www.ngaio.org.nz www.metlink.org.nz (Kaukau is a corruption of kaka, the native parrot). native the kaka, of corruption a is (Kaukau Open 1- 4pm Sunday 4pm 1- Open ph 0800 801 700 801 0800 ph and bird snaring was done on the slopes of Mt Kaukau. Kaukau. Mt of slopes the on done was snaring bird and www.teararoa.org.nz 86 Khandallah Road Khandallah 86 Metlink has train and bus timetables and journey planner. journey and timetables bus and train has Metlink in the present Kenya Street - Trelissick Crescent area area Crescent Trelissick - Street Kenya present the in Te Araroa Trail site Trail Araroa Te · · Onslow Historical Society Historical Onslow · to Khandallah. The Kaiwharawhara Pa had gardens gardens had Pa Kaiwharawhara The Khandallah. to Several bus routes connect from Wellington to Ngaio. to Wellington from connect routes bus Several http://wellington.govt.nz route of the present Bridle Track from Winchester Street Street Winchester from Track Bridle present the of route Cummings Park Library, Ngaio Library, Park Cummings · Otari. There was also a track to the north following the the following north the to track a also was There Otari. parks, reserves and heritage trails. trails. heritage and reserves parks, www.tranzmetro.co.nz www.tranzmetro.co.nz www.tracks.org.nz and Makara Pas via various tracks that passed near near passed that tracks various via Pas Makara and and brochures on tracks, walkways, walkways, tracks, on brochures and Downs, Ngaio, Awarua Street, Simla Crescent and Box Hill. Hill. Box and Crescent Simla Street, Awarua Ngaio, Downs, Tracks Tracks · Wellington City Council has maps maps has Council City Wellington · Kaiwharawhara Stream. There were links to the Ohariu Ohariu the to links were There Stream. Kaiwharawhara Trains - Local stations on the Johnsonville Line are Crofton Crofton are Line Johnsonville the on stations Local - Trains Kaiwharawhara was a Te Atiawa Pa at the mouth of the the of mouth the at Pa Atiawa Te a was Kaiwharawhara How to Get There Get to How More Information More Early Maori Early www.adventuresmart.org.nz cuttings. Adventure Smart has outdoor safety information safety outdoor has Smart Adventure the underlying bedrocks) can be seen in many Ngaio road road Ngaio many in seen be can bedrocks) underlying the essential if you plan to walk on the exposed skyline ridges. skyline exposed the on walk to plan you if essential fragments that flowed down the hillsides. This debris (and (and debris This hillsides. the down flowed that fragments weather. Tell someone your plans. These precautions are are precautions These plans. your someone Tell weather. Age produced a water-logged mantle of mud and rock rock and mud of mantle water-logged a produced Age jacket and warm clothing carried in case of a change in the the in change a of case in carried clothing warm and jacket (10-20,000 years ago) freeze/thaw action during an Ice Ice an during action freeze/thaw ago) years (10-20,000 Stout shoes or boots should be worn and a waterproof waterproof a and worn be should boots or shoes Stout area (the Kaukau-surface or K-surface). More recently recently More K-surface). or Kaukau-surface (the area Safety flat surface that originally existed over much of the Wellington Wellington the of much over existed originally that surface flat remains on Mt Kaukau and has given its name to the extensive extensive the to name its given has and Kaukau Mt on remains Road Reserve and Odell’s Reserve. Reserve. Odell’s and Reserve Road A flat remnant of the original land surface or peneplain still still peneplain or surface land original the of remnant flat A off Lower Chelmsford Street, Cummings Park, Silverstream Silverstream Park, Cummings Street, Chelmsford Lower off Crofton Downs: the whole of Trelissick Park, Chelmsford Park Park Chelmsford Park, Trelissick of whole the Downs: Crofton between the track and Mt Kaukau. Mt and track the between There are five off-the-leash dog exercise areas in Ngaio and and Ngaio in areas exercise dog off-the-leash five are There The Crow’s Nest and small notches in the southern spurs spurs southern the in notches small and Nest Crow’s The Dog Exercise Areas Exercise Dog upper part of Bells Track to create a shallow valley behind behind valley shallow a create to Track Bells of part upper A good example of this is the fault line that crosses the the crosses that line fault the is this of example good A Ngaio Gorge, or have left their mark elsewhere on the land. land. the on elsewhere mark their left have or Gorge, Ngaio www.ngaio.org.nz lines have allowed streams to erode valleys, such as the the as such valleys, erode to streams allowed have lines and black mudstone (argillite). Subsidiary earthquake fault fault earthquake Subsidiary (argillite). mudstone black and Ngaio rocks are raised sedimentary sandstone (greywacke) (greywacke) sandstone sedimentary raised are rocks Ngaio Geology tawa, mahoe, titoki, karaka and rewarewa. and karaka titoki, mahoe, tawa, such as the Ngaio Gorge, the bush is regenerating with with regenerating is bush the Gorge, Ngaio the as such forays or longer extended walks for fitness. for walks extended longer or forays Ngaio Gorge to the Skyline walkway. There are short tracks for family family for tracks short are There walkway. Skyline the to Gorge Ngaio under a protective canopy of gorse. In other cut over areas, areas, over cut other In gorse. of canopy protective a under many accessible bush reserves and walking tracks running from the lower lower the from running tracks walking and reserves bush accessible many on the higher slopes where some areas of bush are regenerating regenerating are bush of areas some where slopes higher the on Ngaio and Crofton Downs, two of Wellington’s northern suburbs, have have suburbs, northern Wellington’s of two Downs, Crofton and Ngaio and shortcuts through the suburbs. the through shortcuts and cleared for dairy farming. Sheep and cattle are still grazed grazed still are cattle and Sheep farming. dairy for cleared complement the track system and provide interesting walks walks interesting provide and system track the complement Walking Tracks Walking After the area was logged, the land was progressively progressively was land the logged, was area the After shown on the map as dotted lines linking streets. They They streets. linking lines dotted as map the on shown access for pedestrians to shops and transport. These are are These transport. and shops to pedestrians for access site which is now the Ngaio Tennis Club courts. Club Tennis Ngaio the now is which site walkways and steps between streets. These provide easier easier provide These streets. between steps and walkways workings in Awarua Street providing logs for milling at a a at milling for logs providing Street Awarua in workings Ngaio and Crofton Downs have a large number of zigzag zigzag of number large a have Downs Crofton and Ngaio were taken from the area and there were extensive bush bush extensive were there and area the from taken were of broadleaf trees. Vast quantities of timber and firewood firewood and timber of quantities Vast trees. broadleaf of Suburban Walkways Suburban totara and kahikatea in association with a rich assortment assortment rich a with association in kahikatea and totara kohekohe with some emerging podocarps such as matai, matai, as such podocarps emerging some with kohekohe podocarp forest. There were extensive stands of tawa and and tawa of stands extensive were There forest. podocarp lower entrance is on the right. the on is entrance lower Pre-European vegetation was generally a mixed broadleaf - - broadleaf mixed a generally was vegetation Pre-European Ngaio. Go along Churchill Drive to Blackridge Road. The The Road. Blackridge to Drive Churchill along Go Ngaio. Drive or Churchill Drive. Otari is easy walking distance from from distance walking easy is Otari Drive. Churchill or Drive Botany national treasure. Access is from Wilton Road, John Witton Witton John Road, Wilton from is Access treasure. national Trelissick Park Northern Walkway Orleans Makererua Reserve (Pukatea Track) The park covers a large area of rugged landscape extending The track in Trelissick Park from Hanover Street to Waikowhai This small reserve has an interesting 10 minute track running from the lower Ngaio Gorge to Waikowhai Street with an extensive Street is part of the Northern Walkway. From Waikowhai from Makererua Street (off Heke Street) to Orleans Street network of walking tracks. Cared for by a dedicated group of Street a short road walk leads to Cummings Park. From (off Chelmsford Street). There is a gently sloped grassed volunteers in co-operation with the Wellington City Council Awarua Street the walkway goes along Khandallah Road area at the Orleans end. The reserve is notable for a number for over 20 years, the park has regenerating bush and a and Simla Crescent to Khandallah Park where it ascends to of fine specimens of native trees (pukatea, kahikatea and number of heritage trees. the top of Mt Kaukau. titoki) that are survivors from the original bush. A local care group looks after the area. There are five main entrances to Trelissick Park: Huntleigh Park Reserve Ngaio Gorge / Kaiwharawhara Road Skyline Walkway Ngaio Gorge Road This lesser known area is a WCC reserve. Adjoining bush is Trelissick Crescent administered by the Girl Guides Association. Access is from Part of this walkway runs north-south along the ridge between Waikowhai Street behind the Playcentre in Silverstream Road, Crofton Downs Mt Kaukau and Crofton Downs. It is 4 km long and takes two Hanover Street and Huntleigh Park Way.
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