[ JCT-2016 1 ~1FI ~Cfil I QUESTION BOOKLET ~~I SR.No. .ICODE: 19 810385 ~ijTittit~/ Number of Pages in Booklet: 32 I ~ ij Jf~;fftit m/ Number of Questions in Booklet: 120 ~ / Time: 2.00 ~ / Hours ~ / Maximum Marks' 120 INSTRUCTIONS '\ ~~T 1. Answer all questions. 1. ~q~-;j'f~kr~1 2. All questions carry equal marks. 2. ~ q~-;j'f~ iWIi ~ ~ I 3. Only one answer is to be given for each question. 3. ~ q~';f 'liT m ~ m 13m~1 4. If more than one answers are marked, it would be treated 4. t:!;9iit ~ \51R ~ <!it ~TTit q~';f ~ 13m <€t 'Wffi lfAT ;,;Wrrr I as wrong answer. 5. Each question has four alternative responses marked serially 5. ~ q~ ~ 'tl'R ~ 13m ~ 7Ji\" ~, ~ $Iill~T: as 1, 2, 3, 4. You have to darken only one circle or bubble 1,2,3, 4 ~ Wn 1p;f[ ~I ~~ <€t mt 13m ~ indicating the correct answer on the Answer Sheet using 'li'fc1 ~ ~. it m~~ ~ ~ <€t iffi'{-q3['Ii 1R BLUE BALL POINT PEN. ~ oJre' ~ iR it 1ftm ~ ~ I 6. Mter opening the envelope the candidate should ensure that 6. q~';f-q?[ ~ ~ 13m q?[tfi ~ ~ ctt BR;r ~ 1R Serial N,umber of the Question Paper and Answer Sheet crtTwft <n? ~ <l1{ ~ fcli ~ ~ q?[tfi >:IT cnft must be same. In case they are different, 11 candidate must ~ ~%;;IT q~';f-q?[ ~ 1R ~ ~I ~ ~ obtain envelop of another set of Question paper /$l. O.M.R. ~ m m mwn it trlFT ~~ q~';f-q?[ ~ ~ Sheet of the same Serial Number. Candidate himself shall 'liT ~ ~ qJi{f <l1{ #r I ?till 'IT m 1R ~ be responsible for ensuring this. i31~ ctt t?rT\ I 7. Mobile PhoneIBluetooth Devices or any other electronics 7. ~ iR~~ ~ i31~ ~&[email protected]) $I' 'liT crtTen gadget in the examination hall is strictly dealt as per rules. m it w:frT ~ ~ ~ I <IT&-M ~~ ~ qffi ·itm ~ qf;ffi 'ffil1lft ~ ~ f.1<l"llj<:1l{ 8. Please correctly fill your Roll Number in O.M.R. Sheet. 5 m ~ ~ <i)i &m q;N{ ~ I Marks will be deducted for filling wrong or incomplete Roll ctt qfcrft Number. 8. ~ 0l'AT m ~ .m.~.i31R. q?[tfi >:IT mqm;ft ~ 9. If there is any sort of .ambiguity/mistake either of printing mt '>RI 1)Wf 'I:fT ~ m ~ ~ 1R 5 iWIi 'WT or factual nature in Hindi and English Version of the ~ it it ~ ~ it ~ ~I question, the English Version will be treated as standard. 9. '!If?; M q~';f ~ ~ ~ ~.~·it M qcm ctt Warning; If a candidate is found copying or if any unauthorized ~ ~ '-IT ~ qcm ctt ~ m m q~';f 'liT.