Infected Areas As on 25 May 1961

Infected Areas As on 25 May 1961

— 228 Territoires infectés à la date du 25 mai 1961 — Infected areas as on 25 May 1961 Notifications reçues aux termes du Règlement sanitaire international Notifications received under the International Sanitary Regulations concernant les circonscriptions infectées ou les territoires où la pré­ relating to infected local areas and to areas in Which the presence of sence de maladies quarantenaires a été signalée (voir page 136). quarantinable diseases Was reported (see page 136). ■ = Circonscriptions ou territoires notifiés aux termes de l’article 3 ■ = Areas notified under Article 3 on the date indicated. à la date donnée. Autres territoires où la présence de maladies quarantenaires a été Other areas in Which the presence o f quarantinable diseases Was notifiée aux termes des articles 4, S et 9 a: notified under Articles 4, S and 9 (a): A = pendant la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque maladie; A = during the period indicated under the hea^ng of each disease; B = antérieurement à la période indiquée sous le nom de chaque B = prior to the period indicated under the heading o f each maladie. disease. • = territoires nouvellement infectés. * = neWly infected areas. PESTE — PLAGUE Jammu & Kashmir, State Amérique — America CAMEROUN 7-25.V Kashmir Valley .... 20.X.60 Diamaré, Dep. B 8.IV BOLIVIE — BOLIVIA Orissa, State Margui-Wandaia, Dep. A 6.V La Pas, Dep. Mokolo» Arr..................... B25.IH Amérique — America Cuttack» District .... ■ Murillo, Province Kalahandí» District . B 15.IV Z o n g o ........................... B l l.n CAMEROUN DU SUD BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Puri» District.................... B 8.IV Nor Yungas, Province SOUTHERN Alagaos, State CAMEROONS . ■ 6.11.57 Tripura, State. ■ 25.V.59 Alto B e n ....................... B 18.n Major Izidoro, Mun. B 8.XII CONGO (capitale Léopoldville) Uttar Pradesh, State Bahia, Stale BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Equateur» Province . A 29.IV Plata, Mun........................ B 24.XII Aligarh» District .... ■ 13.vm.60 Amazonas, State Katanga, Province . B 30.VH.60 Bañaras (Varanasi)» Dist. ■ 14.VI.60 Labrea, Dep...................... B 7.n lAopoIdviUe, Province. B 22.IV Rio de Janeiro, State Kberí» D istrict................ - 23.Vn.60 Teresopolis, Mun............. B 24.XI Meerut, District .... ■ 16.vm.60 COLOMBIE — COLOMBIA CÔTE DTVOIRE — IVORY COAST Anlloqula, Dep. Abidjan, Cercle .... A 4.V VENEZUELA West Bengal, State Puertoberrio, Mun. B 6.II Agboville, Cercle .... A 4.V Aragua, State Bankura» District .... ■ 13.VI.60 Remedios, Mun................ B 28.XII Bouaflé, Cercle................ A27.IV Rieaurte, District Burdwan, District . ■ 6.H.58 Bouaké» C ercle................ A 4.V Tejerías, Mun................... B 22.TV Howrah, District .... B 8.rv Magdalena, Dep. Daloa» Cercle................... A 4.V 24-Parganas» District . B 8.IV Rio de Oro, Mun............. B 20.1 Dimbokro, Cercle . A 4.V Norte de Santander, Dep. Gagnoa, Cercle................ A 27.1V Asie — Asia PAKISTAN Cachira, Mun................... B 14.1 Grand-Bassam» Cercle. A 4.V * Chittagong (PA) .... A20.V Grand-Lahou» Cercle . A27.IV INDONÉSIE — INDONESIA Santander, Dep. Katiola, Cercle................ A 27.IV Velez, Mun....................... B 20.1 DJawa Tengah, Province East Pakistan Korhogo» Cercle «... A 4.V Surakarta Residency Dacca, Division Man, Cercle................... A 4.V BojoIaJi, Regency .... a Bakerganj, District . B 22.IV PÉROU — PERU Odióme, Cercle .... A 4.V * Dacca» D istrict............... B 29.IV Huanaco, Dep. Séguéla» C ercle................ A 4.V SUD VIET-NAM Mymensingh, District . B 22.IV Leoncio Froth, Prov. Tabou» C e rc le ................ B 20.IV SOUTH VIET NAM Alomlas Robles, District. A lO.IV DAHOMEY Long-Khanli, Province San Martin, Dep. Xuanloc, District Rioja, Province (exd. Cotonou (PA) & t Gammy, Commune . A 20.V Rioja, District Parakou (A)) . A16.V Abom ^, Cerde................ B 18.IV Bongara................... B 16.11 Athiémé, Cerde................ A 2.V FIÈVRE JAUNE . R io ja ............................... B 31.XU Save» C e r d e ................... A 2.V YELLOW FEVER T a m b e ........................... A ll.III ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA ■ 21.V.57 26.II-25.V VENEZUELA CHOLÉRA — CHOLERA Tachlra, State GAMBIE — GAMBIA Uribnnte, District Gambia, Protectorate 7-25.V Afrique — Africa Cardenas, Mun. Lower River, Division. B 1.IV El P in a l........................... B8.Q Upper River, Division . B 15.IV Western Division (cxcl. Asie — Asia ANGOLA....................... ■ 27.V.59 Yondum (A))................ B 1.IV INDE — INDIA CAMEROUN DU SUD GHANA SOUTHERN Calcutta (PA) ‘ ............... a 17.m.S6 CAMEROONS . ■ 1.X.56 Asharai, Region VARIOLE — SMALLPOX Kumasi, District Andhra Pradesh, State K u m a d ........................... a 22.m CONGO (capitate Léopolâvillc) 23.IV-25.V East Godavari, District . a 28.XH.599 Territoire situé au nord du GUINÉE — GUINEA Guntur District .... a 31.Xn.599 10® S. — Territory North Hyderabad, District. a 11.IV oflO®S............................. ■ ll.X n .5 6 Afrique — Africa B^la, Région ............... A20.V Krishna, District .... a27.Vra.599 . Dalaba, R6{pon . A20.V Nalgonda, District . a 25.m . Dinguiraye, Région . A20.V Ni2amabad» District . B 8.IV ÉTHIOPIE — ETHIOPIA ALGÉRIE — ALGERIA Kissidongou, Région . ■ 25.IV.S9 Gamu-Goffa, Province . B 7.II Srikakulam, District . a U.VI.60 Oran, Département • Kouroussa» Région . A20.V West Godavari, District . a27.Vin.599 Ain-Témoucbent, Arr. B 18.m Macenta» Région . ■ 2.V.59 GAMBIE — GAMBIA . ■ 1JC.S6 Mamou, Région . A13.V Bihar, State N ’Zérékoré, Région, . B22.IV GHANA ....................... ■ 1.X.S6 Tiaret, Département Gaya, D istric t................ a 23.IV Tiaret, A n........................ B 1.IV Muzaffaipur, District . a 9.V NIGÊRU — NIGERIA. ■ 1.X.S6 HAUTE-VOLTA — UPPER VOLTA Bobodiotdasso, Cercle. A10.V Gtdarat, State BASUTOLAND RUANDA-URUNDI . ■ 11JOI.S6 Butha-Buthe, District . A 13.V Koudougou, Cercle . A 10.V Kaira, D istrict................ a 28.V.60 Kougoussi, Cercle. , . A 10.V Surat, D istric t................ a 6.VI.60 Leribe, D istrict................ a 13.IV SIERRA LEONE . ■ 1.X.56 Mafeteng, District. A 13.V Orodara, Cercle. A 3.V SOUDAN — SUDAN Ouagadougou» Cercle . A 26.IV BECHUANALAND ^ A Texdusion de la circonscription>n Territoire situé au sud du Ouahlgouya» Cercle . A 10.V A10.V de Paéroport de Dum-Dum. ~ Excludingng 12® N .