-Constitution Year in Review • Prime Time Prepares for Bookstore /11 IiI _ I r) ir0 MAGAZINE -" " .. arcastlc 198 ~@~© CQ]M~ MA?It::R'? ----- I\lS/pl--\ o o eAGCmr\~ ~ ~ WQ~D ~ canadian open c~fRO-AM CUP (Finally! -A golf tournament for you!) - The 1st Annual WVFI Golf Classic will be held on April 30th at 9 a.m.! Over $1000 in prizes (including prizes from Adidas, Blackthorn, Bobbicks, Outback Steakhouse, Steak & Ale, Papa John's, Lonestar Steakhouse, and more!) Entry is $35 per four person team. Lunch will be provided. There's no excuse not to play! For more info, or to sign up your 4 person team, call Mike at 634-2210 today! Deadline for entry is Wednesday, April 15th. Call now! .1 -UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME • APRIL 9,1998 ,p It.JllI!iLEJIBlJil'J!t._&'IJ'IIII_.__ El!I_ •.Il!'!.iil_~ fii __Ji\ll!JlIllI .. m_DJillillJlIlUDIJ!lIJliI.iilI!,IDJ!i1I.1I II.Jlll'IJ!1!!.Im'IJmt.muam_ImU111il.•• JiiUill.' ~ ~ fi" 'III'. '. ~ . =SNACK PACK = = aked: •I' XC Wings •I II CHEESEY BREAD '. II '. ~ ~ ~ . .. o : (Hot or Barbecue) :: I' BREAD STICI(S '. Ii E I' & 'II Plzza '. MAGAZ N I & I ~ .. ~ ' .1 TWO SODAS :.., 1 large CHEESELESS :- ·.' Garlic Breadstics ,: I: I I . I ~ It :11 I: w / 2Veggies :1 Sarcastic · I I I I Scholastic unveils its satirical scrutiny of the past year, covering I' $5.99 'I • • II $5 .. 99 'I .: $5.99 :1 everything from the administration to student government to I I • I I I I' Spring '98/ Edison Plaza Only/ Offer May'. II Spring '98/ Edison Plaza Only/Offer May 'I II Spring '98/ Edison Plaza Only/Offer May 'I campus media, including a few tidbits that did not make it into the I , Change Without Notice/ NO-SMC-Holy , , Change Without Notice/ NO-SMC-Holy, ,Change Without Notice/ NO-SMC-Holy , daily paper. Cross 10 Required/ Pan is $1.00 extra I I Cross 10 Required/ Pan is $1.00 extra I I Cross 10 Required/ Pan is $1.00 extra I "'lInlnllllllilflllr.'.111.-II1II '1III-.'lIIl11nllral 11'.-.-I11'III-.'.1'111'.'111-.II1II... -.-.-11 1i·.-.·.·IIIII·III·.·lIIr.IfIll.-liIlnl'lUelfllrl Growing Pains lUll .IIUII.IIIIIIJ!IIUlIUIII,IIIUIIII.IIII,IIII!I.IIIIIlIIlIJILL As Cesaro & Co. take office one year after the revisions to the student government constitution, members of last term's Student Union evaluate their progress. ! Combo! by Jake Mooney I' Cheesey Bread •II 11AM 4AM High Rollers II' & I Fri & Sat Whether they put it all on red number seven or just go .. 1 Large for the atmosphere, Notre Dame students are flocking .­ to Michigan City, Windsor, Canada and even Vegas to 11AM 2AM enjoy the highs and lows of a night at the casino . .. 1 TO'pper' by Nick Girimonte II.. $7.99 Sun Thur .., Spring '98/ Edison Plaza Only/Offer May Caps, Gowns and Letdowns by Patrick Downes 4 I Change Without Notice/ NO-SMC-Holy Domino's Pizza 1 Cross 10 Required/ Pan is $1.00 extra I Instant Reflex by Meredith Salisbury 7 Edison Plaza Questioning Values by Katie Wild 10 Room for Improvement by Katie Keller 11 1Ii'.'.-••-.-.-.'.-.-'.-.'.'.'1I www.dominos.com Sharp Shooter by Tom Repetto 22 111 .•_ ................. _._.... lIP .••.•.•.••,- __ ._._la_III.• _" Stanford's Squad by James Pastore 24 .-·.·.·.·_·.·.· ... _··.