/•"'7 J ^5* GENERAL INDEX THIRTY ANNUAL REPORTS ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIET > OF ONTARIO 1870-1899. Prepaked By REV, C. J. S. BETHUNE, D.C.L., Editor of The Canadian Entomo/o;/i.s(. (PUBLISHED BY ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE. TORONTO: Printed and Pltblished by L. K. Camehon. Printer to the Queen's Most Excellent Majesty. 1900. WARWICK BRO'S & RUTTER, Printers. TORONTO. PREFACE. The following general Index to the thirty annual Reports of the Entomological Society of Ontario, on noxious, bene6cial and other insects, has been prepared by direction of the Hon the Minister of Agriculture for Ontario. It has been thought advisable to include all references to birds, well as to plants, etc., as insects, in one index and thus save the trouble of turning from one part to another. For the same reason also, insects are referred to under their specific as well as generic names, and changes of nomenclature are given as far as possible. Superseded names are placed in brackets, e.g., abdominalis, Bracliynemurus (Myrmeleon), denotes that the species is mentioned under the genus Myrmeleon, but is now included in Brachynemurus. of the earlier volumes, i, ii, iii, Some namely, viii and x, were published in the reports of the Department of Agriculture with the numbers of their pages following those of the lar<^er volume they were also issued separately with an ; independent pagination. All the references to these volumes have been given with the numbers referring to the larger volume in brackets e.n Abbotii, Thyreus, iii : 13 the number of the (380) ; volume being in Roman numerals In deciding questions of nomenclature the following authorities have, for the most part been followed : Prof. Smith's List of Lepidoptera J. 3- of Boreal America, 1891, and Insects of New Jersey, 1899 ; Henshaw's List of Ooleoi)tera, with Supplements ; Scudder's Revision of the Melanopli ; and Bank's Bibliography of American Economic Entomology. of the earlier reports were As many not numbered, but distinguished only by their dates a list is given of the volumes and the years to which they belong. Volume I 1870 Volume XVI 1885 '* II 1871 XVII Ig86 III 1872 " XVIII 1887 " IV 1873 . XIX 1888 " V 1874 XX 1889 " " VI 1875 XXI 1890 " " VII 1876 XXII 1891 " " Vll[ 1877 XXIII 1892 " IX 1878 XXIV Ib93 " X 1879 XXV 1894 " XI 1880 XXVI 1895 " XII 1881 " XXVII 1896 " XIII 1882 " XXVIIl 1897 " " XIV 1883 XXIX 1898 " XV 1884 XXX 1899 [3] GRNBRAL INDEX. AbV)()tii, Lophyrus, xiv : 57 ; xv : 71. Acorn moth, xx : 65. Thyreus, iii : 13 ; xi : 42 Weevil, xi : 55 ; xiv : 51 ; xx : 05. (380) 10? ; xii : 53 ; xix : 24. acriea, Leucarctia, xxvii : 100 ; xxix : 33. Abbot, John, the Aurelian, xix : 48, 50. Acrididie (Locusts), xviii : 65. abbreviatus, CJryllus. xx\iii : 42. Actidium .Americanum = Schist()cerca Ameri- abdominalis, Biachyneinums (Myrmeleon), cana, xxii : 47. 