Shabbos, 29 Adar, 5781 - For local candle Your complete guide to this Friday, lighting times visit week's halachos and minhagim. 6 Nissan, 5781 Chabad.org/Candles Pesach Preparations • Share shemurah matzah with Jewish Shabbos acquaintances who may otherwise not eat such 29 Adar, 5781 | Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei, matzah on Pesach. If possible, send six matzos, Shabbos Chazak, Parshas Hachodesh, three for each seder night. If not, give them at Shabbos Mevarchim, Erev Rosh Chodesh least two matzos (to be used as the middle Nissan matzah, one for each night).1 • Additionally, supply them with mechiras chametz Things to do forms so they can sell their chametz.2 This will be beneficial even if they will end up taking some of the chametz on Pesach (although they should be Tehillim 3 • Early in the morning told not to do so). “Make sure to • If filling out a form is not possible, chametz can we gather in shul study a parshah of be sold by visiting www.chabad.org/chametz. to recite the entire Chumash with Rashi • Don’t forget to sell your own chametz as well! Tehillim with a every day, to say Tehillim every day, • Participate in maos chitim, providing financial minyan. Following and to complete the Tehillim, a maamar assistance for Pesach provisions to those in need. Tehillim on Shabbos • The Rebbe recommended that each child should should be studied Mevarchim. It is have their own personal illustrated haggadah.4 for approximately crucial for you, your • In addition to being taught the relevant halachos an hour, followed by children, and your 6 grandchildren.” of Pesach, children should also prepare the Four davening. (Hayom Yom, 25 Shevat) Questions.5 • For more on saying Tehillim on Shabbos Mevarchim, see below, “Hosafos.” Krias Hatorah7 • Two Sifrei Torah are removed from the aron kodesh.8 In the first Sefer Torah, seven aliyos are read in Parshas Vayakhel-Pekudei. • It is customary to stand when the last possuk of the Chumash is read.9 • After the baal korei finishes reading the seventh 6 ספר המנהגים ע' 30. 1 לקו"ש ח"א עמ' 243 ואילך. 7 הבא להלן - ע"פ לוח כולל-חב"ד. 2 ראה אג"ק ח"כ עמ' קפו. 8 רצוי לגלול את ספר-התורה השני לפרשת שקלים קודם תפילת שחרית, כדי למנוע 'טירחא דציבורא' )לוח דבר- בעתו(. 3 אג"ק חי"ט עמ' רמו ואילך. 9 רצוי שהקורא יפסיק קימעא לפני תחילת הפסוק )עכ"פ עד שיספיקו היושבים לעמוד(, כדי שהציבור ישמע היטב 4 סה"ש תשמ"ז ח"א ע' 349. סה"ש תשמ"ח ח"א עמ' 343. את קריאת הפסוק – לוח 'דבר בעתו'. 5 ראה לקו"ש חכ"ב ע' 180. תו"מ תשמ"ג ח"ב ע' 1103. aliyah, the entire congregation recites aloud, below, “Hosafos,” for the laws that apply if you “Chazak chazak venischazek!” This is then forgot to say Yaaleh Viyavo. repeated by the baal korei. (The one receiving the aliyah says these words as well.10) • The second Sefer Torah is then placed next to the first one, and Chatzi Kaddish is recited.11 This is followed by hagbah and gelilah on the first Sunday 1 Nissan, 5781 | Rosh Chodesh Sefer Torah. • In the second Sefer Torah, Parshas Hachodesh is Things to do read for maftir (Shemos 12:1-20). This is followed by hagbah and gelilah. • Say Yaaleh Viyavo in Shemoneh Esrei. See below, • The haftorah of Parshas Hachodesh is then read “Hosafos,” for the laws that apply if you forgot to (Yechezkel 45:18-46:15). At the end, add the say Yaaleh Viyavo. first and last pesukim of the haftorah of Machar • After Shemoneh Esrei, Half Hallel is recited, Chodesh, (Shmuel I 20:18, 42). followed by Kaddish Shalem. For more on Hallel, see below, “Hosafos.” Blessing the New Month • Hallel is followed by Shir Shel Yom and Barchi • It is proper to know when the molad will be before Nafshi. blessing the new month.12 This month, the molad • This is followed by krias hatorah. Next, say Ashrei will be on this Shabbos evening, at 7:03 p.m. and and Uva Letzion. The chazzan concludes Uva 5 chalakim.13 Letzion quietly, and the Sefer Torah is returned to • The chazzan stands,14 holding a Sefer Torah,15 the aron kodesh. and leads the congregation with Mi shebeirach. • Next, remove Rashi’s tefillin, don Rabbeinu Tam’s It is customary for the congregants to stand as tefillin, and say Shema, Kadesh li chol bechor, and well.16 the Sheish Zechiros. After removing Rabbeinu • Rosh Chodesh will be on Sunday. Nissan Tam’s tefillin, we daven Musaf. The chazzan • We don’t say Av Harachamim. should recite a chapter of Tehillim before saying 