368 PJLTON. SOl\fERSET. [KELLY'S Miell William Arthur, dairy farmer, Plenty Joseph, farmer, Red house Stone Edward Hippi!dey,farmer1Lam­ Elm farm Read Benjamin, farm foreman to bert"s hill Padfield Edwin Haine, supt. Water­ Edmund Cary esq. Cumhill farm tTillev• Brothers, farmers & cider works & collector for West Pen­ Rodg-ers & Son, bakers R'J'OWers & manufrs. East Compton nard, W estholme Rodgers Levi, butcher Turner Wm. (Mrs.),frmr.We.Comptn Parker Aubl'ey, cowkpr. Westholme Rose George, stone mason, Malta ho Vigar Geo. Hy. farmr. Bournes farm Penny Ernel!t, boot & shoe maker Rose Wm. Hy. insurance agt. & hon. White Walt.eom.tra-v.Cannard'sGrave Penny Henry & Son, faTmers, West sec. WorkingMen'sClub,Brooklyn cot Williams & Son, grocers, Post office Compton Ross John, gardener to Joseph Pyke Williams A. G. cycle agent Pilton & District Horticultural Society esq. W estholme Working Men's Club & Reading (William Henry Rose, hon. sec) Slade George & Son, threshing ma­ Rooms (Willia.m Hy. Rose, h.on.sec) Platts Fted, agent for cattle food, Tor chine proprietors Young Charles, farmer, East Town: VIeW• PITCOMBE is a parish, having a station called Cole in seat of a monastie foundation, dating from early that hamlet, on the Somerset and Dorset railway, and is Christian time~ ; the fish ponds of the monks can 1 mile and a quarter south from Bruton station on the still be traeed in the adjacent Holy Water Copse: near Wilts, Somerset and Weymouth branch of the Great the house is a medireval ~tone pigeon house of con­ Western railway, and 5 north-west from Wincanton, in the siderable antiquarian intere!lt. Hadspen House is tb& Wells parliamentary division, Bruton hundred, Win­ seat of the Right Hon. Henry Hobhouse. Thomas canton petty sessional division, union and county cour~ Wyudham esq. the Right Hon. H. Hobhouse and Capt. district, rural deanery of Bruton, archdeaconry of Wells Charle·s E. A. L. Rumbold are the chief landowners. and diocese of Bath and Wells. The church of St. The soil is stone brash; and the subsoil is white rock Leonard, rebuilt, with the exception of the tower, in on the high grounds and sand in the valley. The chief 1858, is a building of stone in the Early English style, crops are wheat, barley and turnips and some land in oonsisting of chancel, nave of four bays, north aisle, south pasture. The area is 2,I56 acres; rateable value-, porch and an embattled western tower, with pinnacles, £4,106; the population in r9ti was 391 in the civii containing 3 bells : the east window is etained: in 1905 parish and 4II in the ecclesiastical parish (which com­ a new organ was provided at a cost of £go: there are prises parts of Pitcombe and Bruton civil parishes). sittings for 174 persons. In the churchyard is an The parish contains two tithings, Pitcombe and Hadspen. ancient cro~s 12 feet high: a lych-gate was erected in Hadspen is a hamlet and tithing, about r mile south­ . Il;l58. The register of baptisms and burials dates from we~t from the church. October, 1538 ; marriages, Sept-ember, 1567. The living Cole is a hamlet about half a mile west, with a station is a vicarage, with t·he perpetual curacy of Wyke on the Somerset and Dorset railway. There are two gris1i Champfluwer annexed, joint net yearly value £r79 (in­ mills on the Brue, Cole Mill and Gant's Mill, the latter cluding 3 acres of glebe), with residence, in the gift driven both bv• steam and water. of Sir H. H. A. Hoare bart. and held. eince 1914 by the Parish Clerk, Ernest A. Sainsbury. Rev. Francis Peter Synge 'B.A, of Selwyn College, Cam­ Letters from Bath, via Bruton, Somerset (those fol' bridge. There are charities to the amount of £ r 8 6s. Hadspen via Castle Cary) (those for Gant's Mill Godminster, the property of Capt. C. A. E. L. Rum­ !!hould have Bruton, Somerset, only). Bruton, r! bold, was formerly the mansion house of the family miles distant, is the nearest money order & telegraph of Cottington; the main portion of the house is in o:trl.ct? . the late·r style of Inigo Jones, about 1640, but the south Public Elementary School (mixed), erected in r864 a~ front is considerably older, dating. from the rsth cen­ a memorial to the late H. Hobhouse esq. for 70 chil· tury, and has a spiral stairca~e leading to the reputed dren; Mrs. Tawse, mistress · chapel; the place, as its name indicates, was once the Railway Station, Cole, H. 'f. Lewis, station master House Gabriel Bernard, farmer,Shat­ PRIVATE RESIDENTS. Synge Rev.Francis Peter B.A.