South Asia's Sporting

South Asia's Sporting

South Asia’s Sporting Mosaic Sporting Asia’s South South Asia’s Sporting SPRING 2018 WINTER 2017 WINTER 2017 SPRING 2018 South Asia’s Sporting Mosaic ISSN No. 0376-9771 PreSIdeNt n. n. vohra dIrector naresh verma © 2018 ind�a int�rnat��nal c�ntr�. All edItorIal Board art��l�s ar� ��pyr�ght and may n�t b� chairman Karan sInGh ( ) r�pr�du��d w�th�ut p�rm�ss��n C. raJa mohan malavIKa KarleKar Opinions expressed by our Contributors are not necessarily those of the Centre pratIK KanJIlal panKaJ vohra W�nt�r 2017–Spr�ng 2018 rohIt Khera V�lum� 44, Numb�rs 3 & 4 omIta GoYal India International Centre Quarterly �s premola Ghose pr�nt�d and publ�sh�d by R�h�t Kh�ra s. maJUmDar (ex-officio) ��r ind�a int�rnat��nal c�ntr�, 40, Ma� Mu�ll�r Marg, N�w D�lh� 110 003 edItorIal Staff Pr���: ` 250 chIef edItor Annual Rat� omIta GoYal iic MeM�eRS ind�a: ` 350; Abr�ad: $ 35 (by a�rma�l) dePuty edItor NoN-MeM�eRS rItU sInGh ind�a: ` 500; Abr�ad: $ 45 (by a�rma�l) iNSTiT�TioNS Sr. aSSIStaNt edItor ind�a: ` 750; Abr�ad: $ 55 (by a�rma�l) raChna JoshI �ANK c�AR�eS ��r outstat��n ch�qu�s: ` 50 / $ 15 Paym�nts sh�uld b� mad� by m�n�y �rd�r �r bank dra�t �r �h�qu� payabl� t� INdIa INterNatIoNal ceNtre at N�w D�lh� enqu�r��s may b� addr�ss�d t� R�h�t S�ngh (T�l: 24609330); e-ma�l: publ��at��n.���@n��.�n Photo eSSay aNd cover deSIgN Typ�s�t at �lyph �raph��s Pr�vat� tanIa Das GUpta L�m�t�d, D�lh� 110 096 glyphgraph��s2013@gma�l.��m Pr�nt�d at cover IlluStratIoN nataraJ sharma Th� ind�a int�rnat��nal c�ntr� �s a s����ty Playground 1 pr�m�t�ng und�rstand�ng and am�ty S�r�graphy �n STPi Pap�r b�tw��n th� d����r�nt ��mmun�t��s �� 9 �t. × 5.5 �t. th� w�rld by und�rtak�ng �r supp�rt�ng 2007 th� study �� th��r past and pr�s�nt �ultur�s, by d�ss�m�nat�ng �r ���hang�ng kn�wl�dg� th�r��� and by pr�v�d�ng su�h �th�r �a��l�t��s as w�uld l�ad t� th��r un�v�rsal appr���at��n South Asia’s Sporting Mosaic edIted By ronoJoY sen omIta GoYal India International Centre WINTER 2017 IIC SPRING 2018 Quarterly I S S N N O . 0 3 7 6 - 9 7 7 1 coNteNtS VOLUME 44 NUMBERS 3 & 4 WiNtER 2017–SpRiNg 2018 ix: Editorial omIta goyal xi: Foreword KaraN SINgh 1: Introduction: The Landscape of Sport in South Asia roNojoy SeN artIcleS I develoPmeNt of crIcKet 17: The Mercurials: The Nature of Pakistani Cricket alI KhaN 31: Cricket in Bangladesh haBIBul haQue KhoNdKer 44: The Journey of Indian Women’s Cricket from the 1970s ShaNtha raNgaSWamy 53: Indian Premier League: The Great Indian Story mIhIr BoSe II NatIoNalISm, commuNalISm, race, claSS aNd geNder 67: Innocence and Indian Cricket Satadru SeN 81: Cricket in Abstemious Times SaNKaraN KrIShNa 90: Sports, Radio and Memory: Looking Back at the 1970s avIjIt ghoSh 101: When Politics Ran Riot at Eden Gardens SouvIK Naha 112: ‘Indians Make us Angry!’: Australian Perceptions