CIBA^GEIGY Pigments Department CIBA-GEIGY Corporation James & Water Streets Newport, Delaware 19JJ04 Telephons 302 992 560O

CIBA^GEIGY Pigments Department CIBA-GEIGY Corporation James & Water Streets Newport, Delaware 19JJ04 Telephons 302 992 560O

<U. "*4 CIBA^GEIGY Pigments Department CIBA-GEIGY Corporation James & Water Streets Newport, Delaware 19JJ04 Telephons 302 992 560O January 6, 1988 Mr. Joe Kilby, Supervisor Water Pollution Control Section Division of Water Resources Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control State of Delaware Box 1401 89 King's Highway Dover, Delaware 19901 Dear Mr. Kilby: NPDES MONITORING REPORT FOR DECEMBER. 1987 Attached are the results for December, 1987. Please call me 992-5621 if you need further information. Sincerely, George H. Hull Environmental Coordinator bcc: J. L. Deming N/A R. E. Donahue N/A No Attachment A R 20 I 5 96, Attachment GHH/baj ID-0022X , M C/3 CH - i ,.., —1 T| i iy O H- O ? rr ST f m O a: 6' 2 l| n> s * 3 o =1 |N §Z s •o en i r~ rn I— 1— BC r1 o" 0 ^3 O O O J.N3WH » • o o o 33 O O AHjrrav N0|^3<» V 31XU/1NV H M s BJ O I j C4 M QN Tl 00 (5 33 "—<-S 3ST 3 n 3 m m i 3 I Si* 0 n H- ^ m 1 CO ?* 1$ 3wy 0 a3ciN3dsn 5 i a 00 y s 5 0° -|V«IIONIH« a s 3 z o o o o en v 0 o o o o 0m 1 H en sano -fe. NOUVNV-|dX n o CO o m O O CO o cr. o o 3Aoa o a. J o O 73 g. V co -o 8- 3AUH03X § A.N OFFICE MCABU MEASU MEASU MEACU — (O MtaUIM MIOUIN MCACU VIO REOUIN RC6UIN z i m mXI S3 l*tH •AM •AM IHtR r>iR SAM •AM •AM L PER m — 1 AT fi I—* R R R R R R F F / P M F M I I h I I I I I ii ii CO O EMEN •U 3r EMEN •L Ii •1 1 E E M^ 1 a j jZjngO CER is f- f I" I" T !' r T f -t r •4 > T \ a rferenc rnajcimu 5SSIBILIT n IF IN E ACCURAT PENALTIE V IMOUIR G u, UNDE TH '•;•: ."• O e CO m E til Y Y impruttnnim < INFORMATO u> b O R O en 'cot *•••'' :' l HI PENALT b atmchmen F * * * * E F N5 oo S FIN It AN THOS FO '*>: mO D E C A R Y t O E S C u N t O i ENTIT 1 NATIO ? -II 1C ',: •••{:•': ' Y f W Z < N u> * r ro N» § rl,*!" ii -^ b * * * * en' "4.:": I x 2? » LOADI (Of i 00 m i - .'?"" 1•vj M i'ii!i N i Z 1-038'" • e -1 - a> : 5 c N> z ^ciM^, a. a. 1 0 §I"5 Ol cr 4 4 01 cr «r O z •^C. a z °i {s*_sis !$ V ^ * ^o g i .•,.*,,;../; ^S 5 4;-cSj« »i? a °I nz gr\ •'V''!"].iV''-'i:i',: z J> z 2 M «to^sgg 3.8 cn 3 n Zm * * * I- ''V'*S z |4 oh o * * z '* SL i, c § 00 •< •a O ;^|. 3 m o '= •n * rIt * 91 I '''-'• o o C i i o Si 0 X o ^ s 9) /-; N5 o n l > .,; ••>.. O § 2Sj 0 r n n AUT 00 '""*•!':- c 5^ It- * ' * 91 y 3 ^ u, * ;*i b ,:5:; 5 0i 5 m H z k e ** a 2 \ ' ;;t-: § N ^ I?:::"' • i"'-;*"'* m ? '\ .;Sr,/7>-:'fv';"i n I D ENTRATIO EXECUTIV v:.\v$;:;<;.;"- AGEN O-'Y; l'.'''';«^;w i •S 00 00 MAXIM <**« a CO • T y9-.