Severnside Richmond Villa Newland Cottages B 4055 Dean House Rhine ORDNANCE SURVEY SHEET 1-1 SHEET 1-2 Willowdene 1.22m RH Normal Ballstreet SCALE: 1:2500 SCALE: 1:2500 Tidal Limit Puffers End The Glen Sunnyside Track Lydda Drain Drain Fern Cottage 1 2 FB MLW Tk NOTES Def Holm Rhine Woodbine 2 B 4064 1 B 4064 Severn Lodge Farm Co Const & Cottages LB Northwick Hall Ward Bdy Pp Sta A 403 1. All dimensions are in metres unless noted otherwise. Pp Sta B 4064 Northwick Hall Caroline Cottage A 403 NEW PASSAGE ROAD FB 2. The road lighting installation is to comply with the South Gloucestershire Council 3 Def Clarence The Pill Drain Passage House Cottage The Pill requirements in accordance with the previous Avon County Council Specification 2 SM Series 3100A document for Consultants, Developers and Contractors issued 1 1.22mRH Myrtle SM March 1995. Cottages Pill Head Orchard End New Passage Sewage P Cannimore Works B 4064 1 2 Honey House SM SM 3. The new lighting columns and their REC electrical supplies shall be installed in 3 The Wayside Half-A-Crown Youth Birches land dedicated for ownership to the Council by the Developer enabling continuity Centre Drain Vine of installation and maintenance access. Should property access require columns B 4064 Dismantled Railway NORTHWICK ROAD House Co ConstWard & Bdy Drain to be repositioned the Developer shall notify the Council to obtain agreed White Horse Inn 6.7m Southworthy Farm Pond alternative position/s. Treherne Lea View Mayburn Cottage PH 2 NORTHWICK ROAD 1 6.4m 4. All equipment and installation works shall comply with relevant British Standards. Queens Lodge Green Lane Cottages FB For this development the equipment detailed in section equipment specific shall DW Southworthy Southworthy Def Bungalow Cottage be installed. Prior to any installation road lighting works commencing on site NEW PASSAGE ROAD The Grange 7.0m alternative equipment will be considered for approval by the Council subject to Blands Row 9 NEW PASSAGE ROAD Def M 4 FB agreement for suitability, design, lighting performance and operational costs. 5 Cattle Grid Severnside 1 Richmond Villa 1 M 4 2 M 4 Gantry Newland Cottages Dean House Gantry Drain SHEET 1-3 REDHAM SCALE: 1:2500 LANE Drain 92 Track Drain Laurel SHEET LOCATION PLAN: NTS Farm Drain Old Foot Bridge Pond Drain Drain 86 84 Drain 1 Pond Drain Redwick 6 The Grange AUST ROAD Pond Path (um) 80 Drain Pond Drain Old Holt Drain GREEN LANE MS Redwick House Track SHEET 1-3 78 Farm Pond A 403 Drain A 403 7.3m NORTHWICK ROAD 85 70 Pond SHEET 1-2 Southern a 83 Dale 64a Crossland SHEET 1-1 Cottage 64 83 Orchard Cottage 6.6m Drain 6.4m Path (um) Pond 62 LB 60 SEVERN ROAD SHEET 2-1 The Pill 73 58 Fairfield House Turville Drain Pond 56 PH 71 FB Drain The King's Arms 13 FB 67 54 REDWICK ROAD SHEET 2-2 67a 23 67b 12 1 WICK ROAD 23 16 CHESSELL AVENUE 16 13 2 19 17 B 4064 23 2 8 28 1 Path (um) 13 GP Mast REDWICK Wainbridge KEEN'S GROVE2 CROSSROADS 11 Cottage 15 20 9 Drain 50 Olveston Drainage Rhine 1 6.2m B 4064 12 Wainbridge Fm 40 9 7 Pilning Mast Forge 1 Corner VICARAGE ROAD Drain 32 65 1 Wainbridge Ho STREET LIGHTS ARE TO BE TURNED OFF MP 10.75 2 16 Drain 8 WHERE NO COLOURED HATCH IS SHOWN 3 ESS Crooked Gout WHITEHOUSE LANE