of Touring Indian Cricket Teams, 1947–2017 IaN SImPSoN 125: India’s Sporting Frontier: Race, Integration and Discontent in the North-east duNcaN mcduIe-ra 140: Reinforcing Difference: The History of Women’s Involvement in Physical Activity in India PayoShNI mItra Photo eSSay 149: Focus Sport Pal PIllaI, alI Bharmal artIcleS III BeyoNd crIcKet 171: The Decline of Hockey in Pakistan Shaharyar m. KhaN 177: A Story of Two Different Worlds: Indian Hockey’s Glory Run and the Unending Struggle SuNdeeP mISra 188: The Future of Indian Football Novy KaPadIa 201: Football in Post-Independence Bangladesh KauSIK BaNdyoPadhyay 214: India’s Shuttle Story: Breaking through Barriers to Take Flight aBhIjeet KulKarNI 224: A Well-kept Secret: The History of Rugby in Sri Lanka ShaNaKa amaraSINghe Iv aNcIeNt PurSuItS aNd moderNIty 239: The Great Gama and his Legacy rudraNeIl SeNguPta 252: Wrestling with the History of Yoga as Sport in Modern India joSePh S. alter 266: Bodybuilding in India: Bollywood Bodies and Middle-class Lifestyles mIchIel BaaS 278: Racing on Water: A Short History of Vallam Kali in Kerala amrIth lal v SPortS admINIStratIoN 293: Guru Dutt Sondhi: Indian IOC Member and Visionary of Asian Integration through Sport StefaN hueBNer 306: See You in Court: The Legal Challenge Against India’s Sports Bosses Sharda ugra vI SPort IN fIlm aNd lIterature 319: Sport in Indian Film amy j. raNSom 331: ‘I Won’t Let You Down’ motI NaNdI (arunava sinha) 341: coNtrIButorS IIC QUARTERLY viii edItorIal �c� y���, ��� IIC Quarterly b�i�g� �u� � ������ic i��u� ���� ��f��c�� c����������y c��c����. t���� ���� ���g�d f��� e w����’� ����w������, ���c� ��d ��cu�i�y, �duc��i��, �� ���igi�u� ��u���i�� ��d u�b��i���i��. Gi��� ��i� b�ckd���, i� �ig�� ������ ���� �u� c��ic� �f ����� �� ��� ����� ��i� y��� i� u�u�u��. h�w����, ����� i� �� i�������� i� �u� ����yd�y �i��� �� i� �duc��i��, f�� i�����c�, ��d i� i���g��� �� ��y ��ci��y. hi����y, cu��u�� ��d ���� ���� d����d I�di�, ��d ����� ��� b��� � ���� �f i�, d��i�g b�ck �� ���-c����i�� �i���. a� r���j�y s�� ����y w�i��� i� �i� I����duc�i��, ����� w�� �if� b�f��� c�ick��. t�� �i�� �f c����������y ������ ���y�d i� ��� c�u���y i� ���g. B��id�� c�ick��, ��ck�y, ����i�, f���b��� ��d b�d�i����, I�di�� ������������� ���� ��d� � ���k i� w�����i�g, �����i�g, b�xi�g, ����g ���y ������. W��� i� ���� ���� ��c�u��gi�g i� ���� ��� �u�b�� �f w���� i� ������, ���� u�c������i���� ���� �ik� �����, ��� i�c�����d. a�d ��i� d���i�� ��� di�c�i�i���i�� w���� c���i�u� �� f�c� i� ���i� ��i���� ��d ���f���i���� �i���. m��y K�� ��d� �i����y ���� � d�c�d� �g� i� b�xi�g, ���� ��c����y, n��j�� K�u� did I�di� ���ud by wi��i�g ��� g��d i� w�����i�g. a�d �� I w�i��, ��� ���zi�g m��u B��k��, ��� �f 16 y���� ��d, w�� ju�� w�� ��� ��c��d g��d i� �����i�g. h���fu��y ��� ����y �f ��� j�u���y �� ��� ��� wi�� i���i�� ��� y�u�� �f ��d�y. K�b�ddi, ��� �g�-��d bu� f��g����� ����� ���� w� ��� ���y�d �� c�i�d���, ��� ��d� � c���b�ck wi�� ��� p�� K�b�ddi l��gu�. I� i� ������� ��� ���� �i�� ���� � ����� w�� �������d wi�� �� �uc� f��f��� �� c�ick��, ��d i� 2017, �����i�i�� �i�w����i� c��� � c���� ��c��d. l��’� ���� ���� ��� d�y ��� ������ wi�� g�� ��� ���c� ���y d������. D���i�� ��i�, ��w����, ����� i� I�di� ��i�� ��� � ���g w�y �� g�. t�� ���ic��� i� ��i� ���u�� ��uc� �� ��� ���b���� ���� c��f���� ��� ������ �c����i� i� ��� ��gi�� �� � w����, b� i� c���u��i��, f�u��y ���ici��, ��ck �f �d�qu��� ����ci�g, ����g ������� ����� c������g��. t�� ���� �ig�ific��� �b���c�� i� ��ck �f ����� �u�����. m��� ix IIC QUARTERLY ������������� �u��i�� �� d�����i���i�� ��d ����i�� f�� ��� g���, wi���u� ���� b��ic i�f�����uc�u��, ����� ����� fi���ci�� b�cki�g. s����, �����f���, ����i�� ���g��y ��� d���i� �f ��� ��i��. s���� i� ��� ��� �b�u� ���f���i���� �����; i� i� �b�u� ���y, ��� wi��i�g, i� i� �b�u� ��j�yi�g � g���. I� f�c�, ��� w��d ‘s����’ d��i��� f��� ��� F���c� desport, ����i�g ��i�u��. W��� w� ��ck i� � �����i�g cu��u��, ��d w� ���� �� ������i�� ����� �� �uc� �� w� d� ���. p������ ��� ���c� �� ����� i� wi�� ��� y�u��. I� i� u�f���u���� ���� ����� i� ��� � ��i��i�y �� ���� �i�c� ������� ��� ���� c��c����d �b�u� ���i� c�i�d���’� g��d�� ��d fu�u�� ������c��. I� f�c� ��i� i� ��u� �f ���� �c����� �� w���. t���� �ig�� b� ������u�i�i�� �� ��y �u� f�� �����, bu� w��� ������� �� ��� ��j��i�y �f ��ud���� w�� d��’� w��� �� �� w�� ��� ��� ��c�u��g�d ��? W��� �������d �� ����� �� �� �c�i�i�y i� �c����? n�� ����y��� c�� �� ���d� �� b� � c����i��, �� ���� c���id�� ����� �� � c�����. W��� i� i�������� �� ��c�g�i�� i� ���� wi���u� �����, � c�i�d’� ������ i� �� �i�k, ����ci���y �� �u� �i��� ��� b�c��i�g i�c����i�g�y ��d�����y. t�� c��� ��i�ci��� �f y�g�, f�� �x�����, i� ���� ��� �i�d ��d b�dy �u�� b� i� u�i��� f�� ������� w���-b�i�g. Fu�����, ����� ���c��� u� �� w��k �� � ����, ��d ��i� i� ��� b��� ������ ���� wi�� ���d u� i� g��d ����d i� �if�. t�i� ���u�� d��� ��� c��i� �� b� � d���i�i�� �cc�u�� �f ����� i� s�u�� a�i�. I�� u�iqu����� �i�� i� ��� f�c� ���� ����g wi�� ������ �� ���f���i���� �����, i� i�c�ud�� �������� ������i��� ���� ��k� ��� g��� c��� ��i��. W� ��� g����fu� �� ��� c����ibu���� w�� ���di�y �g���d �� b� ���� �f ��i� �ff���. OMitA gOYAL x foreWord �� I�di� I�������i���� C����� b�i�g� �u� f�u� i��u�� �f ��� IIC Quarterly ����y y���. W�i�� �w� i��u�� c���� g������ �����, t ��� d�ub�� i��u� ����y y��� d���� wi�� � ���cific ���ic �f i������� ��d c���� i�� ��� wid� �� �� �� g�� � b���d ���c��u� �f �i�w� ��d i��ig��� c���fu��y c����� by � ��� �f �x����� i� ��� ���d. o��� ��� y����, ��� C����� ��� b��ug�� �u� � �u�b�� �f �uc� d�ub�� i��u��, ���y �f w�ic� ��� �ub��qu����y �ub�i���d �� ���db�ck b��k�.

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