U. & NAVAL BASE. fflANTANAMO BAY, CUJA YEARS LATER. 0IM tt. .there are lots more of us now. OIaZtLt Phone 9-5247 We're bursting I at the seams! 0 .204,765,0 WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS) ---- The second place in population. Census Bureau has released fi- The new apportionment of nal figures on the 1970 cen- House seats will be effective sus. with the 93rd Congress, which They show that the total convenes in January 1973. The Lineup population of the United WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS) ---- Here The figure includes U.S. io the ranking of the states by States, as of April 1, was population beed on the 1970 servicemen stationed abroad eensu figures and the 1960 204,765,000. ranking for comparison, and federal employes overseas. 19'O 1960 As a result of the census, California Ne York California, which had a larger More *than three-fourths of New York California Penesylvania Pennsylvania population increase than any the U.S. growth between 1960 T1111e Olinoli. TIexs Ohio other state, will gain five and 1970 occurred in metropol- Ohio Tonxs Michigan Michigan seats in the House of Repre- itan areas, with suburban New Jersey Nw Jersey Florida Massachuette sentatives. New York will rings showing the fastest Massahuetts Florid, Indian Indiana lose two seats, dropping to gains, the bureau said. North Caro- North Caro- lin. ine Mis.suri Misesri Virginia Virginia Georgia Wisconsin Wisconsin Georgia Maryland Minnesota Minnesota Alabaa *Cambodian Forces Louisiana Loisiana Weakening Alabma Maryland Ws'hington Kentucky PHNOM PENH, Ontueky Cambodia (AP/ solated government units, es- Wasbington AFRTS)--Enemy Connecticut Iowa troops leapfrog- pecially just west of Kompong Sowa Connecticut ged South South government strongpoints Cham on Highway 7 near the Carolina Carolina yesterday Oklahoma Oklahoma to complete destruc- district capital of Prey To- K .asa ansas- tion of the northern Missiesippi Missiesippi front as tung, 50 miles north of Phnom Colorado West Vire a coherent Cambodian glni defense Penh. Oregon Arkansas perimeter after a Arkansas Oregon three-week- The Cambodian Command said Arizona Colorado old offensive that has isolat- government West Virgini Nebraska troops pushing out Nebraska Ariona ed about 30,000 government of the surrounded Utab Maino town were New Mexico New Mexico soldiers as far as 50 miles attacked savagely by a major Maine Utah Rhode Island Rhode Island away from the capital. Communist-led force. After Haai Ditrict of Colombia While an enemy force of un- eight hours of Gheetie fight- District of Soth Colombia Dakota known size was on the eastern ing, field commanders reported New Hapshire Montana side of Idaho Idaho the flood-swollen Ton- at least 40 of their men Montana Hawaii le Sap S0uth Dahota North Dakota River, other units were wounded, including an officer. North N0Hap- reported Dakota hire already across the A spokesman said it was assum- Delaware Delaware channel in Nevada Vernont a position tb ed the Cambodians also lost Veront Wyoming strike at government Wyoming Nevada defenders many dead, but reports were Alaeka Alaek north of Phnom Penh. lagging far behind the action. Enemy soldiers also were Enemy casualties also were putting heavy pressure on i- (Please see CAMBODIA, Page 5) Page 2 Guantanamo Gazette Tuesday, December 1, 1970 Accused Group May Sue Hoover News Gazetteer WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--An antiwar group, accused by FBI Chief J. Edgar Hoover of plot- ting to disrupt capital utility lines and kidnap a high federal official, denied both charges yesterday and said a law suit is being considered. In a news conference, The most complex, expensive space satellite ever Roman Catholic priests, nuns and laymen built failed to reach orbit last night after of the East Coast Conspiracy to Save Lives continually being launched from Cape Kennedy. A spokesman stressed the group's nonviolent for the National Aeronautics and Space Admin- character and said Hoover was at- istration blames failure of the $98.5 million, tempting to set the stage for repression of all leftist project on a malfunction of the protective groups. nose cone. Dominican Sister Susan Cordes, said the group would welcome an official investigation which, Israel claims Arab guerrillas in Lebanon, have she hoped, "would uncover what is happening launched a shelling attack on the Israeli town in this country." of Metulla in Upper Galilee. According to the Israelis, the town has suffered no casualties Divorce Italian or damage and the fire is being returned. Style? 