!=- - American the Journal of the American Whitewater Affiliation JULIAUG 1976 Vol. XXl, No. 4 d~aeWHITEWATER Sponsored by The American Whitewater Affiliation JULIAUG 1976 Vol. XXI, No. 4 Contents ARTICLES The Thrill of the Goulais. Stephen A. Lyons 116 American ......... Tuolumne Battle Explodes Whitewater in California ............... Bob Hackamack 121 Affiliation Canoe-Acrostic ................ John R. Sweet 124 Executive Director Whitewater Slalom Racing JAMES C. SINDELAR Rules ........................ Ray Gabler 126 264 East Side Dr. Concord, NH 03301 The Split Rock Run ......... Joe and John Bauer 128 Photo Gallery. ............................ 138 Let's Hear It for the Sternperson! ............ Tom Kramer 140 President DEPARTMENTS I. Wvln Giddlngs 1425 Pen" Ave. Salt Lake City. UTR4103 Letters .......... 112 Book Reviews ..... 135 Vice Resident Readers' Soapbox . 114 Product Review. ... 136 Pwl Davidwn Hahn's Honchos ... 11 5 Cartoons.. ....... 140 478 Pythian St. Morgantown. WV 26YX Try This ......... 122 Classified ........ 141 Staff News. ....... 123 Affiliates. ........ 142 David 0.Cooney ?I Hagpcrty Rd. I'ot\dam. NY Editorial Chahmand Editor: lris Sindelar. P.O. Box 321. Concord. NH 03301 13h7h Mldwat Rdonal Editor: Gary E. Myers. 2H W 136 Hillview Dr.. Route 1, Naperville. IL 60540 Ann khller Editorial Committee: Ed Alcxander, '0. K. Goodwin. Rose Mary Gabler. Geo. larsen. Ray 22406 DeKalb IX Gahler. Gary E. Mycrc. Bob Lant,. Frcd Dietz. Kerry Heidenis. Joel Frcund. Business Manager: Rose Mary Gahler. 10 Boulder Kd.. Lexington. MA 02173 Circulation Manager: Kr.rrr Heidenis. P.O. Box 51. Wallinpford. CTOh442 Membtnhlp C3alrm.a; Swfing Reporter: Geo. Larsen. Box 1584. San Bruno. CA 94066 Mldwat Membership Chahm: Fred Dietz. 1590 Sleepy Hollow. Coshocton, OH 43812 Scott Arighi Advertising Chairman: Jwl Frcund. 440 Mission Blvd.. Fayetteville. AR 72701. 19h47 S. Falcon Ihite Conservation Llairman: Koh~.rtLantr. Sunhripht. 'TN ,17872. Oregon Citv. OR 97045 Safety Chairman: 0. K. Goodwin. 1240 Mover Kd.. Newport News. VA 23602 RdngEditor: Ray Gabler. LO Boulder Kd., Lexington. MA 02173 Robert Burrell How to Write to American Whitewmter: Deadlines for all material. including advertising, are 1.412 Western Are. Dec.. Mnrgantcwn. WV 26.505 the 25th of Feh.. Apr.. June. Aug., and Oct., for Nos. I. 2. 3. 4. 5 and 6 respectively. Send Rrekhednka and results to the Racing Editor. Ray Gabler. 0. K. Gwdwin Send mernbenhlp sobscription pmyments, changes of address, non-receipt of copies to Circula- 1240 Moyr Rd. tion manager. Kerrr Heidenis. P.O. Box 51, Wallingfnrd. CT06492 hlcwport New. VA 23m2 Send advertising copy and proofs to the k*t!tor, lris S~ndclar. Send Payments for Advertising and requests for advertising information to the Advertising George Lanen Manager. Jwl Frcund. JSh H:wthornc AVC. - S:tn Bruno. CA 9.1066 - - American Whltewater is mailed to all members of the ~erlemWhltewater Affih(ion, -= an affiliation of boating clubs and individuals interested in wh~tewaterpaddle sport. Member- Treasurer = rhio is oDen to interested individuals at S5.00 .per .year and to clubs at $10.00 per year. Club 5- mekber;hip includes listing in the Journal. Rose Mary Gabler - i>uhlicatian is planned a, h times "early. Single copies. 51.20 each. Surplus back copies are 10 &,older Rd. =- avajlahle at reduced prices. Write Gco. Larscn. P.O. Box 1584, San Bruno. CA 94066. Lexin ton - The Staff and committee members listed above are unpaid Whitewater enthusiasts who MA O517.i - -=volunteer their time and efforts to bring affiliate/member subscribers this purnal. Your con- -= tribution of articles. letten, race results and scheduler, photos and drawings are essential for =- their continued efforts and the timely oublication of the American Whitewater Journal. =- Vol. XXI No. 4 O 19% American Whitcwatcr Affiliation, All right\rewved - COVER: Sid Eschenbach runs a series of big drops on the North Fork of the Eel below Split Rock. AT LEFT: This 300-foot spire dominated the landscape for a number of portages. Photos by Joe Bauer. See story, p. 128. April 27 I conclude that where the benefit is Dear Iris, only a slight reduction in convalescence, Last weekend on a trip to the and a real and present hazard is total Cossatot River in Arkansas, a fellow loss of the arm, other alternatives must kayaker suffered a dislocated shoulder. be given the highest possible priority. I have learned a thing or two from The legal plight of a first aidsman that experience that other boaters who begins with a simple dislocation might find useful. and singlehandedly produces an am- The crux of any dislocation incident putee (or the equivalent), is bizzare. is not how or why the accident hap- No verbal statement of the victim, pened, it is rather the decision whether giving riverside permission, will greatly any