COMPLETE AND AUTHENTIC A DVANCE VAUDEVILLE ROUTES — ~- „ • The St. Louis Theatre, St. Louis, one ¦ "1 ' ***~v l}4r>± v l' •%¦ =o/ the world's most beautiful theatres "f J ;r : ' ' ' j, ; ::- :-^: ^¦'^¦. ¦: * ¦ ^^" x ' • :; which opened its doors November 23; •. '„-; \\ Vt< " ' ^ '^' < 1925, is the.largest playhouse in the y l-v Orpheum Circuit chain, seating 4,100 .. - ~" \ , ^\ '' ' ^f persons. This magnificent theatre f eat ' ' K£?\ '' '\\jr ¦ ~ ) _ arcs DE MILLE-METROPOLITAN H*$»V^ ' ' PICTURES as the backbone o/ its ^jflfflll1 "' -JJ^ii entertainment fm>jjram. *^. ^V .xdttfflvJL^^^^^ : ^^^^P MV^^T y^_ \ *ShV A magnificent IBM entertainment ideal realized 1^»^»M» rp ^^ the the "a.'t^ pVo^ X he finest motion pictures in finest theatres—this is ideal ^^s~~ that has now been realized through the magic linking of DE MILLE* JJHF^ METROPOLITAN PICTURES with KEITH-ALBEE-ORPHEUM w THEATRES. (mM mt Cecil ^ESjBn ^m/ B. De Mille's name needs no introduction to the public The ^5i2 ^^ man who made "The Volga Boatman", "The Ten Commandments" toH&MMth&bif cMi and now "Tne Km8 of Kings" has blazed a trail of glory which glows ,—-^^r~=-\ more brightly with each of his new productions. wn to ¦W^T 111 The Keith-Albee-Orpheum Theatres are kno from coast coast. HKpfflj Their size and beauty and number are symbolic of the place that good in the of the Hffli^H entertainment holds heart American public, and De Mille* Metropolitan Pictures fulfill the promise of the splendid motion pio MAR„d nt.o,ph,CUS HEIMAN Prt t Umcu cUit ture entertainment offered therein. The aitociatton of £? ESi DE MILLE-METROPOLITAN PICTURES ggLggg The Standard of Quality in KEITH-ALBEE S^lSSS ^ ORPHEUM and Other FirsuRun Theatres *S r RELEASED BY PRODUCERS DISTRIBUTING CORPORATION JOHN C FUNN.Vkf-Ftoldem and Otnml Mm>tef The N. V. A. Sanatorium at Saranac Lake an Assured Fact Metropolitan, Hippodrome, New Amsterdam and C sntury—helped The Collections During N. V. A. Week and Receipts the ambitious and brilliantly executed events to go over without a At the Metropolitan, Hippodrome, New Amster- hitch. dam and Century on Sunday Evening, May 8, Figures are not available as this issue of The Vaudeville News and Star goes to press, but it is generally conceded that Sunday night's So Substantial an Amount That the N. V. A. receipts, together with the takings at vaudeville houses throughout Adirondack Lodge Becomes a Certainty— the country during the recent N. V. A. Week, leave no doubt that the wonderful new sanatorium to be known as N. V. A. Adirondack Splendid Programs, Big Attendance and Lodge and to be constructed at Spion Kop in the Saranac Mountains, Loyalty and Enthusiasm Generally is going to. be a glorious reality. Managers, players, bookers, artists' representatives and literally Make Benefits Dazzling Successes hundreds of others in connection with the N. V. A., the V. M. P. A. Apparently all New York , turned out for the big benefits on Sun- and the various circuits and theatres, together with . the brilliant day night. vaudeville artists and, finally, New York's theatregoers, succeeded The splendid planning that had been done by the various com- in making Sunday last a red letter day in the history of the N. V. A. mittees in charge of the big events at the four big houses—the and American vaudeville in general. THE ROLL OF HONOR Charlotte Greenwood. Keller Sisters and Lynch. Will Rogers. Foster Girls. In addition to the long lilt of those hard- Lina Basquette and Le Maire Girls. Eddie Leonard. working men and women who attended to Rosa Low. Promenaders. the tremendous details connected with the Bill Robinson. Sissle and Blake. management of the benefits on Sunday night, Carrie and Eddie. Shaw and Lee. it will be interesting to know the make-up Hoctor and Hplbrook. Wright Dancers. of the various programs at the different the- Harland Dixon and Police Number. atres. It should be understood, also, that Odali Careno. At the New Amsterdam there were, of course, more volunteers than Eddie Leonard. could be taken care of at any of the theatres. Grant Mitchell; Master of Ceremonies. Olga Petrova. Reilly Kids. The following are the names of those who Reilly Kids. appeared at the different houses: Lahr and Mercedes. Albertina Rasch Special. Corinne Tilton. Edna Thomas. Ayre and Wilson. At the 'Metropolitan Opera House Will Oakland and Band. Jack Lewis, Master of Ceremonies. Sam Bernard. Lew Brice. Shaw and Lee. Raymond Hitchcock, Master of Cere- Vanessi. monies. Wayburn's Buds. Yvette Rugel. Dooley and Morton. The Promenaders. Carl Randall. Baby Henderson. Willard Mack and E. H. Sothern. London, Paris and New York. May Usher. Adele At the Hippodrome Bill Robinson. Verne. Keith's Boys Band. Clayton Theodore Roberts, Mickey Daniels, Peggy , Jackson and