Int J Clin Exp Med 2018;11(9):10116-10120 www.ijcem.com /ISSN:1940-5901/IJCEM0072390 Case Report Breast metastasis from clear cell renal carcinoma: a case report and literature review Ketao Jin1, Ji Wang2, Chenyang Ye3, Hanchu Xiong2, Bojian Xie4, Wenmin Wang4, Jichun Zhou2, Jieqing Lv1, Binbin Cui4 1Department of Colorectal Surgery, Shaoxing People’s Hospital, Shaoxing Hospital of Zhejiang University, Shaox- ing, P. R. China; 2Department of Surgical Oncology, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang Uni- versity, Hangzhou, P. R. China; 3Department of Thoracic Surgery, The 2nd Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, P. R. China; 4Department of Surgical Oncology, Taizhou Hospital, Wenzhou Medical University, Linhai, P. R. China Received January 9, 2018; Accepted June 20, 2018; Epub September 15, 2018; Published September 30, 2018 Abstract: Breast metastasis from clear cell renal cell carcinoma is rare and usually correlates with poor prognosis. Thus far, only sporadic cases have been reported and no systematic standards for diagnosis and treatment have been reached. This present study not only reports a rare case of breast metastasis from renal malignancy but also reviews all related literature. A 56-year-old female with a history of clear cell renal cell carcinoma resection suffered from breast metastasis. She received lumpectomy and survived for 16 months after surgery. Improvements in prog- nosis, early detection, and surgical resection of metastatic lesions are necessary. Metastasis is prone to occur in the ipsilateral breast. Comprehensive consideration, including radiology, pathology, and individual medical history, is required for diagnosis. Keywords: Breast neoplasms, renal cell carcinoma, metastasis, case report Introduction (Figure 1). The maximum diameter of the tumor was 4.5 cm. According to TNM classification, Breast metastasis from extramammary malig- the tumor was T1bN1M0 and stage III. Three nant neoplasms is rare, accounting for approxi- months after surgery, the patient developed mately 0.3-2.7% of all breast tumors [1]. Extra- lung metastasis and was treated by everolimus mammary tumors mainly include hematological 10 mg q.d. After another 9 months, bone malignancies, lung cancer, and malignant mel- metastasis was identified and she was given anomas, whereas metastasis from the kidneys zoledronic acid. In September 2013, she is extremely rare. To the best of our knowledge, noticed a lump in her right breast. The lump there are no published studies discussing was located in the lower outer quadrant and breast metastasis from clear cell renal cell car- presented several mixed solid cystic masses cinoma (ccRCC). This study presents a rare with a lobulated shape (3.6 cm in maximal case of breast metastasis from renal cell can- diameter), according to breast ultrasound im- cer (RCC). Relevant studies on this topic were aging (Figure 2A) and hypervascularity Dopp- reviewed with an aim of shedding light on diag- ler imaging (Figure 2B). Mammogram images nostic features and potential therapy strategies revealed a mass without microcalcification for this rare event. (Figure 2C). Image examination detected no Case report signs of enlarge lymphnodes. The patient then received a lumpectomy. Histological examina- A 56-year-old woman received a right radical tion confirmed a metastasis of renal clear cell nephrectomy followed by interferon therapy, in carcinoma (Figure 3A), Fuhrman grade 2, with 2012, with pathologically confirmed conven- positive immunostaining for CK and vimentin tional clear cell carcinoma Fuhrman Grade 3 (Figure 3B, 3C), but negative staining for CD10, Breast metastasis from clear cell renal carcinoma To find common characteristics of breast metastasis from ccRCC, this study used key- words such as “clear cell” OR “renal”, “breast”, and “metasta*”, finding 8 related cases [4-11] in English with full text available. Their features are summarized in Table 1. Most patients were over 60 years old, except one young woman of 44. Two cases were diag- nosed with both primary renal cancer and breast metastasis at the same time, while six of the eight cases took more than 3 years from primary diagnosis to breast metastasis. There Figure 1. Histological examination showed clear are two possible reasons to explain this: (1) cell renalcell carcinoma (Original magnification H&E Slow development of the disease or (2) Late stain, ×100). discovery of the breast mass. The present case is the second youngest patient reported with an onset age of 56. It only took 19 months to CK7, and GCDFP-15. After an overall survival of diagnose breast metastasis. 