-.. o b In * i ti N E |;Y Ii ) •;. , T,';* U 1s z U> :":;'!'r;':;...v-'-:' 399 O »*a m 3JI NJ '• '"',?'' ;""••,••<"•• n ^ FELEPHON I | c5 -n co UNIT I It NUM (a ^-* to c? cr X- r- o r— S 1 1 j ^w<f B E mo a ^';r,3 O O 0 o to 0 •°:r O o§ oi n B & SS? 11— 1 c: 00 S' :O .«•*.*!'. O 0 o 00 ;;:;. '. I— > a p Si ic >;)7 |1| o '''.• O •<**!«£ U) u> p O CO xj o o O o 0 5s fl • Z o '^4'.' :. •i*?3 •^I1; V'°§ 0 ^» 0 C5 ; -; 4 4t --«• O M o n Sg§:;; s: l> »— 4 . C$'i •s .> 1 §0!*' D o CO i M 05 Y w •' • >T3 'P ^ * •.-. :>•••' "f NPDES 001 WORKSHEET (FOR QUANTITY OR LOADING) Date; By: For Month of: 1. Flow Q = g,Oy.f _____ MGD (106 Gal. /Day). 2. Water Weight W = Q x 8.34 Ibs./gal. = <3,fOQ3 _____ x 106 Ibs./day. 3. BOD5 Ibs./day = %,V mg/1 x W = J,2<:) Ibs./day. 4. TSS Ibs./day = 7>£~ mg/1 x W = 3<0 Ibs./day. pH min. = &, ( _____ pH max. = ~7fQ Temp. max. = c F. Flow measurement using the portable Weir was O ,& */-T MGD. Note: Only 1 24 Hr. composite sample was taken, in duplicate . Thus 8005 and TSS Concentrations and Quantities are both averages and maximums. Grab samples^wagc^were not split with the State this month. If there were grab samples, compare the BODs - M.I.C. and TSS - M.I.C. values to the permit. Do not show on the monthly report, unless you put it in the comments section.. Comments: GHH/bal ID-0337X 12/01/87 AR20I598 NPDES SAMPLING Month ^..1*131 Year Outfall # QC'J______ WEEK BEGINNING TEMP °F pH DATE TAKEN ,..TIME.. PERSON SAMPLING (INITIALS) 6,V k?1 , 6J o Date depth measurement taken 0 Gallons/2,4.. Eour's o Initials/person taking depth ^ measurement *1'*" J o Date 24 hour composite sample was taken o Location where sample was taken JpD6$ £)Q o Laboratory/sample was sent to for analysis Ar-te.SM*n o Initials of person taking sample TSS 75* - AR20I599 A wholly owned subsidiary of Artesian Resources Corporation 630 Churchmans Road Newark, Delaware LABORATORIES, INC. Paqe 1 '..> f Ciba-Geigy Corporation Acic ...>'jn f Muif-bei : 7OAO0187 James & Water Streets Dshe 53"->r 1 i-.-l : 1 ,F? '"7 57 Newport, Delaware 19804 • Date Recs L , e'.l : i? •-". 5, Attn: Mr. Geoi qe Hull Sample-:! I:,: i'l 1 I il> F ;J ! in nbsr : -'i1?' < \- . u . tt : I If • • :•' H.-p :j r b 0 a t a : IS- i''3 / 87 All Results in rny I unless riotsd J L f f _'•"„•••• t; 1 •/ An-al , -. ; ; Re-i-iJ ts Da be •' T I me 001 Discharge Grab Anal/zed I'ech Method tt Date/Time Started 1207S7-1E56 Date/Time Ended 150787-1E56 pH Value (Units) 6.82 ^ IS0787-LS56 R? FFn. i ^v I Tsmperabui e i°C) 19. ^ 1E0787-IE56 B5 EFO I. "V-. I ERA Chemical Analysis for Waber and Has bena ber , 60il' ''f -79-020, Mai'ch , 1979 Quality Control Data < Samples split iii L-ibui aboi /) Sample Spite Per cert b J_es_b Samg_le. Q_yD_l_i c_4,t_e With Sg.ike ::)f.n.b. Added pH Value 6.8E»^ 6.8S^r Temperabure 19. \/ 19 Peqgj/ 'fel Seattle Marl sue 0. Frsv QC/QA Officer Vii_s Fresidenb Marl-el-ing AR20I6OD_0 