— Territory South Eastern Medical Division Tougan, Cercle .... local area of Dum Dum mmort. of 12® N ............................ « 17.X n.S6 Mabalapye, Med. D. Centre B 22.IV Yako, Cercle................ A 10.V 229 — KENYA TANGANYIKA ARABIE SAOUDITE Kérala, State Central Province (excl. Dar es Salaam (FA) . A I3.V SAUDI ARABIA Cannanore, District . > 9.1.60 local area of Nairobi Eastern Province .... A 13.V Asir, State Ernakulam, District. B 2S.m (Embakasi) airport) . A29.IV Lake Province............... B 22.IV Qizan, District Kottayam, District , , , . 6.IV Kiambu, District .... B22.IV Southern Highlands, Prov. B 22.IV Tarfah, Village............... A 29.IV Kozhikode, District . ■ 2.1.60 Meru, D istric t............... A 29.IV Tanga, Province .... A 6.V Palghat, District .... ■ 12.m.60 » West Lake, Prov............... A 13.V Nadj, State « QuUon, District .... ■ 18.V Coast Province (excl. Riyadh, District Trichur (Cochin), District « 3.1.57 Mombasa (P) & Port TOGO Dawadmi, Village . A 29.IV Reitz ( A ) ) ............... B 8.IV Makpami, Cercle , . A 14.V Madhya Pradesh, State Nyanza, Province . A 29.IV Lomé Cercle (excl. BIRMANIE — BURMA Balaghat, District. B is.rv Lomé (P A ))............... A 14.V Betui, D is tric t............... A 29.IV Central Nyanza, District. A 6.V Sagaing, Division South Nyanza, District . A 29.IV Chhindwara, District . ■ 10.1.58 Katha D.: Katha Town . A 6.V Dewas, District............... ■ 22.H Rift Valley, Province A 29.IV Amérique — America Drug, D is tric t................ B 15.IV Guna, District............... ■ lo.m Nakuru, District .... B22.IV INDE — INDIA • Trans Nzoia, District . A 13.V Hosbangabad, District . A 29.IV BRÉSIL — BRAZIL Ahmedabad (A) .... ■ 2 0 .x . 59 Jabalpur, District .... ■ 25.L58 Mandla, District .... ■ 15.ffl.58 Allahabad ( A ) ................ ■ 14.X.59 ■ 5.IÏ1 LIBÉRIA — LIBERIA . Belem ( P A ) ................... B 30.V1.60 Mandsaur, District . « 10.V Fortaleza (P )................... B 30.VI.60 Bombay (PA)................... A 20.V MALI Narsinghpur, District . ■ 25.11 Manaus ( P ) ................... B 30.VI.60 Calcutta (PA)' ............... ■ 6.1 Raigarh, District .... ■ 13.XII.57 Bafoulabê. Cercle .... A 29.IV Porto Alegre (PA). B 30.VI.60 Cuddalore ( P ) ............... 27.XII.60 Raisen, District .... ■ i7.m Bamako, Cercle .... A 13.V Recife ( P A ) ................... B 30.VI.60 Delhi ( A ) ....................... ■ 5.1.56 Sehore. District .... ■ 3.IV Bougouni. Cercle .... A 13.V Rio de Janeiro (PA) . A 6.V Jodhpur(A) ................... A 20.V Surguja, District .... ■ IO.I.59 . Dioïla, C e rc le ................ A 13.V Salvador ( P ) ................... B 30.VI.60 Ujjain, D istrict............... ■ I6.m Gao, District................... A 13.V Sao Paulo ( A ) ............... B 30.VI.60 Kanpur(A) ................... ■ 11.XII.59 Goundam, Cercle .... A 29.IV Karikal ( P ) ................... ■ 24.IX.59 Kayes, Cercle................... A 13.V GoîaSf State Lucknow ( A ) ............... » 21.1.60 Madras, State Koutiâla, Cercle .... A 13.V G oiania........................... B 30.VI.60 Madras (PA )................... ■ 5.V.57 Chlogieput, District . B IS.ffl Maclna, C ercle................ A 29.IV Nagpur

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