-*• ' •'••"'•• • •*'•-.* “H ,*J'iV' - 1 V * <_ -T'*' '.V v‘v /,"''1',',‘V TO WASH OUT RIMINI PLACERS IN A MOMENT RED MOUNTAIN HYDRAULIC OO. WILE BEGIN WORK NEAR Try This! A Gleamy Mass of Soft, RIMINI SOON Luxuriant Hair Besides the big mining project which James Breen will start at the Porphyry Dike with the coming of spring, another hnge gold mining op­ eration will be begun in that district as soon as weather conditions per­ mit. E. A. Morley o f Butte, former state Railroad commissioner, and associates will start placer operations on a big scale at a point two miles from the Breen holdings. The company, which is named the Red Mountain Hydrau­ lic company, acquired a large acre­ age near the Porphyry Dike last May, following a thorough sampling of the placer ground. Variable Values Morley stated that the ground is extremely variable in values, the as­ says showing as low as 60 cents and as high as $20 a yard. As the work will be done through hydraulic type of mining, a huge water reservoir of 260 acres has already been con­ structed, which will later be enlarg­ ed to a 400-acre dam. Since acquiring the property a large reef has been cut away at a cost of 67 cents a yard, which now At once! You can transform even allows unimpeded sluicing opera­ tions. plain, dull, flat hair. You can have it Hewitt on Ground abundant, soft, glossy and full of life. Charles Hewitt, a well known min­ Just get a 36 cent bottle of “ Dander­ ing engineer, is already on the scene ine” at any drug store. Then moisten preparing for operations which will start as soon as the deep snow has a soft cloth with the “ Danderine” and disappeared. draw this through your hair, taking The property, which consists of one small strand at a time. Instant­ 360 acres, is situated about 4% miles ly, yes, immediately, you have from Rimini. F. B. Winger, well- known in mining circles, is associat­ doubled the beauty of your hair. It ed 'with Mr. Morley. The latter stated will be a mass, so soft, lustrous and that there is 40 years’ work in the so easy to do up. All dust and ex­ placer property, with an excellent cessive oil is removed. chance of uncovering commercial Let "Danderine” put new life, quartz ledges vigor and brightness in your hair. ------------------ o------------------ This stimulating tonic will freshen Winnett— Cat Creek pipe lines car­ your scalp, check dandruff and fall­ ried 2,183,864 barrels of crude dur­ ing hair and help your hair to grow THE THREE PORKS OP THÈ MISSOURI ing the year Just closed. long, thick, strong and beautiful. While the present prosperity of Wyoming, and saw the Big Horn within a few hoars of each other. electric railway in Montana. The Bozeman is due to its position as the mountains "shining in the sun.” The first house was built on the line runs from Bozeman to Salesville. site of Bozeman in 1864. The city, <15 market center of one of the most fer­ In 1807 Manuel LlBa ascended the Room for 5,000 Farmers M Missouri with a large party and es­ of course, was named for the man With the borders of Gallatin tile valleys in the country, its early tablished a trading post at the con­ who championed the Yellowstone importance arose from its location county are 200 miles of railway, own­ fluence of the Yellowstone and the Pass route. When the county was ed by six different companies In at the "front gate” — as Bozeman en­ Big Horn. Lisa returned to St created it was named from the river thusiasts call it— to western Mon­ the Gallatin valley, where it is esti­ This is a message to the man who realizes that natural1 Louis and with eleven others formed which had been christened In 1806 mated that there is room for 6,000 tana. It was this pass, the Bozeman, the Missouri Fur company with a ca­ opportunities are as necessary as hard work. In the suc­ formerly known as the Yellowstone farmers, there are now 900 cess of others there is a lesson for you. Western Canada has pital of $40,000. In 1809 he again In 1909 Rudolph Vogel, Jr., es­ pass, by which the Indians of the ascended the Yellowstone, crossed thousands of successful men, who a few years ago were no ; Upper Columbia river were accus­ tablished a world’s record for a yield better off than you may be today. They found success here! the Bozeman pass and established a of oats by growing 4 88 bushels on tomed to cross over into the Yellow­ post at the Three Forks of the Mis­ In Western Canada Yoe Cm Own Yoer Owe Farm stone or Musselshell country on their 2 acres The oats weighed when / If you are a tenant farmer, ambitions toownyonroioar own souri. For many years thereafter threshed 43 pounds to the bushel farm____ or___ if „yoa _ are farming1 under__________________ the hamtimp of _aroasbt __ _roacbt or buffalo Jiunts. the Bozeman paBB served the fur overcrowded conditions—or if yea are sertoosly looking»king for for an . friaod- While thè Gallatin valley itself ------------------o----------- ------- opportunity where .your boy can own his fyrip^-tovcsH^nto trader as well as the Indian as a [Western Caaada. This departmentof the Canadian National ehorcbaaaad____________ «octallife- wen»,SSSSS was not the permanent abode of any gateway to the northwest. Butte— Burglara who entered the ways will help yoa locate* It's servioee ore Free* ••nor eoaunanxnd dryJieaJtb- Indian tribe since the beginning of home of Will Irvine, assistant city lo w P rices—E a sy Term s—Low Taxes tul winters—«Octant labor «op* Shorter Route Sought Too can buy land unsurpassed for fertility along the P £*REE MMaSM-Ltam the nineteenth century, it was claim­ treasurer, made off with the savings lirwn of th« Canad ian National Rahway* trocs *20.00»latSO.aO.UKT« to *50,00, wbera, bow, ead »brother men In the winter of 1862 John M V Buch !a#d »(«Ida abmoiatiy «ad h «¿table for croio hare euoceeded. Gat all tha ed by the Blackfeet and became a of two youngsters Approximately m, nixed fnminjr. Oar booklet dais rib so tbe 9bUa per »ere.KStiKrtirB feet« from oar ooaeplata Inter» Bozeman and John M. Jacobs left f. low io price, and May term« pkea It witkio ranch of • eetins book. Saodcoopoonew common fighting ground for all the $15 vas taken from two small banks eely marnali fintpanutt, OfoallrlO^11*10*« nr tee«—'theerlern—'thei ofbe Uncoell.balance Yoa beiurraeho —*o coat or eblfcattoe. Bannacfc for the states with the ob­ pruderar * tero ■>«.»• 'h low ...................la tarent ratae «od amali ftcMoroftroczBoo* surrounding tribes. The trail was ject of finding a shorter route for warn deeply Into the soil by the moc­ emigrants than up the Platte and ^ ----- ■ ■■ : : Canadian Rational Railways, Dept casin of the Indian and the hoof of through Wyoming and Idaho. They yoa, too, will bo 1 __ a| Marquatt* Bldg., Chicago, Illinois. his pony. for cocap l« u l|TTJTO Please send me free and without oblign- traversed Bozeman pass but were at­ »STÎowSw^SeT2 î d*,ïtite,t,ie*®( ^onV n p le ._• ‘information____ ____" *' on.the______ ................_____items con- There is a legend that the La Ver- tacked by the Sioux on Powder river, Freedom! ,#CB‘ I coming western Canada checked below endryeB, discoverers of the Rocky D*wmr FonvR,! ikliimertanftlaa« Bailwxy for BUr Rata« ProflU for Laodaeckate losing their horses and provisions -nomare sluggishness S o *t. of RMOurow I <9” baetoeaa and LDoaatrial Qpportunltlaa Mountains, visited the Gallatin in OanaëlM Notional , 4» PareaoaUy Oaadactad Bxcaiplooa They were reduced to a diet of grass­ ( Ri IIM ][I,Ok C O « > I 1740, but most historians are agreed hoppers, but they succeeded in mak­ l aiärqtMtU B M I. | Nam«. that these famous trail-blazers came ing their way to Missouri. They Dr. KINGS PILLS I CHICAGO. ILI_ JI Address. ............... B.IT.D. no further west than northeastern - f o r constipation i v ^ started back at once to guide a train P 1 Town.. sute. through by the re-discovered route, Ï but they were turned back by hostile Indians and compelled to complete their Journey by way of Lander’s cut­ off and Snake river. PUT STOMACH IN Bozeman himself again went ta Missouri where he made up a large BACK-TRAILING ON ORDER AT ONCE train of Immigrants for another at­ tempt to test the new road. His Manuel Lisa, pioneer fur trader route northward lay between the of the Upper Missouri river. ‘Pape’s Diapepsin” forBlack Hills and Wind River moun­ THE OLD FRONTIERS tains. Gas, Indigestion or Race to Virginia City by Lewis and Clark in honor of the James Bridger, who was taking a anti-federalist statesman, Albert Gal­ Sour Stomach train through by his new route west latin, then secretary of the treasury. A New Book with Fourteen Full Page Illustrations hy of the Wind River mountains and Instantly! Stomach corrected I down Clark's Fork, bad denounced Murdered by Blackfeet You never feel the slightest distress Bozeman’s road as impracticable. Bozeman was murdered on tbe Yel­ from Indigestion or a sour, acid, gas­ Bridger had several weeks’ start lowstone in 1867 by Blackfeet who sy stomach,'after you eat a tablet of and he reached the Yellowstone first were fugitives from their own tribe “Pape's Diapepsin.” The moment it but so dreuitout was his course into for killing a chief and were then liv­ Charles R u ssell readies the stomach all sourness, the Gallatin valley, up Shield’s river ing with the Crows.
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