'.•"'',"« «••'• pUce l this 'V.''»«"ne « «nt •tampon notice, band »me to any postal employee and it will be IIV/NOTICFIV^Li TOIV/ 1\L./\L7L.I\.RFADFR* plirnd^^'"J"".^"'^*',n the hands of our 1 soldiers or sailors at the front. /Vo lOroppinK—no orfrfre^..— A. S. BURLESON, Postmaster-General. Tl OVER CENTS 175 L ILLUST. ELErCTRIO-tt^L^ JNliiVVCi AJLrl-#U« TREATED i^ LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ANY ELECTRICAL PUBLICATION ! ELECTRICITY MADE SIMPLE ^ The demand for trained Electricians is immense. Fine positions are everywhere. E.xperts must be MADE— to fill them. This situation offers you the best chance you'll ever get to forge ahead Ql'ICKLY in this greatest of all professions. Earn $2SOO to $8000 a Year! QUALIFY for a splendid career through my course. It is snn- plified to the point of perfection. You'll enjoy it. I and my assistant engineers have worked to make it the most exact, simple, compre- hensive and interesting course in America. To show you how PRACTICAL it is—and PROVE vou can learn Electricity with SPEED and EASE, I will send vou proof lessons—FREE OF CHARGE. Let a Practical Engineer Personally Train You at Home L. L. COOKE The well-known consulting and advisory engineer, for- merly member ot Engineer- CAN DO THIS ing StaBs ot American YOU Bridge Co.. Pressed Steel Car Co., and Millikan Bros., great international engineers, in New York. London and So- Africa. I will give you tlie practical training vou need — AT HOME. 'l will PERSOX- .\LLV train vou in a WORKING knowledge of Electricity in your SP.\RE TIME. .\nd I am so sure ou will make a splendid jccess in the study of tliis •\iscinating profession — liat I will give vou a i;f.\R.\XTEE BOND to AFTER HOME STUDY : fund the full tuition cost o you, if you arc not en- tirely satisfied when you receive your DIPLOM.\ and Electrician's Certifi- 3622 TO $10022 A WEEK cate. Proof Lessons—FREE!—Free Electrical Outfit! tuition. If I hear from you at once I will send you the Proof Act (luick()U1C and secure a big„ reduction in cost of ^-^ tools, y.(\«()/ij FREE, and I will also she you a big outfit of Standard size electrical materials, etc.. abso- lutely FREE, ^lany other vakiable benefits too numer- -| ous to mention. Send Coupon NOW— for full details. MAIL THIS COUPON Don't fail—only a practical engineer can teach you the things vou MUST know to succeed big—and as Chief Engineer of the Chicago Engineering \\'orks, I am in a Dcpi. 25, position to help you iinmensely. Send coupon or write CHIEF ENGINEER. Chicago Engineering Works, today sure 441 Cm St., Chicago, Illinois. Without obligaiion on my part kindly send at once, fully prepaid, particulars CHIEF ENGINEER COOKE of your complete Practical Home Study Cour>c in- Electricity. Chicago Engineering Works DEPT. 23 Street Chicago, III. Addn 441 Cass T0W1 ; ^ ! March. 1918 ELECTRICAL EXPERIMENTER 737 i IIIBIIIIBUIlHIIIIIHIBIIIIIBIIIll EXPERIMENTERS Student's Chromic Plunge Battery Thl> Is an Ulcal haittry tf>r tlcclrii.*! t-Mitri- iiRtital work nhtrc a VL-ry i*owcfful curreiil i.-> nol rt;nuire«l. Tliia biiltcry will lltlht u 'i volt lamp f«)r Hcvera] liourn on one chartft- ; It will niii a small u>y motor hurprlHltijdy well: It will t'. small .-li-itrMiihitinK wi.rk ; it i-* i<l'.-al for ji!\ i t. siitiK' "'irK : It «'i^rs ;i I dirlv sU ur rnp . ;in(l as the zinc electrode can be pulled clear of the electrolyte, no materials are uied when liat* tery stands Idle. ({t-st AnialKam ZItic onb' i» used, ait wi'll us a hlRlil.v |i(jr<m8 csrtKin to ermure a Hteadler current. We furnlyh enough chromic 8altit for 4 charttea. Full dlrectionii for oiH-rallcin arid uare nt battery- are irieludi-d. Karti battery testH li volts and ti uiin«Te» wh^ii set uji frt-Hli. Not over 2 aniii' ren Hliuuld ho drawn from halt. r>- cotiilniiounly. Uy usiiis hIx or eight >,f iti>'M- hatterieH. a threat many exiierlmeiitH can l>e iwrformed. No solution i';tii Mill cut "f lliiM buttery If uimel by aectdi'iil. This inakeft It an Ideal portable batterv- Sire (^er all 1h r,"x2". Hhli idnw wolnht. 1 lb. No. 999. Stu-lent'-* Clirnrnif I'limi;*' Hati'-rv IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS $0.50 The *'Electro" Radiotone HIGH FREQUENCY SILENT TEST BUZZER This itiHtninieiit kIvi-s a wondi-riul lu^h riLi.'iH'.i Ml'SnWL NOTK in the receivers. ini|j(js^ilili- 111 ohtiiln wilh the ordhiar>- l.',st buzzer. The RADIOTONK Is built alonijt entirely new lines; it Is NOT an (irdinary hu/.zer. reconstructed In some manner. The RAniOTONE bas a single fliii- Kteel reed vihrulinR at a remarkably liiKh spee<I. adjusted to Its most efficient trtquency at the factory. Hard silver cou- lacts are used to make the instrument last lira' lii'.iilv fiirt-vir. Y.",. til. UADIOTONT; is SILENT. In fact. It Is so silent that you must .' _M'ur .iir on top of it to hear its beautiful musical note. ^.iLi will be astounded at tJie wonderfully clear .100 cycle note, sounding sliari'b iu your receivers. To learn the codes, there Is absolutely nothing like It. Willi the radiotone. a key and one dr>' cell and AN'A' telephone, a fine learner's set is had. Two or more such sets in sfrits will alTorJ n*- end of pleasure for intercommunication wnrk Shipping Weight I lb ^ -. _ Radiotnm- as described .