OF THE WO~LDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD _V_O_L_._Xl_I~,_N_O_._2_4 ______________________________~P~ASADENA,CALIFORNIA DEC. 24,1984 Pastor general meets royalty, state officials in last leg of trip By Aaron K. Dean The minister. who also oversees Me. Armstrong returned the BURBANK, Calif. - Touching the Mahaweli River dam project, toast and spoke for 30 minutes on down aboard the Church's G-II I jet, explained underlying reasons for the causes of troubles in Sri Lanka Pastor General Herbert W. Arm­ the continuing social unrest and ter­ and the world at large. strong arrived at the airport here rorism in Sri Lanka. Dec. 2 from Tokyo, Japan, complet­ Cultural and racial friction Press conference ing his five-week tOUf of the Orient between Tamils. the minority race At 5 p.m. the group returned to and Asia. (18 percent of the population who the banquet room for a press confer­ were brought from India during the ence with Sri lankan journalists. Aaron K. Dean, a pastor-rank days of the British Empire), and The journalists asked Mr. Arm­ minister, is personal aide to Sinhalese (74 percent of the pOpula­ strong about the terrorism problem Pastor General Herbert W. tion) periodically erupts into open and how Mr. Armstrong could Armstrong. violence. (Moors make up the bring lasting peace to the region. remainder of the population.) Mr. A rmstrong ex.plained: "I During the last 13 days of his trip The majority of the problem, the can't bring peace. Peace comes from (see Nov. 26 and Dec. 10 issues of group was told, centers on agroupof living the way of give. People won'! The Worldwide News for previous Tamils living in northern Sri Lanka live that way until Christ returns trip coverage) Me. Armstrong met who demand a separate nation. Ele­ and makes us live the way to with King Bhumibol Adulyadej, ments of this group regularly com­ peace." Queen Sirikit, Crown Prince Maha mit terrorist acts to force the issue of Segments from this press confer­ Vajiralongkorn and education offi­ a separate nation. ence arc- scheduled to be aired on cials in Thailand. In Sri Lanka the The day before Me. Armstrong World Tomorrow programs. pastor general met privately with arrived members from this group That evening the group viewed a President Junius Richard Jayewar­ killed several policemen. Because of television program about Me. Arm­ ELECTED OFFICIALS - Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong con­ dene and Prime Minister Rana­ the potential danger, Mr. Arm­ strong and the Worldwide Church verses with John Van de Kamp (center), California state attorney general, singhe Premadasa. He also met and strong's group discussed whether of God produced by the Sri Lankan and Thomas Bradley (left), mayor of Los Angeles, Calif., in the Hall of spoke to government and civic lead­ the S ri Lanka trip should be can­ (See ROVAL TV, page 3) Administration Dec. 16 during a reception for the Community Dispute ers there. celed. Mr. Armstrong believed that Resolution Center in Pasadena. [Photo by Nathan Faulkner] God had opened the door for him to Flight from Bangladesh visit leaders of the country. and he Tuesday, Nov. 20, the G·II1 flew directed that the trip go forward. Explains caUse of disputes between people to Colombo\ capital city of Sri Lan­ Once in the country the Sri Lan­ ka, from Dacca, Bangladesh. There kan government assigned a dozen to meet Me. Armstrong on this security guards to Mr. Armstrong. island nation (formerly Ceylon) These guards stayed with the group HWA addresses legal officials were Robert Morton, regional 24 hours a day. director of God's Church in Austra­ That evening Tamil terrorists By Michael A. Snyder according to evangelist Ellis La efforts for the center. liaand Asia, and Mohan Jayasekera, raided a police station, killing some PASADENA - "But why Ravia, a vice president of the foun­ pastor of the Colombo and Anura­ police. The government ordered a should there be disputes? Why are dation. Cause of disputes dhapura, Sri Lanka, churches. national curfew from 6 p.m. to 6 there disputes between nations?" The nonprofit center, funded by The pastor general then ex­ Mr. Morton and Mr. Jayasekera a.m. Similar previous incidents led Pastor General Herbert W. Arm­ the foundation since 1983, helps plained what the goals of the escorted Me. Armstrong and his to national riots. and the Sri Lankan strong asked a group of elected offi­ individuals resolve civil disputes (See HW A, .... 