Cl) LL. Cl) Cl) The campus community biweekly March 21, 2002, vol. 2, no. 6 A breakthrough on a Hawking draws thousands tropical virus Scientists at Caltech and Purdue Univer­ sity have determined the fine-detail struc­ ture of the virus that causes dengue fever. This advance could lead to new, more focused strategies for devising a Ensminger named vaccine against a viral illness that causes 20,000 deaths each year. new HSS chair Reporting in the March 8 issue of the journal Cell, Caltech biology professor She has traveled alone in war-torn areas James Strauss, lead author Richard Kuhn of Africa and listened to lions pad around of Purdue (a former postdoctoral scholar her tent at night, but now Caltech profes­ in Strauss's lab), and Michael Rossman sor of anthropology Jean Ensminger and Timothy Baker of Purdue describe takes on a different challenge, as the new the virus's structure, obtained with a chair of the Division of the Humanities cryoelectron microscope. The detailed and Social Sciences. electron-density map shows the inner In making the announcement, Caltech RNA core of the virus, as well as the provost Steve Koonin commented, "Jean other spherical layers that cover it. At the brings a distinguished record of teaching surface is the glycoprotein scaffolding and research, fine judgment, and demon­ thought to allow the virus to interact with strated management skills to an impor­ the receptor and invade a host cell. tant position of academic leadership This is the first time the structure of a within the Institute. We are very fortunate flavivirus has been described, Strauss that someone of her talents is willing to says. Flaviviruses are a class of viruses take on this important responsibility." that include the yellow fever, West Nile, Ensminger will be the first woman to tick-borne encephalitis, and Japanese serve as division chair at Caltech, and encephalitis viruses. All are enclosed will take the helm on June 15, replacing with a glycoprotein outer layer that John Ledyard, professor of economics includes minor projections out of the Fans of the British physicist and best-selling author Stephen Hawking braved the morning chill for lipid layer due to the geometry of the and social sciences, who will be return­ hours in line outside Beckman Auditorium. With coats and bedrolls, they turned out for free pairs of ing, he says, to "the best position in the scaffolding. tickets to Hawking's evening lecture on March 15. world: full professor at Caltech." He will "Most viruses that cause serious ill­ redirect his energies to his research in ness are enveloped, including influenza, market and organization design, or focus hantaviruses, West Nile virus, smallpox, on a new, unrelated area, or "go sailing, and herpes-though not polio," Strauss Go WEST, young woman if my boat is still afloat." says. For her part, Ensminger is enthusiastic see Dengue virus, page 2 It began when biochemistry graduate Heilshorn and Collins, together with about the prospects for the division, and student Cynthia Collins noticed a trend graduate students Karli Watson (biology) hopes to build on its successes over the among her colleagues. Quite often when and Sarah Monahan (chemistry), form last two decades. "The division has women gathered, the conversation WEST's steering committee. The group transformed the study of political science veered toward role models for women­ held its first events last fall, a lunch for and political economy in ways now emu­ Dodgers to host or rather, the lack thereof-at Caltech. students and postdocs featuring profes­ lated and dominant in virtually every "We would wonder, how are we going sors Janet Hering and Marianne Bronner­ major university in America," she says, Caltech/JPL Day to become the scientists we want to be, Fraser, and a forum, "The Status of "and is currently incubating several areas and still be able to have families as well Women at Caltech: Past, Present, and of expertise that have the same potential Dodger Dogs beware. On Saturday, as lives outside the lab?" Collins said. "Is Future," open to the wider Caltech com­ for transforming disciplines as we know June 1, more than 3,000 hungry baseball there anyone who's doing it all that we munity. The committee aims to continue them today." fans from Caltech and JPL-with families can talk to?" holding small faculty lunches and larger see Ensminger, page 6 in tow-will descend on Chavez Ravine. But as she looked around, she realized see WEST- page 6 That's when the first-ever Caltech/JPL there were such role models, excellent Day will take place at Dodger Stadium. ones. The problem was the lack of a net­ The entire Caltech community, including work to connect those scientists and Undergrad award students, staff, and faculty, will have the researchers with undergraduate and run of the place. The L.A. Dodgers will graduate students and postdocs who in a nominations urged face the Arizona Diamondbacks, with the few years would be