4 Meanwhile, Israeli observers in the occupied ROME (AP/AFRTS)--Opponents of a newly passed Golan Heights of Syria report hearing shell bill legalizing divorce in Italy say they will explosions and automatic weapons fire in seek a referendum to have the measure repealed. Northern Jordan. The divorce law was approved in the Italian Parliament early today despite the vigorous [he Department of Interior has urged developers of objections of Pope Paul and the ruling Chris- the supersonic transport plane to heed warnings tian Democratic Party. It now awaits the that the SST could seriously alter the world's signature of President Saragat. weather. A report just released by the de- Approval of the divorce bill was won in the partment questions whether water vapor from Italian Chamber of Deputies by a coalition of the plane's exhausts could change climatic Socialists, Communists and Conservative Lib- conditions in polar regions and eventually erals. around the globe. The only group that joined Italy's Christian Democrats and Roman Catholics in Investigators are checking to see whether a, design opposing the measure was the nation's small Neo-Fascist problem uncovered a month ago in DC-8 jet- Party. liners had anything to do with Friday's fatal crash of a DC-B in Anchorage, Alaska. Accord- ing to the National Transportation Safety Thieves Suffer Blowout ( Board, their findings indicate a problem that WELLSBURG, West Virginia (AP/AFRTS)--Thieves could hinder the planes during takeoff. who stole a 3,000 pound safe from a supermar- President Nixon has ordered a full-scale probe. into ket here are still wondering where they went last week's denial of political sanctuary to a wrong. Lithuanian sailor attempting to defect from a Everything was going as planned until the Soviet fishing boat. A White House spokesman robbers got about 14 blocks from the store. says preliminary reports indicate "the situa- Then both rear tires on their truck blew out, tion was very poorly handled." the back gate opened and the safe slid into Temperatures Around U.S. Cities a creek. New York 36 Baltimore 38 Guantanamo Gazette Jacksonville 46 C oNavBase RAdn. B. NcCauley New Orleans 58 Forecast: Public Affairs Officer .Lcdr. W. Boer, II Houston Editorial Advior JOC Jim Teague 60 Mostly clear except partly Editor Jol Jock Lf?% Staff 703 All- e.Sih Carlsbad, N. Mex. 51 cloudy during the afternoon. J03 Tom Betz Phoenix JOBN Steve Duran 41 Surface winds will be N 3-5 The GUASTANAliO GAZETTE is published according to Los Angeles the rules and regulations for ship and station news 51 knots except changing to ENE papers asoutlined in NAVE0S P-35 and under the Atlanta direction of the Naval Base Public affairss officer. 52 6-10 with gusts to 18 between It is printed four days a week at governnt expense Norfolk on government equipment. The opinions or statements 46 noon and sunset. The high inonews ites that appear herin are not to he con- Boston 38 strced as official or as reflecting the views of today will be 83 and the low Comhaviase or the epartent of the Navy. St. Louis 48 tonight a chilly 71 degrees. Denver 40 Tuesday,December 1, 1970 Guantanamo Gazette Page 3 Rail Unions Change Strike Date Volpe's New RAILPAX Will It Save Rails WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--Secretary of Transportation John A. Volpe yesterday proposed 14 cities for ser- vice from the new quasi-government corporation set up to rescue failing rail passenger lines. The cit- ies included form a national network but exclude from mandatory service such major metropolitan areas as Denver, Minneapolis, Atlanta and Phoenix. "We have made what I think are rational reductions in the existing and unintegrated passenger train .ervice,"Volpe said. "But we Nixon May Resort to Jawboning ave done this with the view WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--The Nixon administration was reported toward organizing it into a ready to resort to jawboning in an effort to talk down infla- cohesive system and making it tion. Jawboning is the use of persuasion and publicity-but a financial success." not government penalties-to deter management and labor from The cities recommended would making inflationary wage settlements and price boosts. Presi- be served by the National Rail- dent Nixon's Council of Eco- road Passenger Corporation, nomic Advisers is reluctantly commonly called RAILPAX. It adopting the jawbone technique, President Signs will assume management May 1, officials reported, in the 1971 of medium and long dis- second of its inflation alerts. 1970 Form Bill tance passenger runs unwanted Though the council has ar- by the nation's railroads. gued for two years the govern- WASHINGTON (AP/AFRTS)--Presi- Carl L. Lyon, acting chief ment-imposed wage-price poli- dent Nixon signed the 1970 of the Federal Railroad Admin- cies-called "incomes policies" Farm Bill yesterday and said istration, said the new cor- in Europe-do not work, the it will help farmers to shift poration will improve services White House has acknowledged production according to market but reduce the number of that the new alert would be needs and lead to broader mar- trains. tougher and more specifically kets for farm products at home Meanwhile, four railroad critical of recent price and and overseas.
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