March 7, 2018 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E273 unintended consequences. Many radio sta- Mr. Speaker, I sincerely hope that my col- Originally Convair Airfield, the 325-acre air- tions that are co-located on TV towers could leagues will join me in congratulating Dr. port was built by Consolidated-Vultee Aircraft be forced to shut down during spectrum relo- Masood Khatamee on receiving the Banou, Incorporated in September 1943. The space cation. With 670 radio stations possibly being Inc. Lifetime Achievement Award. This honor functioned as the test site for the Navy’s impacted, we must ensure our local radio sta- is truly deserving of this body’s recognition. Seawolf torpedo bombers, which were built at tions are protected in a process from which f the nearby Mack Trucks’ plant. Eighty-six they will receive no benefit. bombers were tested at the Convair facility, I appreciate the inclusion of section 603, PERSONAL EXPLANATION but the war concluded before any of the which makes funds available for radio broad- planes were commissioned for duty. casters to address this problem. This section HON. CARLOS CURBELO The City of Allentown purchased the gov- incorporates the fundamentals of the bill that OF FLORIDA ernment land on July 10, 1947, and in addition Representative GENE GREEN and I introduced IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES to the land, the government parted with in H.R. 3685, the Radio Consumer Protection Wednesday, March 7, 2018 Convair Airfield—valued at over $1 million—for Act. Our bipartisan bill established a radio pro- $1 under the condition that Allentown main- tection fund to reimburse impacted stations for Mr. CURBELO of Florida. Mr. Speaker, I tained the land for aviation purposes. their costs incurred as a result of the repack. was unavoidably detained. Had I been After Allentown acquired Convair Airfield, I am also appreciative of the addition of FM present, I would have voted YEA on Roll Call the military called upon the airfield for training translators in section 603. Many FM and AM No. 89. exercises during the Cold War. In 1948, the stations rely on these translators to provide f Pennsylvania National Guard leased the air- service in rural and remote areas across ON THE LIFE OF ANGUS port for Army reserve flight training. This pre- America. Passage of H.R. 4986, ensures that MCEACHRAN vented Lehigh Valley reservists from needing the spectrum repack fund will include FM to travel long distances to receive critical train- translators. HON. STEVE COHEN ing. The National Guard once again used In closing, I think it is fitting that H.R. 4986 Convair in 1949 for Operation Vultee One, OF TENNESSEE is named the ‘‘RAY BAUM’S Act’’ in honor of which was a series of simulated bombing at- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the former staff director of the Energy and tacks. Commerce Committee, Ray Baum. Ray dedi- Wednesday, March 7, 2018 The lease was transferred to Air Products & cated his life to serving the people of Oregon Mr. COHEN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Chemicals, an industrial gas business with and the people of this country. It has been pay tribute to Angus McEachran, the editor of deep Lehigh Valley roots, in 1951. The com- more than 25 years since Congress last reau- The Commercial Appeal, the daily newspaper pany utilized Convair for mounting oxygen thorized the FCC and I can think of no better of my hometown of Memphis. McEachran died generating equipment on military trailers and way to honor Ray. Monday at 78. Known as a rough and tough, producing valves and gauges. Air Products & I urge support for H.R. 4986. no-nonsense newspaperman, McEachran Chemicals remained at Convair for 15 years f started off as a copy boy at the Memphis before ending its lease with Allentown in 1966. newspaper and presided over two of its signa- On May 15, 1961, Allentown took over the IN RECOGNITION OF MASOOD ture stories as Metro Editor—the assassination day-to-day operations of the airfield and offi- KHATAMEE, MD of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. in 1968 and the cially renamed it Queen City Municipal Airport. death of Elvis Presley in 1977. This marked the beginning of private use of HON. FRANK PALLONE, JR. Over the years, he nurtured the careers of the land, starting with Spirax-Sarco, a maker OF NEW JERSEY hundreds of reporters, editors and photog- of steam and heat transfer systems. The city IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES raphers and opened opportunities for African sold the airport to the Lehigh-Northampton Air- Wednesday, March 7, 2018 Americans and other minorities while broad- port Authority in 2000 after fifty years of own- ening the scope of the newspaper’s reporting ership. Mr. PALLONE. