capitol. They help constituents of these laws and the sacrifices they ground ozone pollution and to provide with hotel information and lists of impose on our people. actionable steps for cleaning our air. other tourist venues. Governor Newsom says he has no pa- Mr. Speaker, this bill supports our Flags flown over the Capitol are tience for such views. Well, that is a clean energy economy and addresses highly sought after. These flags are re- tragedy for all Californians and for all our very serious need to address the quested for memorial events and of California’s forests. climate crisis. thank-yous. Many times they are need- ed in a timely manner and, most times, IN SUPPORT OF THE FAITH IN CONGRESS ACT f have a specific date that the flag Mr. MCADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I rise in IN SUPPORT OF THE VETERAN should be flown. Staff assistants ensure support of the FAITH in Congress Act. HIGH ALTITUDE AND SUICIDE that this is done. This bipartisan legislation, introduced RESEARCH ACT The tough part of the job is answer- by my colleague STEPHANIE MURPHY, ing the phones. Sometimes these calls The SPEAKER pro tempore. The seeks to restore trust and faith in Con- are overwhelming and will get rolled to Chair recognizes the gentleman from gress as an institution. Utah (Mr. MCADAMS) for 5 minutes. As I travel throughout my district another staff member. Many times the Mr. MCADAMS. Mr. Speaker, I rise and talk with Utahns, there is a com- callers are just plain mean and nasty. today to speak on the VA High Alti- mon theme that I hear from people of Just like in baseball, if the caller says tude and Suicide Research Act. I intro- all political walks. That is that our po- the magic words, they are gone. There duced this bipartisan bill to combat a litical system is broken, and we need is no need to put my staff in that posi- very serious threat to our veteran pop- to change the way Washington does tion. It is sad that adults act this way ulation.
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