South Asia’s Sporting Mosaic Sporting Asia’s South South Asia’s Sporting SPRING 2018 WINTER 2017 WINTER 2017 SPRING 2018 South Asia’s Sporting Mosaic ISSN No. 0376-9771 PreSIdeNt n. n. vohra dIrector naresh verma © 2018 ind�a int�rnat��nal c�ntr�. All edItorIal Board art��l�s ar� ��pyr�ght and may n�t b� chairman Karan sInGh ( ) r�pr�du��d w�th�ut p�rm�ss��n C. raJa mohan malavIKa KarleKar Opinions expressed by our Contributors are not necessarily those of the Centre pratIK KanJIlal panKaJ vohra W�nt�r 2017–Spr�ng 2018 rohIt Khera V�lum� 44, Numb�rs 3 & 4 omIta GoYal India International Centre Quarterly �s premola Ghose pr�nt�d and publ�sh�d by R�h�t Kh�ra s. maJUmDar (ex-officio) ��r ind�a int�rnat��nal c�ntr�, 40, Ma� Mu�ll�r Marg, N�w D�lh� 110 003 edItorIal Staff Pr���: ` 250 chIef edItor Annual Rat� omIta GoYal iic MeM�eRS ind�a: ` 350; Abr�ad: $ 35 (by a�rma�l) dePuty edItor NoN-MeM�eRS rItU sInGh ind�a: ` 500; Abr�ad: $ 45 (by a�rma�l) iNSTiT�TioNS Sr. aSSIStaNt edItor ind�a: ` 750; Abr�ad: $ 55 (by a�rma�l) raChna JoshI �ANK c�AR�eS ��r outstat��n ch�qu�s: ` 50 / $ 15 Paym�nts sh�uld b� mad� by m�n�y �rd�r �r bank dra�t �r �h�qu� payabl� t� INdIa INterNatIoNal ceNtre at N�w D�lh� enqu�r��s may b� addr�ss�d t� R�h�t S�ngh (T�l: 24609330); e-ma�l: publ��at��n.���@n��.�n Photo eSSay aNd cover deSIgN Typ�s�t at �lyph �raph��s Pr�vat� tanIa Das GUpta L�m�t�d, D�lh� 110 096 glyphgraph��s2013@gma�l.��m Pr�nt�d at cover IlluStratIoN nataraJ sharma Th� ind�a int�rnat��nal c�ntr� �s a s����ty Playground 1 pr�m�t�ng und�rstand�ng and am�ty S�r�graphy �n STPi Pap�r b�tw��n th� d����r�nt ��mmun�t��s �� 9 �t. × 5.5 �t. th� w�rld by und�rtak�ng �r supp�rt�ng 2007 th� study �� th��r past and pr�s�nt �ultur�s, by d�ss�m�nat�ng �r ���hang�ng kn�wl�dg� th�r��� and by pr�v�d�ng su�h �th�r �a��l�t��s as w�uld l�ad t� th��r un�v�rsal appr���at��n South Asia’s Sporting Mosaic edIted By ronoJoY sen omIta GoYal India International Centre WINTER 2017 IIC SPRING 2018 Quarterly I S S N N O . 0 3 7 6 - 9 7 7 1 coNteNtS VOLUME 44 NUMBERS 3 & 4 WiNtER 2017–SpRiNg 2018 ix: Editorial omIta goyal xi: Foreword KaraN SINgh 1: Introduction: The Landscape of Sport in South Asia roNojoy SeN artIcleS I develoPmeNt of crIcKet 17: The Mercurials: The Nature of Pakistani Cricket alI KhaN 31: Cricket in Bangladesh haBIBul haQue KhoNdKer 44: The Journey of Indian Women’s Cricket from the 1970s ShaNtha raNgaSWamy 53: Indian Premier League: The Great Indian Story mIhIr BoSe II NatIoNalISm, commuNalISm, race, claSS aNd geNder 67: Innocence and Indian Cricket Satadru SeN 81: Cricket in Abstemious Times SaNKaraN KrIShNa 90: Sports, Radio and Memory: Looking Back at the 1970s avIjIt ghoSh 101: When Politics Ran Riot at Eden Gardens SouvIK Naha 112: ‘Indians Make us Angry!’: Australian Perceptions of Touring Indian Cricket Teams, 1947–2017 IaN SImPSoN 125: India’s Sporting Frontier: Race, Integration and Discontent in the North-east duNcaN mcduIe-ra 140: Reinforcing Difference: The History of Women’s Involvement in Physical Activity in India PayoShNI mItra Photo eSSay 149: Focus Sport Pal PIllaI, alI Bharmal artIcleS III BeyoNd crIcKet 171: The Decline of Hockey in Pakistan Shaharyar m. KhaN 177: A Story of Two Different Worlds: Indian Hockey’s Glory Run and the Unending Struggle SuNdeeP mISra 188: The Future of Indian Football Novy KaPadIa 201: Football in Post-Independence Bangladesh KauSIK BaNdyoPadhyay 214: India’s Shuttle Story: Breaking through Barriers to Take Flight aBhIjeet KulKarNI 224: A Well-kept Secret: The History of Rugby in Sri Lanka ShaNaKa amaraSINghe Iv aNcIeNt PurSuItS aNd moderNIty 239: The Great Gama and his Legacy rudraNeIl SeNguPta 252: Wrestling with the History of Yoga as Sport in Modern India joSePh S. alter 266: Bodybuilding in India: Bollywood Bodies and Middle-class Lifestyles mIchIel BaaS 278: Racing on Water: A Short History of Vallam Kali in Kerala amrIth lal v SPortS admINIStratIoN 293: Guru Dutt Sondhi: Indian IOC Member and Visionary of Asian Integration through Sport StefaN hueBNer 306: See You in Court: The Legal Challenge Against India’s Sports Bosses Sharda ugra vI SPort IN fIlm aNd lIterature 319: Sport in Indian Film amy j. raNSom 331: ‘I Won’t Let You Down’ motI NaNdI (arunava sinha) 341: coNtrIButorS IIC QUARTERLY viii edItorIal �c� y���, ��� IIC Quarterly b�i�g� �u� � ������ic i��u� ���� ��f��c�� c����������y c��c����. t���� ���� ���g�d f��� e w����’� ����w������, ���c� ��d ��cu�i�y, �duc��i��, �� ���igi�u� ��u���i�� ��d u�b��i���i��. Gi��� ��i� b�ckd���, i� �ig�� ������ ���� �u� c��ic� �f ����� �� ��� ����� ��i� y��� i� u�u�u��. h�w����, ����� i� �� i�������� i� �u� ����yd�y �i��� �� i� �duc��i��, f�� i�����c�, ��d i� i���g��� �� ��y ��ci��y. hi����y, cu��u�� ��d ���� ���� d����d I�di�, ��d ����� ��� b��� � ���� �f i�, d��i�g b�ck �� ���-c����i�� �i���. a� r���j�y s�� ����y w�i��� i� �i� I����duc�i��, ����� w�� �if� b�f��� c�ick��. t�� �i�� �f c����������y ������ ���y�d i� ��� c�u���y i� ���g. B��id�� c�ick��, ��ck�y, ����i�, f���b��� ��d b�d�i����, I�di�� ������������� ���� ��d� � ���k i� w�����i�g, �����i�g, b�xi�g, ����g ���y ������. W��� i� ���� ���� ��c�u��gi�g i� ���� ��� �u�b�� �f w���� i� ������, ���� u�c������i���� ���� �ik� �����, ��� i�c�����d. a�d ��i� d���i�� ��� di�c�i�i���i�� w���� c���i�u� �� f�c� i� ���i� ��i���� ��d ���f���i���� �i���. m��y K�� ��d� �i����y ���� � d�c�d� �g� i� b�xi�g, ���� ��c����y, n��j�� K�u� did I�di� ���ud by wi��i�g ��� g��d i� w�����i�g. a�d �� I w�i��, ��� ���zi�g m��u B��k��, ��� �f 16 y���� ��d, w�� ju�� w�� ��� ��c��d g��d i� �����i�g. h���fu��y ��� ����y �f ��� j�u���y �� ��� ��� wi�� i���i�� ��� y�u�� �f ��d�y. K�b�ddi, ��� �g�-��d bu� f��g����� ����� ���� w� ��� ���y�d �� c�i�d���, ��� ��d� � c���b�ck wi�� ��� p�� K�b�ddi l��gu�. I� i� ������� ��� ���� �i�� ���� � ����� w�� �������d wi�� �� �uc� f��f��� �� c�ick��, ��d i� 2017, �����i�i�� �i�w����i� c��� � c���� ��c��d. l��’� ���� ���� ��� d�y ��� ������ wi�� g�� ��� ���c� ���y d������. D���i�� ��i�, ��w����, ����� i� I�di� ��i�� ��� � ���g w�y �� g�. t�� ���ic��� i� ��i� ���u�� ��uc� �� ��� ���b���� ���� c��f���� ��� ������ �c����i� i� ��� ��gi�� �� � w����, b� i� c���u��i��, f�u��y ���ici��, ��ck �f �d�qu��� ����ci�g, ����g ������� ����� c������g��. t�� ���� �ig�ific��� �b���c�� i� ��ck �f ����� �u�����. m��� ix IIC QUARTERLY ������������� �u��i�� �� d�����i���i�� ��d ����i�� f�� ��� g���, wi���u� ���� b��ic i�f�����uc�u��, ����� ����� fi���ci�� b�cki�g. s����, �����f���, ����i�� ���g��y ��� d���i� �f ��� ��i��. s���� i� ��� ��� �b�u� ���f���i���� �����; i� i� �b�u� ���y, ��� wi��i�g, i� i� �b�u� ��j�yi�g � g���. I� f�c�, ��� w��d ‘s����’ d��i��� f��� ��� F���c� desport, ����i�g ��i�u��. W��� w� ��ck i� � �����i�g cu��u��, ��d w� ���� �� ������i�� ����� �� �uc� �� w� d� ���. p������ ��� ���c� �� ����� i� wi�� ��� y�u��. I� i� u�f���u���� ���� ����� i� ��� � ��i��i�y �� ���� �i�c� ������� ��� ���� c��c����d �b�u� ���i� c�i�d���’� g��d�� ��d fu�u�� ������c��. 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OMitA gOYAL x foreWord �� I�di� I�������i���� C����� b�i�g� �u� f�u� i��u�� �f ��� IIC Quarterly ����y y���. W�i�� �w� i��u�� c���� g������ �����, t ��� d�ub�� i��u� ����y y��� d���� wi�� � ���cific ���ic �f i������� ��d c���� i�� ��� wid� �� �� �� g�� � b���d ���c��u� �f �i�w� ��d i��ig��� c���fu��y c����� by � ��� �f �x����� i� ��� ���d. o��� ��� y����, ��� C����� ��� b��ug�� �u� � �u�b�� �f �uc� d�ub�� i��u��, ���y �f w�ic� ��� �ub��qu����y �ub�i���d �� ���db�ck b��k�.
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