(vicar), • Vicarage well farm Barton Lieut. Frank J.3Sunnyhill vls Jennings Thos.Hy.miller (water),OolS' Brown Capt. S. I Sunnyhill Tillas COMMERCIAL. Lockyer W alter Raymond, miller Crowthcr Herbert B.Sc. Sunny hill Murked thus t farm 150 acres or over. (water), Gant's mill . Gitiord Wm. Geo. Hillside, Hadspen Cannon Waiter Hugh, farmer Mitchell Edwd.Paul,frmr. Honeywick Down Albert Edwd. frmr. Cole Style Padfield E. J. surveyor & sanitary in­ Hatchard Frederick H. Sunnvhill• Hobhouse Rt. Hon. Henry P.C., J.P. Gifford Thomas C. farmer,Grove frm spector Wincanton rural district Hadspen house ; & I Airlie gardens, Gilbert Laura A. (Mrs.), Railway Parham Charles, farmer, Hadspen Kensington W 8 & Athenreum club hotel, Oole tRossiter· Reginald, farmer, God­ SW r, London Golledg-e Frederick C. frmr. Hadspen minster farm J ennings Richard, Hadspen Hoddinott Elizabeth, Julia & Je10sie Spratling John, dairyman, Hadspen Jennings Thomas Henry, Lisbury (Misses), farmers, Cola Sunny Hill Girls' School (Miss Editb -- ' ' ~~ Ke:rton Mrs. 2 Su:pnyhill villas '. ' ~ I I li J. Radford, head mistress) . PITMINSTER is a large parish and village, 4~ miles the ·property of the trustees of the late Francis Murray south from Taunton station on the Bristol and Exeter Newton esq. and the residence of Edward Vaughan section of the main line of the Great Western railway, in esq. occupies a commanding -site at the foot of the the Taunton parliamentary division, Taunton hundred, Blagdon Hills, and was anciently the summer TE'sidence petty sessional division and union, rural deanery and of the Priors of Taunton ; the park contains some archdeaconry of Taunton and diocese of Bath and Wells .. magnificent elm and oak timber. Canonsgrove is the The church. of St. Andrew and S~. Mary is an ancient residence of Lieut.-Col. John M. £. Waddy; Poundis­ building of stone in the Perpendicular style, consisting of ford Park, of Miss Sale ; Culmhead, of Sir John Paget chancel, nR-ve, aisles, north and south porches and a Mellor K.C,B., J.P.; Poundisford Lod!!e, of Kenneth western tower, with spire, containing 6 bells: thel'e are Cary Helyar esq. Edwin Irwin Bambridge Cox esq. is some ancient and richly carved benches, a finely carved lord of the manor. The principal landowners are the stone pulpit and reredos and some very interesting altar­ trustees of the late F. M. Newton esq. Sir John Paget tombs to the Coles family, dating from the 16th and 17th Mellor K.C.B., J.P., E. A. Mattoek esq. and K. C. centuries : six of the windows are stained : there are Helyar esq. The soil is day; subsoil, various clay, sibtings for 380 persons. The register of_ baptisms dates and in the upper parts rock. The chief crops are wheat, from the year 1544; . marriages and burials, 1542. The oats, bean!! and roots and pasture land. The area is living is a vicarage, net yearly value £420, with glebe ~ ,346 acres of land and· 9 of water ; rateable value, (£2 ss.) and residence, in the gift of .Arthur East wood £12,oos; population in rgn, I,I33· esq. of Leigh Court, Taunton, and held since 1909 by the Rev. Alfred Hawken B.A. of Oxford University. Blagdon, r! miles south-west; Howleigh, I! miJes The rectorial tithes belong to the trustees of the late west; Feltham, ri miles south; and Lowton, 2 miles F. M. Newton esq. and are of £210 yearly value. There west from the church, are hamlets in this parish. is a Mission room at BLAGDON, with 150 sittings. Post Office, Pitminster.-Miss Joan Upham, sub-post­ The Congregational chapel at FULWOOD was erected mistress. Open 9 to 7 p.m. ; man. q to I p.m. in I732, and has sittings for rBo persons, and one at Lebters through Taunton. Corfe is the nearest money Blagdon, built" in 1877• seating Ioo persons; there is order & Blagdon Hill is the nearest telegraph office also a chapel for the Brethren. The charities are of Post & Telegraph Office, Blagdon Hill.-Mrs. H. Selway. £4o yearly value, of which £3o was left by T. T. Mal'ke sub-postmistress•. Open q to 7 p,m.; sun. 8.30 to esq. ; there are also 4 scres of land on Blagd·on Hill, Io a.m. Letters for Blagdon, Pitminster village, let as allotments. The reservoirs of the Taunton" Cor­ Howleig-h & district arrive from Taunton. Corfe, :z poration Waterworks are in this parish. Ba:r<ton Grange, miles distant, is the nearest money order office .
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