Telephone Exchange 30 Dismantled Railway 2 Wainbridge Bungalow 3 BANK ROAD Works Police Station 1 51 Wain 1 Bridge THE GLEBE Meadow Surgery Drain View REDWICK ROAD 24 Pond 22 REDWICKHall GDNS 6a 8 Brook Tunnel House Drain 14 6 18 2 B As Built JD PL 29/04/13 PO St Peter's 41 6.7m B 4055 St Farm Eval Graveyard TCB Cottages Brookridge Sunnyside A Finalised and approved proposal for implementation JD PL 24/01/13 Drain 15 B 4064 7.0m 1 31 Hafod Lon 3 5 19 Rev Description Drawn App'd Date 7 A 403 2 PH Garage FB 9 Dune 3 Ho FB SL Church Drain 1 Cross Hands Inn Drain Yew 12 Fern Tree Cottage Cott 21 A 403 CROSS HANDS ROAD 13 44 St Peter's Church 22 WAINBRIDGE CRESCENT 46 33 31 Drain 32 27 1 Track SEVERN ROAD 43 Drain 3 GREEN 7.3m 2 Sage 44 BANK ROAD Cott DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENT AND COMMUNITY SERVICES 7 64 CRANMOOR CHURCH ROAD 6 Bank Cottage JACKSON 6.8m 1 Ppg Sta 7.3m CLOSE M 49 5 54 The Green 8 B 4055 A 403 5 NORTHOVER COURT Drain 5 23 Pond 5 Pond Jackson CRANMOOR B 4055 4 24 6 NORTHOVER COURT 11 22 65 Whitehouse Bungalow 1 M 49 A 403 Drain Cl 13 The Green 7 64 GREEN 51 28 56 21 17 29 56a Play 60 57 Area Fairview CROSS HANDS ROAD 53 Track 30 57a 18 59 58 55 55 Tennis 58a 36 35 Court Project El Sub Sta 5.9m 45 Sports Ground SOUTH GLOUCESTERSHIRE COUNCIL Pond 40 55a Farthings 46 MP 10.25 51 PART NIGHT LIGHTING Breeze House Santosa 43 47 The Paddock Sports Ground 49 55b 50 The Pill Filter Bed Title 57 KEY PROPOSED PART NIGHT SCHEME 9.1m PARISH BOUNDARY Wicket Pond View SL STREET LIGHTING TO BE PART NIGHTED 61 Pavilion PARISH CONSULTATION: PILNING AND SEVERN BEACH Pond LIGHTS PROPOSED TO STAY ON 65 Hall A ROAD LIGHTS: LIGHTS PROPOSED TO STAY ON SP Development: N/A A ROAD LIGHTS: Drain Consultant N/A SGC Profess SLD TEMP 46 PROPOSED TO SWITCH TO PART-NIGHT E:\PART NIGHT - from Home Working\PART NIGHT SCHEMES\Plans and Drawings\SLD TEMP 46 - PILNING AND SEVERN BEACH\DRAWINGS\SLD TEMP 46 RevA-FINAL.dwg (Apr 29, 2013 - 4:22pm) IMPLEMENTED SCHEME: Scale @ A1 1:2500 Drawn JD Drain LIGHTS TO STAY ON Date JAN '12 Approved PL Drain IMPLEMENTED SCHEME: Rev. A ROAD LIGHTS TO STAY ON FB Sunnycrest Dwg No. SLD TEMP 46 SHEET 1/2 B Acad Ref.: 1 Pond Tk 16 Foot Bridge CHESSELL AVENUE M 49 13 16 2 ORDNANCE SURVEY 19 SHEET 2-1 Foot Bridge SHEET 2-2 17 Drain 67 Pond Foot Bridge Pond B 4064 23 M 49 SCALE: 1:2500 SCALE: 1:2500 2 61 Pond Warehouse 8 2 Crossings House 28 12 1 Drain Tank 13 22 ESS Mast 66 REDWICK Sloping masonry Sloping KEEN'S GROVE2 CROSSROADS 11 NOTES 64 60 15 20 36 Warehouse 48 Drain 9 1 Drain 50 1. All dimensions are in metres unless noted otherwise. BEACH ROAD 1 39 11 6.2m B 4064 12 40 9 2. The road lighting installation is to comply with the South Gloucestershire Council 23 7 Pilning 39 Mast 54 Forge requirements in accordance with the previous Avon County Council Specification 1 Corner VICARAGE ROAD Series 3100A document for Consultants, Developers and Contractors issued 45 32 65 Drain 1 Foot Bridge 2 33 Drain 16 March 1995. Boulders MP 10.75 Drain 8 3 ESS 55 WHITEHOUSE LANE BEACH AVENUE 30 LITTLE GREEN LANE 12 3. The new lighting columns and their REC electrical supplies shall be installed in 2 63 Works Police land dedicated for ownership to the