36 months, the patient died in the beginning of 2015. Seven of nine cases (six cases in Table 1 and one case we presented) had an ipsilateral Discussion metastasis in the breast with renal lesions while only one patient happened to form a Frequency of tumor metastasis to breasts from contralateral metastasis. Another patient with extramammary lesions is very low and usually contralateral metastasis had a history of ipsi- indicates a poor prognosis. One study of breast lateral mastectomy for breast cancer. This was metastasis from non-breast solid neoplasms hard to classify [11]. These significant prefer- reported a median survival time since diagno- ences indicated that more attention should be sis of breast metastasis of 10 months [2]. The paid to ipsilateral metastasis. prognosis of patients not receiving surgery was poorer than those with surgery (P < 0.001) [2]. Screening by radiological examination is a nec- Therefore, timely and effective diagnosis of essary method for discovery and differentiation breast lesions is critical. Breast malignancies of the breast lesions. Surov et al. [3] discussed should be differentiated according to the fol- features of radiological appearance in patients lowing possibilities. First, if the patient has a with breast metastases from non-mammary previous medical history of extramammary malignancies. 1) In mammography, the most malignancies, the breast lesion could be either common pattern of metastasis is a round oval a metastasis or a new primary breast tumor mass with well circumscribed margins, while called double/multiple primary cancers. It is 10% have microcalcifications; 2) Ultrasound also possible for concurrence of both situations images are frequently characterized by hypoe- mentioned above. An example of tumor-to- choic, round or oval shape, and microlobulated tumor metastasis, a patient that initially under- or circumscribed margins, with posterior acous- went nephrectomy for ccRCC happened to tic enhancement. Hypervascularity appearing receive modified radical mastectomy for inva- in Doppler imaging accounts for 39% of breast sive ductal carcinoma 3 years later. Histological metastasis; 3) Regarding magnetic resonance examination of the breast lesion, however, not imaging, most lesions exhibit homogenous only revealed a breast cell malignancy but also contrast enhancement with 18% of type 1, 52% a small focus of metastatic clear cells [4]. of type 2, and 30% of type 3 kinetic curve. Second, if the patient has no known cancer- The cases listed for this study were in ac- related history, a primary breast malignancy cordance with these characteristics. However, should be initially considered. The possibility of their appearances did not seem specific com- simultaneous discovery of breast metastasis pared to primary breast cancer. Biopsy is a and primary cancer also needs to be consid- sensitive and specific approach for identifying ered when it comes to suspicious features [5]. metastases to the breasts. It helps to prevent 10117 Int J Clin Exp Med 2018;11(9):10116-10120 Breast metastasis from clear cell renal carcinoma Figure 2. A. Ultrasonography showed hypoechoic, lobulated mass in the right breast. B. Color Doppler sonogram showed intralesional vascularization. C. Craniocaudal mammogram presented a large mass without microcalcifica- tion in the lower-outer quadrant. Figure 3. A. Histological examination showed metastatic cells with clear cytoplasm separated by a prominent vas- cular network in breast. (Original magnification H&E stain, ×100). B, C. Immunohistochemistry of metastatic cells showed CK (+), and Vimentin (+), respectively. (Original magnification H&E stain, ×100). unnecessarily over-enlarged surgery due to encased by typical IDC [4]. Immunostaining was misdiagnosis of primary breast cancer. In nine shown positive for CD10 and vimentin in the cases, five patients were diagnosed suc- focus of clear cell, while the surrounding IDC cessfully by biopsy including core biopsy or was negative for both markers and positive fine-needle aspiration cytology (FNAC). One for Her2/neu. Additionally, co-expression of CK failed because of insufficient tissue. There and vimentin helps to detect a focus of clear have been several controversies regarding the cell RCC [15]. In contrast to these positive accuracy of FNAC, not only concerning inade- markers, estrogen receptors GCDFP-15 and quate tissue but also the limitation of cytomor- CK7 are rarely expressed in ccRCC. Although phology and lack of histology [7]. Thus, needle- immunostaining facilitates to differentiate diag- core biopsies have been widely used. Biopsies nosis, a comprehensive decision should be combined with immunological technology will noticed because most markers do not have a enhance accuracy [12]. specificity of 100%. For immunohistochemistry examinations, met- Eight of nine patients underwent surgery treat-
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