The Ordination of The Reverend 135 Adelaide Street East Riscylla Stardora Walsh Shaw Toronto, Ontario M5C 1L8 416-363-6021 or 1-800-668-8932 The Reverend Canon Fax: 416-363-7678 Kevin Thomas Robertson www.toronto.anglican.ca The Reverend Canon Jennifer Ann Andison to the Sacred Order of Bishops The Feast of the Epiphany Saturday, January 7, 2017 • 10:30 am Music notation and hymn texts are reproduced with permission under CCLI # 2730035 OneLicense.net # A-719342. THE PARISH OF ST. PAUL, BLOOR STREET New Revised Standard Version Bible: (NRSV) Anglicized edition, copyright 1989, 1995, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Psalm 72 ©1986 Diocese of Toronto • Anglican Church of Canada by Christopher L. Webber (A New Metrical Psalter), Church Publishing, New York. Used with permission < https://goo.gl/7i42BD >. The Book of Alternative Services and Book of Common Prayer Copyright © 2004 by the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada. All rights reserved. Reproduced under licence from ABC Publishing, Anglican Book Centre, a ministry of the General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, from Anglican Liturgical Library. Epiphany Collect from Evangelical Lutheran Worship (2006) / GS2016-Trial-Use-Collects-2016-05-09.pdf See < http://www.anglican.ca/about/liturgicaltexts/trialuse/ >. Further copying is prohibited. v12 Presiding Celebrant The Most Reverend Colin Johnson and Chief Consecrator Archbishop of Toronto Co-consecrators Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada Members of the House of Bishops of the Ecclesiastical Province of Ontario and other bishops in the Church of God THE GATHERING OF THE COMMUNITY Preacher The Right Reverend Peter Fenty Litanist The Reverend Canon Susan Bell Deacon of the Word The Reverend Michael Shapcott Preludes Epiphany Carols for Brass and Organ Deacon of the Table The Reverend Jacqueline Bouthéon PLEASE REMAIN SEATED FOR THE ENTRY OF THE ECUMENICAL GUESTS AND DIOCESAN CLERGY. Metropolitan’s Chaplains The Reverend Jacqueline Bouthéon Mr Paul Seddon, ODT The Procession Tune: Westminster Abbey Chaplain to the Primate The Reverend Canon Paul Feheley PLEASE STAND FOR THE SINGING OF THE HYMN. The Dean of Toronto The Very Reverend Andrew Asbil Christ is made the sure foundation, Christ the head and corner-stone Readers The Reverend Chris Harper – reading in Plains Cree chosen of the Lord and precious, binding all the Church in one; Ms Marilyn Yeung – reading in Cantonese holy Zion’s help for ever, and her confidence alone. Bishop-elect Riscylla Stardora Walsh Shaw All within that holy city dearly loved of God on high, Presenters The Most Reverend Fred Hiltz in exultant jubilation sing, in perfect harmony; The Right Reverend Mark MacDonald God the One-in-Three adoring in glad hymns eternally. The Reverend Samantha Caravan The Reverend Evelyn Butler We as living stones implore you: Come among us, Lord, today! Dr Carol Knox With your gracious loving-kindness hear your children as we pray; Mr Raymond Manninen and the fullness of your blessing in our fellowship display. Senator Ruth Wagner, MNO (Métis Nation of Ontario) Here entrust to all your servants what we long from you to gain Bishop-elect Kevin Thomas Robertson that on earth and in the heavens we one people shall remain, Presenters The Most Reverend Terence E. Finlay till united in your glory evermore with you we reign. The Right Reverend Michael Bedford-Jones The Reverend Canon Dr David Neelands Praise and honour to the Father, praise and honour to the Son, The Reverend Canon Susan Bell praise and honour to the Spirit, ever Three and ever One: Mrs Linda Robertson one in power and one in glory while eternal ages run. Mr Gordon Robertson Mr Mohan Sharma Acknowledgment of Indigenous Territory Bishop-elect Jennifer Ann Andison Archbishop We acknowledge that this church is situated upon traditional territories. Presenters The Right Reverend Peter Mason The territories include the Wendat, Anishinabek Nation, The Right Reverend Patrick Yu the Haudenosaunee Confederacy, the Mississaugas of the New Credit First Nations, The Reverend Canon Susan Bell and the Métis Nation. The Reverend Stephanie Douglas-Bowman The treaty that was signed for this particular parcel of land The Reverend Canon Dr Barry Parker is collectively referred to as the “Toronto Purchase” Dr Carsten Hennings and applies to lands east of Brown’s Line to Woodbine Avenue Dr Melanie Woodin and north towards Newmarket. We recognize the enduring presence of Indigenous peoples on this land. 20 1 The Apostolic Greeting & Collect for Purity O Jesus thou hast promised to all who follow