·_··111 Hi-Ya! by Jon Adler 27 = Old%ifhjul: : Study Buddy:::' STUFFER :: I I Departments : , 1 Medium' :••I • : P,ZZA S~B ,.I ; 1 i}tlrge : • " BREAD • From the Editor 2 Letters 3 .. · . = 1 Topper! ! STICKS: ND Notebook 5 • 1 %nner :. 1 Campus Watch 21 • /,f" • &.. Splinters from the Pressbox 26 :::-.: .Be :- Out of Bounds 31 • 32 • Life in Hell : S5.99:: 11 Soda: :. A SODA ',: I Week in Distodion 33 =c:J!ddiHona!%ppi~gs S18ach:: On Other Campuses 34. :.$' 5<~ .99:: :: '"$6 •. 50 .. ~ Calendar 35 .:. Spring '98/ Edis~nPlaza Only! Offer May .:. 1 Spring.'98(EdisoriPlaza.Orily/ Offer May' '. .. Spring '.98/ Edison Plaza Only/ Offer May :- Parting Shot 36 • .Ct;:angeWitfioutNotice/NO-SMC~Holy··. 1 . C~ange Without Notice/ NO-SMC-Holy . '. •. Change Without Notice/ NO-S,MC-Holy '. I ." .. "Cross 10 Required/Pan Is$1.~o.extra "~I .: Cross 10Re~uired/ Pan iS$1.~,~ e~tra............ l:cros~I~·Re.qUlre,d/ pan,is $1~OOextra· ..• VOtUME 3 9 N UMBER 1 3 • APRIL 9, 1 9 9 8 lir.'.".' •. ~.-.-.".'.-.. -.-.·. Ir.-.-.".-.-.-.. -.".".'.-.-.-. In.-..- ..-.· .. "." .... -.'.- ..-.7 .. "1 ,p It.JllI!iLEJIBlJil'J!t._&'IJ'IIII_.__ El!I_ •.Il!'!.iil_~ fii __Ji\ll!JlIllI .. m_DJillillJlIlUDIJ!lIJliI.iilI!,IDJ!i1I.1I II.Jlll'IJ!1!!.Im'IJmt.muam_ImU111il.•• JiiUill.' ~ ~ fi" 'III'. '. ~ . =SNACK PACK = = aked: •I' XC Wings •I II CHEESEY BREAD '. II '. ~ ~ ~ . .. o : (Hot or Barbecue) :: I' BREAD STICI(S '. Ii E I' & 'II Plzza '. MAGAZ N I & I ~ .. ~ ' .1 TWO SODAS :.., 1 large CHEESELESS :- ·.' Garlic Breadstics ,: I: I I . I ~ It :11 I: w / 2Veggies :1 Sarcastic · I I I I Scholastic unveils its satirical scrutiny of the past year, covering I' $5.99 'I • • II $5 .. 99 'I .: $5.99 :1 everything from the administration to student government to I I • I I I I' Spring '98/ Edison Plaza Only/ Offer May'. II Spring '98/ Edison Plaza Only/Offer May 'I II Spring '98/ Edison Plaza Only/Offer May 'I campus media, including a few tidbits that did not make it into the I , Change Without Notice/ NO-SMC-Holy , , Change Without Notice/ NO-SMC-Holy, ,Change Without Notice/ NO-SMC-Holy , daily paper. Cross 10 Required/ Pan is $1.00 extra I I Cross 10 Required/ Pan is $1.00 extra I I Cross 10 Required/ Pan is $1.00 extra I "'lInlnllllllilflllr.'.111.-II1II '1III-.'lIIl11nllral 11'.-.-I11'III-.'.1'111'.'111-.II1II... -.-.-11 1i·.-.·.·IIIII·III·.·lIIr.IfIll.-liIlnl'lUelfllrl Growing Pains lUll .IIUII.IIIIIIJ!IIUlIUIII,IIIUIIII.IIII,IIII!I.IIIIIlIIlIJILL As Cesaro & Co. take office one year after the revisions to the student government constitution, members of last term's Student Union evaluate their progress. ! Combo! by Jake Mooney I' Cheesey Bread •II 11AM 4AM High Rollers II' & I Fri & Sat Whether they put it all on red number seven or just go .. 1 Large for the atmosphere, Notre Dame students are flocking .­ to Michigan City, Windsor, Canada and even Vegas to 11AM 2AM enjoy the highs and lows of a night at the casino . .. 1 TO'pper' by Nick Girimonte II.. $7.99 Sun Thur .., Spring '98/ Edison Plaza Only/Offer May Caps, Gowns and Letdowns by Patrick Downes 4 I Change Without Notice/ NO-SMC-Holy Domino's Pizza 1 Cross 10 Required/ Pan is $1.00 extra I Instant Reflex by Meredith Salisbury 7 Edison Plaza Questioning Values by Katie Wild 10 Room for Improvement by Katie Keller 11 1Ii'.'