immediate attempt should to made reduce liability or mitigate the eventual to relocate ("reduce") the dislocation. judgement. First aid motions necessary to No one who hasn't seen firsthand the produce "reduction" of a dislocation agony of a shoulder dislocation, can are fairly simple, and have been begin to appreciate its extent. described in American Whitewater. Any manipulation of the affected But boaters may not be fully aware arm produces a level of pain that risks that on-the-spot first aid carries a putting the victim into a severe con- otential that the artery that supplies dition of shock even before the aidsman Elood to the arm may become pinched has the arm in position to begin the into the relocated joint, with sub- reduction. sequent total and permanent loss of The problem of shock is con- function in that arm. siderable, because it can move rapidly According to doctors who advised me into death. The greatest enemy to a per- not to do field reductions of dislocated son in shock is the loss of body heat. shoulders except under the most com- River mishaps routinely involve the pelling circumstances, the potential of elements that can produce severe shock. cutting off circulation to the arm is real, If an aidsman finds it necessary to and it has happened to trained per- perform a reduction, his next im- sonnel working under controlled con- mediate step must be to find a pulse ditions. somewhere in the affected arm, to I am also advised that it is a half assure himself that all is well. If there is truth that there is great advantage in no pulse, his options are to whistle performing an immediate, versus Dixie, or to consider the possibility of delayed reduction of any dislocation. re-dislocating the arm - the technique The half truth is this: If the reduction for which only a physician would know, is performed in five to ten minutes of and the shock from which could kill the the dislocation, recovery may be as swift victim. Furthermore, many people are as 48 hours. incapable of correctly taking another But I am told that the disadvantage person's pulse - much less the pulse of of postponing the relocation for one an injured, shocked, chilled extremity. hour, or for six hours, is negligible, The correct amateur treatment of a amounting to an increase of the dislocation may in fact be to make the recovery period of only about two weeks victim as comfortable as possible on the - a full recovery occuring in either cir- streambank. If he remains stationary, cumstance. his pain should stabilize at a just- Any medical treatment, and bearable level. Shock is still a problem, especially first aid, must weigh all the so he must be kept warm, especially the ossible hazards against guaranteed shoulder area. If a decision is made to Eenefits. have the victim walk out under his own American WHITEWATER power, watch him closely for the ap- helmet). It is acceptably comfortable pearance of'shock symptoms - in- after the padding on the chin guard is creasingly frequent rest stops, pallor, ripped out, and the drainage problem clammy forehead, loss of coordination, isn't all that bad. I picked it up used at idle, or "loose" talking - and stop the a motorcycle shop for $15. Considering hike before things get worse. the number of eye and forehead injuries e If you are "miles from anywhere" the I've seen and been told of, I think this correct alternative may still be to type of complete protection deserves depend on outside help, sending a man consideration by any serious paddler. out to get a rescue party, a doctor, or Steve Manz . helicopter. Even if your field reduction Cincinnati, OH is letter perfect, the victim will not be able to paddle and will continue to suf- (Is the-face completely enclosed by a fer pain. He would not be able to swim. plastic bubble, or are there bars across The correct "tools" that make reduc- the face? Is hearing impaired by such a tion of a dislocation simple and safe are helmet? How hard is it to look over 1) a drug to relieve the victim of pain, one's shoulder? Just curious-Ed.) and 2) a drug to relax spasmed muscles in the affected area, and 3) a stethoscope to catch the victim's arm pulse afterward, and 4) knowledge of the method - because not all REGISTRATION LEGISLATION dislocation are alike, and 5) subsequent X-Ray of the shoulder joint. In the June, 1976 Lookout, newsletter If you waive your access to all that, of the National Boating Federation, is and go ahead with ill-fated do-it- a report that the Pennsylvania legisla- yourself treatment, you should plan on ture will be asked by the Fish Commis- explaining why you chose that course of sion to begin requiring registration and action to a jury. numbering of sailboats and manually Judd Smith propelled craft exceeding seven feet in 4070 Cedarbrush length.
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