~ material is found in his/her possession, F.I.R. would be lodged ~ l1F<l ~I against himlher in the Police Station and he/she would liable ~ : i31'R ~ ~~ ~ 'li'fc1 ~ ;:;mn ~ '-IT ~ to be prosecuted under Section 3 of the State Prevention of qrn it ~ ~ ~ ~ iifTffi ~, iffi i31~~ ~ ~. Unfair means Act, 1992 and Board Regulations. Board may ~itm~~~~~~~wRfqit also debar him/her permanently from all future examination of ~ ~, 1992 ctt ~. 3 ~ oi\i ~~cf; (1W the Board. ~ ctt ~ I tTm m oi\i itit ~~ <€t ~ it m- mffi oi\i ctt trmf crtTm.m it ~ <l1{ Wfiill ~ I ~ qf[m ~ <€t ~ WP Of ~ ;jjOI wp em ';f ~I Do not open this test booklet until you are asked to do so. 19 -. 1 JeT 1) In which inscription are the names of ancient times like 'Jabalipur', 'Shakmbhari', 'Srimal' found? 1) Aamer inscription 2) Chirwe inscription 3) Bijoliya inscription 4) Sharigi nshi inscription 1) iiiIiSIIf&l 9;<, ~~, ~ ~ ~ ~ qrr. ~ ~~ if t ? 1) i3lTiR ~wnWsr 2) ~ ~ 3) MJJRit~1 ~ 4) Pj:ft ~ ~WlWmr 2) The relation of 'Kotdigi' civilization were with 1) Pre Haddapan Civilization 2) China Civilization 3) Egyptian Civilization 4) Sumeriyan Civilization 2) q;)c-~ ~ em ~m ~ ? 1) -wn ~ c6r ~ it 2) ~c6r~U 3) ~c6r~U 4) ~~~U 3) Which are was not enclosed in the Chandel empire? 1) Bundel Khand 2) JaijakBhukti 3) Mahoba 4) Bareli 3) ~ ~ if c6Rm fut ft~~(1 ;@ ~ ? 1) ~ai;i1@OS 2)~ 3)~ 4) ~ 4) In whose reign was the work Sawag-Padikaman Sutchanni (Shrawak prati karman sutra chumi) illustrated? 1) Mokal 2) Tej Singh 3) Kumbha 4) Jaidev Singh 4) mcrT-qf%Cb4OjOI ~ ~ (~~~~4OjUI ~.~) rt~ ~ <1\ilCf)Ii;i1~ ~ ~ ~® ? 1) ~ 2) ~ 3) ~un 4) ~ ~ 5) From which site has the large idol of 'Jakh Baba' Found? 1) Noh 2) Mathura 3) Rangmahal 4) Nand 5) \il1@ifW41 c6r Pcr~nw.or::r~ com u ~ ~ ? l).m- 2) ll~ 3)~ 4) <fR: 19- • 3 JeT 6) In which Fort of Rajasthan were the cannons forge? 10 1) Jaigarh 2) Nahargarh 3) Lohagarh 4) Junagarh 6) "ffi"q ~ em CfJI{@I"'I1 ~ t fc8:r ~ it en ? 1) ~ 2) '111?Pltp 4)~ 7) 'Aachintya Bhedabhedwad' is associated with which sect? 1) Chaitanya Sect 2) Nimbark Sect 3) Pamami Sect 4) Laldasi Sect 7) '~ ~' q)f wmr fflR:r ~ .~ % ? l)~~ 2)~~ 3)~~ 4) ~WI&lm ~ 8) With which style of painting is 'Nathu', 'Murad', 'Ramlal' ,Aliraja associated with? 1) Bikaner Painting 2) Kota Painting 3) KishangarhPainting 4) Bundi Painting 8) o:rr~ ~, <14~1~, 01J\ UJ1 I R.i?lCf)I{iq)f ~ ~ fu?T ~ ~ "@ % ? 