CONGRESSIONAL RECORD. PROCEEDINGS AND DEB-ATES OF THE FIFTY-FIFTH CONGRESS. THIRD SESSION. SENATE. Maine- En.gene Hale. Mmyland-George L. Wellington. MONDAY, Decmnber· 5, 1898~ Massachusetts-George F. Hoar and Henry Cabot Lodge. The first Monday of December being the day prescribed by the Michigan-Julius C. Burrows and James McMil1an. Constitution of the United States for the annual meeting of Con­ Minnesota-Knute Nelson. gress, the third session of the Fifty-fifth Congress commenced this Mississippi-Hernando D. Money and William V. Sullivan. Misscruri-Francis M. Cockrell and George G. Vest. da1he Senate assembled in its Chamber at the Gapitol. .3.fontana-Thomas H. Carter. The VICE-PRESIDENT· of the United States (Hon. GARRET A. Nebraska-William V. Allen and John M. Thurston. HoBART, of the State of New Jersey) called the Senate to order at New Hampshi1·e-William E. Chandler and Jacob H. Gallinger. 12 o'clock meridian. Ne:w Jersey-William J. Sewell and James Smith, jr. PRAYER. New York-Edward Mn.rphy, jr., and Thomas C. Platt. North Carolina-Marion Butler. Rev. W. H. MILBURN, D. D., Chaplain to the Senate, offered the North Dakota-William N. Roach. following prayer: Ohio-Joseph B. Foraker and Marcus A. Hanna. · 0 Thou, in whose hand our breath is and whose art). all our Oregon-George W. McBride. ways, we render to Thee our devout and reverent thanks. for Thy Pennsylvania-Boies Penrose and MatthewS. Quay. goodness to us as a people and for the care Thou hast had over us Rhodeis:land-Ne!Bon W. Aldrich. since last we gathered in this Chamber. By Thy good providence · South Carolina-John L. McLaurin and Benjamin R. Tillman. triumph has crowned our arms by land and by sea, so that peace Smdh Dakota-James H. Kyle and R. F. Pettigrew. has come to us through the connell c.hamber. And now we hum­ Texas-Horace Chilton and Roger Q. Mills. bly ask that Thou will still be our guide and defenae. Utah-Frank J. Cannon and Joseph L. Rawlins. Let Thy-heavenly benediction rb8t upon Thy honored servant, Vermont-Justin S. Morrill and Redneld Proctor. the President of the United States, his counselors, the members Virginia-Thomas S. Martin. of the Senate and of the House of Representatives, and all who Washington-John L. Wilson and George Turner. are engaged in the government of the n~tion. Let Thy grace ~e West Virginia-Stephen B. Elkins and Charles J. Faulkner. the portion of our people, and may thell' hearts be rendered m Wisconsin-John C. Spooner. service to Thee and to all men. Wyoming-Francis E. Warren. We pray that Thy blessing-may be with thEi Que~ Regent of The VICE-PRESIDENT. Seventy Senators have answered to SpaiJ;t and her young son and upon her nation. May Thy -!Ieav­ their names~ A quorum of the Senate is present. enly grace come to succor and uplift and uphold the stricken Mr. MASON. Mr. President. I desire to explain the absence of people. our distinguished colleague the Senator from North Carolina Hear us, 0 Lord. in these our prayers, and grant that all things [Mr. PRITCHARDl. He is detl..i:ned from the-Senate on account of good may be given to us, to our mother land, to all the nations. sickness. I should like to have a telegram from him readt so that And so may we walk hand in hand with our brethren across the the RECORD will show the reason of his absence. sea to the heights of Christian civilization. Through Him whose The VICE-PRESIDENT. The telegram referred to will be read, name we honor and revere,. Jesus Christ, our Lord and Saviour. in the absence of objection. Amen. The Secretary read as follows: SENA.TORS PRESENT. • MARSHALL, N. C. • December 51 1898. The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Secretary will call the roll of the W. S. HYAMS, Maltb-y Building, Washingt~ D. 0.: Senate. · Request Senator BUTLER to say to the Senate that I am detained on ac­ count of sick:neSl:!. I hope to be able to leave here to-morrow or next day. If The Secretary (Mr. WILLIAM R. Cox). called the roll, and the Senator BUTLER is absent, show this telegram to either Senator MASON or following Senators answered to their names: Senator CHANDLER. From the State of- J. C. PRITCHARD. Alabama-John T. Morgan and Edmund W. Pettus. SENATOR FROM OREGON. Arkansas-James H. Berry and James K. Jones. Mr. McBRIDE. Mr. President, I present the certificate of elec­ California-George C. Perkins. tion of Hon. Joseph _Simon, elected by the legislature of Oregon a Colorado-Henry M. Teller and Edward 0. -Wolcott. Senator from that State. I ask that the credentials be read and, Connecticut-Joseph R. Hawley and Orville H. Plattr as Mr. Simon is present, that the oath of office be administered to Florida-Stephen R. Mallory and Samuel Pasco. him. Georgia-Augustus 0. Bacon and Alexander S. Clay. The credentials of Joseph Simon, chosen by the legislature of Idaho-Henry Heitfeld and George L. Shoup. Oregon a Senator from that State for the unexpired term ending lllinois-Shelby M. Cullom and William E. Mason. · March 3, 1903, were read and ordered to be filed. Indiana-Charles Warren Fairbanks. The VICE-PRESIDl!.'NT. Unless there is objection, theSenator· Iowa-William B. Allison and John H. Gear. elect will step forward and be sworn. The Chair hears none. Kansas-William A. Harris. Mr. Simon was escorted to the Vice-President's desk by Mr. Kentucky-William J. Deboe and William Lindsay. McBRIDE, and the oath prescribed by law having been adminis­ Louisiana-Donelson Caffery and Samuel Douglas McEnery. tered to him, he took his seat in the Senate. 