D1SCU1MER: Liability to Artesian Laboratories. Inc. not to exceed cost of analysis. Post Office Box 15004 Post office Box 935 Wilmington, Delaware 19850 Delaware Department of Public Health Approved Dover. Delaware 19903 (302) 453-6920 Maryland Department of Public Health Certified (302) 697-2183 A wholly owned subsidiary of Artesian Resources Corporation 630 Churchmans Road **f 1 / -, „ /// /// Newark, Delaware ART5SIAH j / <1 1987 II II ABORATORIES,INC. 1^1 "~~" " — ~ — — ____^ '" • Page 1 of 1 Ciba-Geigy Corporation Account Number: 70600187 James & Water Streets Date Sampled: 12/14/87 Newport, Delaware 19804 Date Received: 12/15/87 Attn: Mr. George Hull Sampled by: ALI Lab Id Number : 8735 P.O. #: UKOOO Report Date: 1E/E8/87 All Results in mg/L unless noted differently Analysis Results 001 Discharge (Composi te }A3rabj Analyzed Tech Method tt Date/Time Started 121487-1520 121487-1509 Date/Time Ended 12lXB7-1434 131487-1519 BOD-5 6. — 121687-1600 CD SM 507 T Suspended Slds 8. — 121787-1630 AM SM 2O9C pH Value (units) 6.09 ^1487-1519 BS SM 423 Temperature <°C> 28. ^^122487-1519 BS EPA 170.1 Flow Rate 48000. 1X122487-1509 BS — EPA Chemical Analysis for Water and Wastewater, 600/4-79-O2O, March, 1979 Quality Control Data (Samples split in Laboratory) Sample Spike Percent Test Sample Duplicate /Wj-With. Spike Amt Added Recovery BOD-5 6. 10. f.2 V/t— T SJufep Sld^ x^ 8. 7. "7, 5" \/ — - — — — /^ PeggyisLt Seattle Marlene 0. Frey Ai.^.ft-,1 ——— DISCLAIMER: Liability to Artesian Laboratories, Inc. not to exceed cost of analysis. Post Office Box 15004 Post Office Box 935 Wilmington, Delaware 19850 Delaware Department of Public Health Approved Dover> Delaware 19903 (302) 453-6920 Maryland Department of Public Health Certified (302) 697-2183 , — , , Vv'V' ^ wholly^wrwd subsidiary of Artesian Resources Corporation 666 Churchmans Road Newark, Delaware 198SO l\r\-i\ AKI Aait\ TPLE CUSTODY FORM , Account */70600187 >/ LAB »; S73S Contact: Mr. George Hull X ^^ Phone: (302) Company: Ciba-Geigy Corp«j(at Report Address: James & WatJe*-Street Invoice Address; Newport, DE 19804 ^---~"'"" S>me Address Send copy of Custody Form with Report Date Results Needed (5 days)_______ P.O. *: UK 000 (12/87) Sample Collected bvt Po ALI Personnel Date Sampled; I-21'V ~ /-V^"" Sample Name Time Test Code Analysis Name Max Allowed List Price 001 Discharge 13J* Ur7 0550 BOD __ ppm * 25.00 0309 TSS /£__ppm^?) * 10.00 Ph Sample Collection per hour $ 30.00 _ Sampler Rental per day $ 30.00 _______ ___ __7B Sample Pick-up Tuesday/Thursday $ 10.00 *****A**A***A***A**iMA*A*AA***A*A***A***********A*********************AA*****A List Date/Tims Sample Collected, Date/Time Analyzed, Method References, and Technicians on Written Report.

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