1) ~ ~~ 2) coRT m~ 3) ~~l"f1R? R.i'?l"OO.. 4) ~ fu?rM 9) Which following code is does not match? Writer Books 1) Haribhadra Suri Dhurta Khyan 2) Udhotan Suri Kuwalayamala 3) JineshwarSuri Madhawanal Kam Kandala 4) Padmanabh Kanharde Prabandh 9)~~~-m% ? ~ ~ 1)~@ ~~T&:II'1 2)~@ §c!W'l41~1 3)~~c:r< @ ~ Cf)14Cf)"G~1 4)~ Cf)('$i5~ wm JeT 10) The 'Budhi Teej' is celebrated in :- 1) Bhadra pad krishna tritiya 2) Shravan Shukla tritiya 3) Shravan krishna tritiya 4) Bhadra pad tritiya 10) '¢.~' ~ \ifffit ~:- 1)~wmr~ 3) -31lquf wmr ~ 11) Which following Code is does not match? Writer Books 1) Awanindra nath thakur Bappaditya 2) Dwijendralal rai Bhism of Rajasthan 3) Jyotirindra Nath Attack on chittor 4) Bankim chandra Raj Singh 11)~~~~%? ~ ~ 1) ~ Yff~ 01W{ qllX'llie:<:'!'I 2)~~~ ~C5T~ 3) ,,'(:j)fd fl ~ Yff~ ~~~ 4) ~~ ~1\Jjm~ 12) The 'Bindori' Folk dance belongs to which area? 1) Kishangarh 2) Jaipur 3) Jodhpur 4) Jhalawar 12) '~' ~ C5T~ ~ ~ % ? 1) fcp~~ 2)~ 3) vfr~ 4) $i1~ClI9 13) Who founded the Prajamandal in Dungarpur? 1) Gokul bhai bhatt 2) Jamana lal bajaj 3) Bhogilal Pandya 4) Sagarmal Gopa 13) ~ $I\Jj140!5~ ctr ~ ~ ctr ? 1) ~~~ 2) \Jj4'1li!1l~ ~ 3) 'l:i)pft~l~ ~ 4) ~WI<4i~ ~ 19-. 5 JeT 14) Who imposed the new cess called "Ialwar-lag' in Bijoliya? 1) Prathwi Singh 2) Kishan Singh 3) Kesari Singh 4) Swarup Singh 14) ~JI~~I it ~ ~ "1flf ~ ~ ffi1Rf ~ ~ m ? 1) ~~ 2) fct!iR m 3) ~m 4) ~m 15) What was Kosia?· 1) SaIt of Pachpadra 2) A name of Revenue tax 3) A unit for measuring distance 4) A name of Ornament 15)'~' ~m? 1) qT.4q~{1cpr ~ 3) ~;wR c5t ~ 16) Who inaugurated the formation of Eastern Rajasthan (25th march 1948)? 1) N.y'Oadgil 2) Jawahar lal Nehru 3) Sardar Patel 4) Shobharam Kumawat 16) ~ ~ (25 ~ 1948) cpr \3q:QICT1 ~ fctm ? 1) l:ft:.m. IllsfTli!! 2) ~ ~ ~ 3) mm ~ 4) !iWmrl ~ 17) Who setup the 'Mahila mandaI' (1935) in Udaipur? 1) Daya shankar kshotriya 2) Ram Shankar gupta 3) Mahadevi"arma 4) Jai Shankar Agarwal 17) ~. if'~ ~' (1935) c5t ~ ~ c5t ? 2) Wl!im 'Till 4) ~!im \3ffiCIWf 18) Which is not a string instruments? 1) Jantar 2) Bhapang 3) Dukaka 4) Nag Phani 18) ~.~~~%? 1) \lRf{ 2) ~ 3) ~ 19- • 6 JeT In Rajasthan the temple of 'Mama-Bhanja' is establish in :- 1) Banswara 2) Dungarpur 3) Jodhapur 4) Kota 19) ~ if '11T+rr-~ cnr ~' ~ t- :- 1) qlflClISI 2)~ 3) ~~ 4) cfficT 20) Prior to independence which were the 'Thikanas' which had the status of non Salute State? 1) Lawa 2) Kushalgarh 3) Nimrana 4) All of above 20) ~ $ ~ ;fA- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ? 1) "ffiCIT 2) ?