ROME-Archbishop Jbhu F, Dearden or Detroit, Invitations \ 'Presidcint of the . National Conference' or C a t h o I I c Bishops, announced heri, mailed for .(~cpl. 28) that the bishops ) the United States have •fapproved the introduction Reception ..-Jar the vernacular Canon of , the Mass on October 22. More than 2,000 1pecl1I lnvil•• Ilona hll't bten malled to mtm• Archbishop Dearden Is btrs ol the Ameriun Hierarchy, Rome !or the world ""od clerey, Rell1lou1 and laity for Bishops. the lorthcomln& l::ttltslutk1I Text ol the En1llsh Canon w11 Reception !or Coadjutor Arc1"' almo,t unanimously approvtd bishop G: or:e J. Dlskup. The 4 by the American bishops 111I reremonle, will be held In SS. ~u.ne and will be lnlrod~~rl Peter and Paul Calhtdnl al 4 ,Into the M111 with the consent p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 10. of the Holy Sec on I temporary The uecullve committee of VOL, VIII, NO. 1 INDIANAPOLIS, INDIANA, SIPTIMIIR 2t, 1M7 buis, 11 the sot, permitted the Reception also announced --.-, ---. ------------------- tut. this week that the mnl ,.,111 be. THREE CARDINALS In making the 1nnouncement,L optn ,lo the cenenl public. Archbishop Dearden explained ~ -r Archbishop Biskup will con• that no new bookl or mlsula of celeb:1te I Pontifical Mm 11 ~ny kind will be nttded to put 1h11 time ,..Ith Archbishop \h, eh1nge Into elfect. Altar NameCl to liead body ml111I Inserts containing the Srhultt, Mscr. Cornelius B. Sweent)', V,G., P.A., Bishop Leo . new text will be distributed for A. Pursley ol Fort Wayne-South the use ol priests throughout Bend, Bishop Andrew 0rulka of the counlr)' bclore October 22. Gary, Bishop Paul Leibold of Later, three or· four 1lltrn1le E1·1nsvillt, and Bishop Raymond Oll eCOilOIIliC affairs J. G1ll1gher of Lafayette. , texts will probably be Intro, &ured. A IANQUl!T for members of ly MSGR, J , P. DONNILLY the entire Church for their ,olu- for the previous year and • } the lllenrch)', clern, Rellelous tlon throu1h the Latin American bud1ct for the following yeJr to THE APPROVED translation MARKS 71TH BIRTHDAY-Pope Paul VI observed hl1 70th birthday on Tuesday,_Sept, U . The and Invited lilly "'ill follow the VATICAN CITY - Pope Blshop1' Counell, (CELA~~). present !or the Pope's approval Is the work of the fotern1tlon1l Pontllf. h still recuperating from tho lllntu ti\~! •!ruck him thr11 w1tk1 •11•: His phy1lcl1n1 Ecclesl11tlc1I Reception 11 the Paul VI has named a com- In hi• new JH5'I he replaces -coordlnatlna •1.1 Investment, Committee on English In the report that "conclusl••" ••ray eumln1llon1 glnn urller tliTs w11k lndlcat, that tho Pope Is Sloulfer Inn. mission of three cardinals Cardinal Carlo Confalonlcrl who and Important undertaklnas of Uturgy, set up three years ago mtkln1 notable progr111 under 1ntlblotlc therapy and that "lmmtdlate surgery" Is not lndl• Pro1·l1lons are beln& made to to head the Holy See's new- remains prefect of the Congrc, the Holy See and overseeing by 10 Engll1h-l1n'gu1ge hler, catid. Ho plans to Ilk• part In the opening of the Bishops' synod today, 1110"' twe mm·ed seat, In the ly established prefecture or 1atlon for Bishops <former Con• th archles. 11 Is the result of ..,o , Cathedral for lilly from every economic affairs. · slstorlal Con1re1at1on). · em, operation among theological, F d P. h t • d parish In the Archdiocese. Oen• h I l ISTAl[ISHMINT of • pre• · • E11mlnln1 and If necu, liturgical and literary experts O enl 1dm\11lon sull,wlll at,o be Presld~nl of I e comm u on, f•cture 'of •conomlc alfalrs wu~ ovcrseelnc ecnenl and de• • irst syno •sri'P \., · oig1st• n·ame• 1v1111ble. which will come Into being as • • and has rcce 11 ·cd 1pprova 1 from of January I, II the former 1ub, announced lut Auiuil In 1 11 led bulldlne • nd rep~lr proj, nine ronlcrencrs of bishops. The program of 1pe1ken 1I 1tllute secretary for ordinary documerit ···~•tlna lone ex, eels._ of b1· shops b l 8 . WIS s . the Stoulfer's banquet will In• •flairs lo the Papal Secretariat peeled reform of the Roman to sust~ln Al the same time II an, ·1 th r OCla ·e·rv1~es elude: muter of crremonles- of State Cardinal ,. A n e Io Curia, e central or1anlutlon • lmposlne • lax I th t th II OI s h d Msgr. Raymond T. Boaler; repre, Dell'Acq~a. The other two 111l1Un1 the Pope In the aov• the ~postollc Ste's 1dmlnlstra• nou~cei , a e l' cc a enflnc .the l11ty-Thom11 Mur, membtrs are Penn1yll'lnl1,bQrn ernment of the u n I v er • • I lion co1l1. conhrmcd lhe u.s.• bishops' t d phy, representing the Slaters- Cardinal Francis Brennan, for• Church. 