31 group to the airport VIP lounge, government was taking no chances. cials,judges, attorneys, civic leaders through mediation, making formal where Mr. Armstrong was greeted Wednesday, Nov. 21, Deputy and businessmen in the Ambassador litigation in courts unnecessary. by Festus Perera, minister of fisher­ Minister Premachandra. founder Auditorillm Dec. 18. John Van de Kamp, California ies and G.M. Premachandra, depu­ and president of the Samodaya "Why disputes between organi· state attorney general, was the main Church ty minister of the same agency. Foundation in Sri Lanka, was host zations? And why disputes between speaker, and he praised the center as The group went to the Lanka to a luncheon in Mr. Armstrong's individuals and people? I think we an alternative to expensive lawsuits. Oberoi Hotel in government vehi­ honor. Nearly all of the Sri Lankan have to go back to the beginning and Mr. La Ravia compared the cen­ marks cles and noticed a banner hung over government ministers, plus promi­ see how it came out." ter's activities to principles in Mat­ the entrance welcoming Mr. Arm­ nent civic leaders, attended the lun­ thew 18:15-17, where individuals strong. cheon. Mr. Armstrong met the gov­ Mr. Armstrong's remarks were are told to first try and settle dis­ 20th year That evening Gamini Dissa­ ernment ministers at a reception part 'of a reception and address orga­ putes between themselves nayake, minister of land develop­ before the luncheon. nized by the Ambassador Found~­ PASADENA - "God seems to ment and the group's official gov­ After the meal Mr. Premachan­ tion to promote the Community Guest reception be causing a spiritual awakening in ernment host, called on the pastor dra proposed a toast to the pastor Dispute Resolution Center here, Before the addresses by Mr. Van the West Indies," said evangelist general at the hotel. general. de Kamp an.d Mr. Armstrong, the Dibar Apartian, regional director of Ambassador Foundation was host to God's Church in French-speaking a reception on the main Hoor of the areas, in a Worldwide News inter­ Hall of Administration. view Dec. 14. Included among the guests were The evangelist based his com­ Thomas Bradley, mayor of Los ments on response received during Angeles, Calif.; Maurice Stans, two Plain Truth Bible lectures he U.S. secretary of commerce in the presented during a Dec. 5 to 10 trip Nixon administration; William to Martin iqueand Guadeloupe. Bogaard, mayorofPasadena;judges M r. Apartian also conducted the from U.S. federal courts; and judges 20th anniversary celebration of the and attorneys from superior and Martinique congregation. municipal courts in l os Angeles, Mr. Apartian said that the Pasadena and other California cit­ French-speaking Caribbean has ies. received "a strong witness" in more Evangelists, department heads than 20 years of broadcasting Le and ministers participating in the Monde a Venir (French World Ministerial Refreshing Program Tomorrow). "One radio station in also attended. the Caribbean took a survey and About 7:10 p.m. the reception found that about 90 percent of ended and the guests walked across FrenCh-speaking population in the the campus mall to the Auditorium. West Indies is familiar with Le There Mr. La Ravia introduced Me. Monde a Venir," he said. Van de Kamp. , The evangelist conducted a Plain After the state attorney general Truth Bible lecture in Fort-de­ discussed the need for dispute­ France, Martinique, Dec. 6, draw­ resolving centers such as the one ing 87 new people. funded by the Ambassador Founda­ "We were very impressed with tion, a videotape ex.plaining the the response," Mr. Apartian said. functions of the center was shown. " It is often difficult to schedule such VISIT WITH ROVAL TV - Pastor General Herbert W. Armstrong meets with King Bhumibol Aduryadej and Queen Then, Dorn Dicker, chairman of the a lecture. Appropriate halls are Sirikit of Thailand in the Phuphan Ratchanives Palace in Chiang Mai, Thailand, Nov. 26. Mr. Armstrong gave the center's board of directors, pre­ often difficult to rent during the king a videotape, More Than a Monarch, that was produced by Media Services ir. Pasadena. rPhoto by Warren sented a plaque to Mr. Armstrong in week. and public transportation Watson) appreciation for the foundation's (See 20TH YEAR. page 111 2 The WORLDWIDE NEWS Monday, Dec. 24, 1984 agreement were hardly comforting to The empire shrinks back; China advances the puzzled Gibraltarians. "For us, this really opens a process nf cI ~"O I (> nj.7jnB Ihl" ROC'Ic." :1 ~Jl:Ini<,:h PASADENA - "The Most High Foreign Ministry spokesman said. cess a "multitude of nations" (Gene­ f?rsighted one," one, he said, which is rules in the kingdom of men, and gives imposed by the government of Fran­ Spain's state radio and television sis48:19). closely associated with China's lead­ it to whomever He chooses" (Daniel cisco Franco 15 years ago. As of Feb. added it was "the first time since Nearly all elements of the empire er, Deng Xiaoping. 4:25, Revised Authorized Version). 15 there will be free movement of 1713, the end of the WaroftheSpan­ have iongsince been transformed'into Deng is spearheading that nation's It is important to keep this princi­ people and traffic across the narrow ish Succession, when Spain lost the independent states, most of them only impressive modernization drive.
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