Title 47— Telecommunication (This book contains parts 20 to 39) Part CHAPTER I—Federal Communications Commission (Contin- ued) .................................................................................... 20 1 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:26 Nov 25, 2016 Jkt 238214 PO 00000 Frm 00011 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Q:\47\47V2.TXT 31 lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:26 Nov 25, 2016 Jkt 238214 PO 00000 Frm 00012 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Q:\47\47V2.TXT 31 lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB CHAPTER I—FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) SUBCHAPTER B—COMMON CARRIER SERVICES Part Page 20 Commercial mobile services .................................... 5 22 Public mobile services ............................................. 47 24 Personal communications services ......................... 129 25 Satellite communications....................................... 165 27 Miscellaneous wireless communications services ... 318 32 Uniform system of accounts for telecommuni- cations companies ................................................ 421 36 Jurisdictional separations procedures; standard procedures for separating telecommunications property costs, revenues, expenses, taxes and re- serves for telecommunications companies ........... 487 37–39 [Reserved] SUPPLEMENTARY PUBLICATIONS: Annual Reports of the Federal Communications Commission to Congress. Federal Communications Commission Reports of Orders and Decisions. Communications Act of 1934 (with amendments and index thereto), Recap. Version, January 1974, Packets No. 1 through 6. Study Guide and Reference Material for Commercial Radio Operator Examinations, May 1979 edi- tion. 3 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:26 Nov 25, 2016 Jkt 238214 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Q:\47\47V2.TXT 31 lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:26 Nov 25, 2016 Jkt 238214 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 8008 Sfmt 8008 Q:\47\47V2.TXT 31 lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB SUBCHAPTER B—COMMON CARRIER SERVICES PART 20—COMMERCIAL MOBILE rules for the Wireless Telecommuni- SERVICES cations Services and the procedures for filing electronically via the ULS. Sec. (b) Part 2. This part contains the 20.1 Purpose. Table of Frequency Allocations and 20.2 Other applicable rule parts. special requirements in international 20.3 Definitions. regulations, recommendations, agree- 20.5 Citizenship. 20.6 CMRS spectrum aggregation limit. ments, and treaties. This part also con- 20.7 Mobile services. tains standards and procedures con- 20.9 Commercial mobile radio service. cerning the marketing and importation 20.11 Interconnection to facilities of local of radio frequency devices, and for ob- exchange carriers. taining equipment authorization. 20.12 Resale and roaming. 20.13 State petitions for authority to regu- [78 FR 21559, Apr. 11, 2013] late rates. 20.15 Requirements under Title II of the § 20.3 Definitions. Communications Act. 20.18 911 Service. Appropriate local emergency authority. 20.19 Hearing aid-compatible mobile An emergency answering point that handsets. has not been officially designated as a 20.20 Conditions applicable to provision of Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP), CMRS service by incumbent Local Ex- change Carriers. but has the capability of receiving 911 20.21 Signal boosters. calls and either dispatching emergency 20.22 Rules governing mobile spectrum services personnel or, if necessary, re- holdings. laying the call to another emergency AUTHORITY: 47 U.S.C. 151, 152(a) 154(i), 157, service provider. An appropriate local 160, 201, 214, 222, 251(e), 301, 302, 303, 303(b), emergency authority may include, but 303(r), 307, 307(a), 309, 309(j)(3), 316, 316(a), 332, is not limited, to an existing local law 610, 615, 615a, 615b, 615c, unless otherwise enforcement authority, such as the po- noted. lice, county sheriff, local emergency SOURCE: 59 FR 18495, Apr. 19, 1994, unless medical services provider, or fire de- otherwise noted. partment. Automatic Number Identification (ANI). § 20.1 Purpose. A system that identifies the billing ac- The purpose of these rules is to set count for a call. For 911 systems, the forth the requirements and conditions ANI identifies the calling party and applicable to commercial mobile radio may be used as a call back number. service providers. Automatic Roaming. With automatic § 20.2 Other applicable rule parts. roaming, under a pre-existing contrac- tual agreement between a subscriber’s Other FCC rule parts applicable to li- home carrier and a host carrier, a censees in the commercial mobile radio roaming subscriber is able to originate services include the following: or terminate a call in the host carrier’s (a) Part 1. This part includes rules