Van Nuys Boulevard Los Angeles, California Leveraging Existing Assets to Engage the Community Lessons Learned » Capitalize on assets and existing identity, and Van Nuys Boulevard in Los Angeles spans under the federal poverty limit, and one in ten leverage those assets the central San Fernando Valley, running about working-age adults in Pacoima are unemployed. to draw visitors to the ten miles through communities of varying demo- The corridor is characterized by a wide corridor. graphics. ULI Los Angeles and a group of local automobile-oriented road, small-scale commer- » Demonstrate changes to the corridor, when- stakeholders chose to focus on the 0.75-mile cial establishments, inadequate pedestrian and ever possible, through stretch of Van Nuys that runs through the heart of bicycle infrastructure, and adjacent single-family temporary infrastructure the Pacoima neighborhood. Located 30 minutes homes. The corridor also contains unique cultural improvements and pop- north of downtown Los Angeles, Pacoima is a elements, including colorful murals and small up events; then gauge vibrant and diverse community that also has some businesses that cater to the surrounding Latino community response and achieve buy-in from of the city’s highest poverty and crime rates and community. Melani Smith, a Los Angeles–based residents and business poorest health outcomes. The neighborhood ex- urban planner and chair of the local leadership owners before more per- hibits some of the city’s highest concentrations of group, described it this way: “Van Nuys is an manent improvements childhood obesity, diabetes mortality, and stroke. underperforming area in Los Angeles that at the are made. Pacoima is a high-needs neighborhood, with an same time has enormous potential in the power average per capita yearly income of $13,180 (one of its engaged community, lively arts scene, and of the lowest in the city) and an average median local entrepreneurial spirit.” household income well below that of the city. Van Nuys Boulevard’s unique cultural resources More than one in five Pacoima residents falls and active local organizations provide a strong 34 BUILDING HEALTHY CORRIDORS Quick Facts » Length of Study Section: 0.75 miles » Average Number of Lanes: 5 lanes of traffic » Average Posted Vehicle Speed: 35 mph » Available Transit Options: Bus » Bike Lanes: 0 miles » Sidewalks: 100 percent of the corridor has sidewalks on both sides, but there is a lack of pedestrian ame- nities, such as benches. » Income Data: Per capita income of $13,180; 20 percent of Pacoima residents are under the federal poverty limit; 10 percent are unemployed. » Health Issues: High lev- els of childhood obesity, diabetes mortality, and stroke in adjacent neigh- The Van Nuys Boulevard corridor area (shaded) and surroundings. (Google Maps) borhoods. » Land Use: Primarily fast- food restaurants, strip foundation for enhancing the economic, environ- During the workshop, the local leadership malls, and automobile repair shops; there are no mental, and physical health of the community. group presented summaries of past plans for the parks or open spaces in The street has been identified as one of the 15 area and tied them together as an overall wish list the corridor. “Great Streets” segments being championed for the neighborhood. Items on the list includ- » Distinguishing Features: throughout the city of Los Angeles by Mayor Eric ed pedestrian- and bike-friendly amenities and Selected as a corridor Garcetti’s office, and it is being considered for the residents’ desires to turn Van Nuys into a quieter, for the LA Great Streets route of a new Metro bus rapid transit (BRT) or cleaner, and safer corridor. In an interactive discus- Initiative, the corridor has numerous murals by local light-rail line, which would enhance connectivity sion, the stakeholders considered how a healthy artists and is a possible between the neighborhood and the surrounding corridor is defined, what elements currently exist, corridor for a future bus area. In addition, a new neighborhood “City and what elements are needed along Van Nuys. rapid transit (BRT) or Hall” and entrepreneur center have laid the foun- The group also discussed ideas for a pilot project light-rail transit route. dation for a transformation rooted in community along Van Nuys that would demonstrate its poten- needs and desires. tial as a healthy corridor, and the group consid- ered who should be involved in that project. OPPOSITE: Unique elements, in- Local Work for Change Key issues that emerged during the workshop cluding colorful murals, contribute to the cultural character of the In the summer of 2015, Van Nuys Boulevard’s local included the need to improve the perception and corridor. (Rosa Ruvalcaba/flickr) leadership group held a stakeholder workshop