Council by the Developer enabling continuity Station 42 1 Warehouse 51 Drain of installation and maintenance access. Should property access require columns 1 40 THE GLEBE 73 to be repositioned the Developer shall notify the Council to obtain agreed 23 1 Meadow 11a Emmaus Church 3 75 Centre Drain View REDWICK ROAD 24 75a alternative position/s. 7 11 Pond 22 REDWICKHall GDNS 36 9 Pond Tunnel 11 21 GOVIER WAY 4 15 77 6 18 4. All equipment and installation works shall comply with relevant British Standards. OSBORNE ROAD 77a Drain 2 GORSE COVER ROAD Drain Western Approach GOVIER WAY Western 41 Drain 6.7m For this development the equipment detailed in section equipment specific shall 79 BEACH ROAD 30 Distribution Park Approach 26 79a 13 15 be installed. Prior to any installation road lighting works commencing on site Boulders, Mud and Shingle 23 Drain Distribution 18 37 31 81 50 32 Park alternative equipment will be considered for approval by the Council subject to 81a 11 Track 19 24 FB 83 A 403 2 agreement for suitability, design, lighting performance and operational costs. 83a 1 El Sub Sta 85 60 SL 49 85a 18 55 63 40 59 Hall Warehouse 87 B 4064 61 99 Drain 7O 42 12 87a 102 Drain A 403 16 89 74 7 FB B 4064 89a 92 3 104 77 76 83 Tanks 91 10 GOVIER WAY 110 Drain Drain 91a Track SEVERN ROAD Drain Sloping masonry 9.4m Drain BEACH AVENUE 90 88 86 Boulders Promenade 120 Drain CHURCH ROAD 2 6.8m 168 El Sub Sta SHEET LOCATION PLAN: NTS M 49 Depot 162 178 GORSE COVER ROAD Drain Kenmare A 403 Inglewood Drain El Sub Sta 130 HOLLOWAY ROAD 160 Seaward LITTLE GREEN LANE Kenmare 156 100 Abercorn Whitehouse Bungalow 180 Trincomalee M 49 A 403 190 196 PCs Tk 142 6010 Boulders Tk 101 ETL Sunset BEACH ROAD 212 El Sub Sta Track 103 198 114 105 Meadow View GORSE COVER ROAD 107 Libette Fairlawns The Poplars Wyndcliffe 214 Greenhays 154 Rosegrove Cloud 9 Clan-y-mor 46 Ashfield 109 116 O'Cadla Avondale 122 Failta Tara 6.4m 111 30 32 Melrose 5.9m ESS SHEET 1-3 28 230 26 47 Drain 24 20 22 TCB 18 6.1m Pond 124 34 Farthings Drain PO 48 LB 117 33 25 27 49 Breeze House Dyer's Common 38 The Willows 248 Dyer's Common 35 Santosa 23 50 1 40 132 250 1to4 PALMER AVENUE 37 6.3m 242 Promenade 238 21 The Paddock 51 6 42 Ashley 8 123 39 Court Drain 52 Sloping masonry 19 SHEET 1-2 RUSTIC PARK 125 44 5 RUSTIC PARK 12 53 4 COLLINS DRIVE 9 CHURCH ROAD 10 SALMON CLOSE 11 54 Drain SHEET 1-1 161 Riverview 144 2 9 Llamedos 155 14 Roenda 260 1 1 St Kilda Charwyn Oakview Ivydene Sundown Orchard Kimara 15 151 8 12 The Nook Old 16 2 Pond Crossing 14 Enfin 7 Cottage 20 149 165 PARK 24 Overdale Happy Halt 3 6.3m RUSTIC 28 26 Oregon 146 to 152 ESS 6 154 167 to 5 158 Sunnyside Flora Glen 4 SHEET 2-1 160 to 171 STATION ROAD Drain 168 Drain 5020 32 The Quadrilles 143 21 44 1 12 31 SM 2 29 46 to 68 Station 11 House 3 STATION ROAD 10 STRIDE CLOSE 4 9 ESS Severn Playground Marsh Faith House Beach 5 1 8 Romani 6 41 Station Station House 4 7 Posts 47 Playing Field Englishstones House Path (um) Drain 1 HavenHigh Riverside House The Haven 2 37 SHEET 2-2 5 Severn Beach FB 1 Hall 20 10 2 9 Path (um) 16b 16a RIVERSIDE PARK Ponds 11 TCB Drain 1 Whitehouse Farm 18 ESS 19 17 12 16 13 Whitehouse
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