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to to more accurately reflect the whole commu- Today, Queen City Airport is home to 90 recognize Professor Masood Khatamee, MD nity. After Memphis, he was executive editor, planes that are used by small business own- as he is honored with the Lifetime Achieve- then editor, at The Birmingham Press Herald ers in the Lehigh Valley. The airport allows ment Award by Banou, Inc. at their Nowruz before moving on to become editor of The these business owners to avoid long waits be- celebration on March 16, 2018. It is truly a fit- Pittsburgh Press where the newspaper won hind commercial flights at Lehigh Valley Inter- ting tribute to honor Dr. Khatamee at this com- back-to-back-Pulitzer Prizes for investigative national Airport (LVIA) and freely conduct their memoration of the Persian New Year as he is journalism in 1986 and 1987. Returning to his business travel. Additional hangars to accom- an ardent supporter of the Iranian-American hometown of Memphis as editor and president modate more planes are in the airport community. of The Commercial Appeal in 1993, he added authority’s long-term plan since Queen City A Clinical Professor at the New York Univer- a third Pulitzer. has experienced increased utilization in recent sity School of Medicine Department of Obstet- Mr. McEachran retired in 2002 having years. rics and Gynecology, Dr. Khatamee is a lead- worked his entire career in the Scripps How- Mr. Speaker, I would ask the House to join er in both the medical and Persian commu- ard chain of newspapers. I extend my condo- me in acknowledging Queen City Airport’s his- nities. Dr. Khatamee served as President of lences to his family and friends across the tory of serving our government as well as the the Iranian American Medical Association from country. 15th Congressional District of Pennsylvania. 1999 to 2000, is a member and a past presi- f May it continue to prosper and refine its leg- dent of the Board of Directors of the Shiraz acy in the Lehigh Valley. University School of Medicine Alumni Associa- CELEBRATING QUEEN CITY f tion and is an Honorary Member of the Rus- AIRPORT’S 75TH ANNIVERSARY sian American Medical Association. IN APPRECIATION OF INDUCTEES Dr. Khatamee is a renowned physician, re- HON. CHARLES W. DENT INTO IDAHO HALL OF FAME ceiving the distinction of Physician of the Year OF PENNSYLVANIA by the White House and the United States IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. MICHAEL K. SIMPSON Congress as well as the selection as a Top 10 Wednesday, March 7, 2018 OF IDAHO Iranian-American Physician in the United IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES States, among other awards and accolades. Mr. DENT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to cele- Notably, Dr. Khatamee was also nominated for brate the 75th anniversary of the Queen City Wednesday, March 7, 2018 the 2016 Nobel Peace Prize in Medicine. Airport located in Allentown, Pennsylvania. Mr. SIMPSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to In addition to his work at the New York Uni- Throughout its history, the airport has served congratulate Bonnie Stoddard of Dubois, Rob- versity School of Medicine, Dr. Khatamee is the Lehigh Valley community in a variety of ert Brown of Idaho Falls, Frank Priestly of the Executive Director of the Fertility Research ways. From its beginnings as a military base Franklin, R.J. Smith of Tendoy, and Stan Foundation, Founder and Director of the Soci- during World War II to the small business Boyle of Idaho Falls on their inductions into ety for the Prevention of Human Infertility and transportation hub it is today, Queen City Air- the Eastern Idaho Agricultural Hall of Fame. a lecturer at the Columbia School of Bio- port has been vital to Pennsylvania’s 15th Now 87 years old, Bonnie Stoddard has medical Engineering. Congressional District. dedicated her life to documenting agricultural VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:46 Mar 08, 2018 Jkt 079060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A07MR8.011 E07MRPT1 SSpencer on DSKBBXCHB2PROD with REMARKS E274 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks March 7, 2018 history. Much of her early life was spent on a CONDEMNING THE SEVENTH ANNI- lution that celebrates America’s wineries and cattle ranch in the Medicine Lodge area of VERSARY OF THE SYRIAN CIVIL vineyards and recognizes the importance of Clark County. From these beginnings she rec- WAR distinctive American winegrowing regions, in- ognized the imperative to preserve and share cluding those protected by American the history of her area, as well as the sur- HON. ALCEE L. HASTINGS Viticultural Area (AVA) designations. I am particularly proud of Oregon’s AVAs rounding Idaho and Montana ranch and farm OF FLORIDA and the world-renown pinots they produce. country. I applaud Bonnie for her agricultural IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Nationally, there are more than 10,000 service and the historical value she has added Wednesday, March 7, 2018 to her community.
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