3ti XV : ; xvii : 20 ; xxii : 22. f rontal'8 = Hesperotettix speciosus, Abia caprifolia, xv : G6. xxii : 70. cerasi, xv : 60. Acrobasis juglandis = Mineola juglandis, v:49. Kennicottii, xv:6f); xxiii :20; xxvii :15. Acronycta (A pa tela) Americana, iii : 41 (408); Abies balsaniea (Balsam), xxvi : 21. XV : 39 ; xvii : ^7 ; xx : 49. Canadensis (Hemlock), xxvi : 21. funerilis, xxii : 22. excelsa, xxiv : 73. hasta, xxvi : 40. nigra (Black spruce), xi : 35 ; xxvi : 21. lepusculina, xiv : 24. abietis, Chennes, xxx : (iO, 90. oblinita, iii : 23 (390) ; xx : 49. Lophyrus, xv : 71. psi = .A. occidentalis, i : 61 (126) ; A bit of History, xxix : 01. ii : 26 (366). Abraxas gro-ssulariata, xii : 83. svecies taken at Toronto, xxix :49. Abraxis ribearia = Eufitchia ribearia, ii : 34 Verillii = A. impressa. iv : 12. (374) ; v : 18 ; vi : 33. Actpea alba (White baneberry), xix : 76. Abutilon, insect affecting, xvii : 38. Actias luna, vi : 43 ; vii : 35 ; xiii : 28 ; xxi'iS; Acacia latifolia, xxiv : 80. xxvi : 30. acadica, Thecla, xxv : 5, 35 ; xxvii : 108. aculiferus, Leptostylus, xiv : 48. Acanthia lectularia, xvii : 35. Adalia (Coccinella) bipunctata, viii : 36 (347); Acanthoderes decipiens, x-xii : 80. ix : 44. quadiigibl)us, xiv:48 ; xxvii :74. ada])aloides Pyiausta (Botis), xxv : 26. Acer dasycarpum (Silver maple), iii : 37 (404), Address of the President, annual, ii : 5 (345); iii : iv : : : 41 (408)* xiv :20; xvii : 27. 4 (371) ; 3 ; v 6 ; vi 5 ; rubrum (Swamp maple), iii : vii : 6 ; viii : 4 ; ix : 4 ; : 37 (404) ; (315) x 4 xii 11 ; XI v :12 ; xvi:17 ; xxiv :39. (334) ; xi : 5 ; xii : 5 ; xiii : 7 ; xiv : saccharinum(Su2ar maple), iii :36(403); 8 ; XV : 15 ; xvi : 4 ; xvii : 6 ; xviii: xvi : 10 ; xviii : 25 ; xxvi : 21. ; xix . 3 ; XX : 2 ; xxi : 4 ; xxii:ll; : xxiii : : ; x.xvii: spicatum (Spiked maple), xvii 27 ; 7 ; xxiv 17 ; xxv 9 ; xxiii : 20. 22 ; xxviii : 14 ; xxix : 17 ; xxx :2l. Acerates viridiflora (G!reen milk-weed), Adelocera, sp., x : 84 (414). xxii : 18. Adelonycteris fu.scus (The brown bat), xxvii: acericorticis, Lecanium, ix : 14 ; xvii : 33. 18. aceriella, Catastega = Semasia signatana, xvii: Adimonia (Galeruca) rufosanguinea, xiii : 59; 28 ; xxiv :7. 10, 42 ; xxv : 46. xxix : 101. Lithocolletis, xvii : 28. adonidis, Entonioscelis, xxii : 17, 22. acerifoliellH, Incurvaria (Ornix) iii :42(409); adonidum, Dartylopius (Coccus), xiii : 81 : : xvi : 10 ; xvii : 55 ; xxiv : 10 xvii ;^8. 27, ; xxvii : 69. Adoxus vitis, xiii : 56. aceri.s. Aphis, xvii : 33. advena, Silvanus. vii : 23. : = xii : Cecidomyia, xvii 29. ^•Egeria acerni Sepia acerni, 11, 20 ; xiv: acerni, Sesia (/Egeria), xii : 11, 20 ; xiv : 12; 12; xvii : 24. xvii : 24. cucurbiti\; = Melittiaceto, ii : 89 (429); achatinali>^. Bomolocha (Hypena), xix : 20. xxii : 55, iii : : = exitio.sa, iii: achemon, Pliilampelus, 11 (.378) ; x 73 exitiosa Sannina 44 (403) ; xii :00 ; XV :37; xix : 26. Achillea millefolium (Yarrow), xiv : 32. tipuliformis = Pesiatipuliformis, ii :40 (4()H) Achroiagrisella, xx : 72. (380) : X : 70 ; xviii : 54. Acm.-eops pratensis, xiv : 36. tricincta = Sciai>teron tricincta, xv:24; Acoptus suturalis, xiv : 50 ; xxvii : 75. xxii : 82. Acorduiecera dorswlis, xv : GO. .L-Egyptiacum, Icerya, xxiv : 82. 5] ;: : GENERAL INDEX = : seneogaster. Anthaxia, xxv : 47. Agrotis inermis Peridronia saucia, x 41 fequale, Spharagumon, xxiii : 77. (371). sequalis, Donacia, xiii : f 4. jaculifera=reltia jaculifera, x : 41 Priophorus, xx : 44. (371). = Carneades : perea, Plusia, xxi : 5S. messoria messoria, x seripeiinis, Oorymbites, x : 83 (413). 