1 2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. DECEMBER 5, NOTIFICATION TO THE HOUSE. est standard. Military service under a common flag and for a Mr. CULLOM submitted the following resolution; which was righteous cause has strengthened the national spirit and served considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: to cement more closely than ever the fraternal bonds between Resolved, That the SeCI·etary inform the Rouse of Representatives that a every section of the country. quorum of the Senate is assembled, and that the Senate is ready to proceed A review of the relation of the United States to other powers, to business. always appropriate, is this year of primary importance in view of NOTIFICATION TO THE PRESIDENT. the momentous issues which have arisen, demanding in one in­ Mr. MORRILL submitted the following resolution; which was stance the ultimate determination by arms and involving far­ reaching consequences which will require the earnest attention of considered by unanimous consent, and agreed to: the Congress. Resolved, That a committee consisting of two Senators be appointed, to join such committee as may be appointed by the House of Representatives, In my last annual message very full conside1·ation was given to to wait upon the President of the United States and inform him that a quo­ the question of the duty of the Government of the United States rum of each House is assembled, and that Congress is ready to receive any toward Spain and the Cuban insurrection as being by far the most communication he may be pleased to make. important problem with which we were then called upon to deal. By unanimous consent, the Vice-President was authorized to The considerations then aavanced, and the exposition of the views appoint the committee on the part of the Senate; and Mr. MoR­ therein expressed, disclosed my sense of the extreme gravity of the RILL and Mr. COCKRELL were appointed. situation. Setting aside, as logically unfounded or practically in­ HOUR OF MEETING. admissible, the recognition of the Cuban insurgents as belligerents, On motion of Mr. HALE, it was the recognition of the independence of Cuba, neutral intervention to end the war by impo::~ing a rational compromise between the O;·dered, That the hour of the daily meeting of the Senat.e be 12 o'clock m. contestants, intervention in favor of one or the other party, and until otherwise ordered. , forcible annexation of the island, I concluded it was honestly due CREDENTIALS, to our friendly relations with Spain that she should be given a Mr." MORRILL presented the credentials of Redfield Proctor, reasonable chance to realize her expectations of reform to which chosen by the legislature of Vermont a Sena_tor from that State she had become irrevocably committed. 'Within a few weeks pre-­ for the term ending March 3, 1905; which were read, and ordered viously she had announced comprehensive plans which it was con­ to be filed. · fidently asserted would be efficacious to remedy the evils so deeply RECESS. affecting our own country·, so injurious tothetrueinterestsof the Mr. ALLISON (at 12 o'clock and 15 minutes p.m.). I move mother country as well as to those of Cuba, and so repugnant to that the Senate take a recess for thirty minutes. the universal sentiment of humanity. The motion was agreed to; and at the expiration of the recess The ensuing month brought little sign of I'eal progress towal'<.l (at 12 o'clock and 45 minutes p.m.) the Senate reassembled. the pa.ci:fication of Cuba. The autonomous administrations set up in the capital and some of the principal cities appeared not to gain MESSAGE FROli THE HOUSE. the favor of the inhabitants nor to be able to extend their influ­ At 12 o'clock and 46 minutes p.m. Mr. WILLIAM J. BROWNING, ence to the large extent of teiTitory held by the insurgents, while the Chief Clerk of the House of Representatives, appeared below the military arm, obviously unable to cope with the still active the bar of the Senate and delivered the following message: rebellion, continued many of the most objectionable and offensive Mr.
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