Quarterly Report GNOME Foundation Providing a Free Desktop for the World October, November, December 2009 Hi GNOME Foundation members and releases, you'll see the amazing fans, amount of ork the ac"essibility team is doing in preparation for GNOME /$, Q4 is normally a quiet quarter - but and much, mu"h more$ not for GNOME! We ended the year ith a lot of really productive activity$ 4ead on to hear hat GNOME teams We had a record four ha"%fests and ha#e a""omplished in Q4! t o summits, the Boston Summit and GNOME (sia. Lots of progress as 1f you'd li%e to re"ei#e this report #ia made, plans ere set for +,-0 and email, please let me %no at e.re all looking for ard to GNOME stormy5gnome.org. 6lease use the /$0! subject, 7'ubs"ribe to GNOME Quarterly 4eport #ia email"$ As you "an see from the followin* team updates, the hole "ommunity Best ishes and hap!y ha"%ing! has been busy and not just at events$ En0oy your GNOME des%top! 1n this issue you.ll find the first Stormy Peters quarterly update from the GNOME Executive Director, Board of 2irectors, you'll learn hat GNOME Foundation %eeps the release team busy bet een Board of Directors Brian 8ameron First of all, the GNOME Foundation that events and ha"%fests are essential October to dis"uss finan"es and to board of dire"tors ould li%e to ex!ress for GNOME "ommunity planning, and ensure that the advisory board felt the a huge thank you to all the #olunteers has orked hard in the Q4 timeframe to raising of fees as a*reeable. :he ho help to make the GNOME ensure that the GNOME 8ommunity se"ond meeting as held in 2e"ember "ommunity !ossible, and to all those events "alendar provides ample to dis"uss past and future GNOME ho use the GNOME des%top and opportunities for produ"tive face-to-fa"e "ommunity e#ents$ :his meeting as understand the #alue of free soft are interaction leading up to the release. intended to both raise awareness of on the des%top$ 1t is you that ma%es up"oming events and to get feedbac% the GNOME "ommunity both rich and 1n the Q4 timeframe the board orked regarding hat future event topics rewardin*$ to ensure that the Boston Summit, the ould be most im!ortant and ex"iting to GNOME.(sia Summit, and the plan moving for ard. 'ince most :he GNOME Foundation board of Marketing Hac%fests ere suc"essful ha"%fests are funded by sponsorships directors "ontinues to or% hard to and productive$ :he board in#ested from or*ani3ations on the ad#isory promote the GNOME "ommunity and to "onsiderable time in Q4 to plan board, it is im!ortant to ha#e some ensure that the GNOME "ommunity additional ha"%fests in the ne9t quarter alignment in terms of event topics runs as smoothly as !ossible$ hi"h ill focus on WebKit, planning for ard$ ac"essibility and usability - all important Planning for the up"oming GU(2EC topics for GNOME /$,$ Looking forward to the next quarter, the +,-, has been of particular focus for GNOME board ill "ontinue to focus on the board in Q4. :he board orked :o "ontinue to provide for a growin* ensuring that the GNOME /$0 release is "losely ith those ho submitted bids GNOME "ommunity, it has been a su""ess$ :he board ill be or%ing to ensure that the options ere as ne"essary to focus on im!roving "losely ith the marketing team and "ompetiti#e as !ossible, and the board GNOME "ommunity fundraisin*$ 1n Q4 ith events planning to provide the as ex"ited to announ"e last the board announced the doubling of resources the GNOME "ommunity No#ember that GU(2EC +,-, ill be ad#isory board fees, and this ill needs to ma%e this ha!!en$ 1n addition, held in :he Hague, Netherlands from provide the GNOME Foundation ith the board antici!ates a fair amount of <uly 24-30$ Planning is, of "ourse, significant new resour"es to plan or% ill be s!ent or%ing to im!ro#e ongoing, so the board antici!ates that ex"iting ne e#ents, improve GNOME infrastructure in the next there ill "ontinue to be a fair amount infrastructure, and fund ne projects$ quarter. Se#eral GNOME "ommunity of ork going forward to make ser#ers are at the end of their life and Ensuring that the GNOME "ommunity GU(2EC +,10 a suc"essful prelude to need to be replaced, and the GNOME has positive relations ith the members the up"oming GNOME /$0 release. "ommunity is or%in* hard to adopt a of the GNOME advisory board is an ne 84M system, for example. All in Ensuring that the GNOME /$0 release important ongoing tas% for the board$ 1n all, the