42 (372). feroides, Plusia, xxi : 58. ochrogaster = Carneades ochrogaster, serosa, Brachys, xxvii : 71. xxii ; 9, 13, 17 ; xxiv : 9 ; xxvii feruginosa, Brachys, xxvii : 71. 64. = heros, xiii: 31 prasina, xxviii : 65. Aeschna heros Epi0eschna ; = : xxiv : 56. y scandens Carneades scandens, x 43 : : 3'). ^'Eschnina, xxiv : 66. (373) ; xix 8 ; xx saucia = jethiops, Formica, xi : 79. Peridroma saucia, xx; 35. Pompilus, xvi : 49. subgothica = Feitia subgothica, x : 40 affine, Xest 'bmin, xvii : 31. (••570) ; XX : 35 : : telifera = ypsilon, affinis, Leucospis, xvii 52 ; xxi 71. A. x: 40(370): JM elanoplus, xxvi : 64. xviii : 57 ; xxi : 50. tessellata = : Phytomyza, xxiv : 67. Carneades tessellata, x Pi osopis xxv : 48. 39 (369). turris = Trichius, xvi : 47. Carneades ochrogaster, xxii: Agalena najvia, x : 50 (380). 9, 17. Agapostemon tricolor, xvi : 53. ypsilon (telifera), x : 40 (370) ; xviii : Agaricus campestris (Mushroom), xii : 23. 57 : xxi : 50. ulmarius (Elm fmigus), xxv : 107. Ajax (Marcellus), Papilio, x: 21 (351) ; xi : Agelaius phoeniccns (Red-winged blackbird), 10 ;xv :12, 29 ; xxv: 39 ; xxvii : l<i9 xxii : 25 ; xxvi : 59. 79, 105, ; xxx : 101. agile, Orchelimum, xviii : 64. Alaria flnrida. xxix: 50. Aglossa cuprealis, xxx : 100. Alaskanus, Melanoplus, xxvi : 64. agrestis, Criocephalus, xiv : 53. Alaus gorgopsC?), xii : 10, 28. Agricultural Education in Ontario, facilities myoi'S, X : 82 (412). for, xxvi : 14. ocula^us, X : 82 (412) ; xii : 21 ; xvii ; Agriculture : C. C. James, xxix : 108. 32 ; xxii : 81. Methods of subduing insects in- alba, Hypochlora, xxvi : 62. jurious to : Leconte, vi : 17. albicans, Mermis, vii : 49. Report of U. S. Commissioner, albida, Macrobasis, vii : 25. xiv : 77. albicornis, Urocerus, xxiv : 49. The new, xxvi : 7. Xiphydi-ia, xiv : 17, 40 ; xvii : 23; : Agrilus bilineatus, ix : 54 ; xv : 31 ; xxvii : xxiv 49. : albifrons. Edema (Notodonta), xiv : 16 71 ; xxx 100. ; egenus, xiv : 36, 45; xv ; 31. xvii : 25 fulgens, XV : 31. albilinea, Leucania, xxvii : 101. interruptus, xxvii : 71. albofasciatus, Clyianthus, xviii : 39. otiosus, xiv : 45 ; XV : 31. albovenosa, Arsih nche (Leucania Henrici), : ruficollis, iv : 8 ; ix : 54 ; xx : 51 ; xxvii 101. xxii : 53 ; xxvi : 69. album, Veratrum (White Hellebore), ii : 31 torpidus, XV : 31 ; xxii : 81. (371). Agrion saucium = Amphiagiion saucium, viii : alcis, Hcema'obia., xxii : 96. insects affecting, xiii : 55 (366). Alder, 56, 58, 59 ; : : xviii : Agriotes mancus, li 62 (402) ; x : 83 (413). xvii 33 ; 33. sp., x: 78 (408). Aldrich, J. M., article by, xxii : 82. Agrostis vukaris (Grass), xix : 86. AleiodesRileyi = Rhogas Rileyi, iii : 34(391). Agrotis = xxii : 56. Aletia argillacea, xi : JO, 19 ; xii : 10, 26 annexa Feltia annexa, ; campestris = Carneades insulsa, xxii : xiii : 12 ; XV : 24 ; xvi : 15 ; xvii : 13. 17 ; xviii : 17, 33. clandesfina = Noctua clandestina, x: xylina = A. argillacea. xvi : 15 ; xvii : 44 (374) ; xx : 3 ; xxi : 50. 17 ; xviii : 17, 33. C-nigrum = NoctuaC-mgrum,xvii : 29 Alfalfa injured by grasshoppers, xxii : 70. xxi : 29. alienus, Lasi'is, xvii : 13 ; xxv : 47. Gochranii = Carneades messoria, xviii: AUantus basilaris,
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