their peers. So to game beginning at 1:10 p.m. create a venue for dialogue, mentoring, Applications for Caltech's 2002-03 Upper Clustered in Dodger Stadium's right­ and support, Collins and several friends Class Merit Award Competition are now field pavilion, the fans from Caltech will formed the new Women in Engineering, being accepted, and faculty members are begin the day at 11 a.m. A pregame car­ Science, and Technology group. encouraged to nominate freshmen, nival will offer an opportunity to scale a "There's a lot of segmentation among sophomores, and juniors who have 28-foot mountain and race down a 30- undergraduates, graduates, and faculty, shown outstanding academic achieve­ foot slide. Athletes will be able to speed­ and also among the different academic ment in their time at the Institute, says check their fastest pitch or swing a bat in options," said Sarah Heilshorn, a gradu­ David Levy, director of financial aid. an inflatable batting cage. The usual ate student in chemical engineering. Eligible students may also apply directly carnival denizens will be there to enter­ "We're trying to break down walls and themselves, and Levy urges them to do tain the kids, including face painters, increase communication, and make this a Sarah Monahan, Cynthia Collins, Karli Watson, so. "A lot of students don't apply because magicians, balloon artists, and clowns. more welcoming place for scientists in and Sarah Heilshorn hope WEST will increase see Scholarships, page 6 see Dodgers, page 6 general." communication among women on campus. 2 Caltech 336, March 21,2002 Getty taps News, views from NewsBriefs Rosenstone the Safety Office Professor of History Robert Rosenstone These news briefs are excerpted from the will soon join the ranks of researchers at Safetech Journal, a quarterly newsletter the Getty Center in Brentwood. He will published by Ca/tech's Environment, join the center's research arm in Septem­ Health, and Safety Office. For more ber as a Getty Scholar, concentrating in information on campus safety, e-mail biography on film. [email protected] or visit http:// Rosenstone has been at Caltech for safety. ca /tech. edu. 35 years, and in the last decade, he has divided his time between teaching here 911 and your wireless phone and writing about historical film from a One reason people purchase cell phones variety of countries. "I deal always with is to be able to call emergency response film from around the world, so I'm not services. But your call may not reach just an American when it comes to film," help. That's because not all wireless car­ he said. riers allow 911 calls to access local emer­ Rosenstone has also written two biog­ gency response systems, as required by raphies; it was Romantic Revolutionary, the FCC. his biography of John Reed, that was When purchasing a cell phone, find used as the basis for the 1981 feature out if the carrier provides wireless 911 film Reds. Rosenstone served as a his­ service. Make sure the service connection torical consultant for that project as well. is available in all areas of promised cov­ His year at the Getty will be spent erage. Also, find out if the cell phone researching how well films capture a past company provides enhanced wireless life and then bringing those works and service. Enhanced service, which the 911 his findings into the larger discourse of operator needs to identify the caller's Sally Ride, the first American woman in space and a Caltech trustee, history. As broad in scope as the topic of location, requires upgrades the carrier was featured on KPCC radio's Talk of the City program March 13. biographical film is, Rosenstone will feel may not have made in all areas. his way around and see what develops. "I'm really at the beginning of this AED: The shock of life Personals Honors and awards project," he said. "I'm not sure what the The newest member at the Braun Gym is shape of it is yet." the AED, or automated external defibrilla­ Denise Nelson Nash, director of public events, Welcome to Caltech tor. It is a laptop-sized device that ana­ has been selected as a 27th Congressional District • lyzes a cardiac-arrest victim's heart February Woman of the Year. On March 27, she and eight other women will be hosted for lunch at the Twin rhythm and advises a rescuer to deliver Palms Restaurant in Pasadena by Congressman a shock when appropriate. Audible Postdoctoral scholars Susana Andrade, chemis­ Dengue virus. from page 1 try, Daniel Bolon, biology, Kyle Caspersen, Adam Schiff, who is honoring the women for prompts tell the rescuer what to do, from having "played a critical role in improving the The surprise for the researchers was aeronautics, and Mindy Davis, biology; Camilla attaching electrodes to the patient's chest Haavik, visitor, materials science; Ryusuke quality of life" in the 27th District and having the unusual manner in which the glyco­ to pushing a button to deliver a shock.
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