Albert Einstein Albert Einstein in 1904, when he was working at the Swiss Patent Office at Bern. On 14 March 1879, Albert Einstein The mathematics of the theory with was born at Ulm in Germany. The its interlocked space and time co­ centenary of his birth is being cele­ ordinates, is the bedrock of theory brated throughout the world and it is and of experimental interpretation. appropriate in a journal of high Yet, not many of these conse­ energy physics, a field of research quences could have been foreseen where many of his insights are now by Einstein in 1 905. the bread and butter of daily work, to It could be said that other scien­ pay tribute to this towering figure of tists had been on the brink of evolv­ modern physics. ing the 'special theory of relativity' In a single year, 1905, Albert but none were near Einstein's still Einstein made several dramatic con­ more revolutionary leap in pure tributions to physics. He deduced thought ten years later. He emerged the true nature of Brownian motion with the 'general theory of relativity' (doing much to underline the mole­ bringing gravitation also within the cular and atomic nature of matter), grasp of the theory. It gave the rules he demonstrated the particle nature for the workings of the Universe on a of light in a way which was acces­ cosmological scale, superseding the sible to experimental investigation classical work of Isaac Newton (the work for which he received the which had stood for the preceding Nobel prize) and, most dramatically two centuries. This opened the door of all, he conceived the special to modern cosmology where there is theory of relativity. considerable overlap with the prob­ From a few simple premises — the lems and phenomena of high energy constant velocity of light, and the physics. fact that motion is relative with no It is appropriate that, on the eve of single object able to claim priority as the Einstein centenary, the most ing a unified field theory which the 'centre of rest' — Einstein was convincing evidence yet obtained for would encompass all aspects of the able to develop relativity theory, one gravity waves — a long awaited behaviour of Nature. He had accom­ /f the man's greatest achievements consequence of the general theory plished such a theory with great in pure thought. From this theory of relativity — has emerged from elegance for all the manifestations of emerge such revolutionary concepts studying a pulsar binary system (see the force of gravity and his vision as the equivalence of energy and page 24). was to pull the electromagnetic and matter, the inseparable nature of In the interval between his two nuclear forces into a similar broad­ space and time, and the extension of great papers on relativity, Einstein ened theory. lifetime with increasing velocity. made significant contributions to the This vision was never realized and High energy physics Laboratories development of the ideas of quan­ it would be fascinating to have thrive on the outcome of this theory. tum theory — in particular with Einstein's reaction to the progress in The interchangeability of energy and papers in 1913 and 1917 on the high energy physics in the past few matter, expressed in the most emission and absorption of light years, where gauge theories are famous equation on physics quanta. However, as the statistical holding out a new hope of unifying (E = mc2), underlies the production of interpretation of Nature took firm our interpretation of Nature. the variety of particles which have hold, Einstein shied away from Albert Einstein left a mark on been studied in the past few accepting the behaviour of matter at science as no other person did, even decades, and is the source of some microscopic level in terms of proba­ from amongst the most brilliant of our most essential experimental bilities. His deep feeling about this is generation of physicists who flour­ tools — the secondary particle summed up in the famous remark ished in the early decades of this beams created at the accelerators. It about not believing in a God who Century. And this mark was felt not is the relativity effect of increased plays dice. only in science. lifetime at higher velocity that makes From the 1 930s until his death in So great was the impact of his many of the experiments possible. 1 955, he devoted himself to evolv­ thought and personality that Ein- CERN Courier, March 1979 3 stein is synonymous with the scien­ atomic bomb project — an involve­ 17 March with a very broad pro­ tist in the popular imagination. Each ment which troubled Einstein for the gramme covering sciences, humani­ budding genius is foisted with his rest of his life. Another indication of ties, human relations and theology. name. His distinctive features are the esteem in which he was held There is a long list of sponsoring the popular vision of the face of the was the offer in 1952 to become institutions including CERN. Leon scientist. Many of the concepts from President of the State of Israel. Van Hove, CERN Research Director his relativity theory have now Albert Einstein was a man of great General, is Chairman of the Inter­ seeped into popular culture. stature both as a scientist and as a national Committee and many He had the respect of people from human being. He developed a close other high energy physicists will be all walks of life. He was blessed with relationship with the English phi­ giving papers or chairing session a great love of music and had consid­ losopher Bertrand Russell and a very (C.N. Yang, A. Salam, W. Thirring, erable ability as a musician. He had a Russell-like statement, from the V.Weisskopf, E.L Feinberg, A. Zichi- deep sense of social responsibility 1973 book of Einstein's 'Ideas and chi...). and took a firm stand on many of the Opinions', makes a fitting conclusion At the Institute for Advanced important issues which welled up to this short tribute — The ideals Study, Princeton, where Einstein during his life. which have lighted my way... have worked from 1933, an 'Einstein His eminence in science, at a time been kindness, beauty and truth.' Centennial Celebration' will be held when science and technology were Many events are being organized from 4-9 March. The emphasis is on leading to so many changes in every­ throughout the world to mark the specific aspects of Einstein's scien­ day life, inevitably led to his being anniversary of Einstein's birth. tific work and many leading figures called into the political arena. This The main event is being held in in high energy physics will be had its most telling moment in 1 939 Bern, Switzerland, where . Einstein involved (C.N. Yang, W. Panofsky, A. when, prompted by Leo Szilard, he was based when he did his work on Pais, E. Amaldi, T. Regge, S.Wein­ wrote the letter to President relativity. An 'Albert Einstein Cen­ berg, P. Dirac, R. Feynman, V. Weiss- Roosevelt which initiated the tenary' will be held from 13- kopf, Y. Ne'eman, G. 't Hooft...). Some developments in detection techniques and applications It is a rather obvious statement that chine can reveal will be observable where. This article pulls together developments in particle detection by available detectors. some recent developments in detec­ techniques have been crucial to Since the advent of high energy tion techniques and some indica­ developments in particle physics. It accelerators, the abilities of particle tions of applications in other fields. is not only the advancing abilities of detection have been revolutionized. accelerators in providing higher en­ The precision with which it is now Multistep avalanche chambers ergies, intensities and qualities of possible to time the passage of a particle beams that have taken our particle, to locate it in space and to Perhaps the most significant of all understanding of the nature of identify it, and the rate at which this the advances in detection techni­ matter further but also the abilities of information can be collected, are ques was the invention in 1968 of detectors to untangle the particle orders of magnitude greater than multiwire proportional chambers interactions which are produced. It is they were twenty years ago. and drift chambers by the group led for this reason that every study of a As usual, such technological ad­ by Georges Charpak at CERN. These new machine carries with it a study vances, which were pushed in the detectors locate the ionization ini­ of detection systems to ensure that cause of high energy physics, have tiated by the passage of a charged the new interactions that the ma­ also found many applications else­ particle through a gas, either by 4 CERN Courier, March 1979 .
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