Southwest Collections (comp) Texas Tech University Ijubhock, Tx 7TM08 Hi Mi l iTJi iiHTITrflfl HI S In VOL. Ill, Nl'MBER 28 MARC H 20 THRl MARCH 2a, lfSO NEWSPAPER i,J9 2iRI) I I NRO( A . VV dJ!?? EAST n4S 16 IA.r s I CI SK fFoNS) KAI8 ALL OVER THE CITY JJBhIBSHl ' SaaaaaaB "f LUBBUCK, SAYS HEALTH 113 SMRIIn BBBHeBveBBBS. lB mB OBvBaHBBBB-B- by HgVHRPIhJRBr HBBBiBHBrLiBSRBBT T. .. Patterson, Sr. BBBBBBBBBBBBBBSBB Ik ' .Bwr pnevarivi medicine according to Dr. Orr, loss which could have been taxpayers arc going to jSd&BKSKHKtBmM& Dr. K. hi Marjoric Orr, prngrfns talbock to approximately $35,000 because of Salmonella have to get involved," she M. D., city health officer he;p from his business in a few aSjBk. jBflBaaBnSBHBBBBBBBSBBSt overtime this which is deadly . tfl said. KBKBSSfJ'fflnMBBKMntKL. JFn problem and director of the which could weeks; his hospital bill infarits." ' Contrary to what Jr. aaaaaaaaaaaar? W4wBramH Lubbock become an epidemic," docto-bf- ll aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaVnBBHB BaBaffiBBaa City Hrtlth was $6,000 and his In the Wall Street Orr says about the ra,t - Unit, said Hr. Orr. told the Lubbock was $300. "You see, it Journal, Monday BBaaaaaHiBaaaBalaBaVBBaaaKiHVBBaaaaBE Baaaaaahf9S9ReVBBaaaaaaaaBB?BrBBaaaaBBa -- Mareh problem .in Lubbock, In BBaaaaaaaaBBaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBellfiBvPBBBaa sBrBaKBBBaaaanaaan'BaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaBB Digest this week there tin looking at a nap, cost more when you 3, 1980, an article written Dcnzel Percifu'l, public ;n which rat problem Lubbock. used pins to show become ill from this by Eric J. Casscll, M. D., services director for the "Rats are all over the hif concentration fo disease. It h cheaper for read: "Often, people City of Ltiboock, says. Lubbock, not just in the high concentration of if there were 1 east all adequate point to our disappoint- There 3 no rat problem KA ' " impossible without good environmental : niiation praeiicer$ Lubbock," said at infestations here, one preventive health pro-fam- s the ing infant mortality rates in Lubbock." - Improperly storeJfood', rubbish and liiter provide amplefood supplies ana harborage health official. area (Arnet-Benso- n) here." show we to that are rot According to a raf for rats. Time are, according to local health officials, sanitary measures which wilt She reported that there shows a larger number of "A person dosent have getting enough for our survey nd were, pins, rodent discourage rat naroorage. Above is a photo a harborage mice thi.i forty five (45) cases according to Dr. to get the disease from health dollar. Mnc problems in Lubbock. of ofliule born in Orr, because of Tortillas storage arta at one our local establishments. of rat related illness in more only eating from a local research has shown thtt Texas by James B. of food As Dr. MajorieK. Orr.citv 1979. "hi a city of the than one family living in a restaurant that is rat the death of infants is Montgomery, Jr., Ph.D, ucuun ujjuer ana uireaor oj me Lxioc vie Health Unit, says, LubtfoCk needs dwelling with affluency of Lubbock, a sickness. infested. One can become more related to social it states that rodent and preventive medicine program badly. " "Even that is absoultely too tn East Lubbock, sick from buying food class, family toeonie, dfkt sanitation surveys have many ; high. Perhaps there cases may not be supplies from a local or the educational level of been conducted in only would be more if people reported to Iqttl health grocery svore and taking the mother than to the East Lubbock and officials, because persons Hooks: Blacks Have wSuld report their them home for cooking," availability of doctors. mentions none of the sickness. In may be immune after she some cases, said. That is true in countries affluent 'areas wher? people are just living under these In asking how does this immuneto where national health statistics show there is a 'Long the disease' conditions for years." orat situation affect the services are present as rat problem. Wav To Go' In one case, Dr. "People need to be Orr mortality nrf of infant? well as in the United The report identified Las Cruces, N. Ben- educated about this reported a Lubbock of Lubbock, which is States Infant mortality, premises M. "We live in an age of audience that it: has been with rat (Rattus jamin Lawson Hooks, problem in Lubbock," businessman several .already thehighest in the then, is one measure of norvegicus) conservatism that is difficult for Bladks to infestations? executive directbr the she said. She wentl5nlo years ago became the State or Texas at 13.9 per the health of a society, of sweeping across this secure their rights" and rat harborages; arid National Association ., add that the. cfty