Durant. Lames, Bert Lytell. Robey and Gould. Frank McGlynn. Five Bracks. Keller Sisters and Lynch. Keller Sisters and Lynch. Four Camerons. Bert Wheeler. Will Rogers. Eric Bert Earl and Banjo Girls. Albertina Rasch Girls. Zardo (introduced by Mary Nash). E. H. Sothern. Eric Zardo and Anna Case (introduced by Eddie Leonard. Mary Herman and Sammy Timberg. # Cissie Loftus. Nash). Jack Joyce. Moss and Frye. Circus : Lew Tracy, Keith's Boys Band victor London, Paris and New York. Dora Maughn. Moore, Tom Wise, Poodles Hanne- Will Rogers. Bert Lytell f °r:l, Six Pashas. , Mickey Daniels and Peggy, , Five Reillys. Theodore Roberts.. Janet Beecher. Bert Lytell. Locust Sisters. London, Paris and New York. Theodore Roberts, Mickey Daniels and Jerome and Grey; Chas. King. Peggy Eames. Hallujah Billy Glason. Chorus from "Hit the Deck" Pichiana Troupe. Rose Perfect. blossom Seeley and Benny Fields. Johnny Dooley. , ¦ ¦ E. H. Broadus Early. ' Sothern. Raymond Hitchcock. Seventy Foster Girls. •Seventy Foster Girls. Boris Earl. Keinald Werrenrath. Ann Benny Rubin. At the Century Theatre Pennington. Max Fisher's Band. Weber and Fields. Solly Ward, Master of Ceremonies. red Willard Mack. Lbney Haskell, Assistant. f Stone and Dorothy Stone. Rio Rita Girls. ,, Lowell Sherman. ^—¦ Ned Wayburn's Buds. Harland Dixon. : ^' >: Buckley, Calvert and Nance O'Neil. , Jay C Flippen.. , . , Ingram. £°°ney and Bent and George K. Sydney. Ethel Davis. J Blossom Seeley and Benny Fields. Norman Phillips -ed Lewis and Band, Bobb" Arnst. Freda .and Palace. , Jr. (Continued on page 6) LETTERS CO^CE^GlMPRPVED CONDITIO? ARTISTS WHO HAVE GRIEVANCES OF ANY KIND ARE INVITED TO WRITE Jewish Relief Society NecessityShown Help From an I Contributes Its Bit For N. V. A. Work Unexpected Master 34 HADDON HALL 98 Liberty Place, Our help for the National Vaudeville Ar- Avondale Weehawken, N. J. tists Fund comes from every quarter. Cincinnati Ohio , April 16th, 1927. Here is a sympathetic letter from Joseph Mr. I. Libson, E. F. Albee, Esq., Rauch, Rabbi of the Temple Adath Israel Palace Theatre, Palace Theatre Building, Louisville, Ky. Cincinnati, Ohio. 47th Street and Broadway, E. F. ALBEE. Dear Mr. Libson : New York City. Enclosed please find check for $10.00 from My dear Mr. Albee : TEMPLE ADATH ISRAEL the Jewish Consumptive Relief Society for I feel very sure you will be interested to Jos. Rauch, Rabbi the N. V. A. learn of a very enlightening, though painful, Louisville Sincerely yours, experience I recently encountered. Mr. Fred J. Campbell (Signed) PEGGY NEWWITTER, About three weeks ago I had the mis- Manager, Keith-Albee Theatre Chairman of Floral Memorial Fund of fortune to become involved in a serious Louisville, Ky. J. C. R. automobile accident, with the result that I Dear Mr. Campbell : was taken to the Jersey City Hospital in an Mrs. Rauch and I cannot attend the show April 28, 1927 unconscious condition. The authorities at this evening which you have arranged for Dear Miss Newwitter : that institution found my_ membership card the benefit of the nation's aged and out- I have just received a note from Mr. I. of the N. V. A. Club, which I always carry worn entertainers. We both regret this for Libson with a check for Ten Dollars enclosed with me. They immediately notified the we usually enjoy a couple of hours spent that you sent from the Jewish Consumptive Club, with the result that Mr. Southard at a good vaudeville performance. Relief Society for the N. V. A. sick and hastened over to New Jersey, where he took However, we do want to do our mite for benefit fund. full charge of my case and made such ar- the benefit of the group of actors and It was most gracious of you to think of rangements for my care and comfort that actresses to whom we feel indebted for many our unfortunate. I shall feel everlastingly indebted to him and a pleasant hour, and so we are sending you We are building a hospital for the tubercu- the organization which he so ably repre- the enclosed check which covers the cost of lar in Saranac with room for one hundred sents. Needless to say, this timely assistance two tickets. It's our loss that we cannot patients. Every room is to have a bath, and contributed in no small measure to my rapid slip the amount through the box office win- a sun and sleeping porch. We expect to recovery. dow and be a part of the merry crowd. have this completed by next Fall. At the This experience should arouse in the minds Sincerely yours, present time we are taking care of over of all artists the importance of being a mem- (Signed ) JOS. RAUCH. thirty patients in Saranac in rented quarters, ber of the N. V. A. Club and the many bene- and twenty more in Arizona, Los Angeles fits to be derived thereby.
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