-arb Sk Qll IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS <p-JU The "Electro" Telegraph is not a toy. hut a practical, honestly built li-k'sraiih outfit, which not only sounds hut works like tJic big conitucniiil instru- ments, IJy studying the cwie lor :iO days you can brrDine a first -class teleuraph operator. Such o|ieralor,s aie in hig de- mand now. Outfit consists of TWO civniplete telegraph instru- iin'iits rai'li itiiasurlng .3^^ x 2\fe X l^U. All iiu-lal parts are high- ly nickel iilaled. lucluiliiig key li'ver. Note hard rubber knob. Telegraph Code Chan, tcleuraph liiaiiks and contncinig wire comes with set. but no batteries Outfit work^ nn li dry ci-iiH (one cell for each instrumentl. The "Kleciro" the ONLY Oiudt iliat works both ways, each station can call: no switches, no t'Xtra.s .\"iliinn III get out i>r order, (Juaranteed to please you or money :. Price Compkte as li'ustrat-d (TWO INSTRUMENTS).. Shipping Weight. 2 lbs. $1.25 IMMEDIATE SHIPMENTS The **Electro" Codophone ( PaU-nts Pendin-;^) What this 5i1 rk\\ remarkable n^ ^ M, •KJ\J ^SIh^F^^""^ instrument Is — and does. No. FX20n2 Tlic "Mi-c iro" Codo- ««rT^HE BOY'S ELECTRIC TOYS" contains enough mate- phone IS rial TO MAKE AND COMPLPJTE OVER TWENTY- positively the --I only Inslni FIVE DIFFERENT ELECTRICAL APPARATUS witli- nient made nuf any other tnnls, exi-ept a sfrew-ririv.T *'iirni^IuMl with the outfit. The biix that Willi apparatus which are already imitate a 5IH' contains tlie following complete Instruments and cycle note assenililtMl exactly as Student's clirnmic iduuKe battery. enmpass-Kalvannnieter, solenoid, telephone heard in a receiver, electric lamp. Enou;:li \ariims jiarts, wire, etc., are fiirnislled to Wireless re- ceiver. The tnalie tlie toiiowin;: apparatus: r . loud-talking receivi ; ru. talks so l»md that you can hear Electromagnet, electric cantion. magnetic pictures, dancing spiral, electric the sound all over the room. i\iii ii tii.Te is a lot of oilier noise. tiammer. galvanometer, voltmeter, hook for telephone receiver, condenser, THAT'S NOT ALL. Ky lisscning or tightening the receiver cap. a tone sensitive microphore, short distance wireless telephone, test storage battery, troni (be lowest, softest qUiilitv. up to the bnuiest and highest screaming snuiid can he shocking coil, complete telegraph set, electric riveting machine, electric buz- Imd in a im s.-c.nds. FOR INTERCOMMUNICATION. T'sing two dry '»"« for each instru fishes, telephone, mysterious dancing man, electric jump- zer, dancing singing nicnt. two Codophones when connected with One wire aud return ground. ing jack, magnetic geometric figures, rheostat, erratic pendulum, electric but- can he tised fnr inicuoiiiinunicatlt)n between iwo houses one-haU mile apart terfly, thermo electric motor, visual telegraph, etc. etc- One ou Ht abme replaces the old-fashioned learner's telesraph set. con- This does not liy iiiiy niciins cxiiaust llie Ust. but a great many more ap- sistiiig of key and sininder. The "Electro" Codophono is a handsome, well made Instrument, fool paratus can tic built actually and ctVcctn.iIIy. |)roor, and built for hard work. Con(aci.s are of hard silver Mi Inch In Witli the Instruction liool< wiildi wc furnish, one hundred experiments that diameter, that will outlast the instrument. can lie made wllli tliis outitt are listed, nearly all of these being illustrated There is also a neat <'n4ic cbart and full dinvtions enabling any IntellU with suTierli lllu.strations. No otiier materials, foods or supplies are neces- g'<nt young n>an or girl to learn the codes within 30 days, practisuu half hour a day. sary to perform any of the one iiuiulred experiments or to make any of the Sizes: X .3 2^^". Sh'pping nf ^\ X weight. 1 Sft apparatus. Everything can be constructed and accomplished by means The "'Klectro" Cndopbone as described. co;nple $1.50 this outfit, two hands, anil a screw-driver. The outfit contains 114 separate pieces of material and 24 pieces of finished "The Livest Catalog In America" articles ready to use at once.
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