8'llon In approving English opens O ay The appointment of a lull,tlme ., )I0 th •1 Philip r-lb o s B, d f h s d R • Checking on and reportln1 translations ol all the ordin•• . rllnic1I psvchologlll for the ·• er • •ry ;,,o • • • ·• mer ean ° I e acre oman The apostolic constitution, to the Pope concernln11 all proJ• lion scn·kes and the rite for ' representing the priests-Very Rota, ,hlah church court, and Realmlnl Ecclulae Unlversu, , ad . By ROIIRT A. GRAHAM, S.J, Catholic Social Services agency Re1·. Francis Tllohy;'repreaenl• Cardinal Maximilien de Fur• spelled out that the prefecture ec s lnvolvlna extraordinary • the ronstc~•llon of bishops. The VATICAN CITY-Up lo a few was annou~ced this week b>• Fa- ine the City of lndl1napolls- 11tnber1, former apostolic nun, "coordinates all administrations mlnlilratlon. full text will ~e printed •nd dis• days bclore the deadline Vall- thcr Donald L. Schmidlin, Mayor John· Barton{· , repJtstnt, do to Portu1al. of the Holy Ste', IOOd and Aside from the thrae-eardlnal ~ut~do •~ ~he bishop, by lbe can wo...,mcn w•rc still busUy agency director, In, lhe Stale• of ndlana-Lt. ' watches over them." Until now commission, the pre.lecture will O c O tr. ' " ' Gov. Robt~I Rock; Archbishop On the same day (Sept. ZI) there have been four aeparate eventually have secreliry, an putting final touches on the Named was Robert II. Riegel, I ht Schulle·0 'and response from Cardinal Antonio Samore, until 1 1 d I hi 1 Ith I LI p } a•sembly h1IL.whcrc,-beglMln11-.-natlvc- of- St:-blulrwhirtra•- _,...._,.. Archblsb~ BlskUR re~,t.qtly secretar)l.ufoc,.._ei1t1~ rJan Ill ona on& .!_ w aero ntant ien3ra ,JJ]! I J.. ., ~tora· today, nearly 200 bishop, art• doctoral candidate In psycho!• --...:.:=-=-=~-== ''-'-- ordinary church affaln, WIS ala nc compelencta. • r";oun~•~ls,...an 1 body of,eler, a.:, gathering !or the historic. lint ogy at the Catholic Unll'cnll>' MIANWHILI, It wu an, named president of the Ponllfl• The constitution lists the pre• ca an •Y consu 11on. synod ol Bishops. of America. lie ohtalned a . nounce~ that lloly Cr011 parish cal Commlulon for Latin Amer• lectures' dutlea u : As with most blah curial posts • d 1traduate degrrc from George In lndl1n1poll1 ..... preparlna lo lea. henceforth, the three cardinals Issue on The arrhltects hll'C done lhrir Washington· University In Wash, receive the new Archbishop 11 • Aud1lln1 bud1els, of admln, have bten appointed ·for five, best with what they wrrc given, parish administrator -, Unlll nuw Cardinal Samore lstratlon1 which "depend on the I hi h b but the hall Is already being lngton, D.C. · nu been vlce,prtaldent of the Holy See 11ven thou1h they are year d e~m• w • 11m•r. " re• d ' - 1· •eollcd b)' com mcntalou thr Riegel was lormeri)' lm·olved The services of two Sisters of 11me commlulon, tslabUshed to a certain extent or even fully n~:-:i• th ~I ca y cease "Church ol the Catacombs." with pcuonnrl administration at ~~•or~bO stu y p an •Pro1•ldence - Sister Catherine by Plus XII In 1958 for a unified autonomous." w e ea e pope. 1 1 1 d Clare and Sister Mary Kevin- study of Latin American rell• , In lntroduclna the curia re• The decor els anything but Johns llopk ns Un,i·ers I)' on have bt,en secured for the houte• 1lou1 problems and to promote • Preparln1 1ener~I accounl• form document the preu, An hlstorlr Joint pastoral let• 1rlum11halistlc. Instead ol the dfd field work ~nd internship In 10 1 hold staff of Archbishop Biskup. ,coll1bonted elfort1 on part of ,ng of receipt, and expendlturts ~bar. Giovanni Pinna who was tcr lrom the Archbishops ol In• ~~g;~i:."dPef~~~OA~~~• s!-':;:,\~~~ ~l~~~~a~nd ~~: ~~~!1\~nU ni~~:: ....:...:m:i.lill. ,., ,.;;, • < __.:.i;it....,__.._,.:,... ;&.1--....:::.=iw:.:::i.-..t, secretary of the commission ,llan•polls and Louls1·1Uc and , slly's Child Center. which drew II -up, compared 1hr the Bishop 01 Evansl'illc will be 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111: MR. RIIGIL prefeeture to the posl of auditor read at 111 Masses In the three A strengthened marria~c and ,. aeneral and budaet mi'l!!tJcr In dioceses this Sunday, The letter Editor.Ill, P1g1 4 lamll)' counseling pro~ram will ltlcgel will also provide psy, 1ome 1overnment 1truclur'es, will outline plans lor the upcom, 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 result lrom Rlcgel's appoint• chological e\'3luatlon' and test• 1 mg study, " Altcrn1t11·cs In , ment, accordlnR to Father Ing ol cl\lldren In the agenc>•'s ALL FOUR cardinals named Catholic Educallon."' will rind· themsrll'rs In a base• Schmidlin. In addition to coun, raseload, lncludinG children to to the new posts became mem• ment or the \'atlcan Palace for, scllng · rouplcs and whole f~m • he 11larcd In foster homes, The bers of the college of cardinals The putoral letter by 1hr mcrly used !or .;taring unusable Illes, the agency will oiler J ndl, cunsultatlon work with the durlna the consistory held hera three ordinaries lj, the first to ort uhJccu-ln , hart.
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