18 Farbrengens the Chatzi Kaddish that precedes Musaf. • If you are wearing tefillinwhen the minyan reaches • Shabbos Mevarchim is a day to farbreng, ideally Kesser, cover the shel rosh when responding.19 in shul.17 For more on Shabbos Mevarchim • After davening, say the Nassi. Today’s Nassi farbrengens, see below, “Hosafos.” reading is from Vayehi kalos Moshe until zeh Mincha korban Nachshon ben Aminadav. Next, say the • Being that it is erev Rosh Chodesh, do not say Yehi Ratzon, inserting the shevet of Yehudah. Tzidkas’cha. • Saying the Nassi is not just about recalling karbanos brought in the past. It has an everlasting Motzoei Shabbos effect, so much so that “all the holy sparks and • Say Yaaleh Viyavo during Maariv tonight. See lights included in this shevet may shine upon me, to understand Your Torah and fear of You, to fulfill Your will throughout my life, I, my children, 10 ספר-המנהגים ע' 31. and my children’s children, from now and forever, 11 רמ"א סו"ס קמז. שערי-אפרים שער י סי"ב. Amen!” (Likkutei Sichos vol. 32, p. 20, see there 12 סידור אדה"ז. ולכן נהגו להכריז זאת באותה שעה ברבים, ראה ליקוטי מהרי"ח )בראש ח"ג, בהשמטות לח"ב (at length פח,ב(, ושערי-רחמים על השערי-אפרים שער י ס"ק מז. 13 לוח כולל חב"ד. 14 זכר לקידוש החודש, שבו ראש בי"ד עומד ואומר 'מקודש' וכל העם עונין אחריו )מג"א סי' תיז ס"ק א(. 15 קצות השלחן סי' פג בבדה"ש ס"ק י, משערי אפרים שער י סל"ו. 18 אג"ק ח"כ עמ' רפג. 16 שערי-רחמים על השערי-אפרים שער י ס"ק מג. 19 'מאסף לכל המחנות' סי' כה סוף ס"ק קלו, ובלקט-הקמח החדש שם ס"ק קה. 17 ספר המנהגים ע' 30. Bentching Chodesh Nissan • It is a mitzvah to enhance today’s meal in honor • Throughout the month of Nissan, we do not say of Rosh Chodesh.20 Tachanun.28 • Say Yaaleh Viyavo and the Harachaman for Rosh • The first time you see a fruit tree29 blossoming Chodesh. Additionally, replace the word Magdil during this month, recite the following berachah: (in the possuk Magdil yeshuos malko) with בָּרּוְךאַתָּה vה’ אֱ -ֹלקינּו מֶ לֶ ְך הָעֹולָ ם שֶ ֹּׁלאחִסַ ּר בְּעֹולָ מֹו כְ ּלּוםb • .ּובָרָא בֹו בְּרִ יֹותטֹובֹות וְאִ ילָנֹות טֹובֹות לֵיהָנֹות בָּהֶם בְ ּנֵי אָדָ ם .Migdol • See below, “Hosafos,” for more on bentching • For more on Birchas Ilanos, see below, “Hosafos.” and for the laws that apply if you forgot to say Yaaleh Viyavo. • When saying a Berachah Acharonah Mei’ein Shalosh (e.g., Al Hamichyah), add the addition for Rosh Chodesh. (However, there is no need to Monday repeat the berachah if it was omitted.)21 2 Nissan, 5781 Minhagei Rosh Chodesh • It is customary for women to refrain from On this day performing certain types of work on Rosh Today marks the anniversary of the histalkus of 22 Chodesh (see note). the Rebbe Rashab in 5680 (1920). His resting • It is customary to refrain from taking a haircut and place is in Rostov. cutting nails on Rosh Chodesh.23 • The Frierdiker Rebbe cites an “ancient custom” to study another possuk from the kapitel Today also marks the beginning of the nesius corresponding to one’s age each Rosh Chodesh, of the Frierdiker Rebbe.30 along with Rashi’s explanation (and additional commentaries).24 For Tehillim with Rashi, visit www.chabad.org/16222. Things to do • If there are less than twelve pesukim in your • Today’s Nassi is Shevet Yissachar. kapitel (or less than thirteen in a leap year), when you finish the kapitel, learn it a second time. If there are more than twelve (or thirteen) pesukim in your kapitel, study enough pesukim each Rosh Chodesh to finish the kapitel over the course of Tuesday the year.25 3 Nissan, 5781 • The Rebbe encouraged arranging farbrengens (in shul26) on Rosh Chodesh.27 Things to do • Today’s Nassi is Shevet Zevulun. 20 שו"ע או"ח סי' תיט. 21 מג"א סי' רח סקי"ח. 22 שו"ע ורמ"א סי' תיז ס"א, שהפרטים תלויים במנהג המקום. יש מקומות שאסרו תפירה ]ב'תורת מנחם - התוועדויות' תשד"מ ח"ב עמ' 948 מודגשת מלאכה זו, וצויין לתשב"ץ ח"ג סי' רמד[, סריגה, כיבוס )ידני(, וגיהוץ שלא לצורך היום )ראה שם: שערי-תשובה ס"ק ג. כף-החיים ס"ק ל,לב. אשל-אברהם להרה"צ מבוטשאטש(. ובערוך- השולחן שם ס"י כתב ש"אצלנו" נשים העוסקות באומנות – עושות מלאכה, שלא קיבלו עליהן להפסיד פרנסתן )ואצ"ל ביחס למלאכות הקשורות בחינוך, ראה ס' חול-המועד כהלכתו, פרק ו, סעיף עה(. 23 צוואת רבי יהודה החסיד אות מח. שו"ע אדה"ז סי' רס ס"א. 24 ספר-המנהגים עמ' 36. 28 שו"ע אדמוה"ז סימן תכט ס"ח. 25 שם. 29 ראה הדעות בזה שהובאו בס' שו"ע הקצר פרק פז ס"ה ובהערות.
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