health victim of Salmoriepa, thousand in 1979 (down is for cpuntery like wildfire in they "must celebrate but it not a measure of sanitation deficiencies the Advancement unit and tfte gHy- - of which f a disease carried from 20.7 in 1977). She of prairie land," he said. wliat other people take the adequacy pfedical and determined the tfcld'de-leg&t- Colored People, es He Lubbock doseri'jt , have by rate anp" spread said Blacks still to said, "Because of the rat care, which the extent of rat infestations j for granted. "This," he : enough humans through isy$ice to the 32iid must to " health Inspectors ctm infejfafion in our dollar goes." extend of rat infestations work secure made know, "is a sadi in Annual Region VI equal rights, to work the entire area. taminatedy water aw coinffpiruty.it could play Dr. Orr agrees that in residential areas and quoted commerit on the nation." I . "We need Leadership Conference from Dr: ."Martin to have more food supples, This, ms Luther The man. a gpart."She went on more educational prq-gra- located between Erkine cdncept 6f revefs here last Friday night speech in to;add; Even whsnsonte fprihfc, I9jth Kings last' discrimination bife : are nded , jet and gasj the, iny justfcrtJf-th- e Blacks in v LjtjHed Meniphis -- 19,68 ;wjhn Infant tlie, the citizens Lubbock.HIn from j . e htaS's . of f'Stceet Mackenzie States have vcorhe H2s hteM' - a long King said therewouldoe peace will gh'e a getting down to this basic Park east.- to the city r.iewia for propating ., v ay but still haye-- a long difficult-Bay- s report that there was an problem of the rat Hmttsi taiftfttd and said it is "one of the,', Digest way to go." , .. ahead." Profile cause - rribt Unknown of death situation, the citizens ana Continue on- Page 2 damnable lies.He: (Editor's Note: gueM Delegates were from In 1968, sajd, Our this week is Ms. Vera t. .Hooks also said he Was "sick or : Ifewsome, a native of Synder, Texas who graduated Texas, Oklahoma, Blacks had made much thfs word 'qualification? l: from the College of Business Administration afTrxas Arkansas, Louisiana, pipgrefs and had been "because it may be used i;i Tech University with a degree in General Business in Lubbock Absentee V ting and New Mexico; The singing 'We. Shall to discriminate ' agamst 'i 19,72. She is personnel director of the Lubbock CQiifernece theme was Overcome' so long, they Blacks.' Regional Mental Health & Mental "We Just Want 'to be believed they had "We Retardation 1 are asking 'only ; Center, and has been an employee for two and one half Free." overcbplC. H0Avev- - Jhe for a chance, and if you Underway s Thru Satd.-tbl- yeais. She is also vice president of United! Aprillst Hooks expressed was give the Political notthe us a chance, wcwlll : Action League (UPAL). " concern about the case. excel at anything," he ; Absentee voting for the Street. Ms. Newsome, what is health reasons Or unable increasingly conservative "We thought we could said. i April 5 city and school According your goal in life? to City to make a personal outlook of the American hang up our swords," he Hooks said Blacks ' "1 have a very serious board elections are Secretary Evetyn Oaffga, appearance at thofpolling people and said President the group, "but even underway here. Persons tld should make sure their goal. I would like to be in a voter can voe absentee place because of ptens to Carter's recent proposals in 1968, we'd only just children receive good may vote from 8 a. m. out-of-tow- n. position one day to help by either a personal be to cut back government begun." educations and they until 5 p. m., Monday appearance polling Residents requesting more people, i. e. Black, aj the . spending would probably He told the more than should "get sense in their through Friday, through mail-in-ball- ot. mail-i- n Mexican-America- ns place or by a ballots should adversely affect Blacks. and 300 people in the (children's) heads and ; April 1. m?il-in-ballo- I Requests for ts provide their name as it white. love the The city dollars- - ia ttiier pockets." personnel field secretary's must be appears oh their voter I'm office in Room 206 "Wee got to prepare presently working in with at received by April I, and registration card, the City Hall will serve, as ourselves," he said. LRMH. Being pble to the ballots must e certificate number on the He said he was not absentee polling place for by I share with others so they returned p. m. registration card, thftir bitter toward whites the city races. election wll have an opportunity day, according to precinct number and because "there arc good On the other hand, Mrs. Gaifga. to move up th socio- permanent1 address. Black folk and jeod Vera Newsome voters planning to cast Mrs.
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