§~ffi1"RP 3) ·rI4{IOII 4) ~ ~ 21) Identify the correct sequencing, in descending order of area, of the districts of Rajasthan - 1) Kota > Sirohi > Bharatpur > Banswara 2) Sirohi > Kota > Banswara > Bharatpur 3) Bharatpur > Sirohi > Banswara > Kota 4) Banswara > Bharatpur > Sirohi > Kota 21) ~ ~ ~ .~ if ~ ~ ~ CfiT ~ ~ qj$tllPiq - 1) cilcr > fuilm > ~ > qlflClIi$1 2) fuiTtt > iter > qiflClIi$1> ~ 3) ~.:> ~ >qlflClIi$1> c6rer. 4) qlflClIi$1> ~ > moo > iter 22) Odd out the pair not correctly matched - Mountain Peak District 1) Bilali Alwar 2) Babai Jaipur 3) Kumbhalgarh Rajsamand 4) Bhojagarh Sikar 22) ~ 9:lf Chl ~ - qcfu mil - ~ 1)~ ~ 2) ~ ~ 3)~ (1\i1f14"G 4)~. ~ 19- • 7 JeT 23) Physical division extending over the largest area in Rajasthan is - 27 1) Eastern Plain 2) Marusthali 3) Aravalli 4) Hadauti Plateau 23) ~ if ~ ~ Pcrnw cmrrr ~ ~~T ~ - 1) ~~ 2) ~ 3) ~ 4) ~W5R 24) Luni river water remains sweet up to which place from its origin and thereafter turns saline? 2 1) Samdari 2) Balotra 3) Siwana 4) Sanchore 24) ~ ~ q)T.\lffi ~ ~ #!ClR ~ ~ w.o "4ToT -mrr % i3fR ~ ~ (gffi TI \lffiU % ? 1) ~ 2) i§1I~i)ml 3) fucn;:rr 4) mw 25) Where from does the river Chambal Originate? 1) Nag Pahar 2) Kumbhalgarh 3) Janapao Hills 4) Alwar Hills 25) ~ -.ro em ~ com B- ~ ? -v 1) TWr 1:@9 2)~ .~"'. 3) \J1"ml61q~l-,ql 4) ~ q$l~ql 26) What is the root cause of scant rain in Rajasthan? 1) Distance from sea 2) Extent of desert 3) Sparse forest cover 4) Typical orientation of Aravalli range 26) ~ if ~ ~ q)T~ cmur cp.:rr % ? 1) ~U~ 2) ~q)T~ 4) ~.gpmq)T~~ 27) Alluvial soils are found mainly in which districts of Rajasthan? 1) Kota, Baran, Jhalawar 2) Bharatpur, Sawai Madhpur, Dholpur 3) Bhilwara, Chittorgarh, Banswara 4) Sirohi, Udaipur, Rajsamand 19- • 8 JeT 27) ~ if ~ ~ ~: fu?q ~ it fiWrffi ~ ? 1) c@cr, ~, SilcrJlql!i? 2) ~, ~ ~, ~ 28) Which district in Rajasthan has the largest area under forests? 1) Karauli 2) Baran 3) Chittorgarh 4) Udaipur 28) ~it~~q)T~~CAl~~%? l)~ 2) ~ 3) RlJhplif/ 4) ~ 29) In production of Rape and Mustard leading districts of Rajasthan are (2009-10) - 1) Sawai Madhopur, Baran, Hanumangarh 2) Tonk, Kota, Jhunjhunu 3) Alwar, Bharatpur, Ganganagar 4) Jaipur, Dausa, Karauli 29) ut q ~ ~ ~ if.~ ~ i3f!lUfr ~ ~ (2009-10) 1) ~ ~, cmT, ~TiI1~ICf 2) ifc6, c@cr, ~*l{ 1 3) ~, ~, lfJlI"Ill< 4) ~, ~, ~ 30) Which one among the following livestock constitutes the largest number in Rajasthan (2012)?
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