S9008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE September 23, 2002 the entire country are far different made quick progress in the minors, Koufax (2.36) in the 1960s. In 1995, he be- from those favored not only by Senate earing a call up to the big leagues in came the first pitcher to log back to Democrats. I also not only speak for 1986 at age 20, becoming the youngest back seasons with an ERA under 1.80. Senate Democrats but I speak for Cub in the majors since 1967. He won His main pitches include a fastball in mainstream Nevadans and Americans. his first start on September 7 of that the mid-80s, a curve ball, slider and I have no doubt that Republicans will year with a complete game victory changeup. But whatever he throws, he continue to criticize and even mislead against the Cincinnati Reds, who were regards his favorite pitch as strike readers about our policies, and that is his favorite team as a youth. And later three. too bad. To come here today and to say that month he won his second game Teammate John Smoltz, also a Cy the problems of this country are the re- when he beat his brother Mike, himself Young winning pitcher says of Greg, sult of something that started a long a successful professional player who ‘‘Every pitch has a purpose. Sometimes time ago is ridiculous. I have no doubt pitched for 15 years in the major he knows what he’s going to throw two we must continue to address the prob- leagues. In fact, Mike pitched for 10 pitches ahead. I swear, he makes it lems that face this country, and we major league teams over 15 years. But look like guys are swinging foam bats must continue to address them focus- for his brother, Greg, he would be Las against him.’’ ing on more than Iraq. This country Vegas’s most famous major league And an opposing team’s scout re- has more ability to do that. pitcher. marks, ‘‘Maddux is so good, we all I am very disappointed that my You can imagine how proud the should be wearing tuxedos when he friend, the distinguished Senator from Maddux family must have been to see pitches.’’ New Mexico, would come here and cite these 2 brothers competing against Greg Maddux has been described as a Joseph Stiglitz as supporting the pol- each other as they had years earlier scientist who dissects opposing teams, icy of this country going back to the when they played whiffle ball games in an artist who paints the corners of last administration when, in fact, if the backyard, and the satisfaction home plate and a magician who can you read anything that Stiglitz writes, Gregg took in overcoming his big perform wonders with a baseball and he talks about the economy being bad brother. make a talented batter disappear. as a result of what happened with this Greg started playing catch with his Sports Illustrated hailed him as the administration’s economic policy. dad when he was just 2 years old and ‘‘best pitcher you’ll ever see.’’ f made enough progress that several When he takes the mound, he pre- years later he skipped tee ball and sents a clinic, masterfully working the TRIBUTE TO GREG MADDUX started playing peewee ball against plate and using his arsenal of pitches. Mr. REID. Mr. President, I rise today boys much older and bigger than him. With guile, cunning and a poker face, to pay tribute to an outstanding Ne- Although he was the smallest and he outsmarts opponents and keeps vadan, Greg Maddux. youngest kid on the team, Greg became them guessing. It has been said that he Greg Maddux is a baseball player. the starting pitcher and the best player can throw any pitch anywhere he That is a tremendous understatement. on the team, and his father—who wants on any count. As a result, bat- He is one of best pitchers in profes- coached the team—already saw signs ters are seldom able to hit the ball sol- sional baseball today and considered that Greg was destined to be a star. idly and are often off balance, resulting among the best to ever play the game. The Maddux family had a passion for in a harmless grounder or fly ball. Yesterday Greg won this 15th game of sports, and the children learned the Not only is Greg Maddux an out- the season for the 15th year in a row, key to success was effort. standing pitcher, but an all around tying a record set by Cy Young. ‘‘I think our household was like baseball player, as he can field, hit and For those who do not follow baseball every other American household,’’ says run the bases very well. He holds nu- or are not aware of the significance of Greg’s mother, Linda. ‘‘It was routine. merous records for putouts, assists and this accomplishment, let me explain They had school, homework, baseball double plays, and is considered one of that Cy Young was one of baseball’s practice, and chores around the the best-fielding pitchers of all time. first superstars. He pitched about a house.’’ He has won 12 consecutive Gold Glove hundred years ago, starting in 1890 and One of the values that David and Awards for his fielding and is likely on finishing his career in 1911. Cy Young Linda Maddux tried to instill in Greg his way to yet another. set many records that last to this day and his two siblings was a ‘‘good work As I said he works hard on his bat- and will likely never be broken. He be- ethic.’’ ting, normally not something pitchers came the standard by which all pitch- ‘‘Each one had his jobs around the are known for. In 1999, he hit 2 home ers who followed, even now about a house,’’ she says, ‘‘and they did them runs and averaged .264. century after him, are judged. In fact, without question.’’ Clearly, Greg Maddux is willing to the honor bestowed each year on the That hard work clearly has paid off give his all to help his team win best pitcher in each league is known as throughout Greg Maddux’s career, though he manages to keep his cool re- the Cy Young award. helping make him the winningest gardless of the circumstances. Greg Maddux became the first player pitcher of the 1990s. His calm demeanor and humility to ever win four consecutive Cy Young He is not physically imposing—he mask a fierce determination and com- awards with his dominant perform- stands less than 6 feet tall and weighs petitive spirit that have earned him ances in the early to mid 1990s. His lat- perhaps 175 pounds. He doesn’t over- the nickname ‘‘Mad Dog.’’ est achievement testifies to his contin- power but baffles batters with his pin- Greg has been one of the major rea- ued excellence, his endurance and con- point control and mastery. A maxim sons the Atlanta Braves have been able sistency and his continued hard work. normally applied to real estate could to win their division an unprecedented Greg was born on April 14, 1966, the also describe the keys to Greg 12 years in a row and again this year youngest of three children born to par- Maddux’s successful pitching: location, have the best record in the league. ents Dave and Linda Maddux. Dave was location, location. He wears number 31, but since joining in the Air Force so the family includ- He works efficiently, using economy the Braves as a free agent in 1993, he ing Greg’s brother Mike and sister of pitches. In yesterday’s record-set- has been the number 1 pitcher on a Terri moved around a lot but eventu- ting victory 61 of his 76 pitches were team that includes 2 other Cy Young ally settled in Las Vegas. strikes. And last year he averaged only winners, Smoltz and Glavine. At Valley High in Las Vegas, Greg 1 walk per 9 innings. Yet Greg is a modest man who Maddux earned All-State honors in As different as it is to draw a walk downplays his achievement. baseball his junior and senior years. He from him Greg is also stingy in giving ‘‘I never really thought about it,’’ was selected by the Chicago Cubs in up runs. Maddux said of the record he set yes- the second round of the free agent draft He concluded the 1990s with a 2.54 terday. ‘‘It feels good to be healthy while he was still in high school, and ERA over the decade, the third lowest enough to get it.’’ He praises his team- following his graduation in 1984, he ERA for any decade since 1910, behind mates for much of his success and cites joined their minor league system. He only Hoyt Wilhelm (2.16) and Sandy winning the World Series with the September 23, 2002 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S9009 Braves in 1995, not any individual I have not found a single person who who displaced him, we will have a bur- achievement, as his greatest and makes any excuses for Saddam Hus- den to bring some stability and secu- proudest moment in sports. sein. I will not. He is a man who cer- rity to that country. Is it not better for Watching Greg Maddux on the tainly distinguished himself—if that is us, in that circumstance, to have other mound, Braves pitching coach Leo the word—in the history of this world: Western civilized democratic nations Mazzone says he is well aware that he for his aggression, his militarism, his standing behind us, not only behind the is seeing a future Hall of Famer.
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