of service area without taking any special practice and procedure for license ap- actions. plications, adjudicatory proceedings, procedures for reconsideration and re- Commercial mobile data service. (1) Any view of the Commission’s actions; pro- mobile data service that is not inter- visions concerning violation notices connected with the public switched and forfeiture proceedings; competitive network and is: bidding procedures; and the environ- (i) Provided for profit; and mental requirements that, together (ii) Available to the public or to such with the procedures specified in § 17.4(c) classes of eligible users as to be effec- of this chapter, if applicable, must be tively available to the public. complied with prior to the initiation of (2) Commercial mobile data service construction. Subpart F includes the includes services provided by Mobile 5 VerDate Sep<11>2014 12:26 Nov 25, 2016 Jkt 238214 PO 00000 Frm 00015 Fmt 8010 Sfmt 8010 Q:\47\47V2.TXT 31 lpowell on DSK54DXVN1OFR with $$_JOB § 20.3 47 CFR Ch. I (10–1–16 Edition) Satellite Services and Ancillary Ter- Industrial Signal Booster: All signal restrial Component providers to the ex- boosters other than Consumer Signal tent the services provided meet this Boosters. definition. Interconnection or Interconnected. Di- Commercial mobile radio service. A mo- rect or indirect connection through bile service that is: automatic or manual means (by wire, (a)(1) provided for profit, i.e., with microwave, or other technologies such the intent of receiving compensation or as store and forward) to permit the monetary gain; transmission or reception of messages (2) An interconnected service; and or signals to or from points in the pub- (3) Available to the public, or to such lic switched network. classes of eligible users as to be effec- Interconnected Service. A service: tively available to a substantial por- (a) That is interconnected with the tion of the public; or public switched network, or inter- connected with the public switched (b) The functional equivalent of such network through an interconnected a mobile service described in paragraph service provider, that gives subscribers (a) of this section, including a mobile the capability to communicate to or broadband Internet access service as receive communication from other defined in § 8.2 of this chapter. users on the public switched network; A bi-direc- Consumer Signal Booster: or tional signal booster that is marketed (b) For which a request for such and sold to the general public for use interconnection is pending pursuant to without modification. section 332(c)(1)(B) of the Communica- Designated PSAP. The Public Safety tions Act, 47 U.S.C. 332(c)(1)(B). A mo- Answering Point (PSAP) designated by bile service offers interconnected serv- the local or state entity that has the ice even if the service allows sub- authority and responsibility to des- scribers to access the public switched ignate the PSAP to receive wireless 911 network only during specified hours of calls. the day, or if the service provides gen- Fixed Consumer Signal Booster. A Con- eral access to points on the public sumer Signal Booster designed to be switched network but also restricts ac- operated in a fixed location in a build- cess in certain limited ways. Inter- ing. connected service does not include any Handset-based location technology. A interface between a licensee’s facilities method of providing the location of and the public switched network exclu- wireless 911 callers that requires the sively for a licensee’s internal control use of special location-determining purposes. hardware and/or software in a portable Location-capable handsets. Portable or or mobile phone. Handset-based loca- mobile phones that contain special lo- tion technology may also employ addi- cation-determining hardware and/or tional location-determining hardware software, which is used by a licensee to and/or software in the CMRS network locate 911 calls. and/or another fixed infrastructure. Manual Roaming. With manual roam- Host Carrier. For automatic roaming, ing, a subscriber must establish a rela- the host carrier is a facilities-based tionship with the host carrier on whose CMRS carrier on whose system another system he or she wants to roam in carrier’s subscriber roams. A facilities- order to make a call. Typically, the based CMRS carrier may, on behalf of roaming subscriber accomplishes this its subscribers, request automatic in the course of attempting to origi- roaming service from a host carrier. nate a call by giving a valid credit card Incumbent Wide Area SMR Licensees. number to the carrier providing the Licensees who have obtained extended roaming service. implementation authorizations in the Mobile Consumer Signal Booster. A 800 MHz or 900 MHz service, either by Consumer Signal Booster designed to waiver or under Section 90.629 of
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