next quarter and year is bound is su""essful has been a ma0or focus of Q4 the board or*anized t o ad#isory to be e9"iting for the GNOME the board in Q4. :he board re"ognizes board meetings$ :he first as held in "ommunity! Release Team >incent ;nt3 :he last quarter of +,,9 started just planning document as su**esting +$/,, *nome-!ac%agekit and nautilus- after the release of GNOME +$+8, March ith no hard "ommitment, and sendto ill be included in the and therefore the release team "ould the ans ers from the #arious teams des%top, and e a""epted t o enjoy a (short) break here there in the "ommunity made it "lear that ex"iting projects, trac%er and #ala, ere no releases to handle for a six more months ould ma%e a big as e9ternal dependencies$ :he hole month$ difference in the ability to fulfill our release team also anted to ha#e plans$ 1t as agreed to target "lutter become !art of the des%top Of "ourse, this did not last long: September for GNOME /$0, and e (as a !otential first step towards the bet een the end of October and the or%ed on an offi"ial announcement platform), but some dis"ussion about end of 2ecember, t o stable for the /$, release date. :he release "opyright assignments bloc%ed the releases of +$+8 ent out, and the s"hedule as adapted ac"ordingly$ de"ision; the help of the GNOME +$+? development "y"le led to four Foundation as requested to releases, the last one arri#ing just in 1n parallel ith the /$, dis"ussions, determine hat should be the next time for the holidays! :he GNOME e e#aluated the modules proposed steps there. :he GNOME Foundation "ommunity has been orking hard for in"lusion during the +$+? Board is actively orking on this and the +$+? releases ha#e many de#elopment "y"le$ Based on topic$ interesting "hanges, ranging from feedba"% from the "ommunity, the ne features (look at the latest timeline for new module proposals +,-, ill of "ourse be the year of nautilus!B to architectural ork as modified bac% in Q3 to ha#e GNOME /$0, and this ill be quite needed for GNOME /$0 (like de"isions published earlier -- in #isible in the a"tivities of the release evolution ithout bonobo). No#ember instead of <anuary, in this team$ While the first quarter ill "ase$ :his "hange should help get most likely see a lot of focus on On the GNOME /$0 front, the release more or% done for integration of the getting GNOME +$/, out, e ex!ect team as%ed for feedba"% about hen ac"epted modules, and should to see a big push for /$0-related to release GNOME /$, in +,-,C "ontribute to our long-standing activities at the same time$ March or 'eptember. :he /$, tradition of high-quality releases$ For Bugsquad Team (ndre =la!!er From October to 2ecember, @?40 Guillaume 2esmottes (81) and <avier help ith integration and reports (bugs E feature requestsB <ardón AF+B$ "onsistency$ More information "an ere opened and @374 ere "losed$ be found on the ac"ording site in the On a related note, the Annual GNOME Wiki$ :op bug "losers ere (%hil )addha GNOME &ug3illa statistics for +,,? A-,?2 reports), Fabio 2urán >erdugo ha#e also been !ublished on the Also, it has been dis"ussed to AH@-B, Andre Klapper A/@7), Bastien "orresponding mailing lists$ "elebrate a Bugday a*ain for the No"era A+I3) and Milan 8rha (24/B$ sa%e of "ommunity building and 1n its monthly meetin*s, the GNOME introdu"ing !otential new &ugsquad :op bug reporters ere (%hil )addha Bugsquad has started to define members into triagin*$ As usually in A-/+ reports), Pedro >illa#icencio Bugsquad Goals$ :his is about FOSS "ommunities more manpo er A-+@B, Bastien Nocera A-13), setting small "on"rete goals that ill is elcome. Marketing Team 6aul 8utler :he GNOME Mar%eting team as presenters and booth organizers and Haitsma updated a number of fortunate to participate in a hac%fest more. :he majority of this ork ill ebpages to take ad#antage of in 8hicago in the fourth quarter be "om!leted in Q1 +,-,$ Piwik$ 8iviC4M as also installed by than%s to s!onsorship by No#ell and the System Administration team and Google$ Members of the marketing 1n addition to the hac%fest, (ndreas Stormy Peters has begun setting u! team met over t o days and orked Nilsson "ontinued to ork on a 8iviC4M to tra"% Foundation on a number of initiati#es, including GNOME merchandise store hich members, Friends of GNOME, GNOME /$0 planning, "reating should launch in the near future.
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