.-••-.-.-.'.-.-'.-.'.'.'1I www.dominos.com Sharp Shooter by Tom Repetto 22 111 .•_ ................. _._.... lIP .••.•.•.••,- __ ._._la_III.• _" Stanford's Squad by James Pastore 24 .-·.·.·.·_·.·.· ... _··.·_··111 Hi-Ya! by Jon Adler 27 = Old%ifhjul: : Study Buddy:::' STUFFER :: I I Departments : , 1 Medium' :••I • : P,ZZA S~B ,.I ; 1 i}tlrge : • " BREAD • From the Editor 2 Letters 3 .. · . = 1 Topper! ! STICKS: ND Notebook 5 • 1 %nner :. 1 Campus Watch 21 • /,f" • &.. Splinters from the Pressbox 26 :::-.: .Be :- Out of Bounds 31 • 32 • Life in Hell : S5.99:: 11 Soda: :. A SODA ',: I Week in Distodion 33 =c:J!ddiHona!%ppi~gs S18ach:: On Other Campuses 34. :.$' 5<~ .99:: :: '"$6 •. 50 .. ~ Calendar 35 .:. Spring '98/ Edis~nPlaza Only! Offer May .:. 1 Spring.'98(EdisoriPlaza.Orily/ Offer May' '. .. Spring '.98/ Edison Plaza Only/ Offer May :- Parting Shot 36 • .Ct;:angeWitfioutNotice/NO-SMC~Holy··. 1 . C~ange Without Notice/ NO-SMC-Holy . '. •. Change Without Notice/ NO-S,MC-Holy '. I ." .. "Cross 10 Required/Pan Is$1.~o.extra "~I .: Cross 10Re~uired/ Pan iS$1.~,~ e~tra............ l:cros~I~·Re.qUlre,d/ pan,is $1~OOextra· ..• VOtUME 3 9 N UMBER 1 3 • APRIL 9, 1 9 9 8 lir.'.".' •. ~.-.-.".'.-.. -.-.·. Ir.-.-.".-.-.-.. -.".".'.-.-.-. In.-..- ..-.· .. "." .... -.'.- ..-.7 .. "1 ~ o 40 Years Ago: 'pid·you· .?ee.·stinleth ing·· .. • I- Wisdom of Media Move Good Old All in Good Fun . in" Scholastic that made> ' o ,.' '., . "',. ,,' '""" .'. .'," :.' . 1"" 2<' " ~ UJ ahJrnpresslon . ...•..• r­ ob Colaizzi and Gerry Pastula used Questionable , "!'.', .. UJ m Springtime Btheir weekly column ... in jest to -I I ridicule, taunt and otherwise insult and see what new faces and technology are ·t=e~I:like\vrding,.d]etter· " -I I- xcuses for skipping classes begin to own stupidity, what can we laugh at? (Be­ the student body. The boys wrote these Dear Editor: carrying on the rich tradition. I also mourn m Epop into your mind more frequently, sides the Campus Hook-Up, of course.) descriptions of some well-known students he old expression "I would not wish for the incoming classes who never had the ·to TheOMserver?·: . ." .', . ;;0 (j) ~ the dining hall insists on starving Happy spring. in the April 11, 1958, issue of Scholastic. that upon my worst enemy" acquired opportunity that we had to look out the people on Fridays and great floods sub­ T o new significance for me when !learned windows, from our perches on the third ~ merge the quads. The smell of hundreds of Herman H. Herman: Afat, ugly, ob­ that the office of Scholastic will (like my floor, at the beautiful sprawling campus that u.. buried squirrel treasures fills the air and Just Kidding (tee heel noxious, dirty Cesspool Cleaning major loyal haunt of four years, The Observer) be we were charged with covering. Rather than there's nothing quite like choosing rooms Sarcastic is just that - sarcastic. Any in the College ofSanitation, sparked those uprooted from the LaFortune Student Cen­ make the leisurely stroll, past the mendicant and darting, simultaneously, to bring out the similarities to actual persons or events is around him as editor of the Wandering ter.
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