reality of safety (including traffic, crime, and gang that brought together the arts, health, business, activity), encourage education and training tied to social service, education, public sector employ- the arts and culture scene, find new uses to improve ees, and community stakeholders who had not economic and public health, and engage all popula- been connected previously. Participants presented tions and ages in decisions that affect the corridor. information about the numerous planning efforts Another big challenge in this area is housing; for the area, and the group was able to establish a numerous single-family houses have been illegally foundation of common understanding around the converted into multifamily dwellings, thus creating need to improve the health of those who rely on extremely dense and potentially dangerous living Van Nuys Boulevard. “Bringing ULIs ‘healthy places’ conditions. The Los Angeles City Council District and ‘healthy corridor’ lenses to a place like this led office intends to maintain the affordability of the us to bring a range of stakeholders to the table area while converting the illegal conversions into that had not collaborated together previously,” formalized—and safe—residential options that Smith noted. meet building codes. CHAPTER 3: BUILDING A HEALTHY CORRIDOR 35 Recommendations the strong arts and culture in the community, the The local workshop helped bring area stake- opportunity for change, and the diversity of the holders together to discuss current and potential area. The team provided recommendations in issues concerning Van Nuys Boulevard. It also set three overarching categories: community health the stage and identified study questions for the and development, economic development, and national study visit held in February 2016. marketing strategies focused on getting people to the boulevard. Those categories framed specific STUDY QUESTIONS: recommendations, including ideas for introducing » In an economically and environmentally programming, expanding opportunities for local challenged but culturally rich area such as businesses through training and an organizational Pacoima, what opportunities exist for improv- structure, and embracing social media and the ing the health and economic well-being of the arts to bring people to the corridor. community, whether through providing jobs, Key recommendations included the following: services, or goods? PLACEMAKING AND PROGRAMMING: Leverage » How can Van Nuys Boulevard property owners social connectedness through strategies including take advantage of the imminent opportunity enhancing active transportation safety, conve- presented by a proposed new transit line and nience, and aesthetics; producing regular marquee other investments in the corridor to develop events and programming, such as a chalk-art businesses now and prevent displacement in street mural festival that celebrates Pacoima’s the future? unique and diverse culture; cultivating a “Pacoima Week” that celebrates local culture, community, The national experts reviewed the assets and and food; participating in CicLAvia or other Great challenges of Van Nuys Boulevard. Assets include Streets events that are supported by the mayor’s a high percentage of homeownership in the area, office and that occur along Van Nuys; and creat- an entrepreneurial spirit, and a corridor that has ing places for the community to gather outdoors. continuous sidewalks with buildings adjacent to the road rather than set back from it. Converse- PUBLIC SAFETY: Improve the perception of safety ly, a clearly automobile-dominated street with in the area by facilitating agreements among high traffic speeds and few pedestrian and bike businesses to stay open later; by promoting amenities creates a challenging environment. A family-friendly and active spaces, businesses, and lack of business diversity, as well as a lack of busi- activities; and by working with the local library to nesses that remain open after 5:00 p.m., creates become even further involved with the community. challenges to serving daily community needs. In HOUSING: Encourage healthy housing in Pacoima addition, a lack of policies or regulations to sup- by allowing and streamlining the permitting pro- port the creation of safe accessory dwelling units cess for multiple-family units. has contributed to the current housing concerns. HEALTHY FOOD: Increase access to healthy food To emphasize the existing assets, the partic- by creating a location on the corridor where resi- ipants created a three-pronged value structure dents can sell neighborhood produce on a regular for a healthy Van Nuys Boulevard that highlights basis; by identifying an existing restaurant in the San Fernando Valley and developing
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