thee, Archbishop The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, that where thou art in glory there shall thy servant be. and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. And, Jesus I have promised to serve thee to the end! All And also with you. O give me grace to follow, my Master and my Friend. Archbishop Almighty God, O let me see thy footmarks, and in them plant mine own; All to you all hearts are open, all desires known, and from you no secrets are hidden. My hope to follow duly is in thy strength alone. Cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of your Holy Spirit, O guide me, call me, draw me, uphold me to the end; that we may perfectly love you and worthily magnify your holy name; and then in heaven receive me, my Saviour and my Friend. through Christ out Lord. Amen. – J.E. BODE (1816–1874) Dismissal The Collect for Epiphany Deacon Go in peace to love and serve the Lord. Archbishop Let us pray. All Thanks be to God. PLEASE REMAIN STANDING – SILENCE IS KEPT. Postlude Almighty and everliving God, Finale to Symphony No. 1 Louis Vierne you revealed the incarnation of your Son by the brilliant shining of a star. Shine the light of your justice in our hearts and over all lands, and accept our lives as the treasure we offer in your praise and for your service; through Jesus Christ, our Saviour and Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. GREETING All Amen. The Bishops and their families will greet people at the chancel steps. THE PROCLAMATION OF THE WORD The Bishops offer their sincere gratitude for gifts of vestments and regalia being worn today The First Reading PLEASE BE SEATED. TO BE READ IN PLAINS CREE. Isaiah 60:1–6 and thank the many friends and well-wishers who contributed Reader A reading from the book of the prophet Isaiah. to the episcopal vestments and robes: crosiers, rings, pectoral crosses, Arise, shine; for your light has come, chasubles and stole, mitres, cassocks. and the glory of the Lord has risen upon you. For darkness shall cover the earth, and thick darkness the peoples; Thank you to the Reverend Canon Dr Barry Parker, Ms Joyce Badley, Ms Ingrid Suld but the Lord will arise upon you, and his glory will appear over you. and all of the clergy, staff and people of St Paul, Bloor Street Nations shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn. for their help in planning this service Lift up your eyes and look around; they all gather together, they come to you; and for their hospitality in welcoming the Diocese of Toronto today. your sons shall come from far away, and your daughters shall be carried on their nurses’ arms. Then you shall see and be radiant; your heart shall thrill and rejoice, because the abundance of the sea shall be brought to you, the wealth of the nations shall come to you. A multitude of camels shall cover you, the young camels of Midian and Ephah; all those from Sheba shall come. They shall bring gold and frankincense, and shall proclaim the praise of the Lord. Reader The word of the Lord. All Thanks be to God. 2 19 Prayer after Communion The Psalm PLEASE REMAIN SEATED. Psalm 72: 1–8; Metrical Version – Tune: Richmond Archbishop Let us pray. Send us, O God, the King whose reign will make your justice known; Let him deal fairly with your land, the poor and all your own. PLEASE STAND. Almighty Father, we thank you for feeding us Let every mountain, every hill, bring righteousness and peace; with the holy food of the body and blood of your Son, Let him defend the needy poor. Make all oppression cease. and for uniting us through him in the fellowship of your Holy Spirit. So long as sun and moon endure let him, O Lord, remain; We thank you for raising up among us faithful servants Let him come down as showers, Lord, and as refreshing rain. for the ministry of your word and sacraments. We pray that Riscylla, Kevin and Jenny may be to us Let peace and righteousness increase till moons shall be no more, a godly example in word and action, in love and patience, and in holiness of life. And let him have dominion, Lord, and reign from shore to shore. Grant that we, with them, may serve you now, The Second Reading TO BE READ IN CANTONESE. Ephesians 3:1–12 and always rejoice in your glory; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, Reader A reading from the Letter of Paul to the Ephesians. who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, This is the reason that I, Paul, am a prisoner for Christ Jesus for the sake of you Gentiles – one God, now and forever. for surely you have already heard of the commission of God’s grace Amen.
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