Published by the Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Volume 39, Number 5 February 2019 Shevat-Adar 5779 SUMMER CAMP SPECIAL EDITION Federation Makes Sensational Summer 2019 Opportunities Affordable for Children and Teens fabric of camp, helping campers connect to their own identity and the larger Jewish community. And, it also happens to be a whole lot of fun. By Nancy Frankel Since 2005, JFNH has offered incentive grants to 138 young people to attend Jewish nonprofit summer camps Plan now for a sensational summer. Attending Jewish for the first time. Twelve campers from nine NH commu- summer camp and participating in a Jewish sponsored nities received camp grants in 2018, and all with whom we peer trip to Israel are the two most important factors in have spoken plan to return to their camps in 2019! creating engagement and connections to build the next Explore Jewish nonprofit summer camps and apply generation of our Jewish community. A limited number for a JFNH grant through the Foundation for Jewish of grants for camp and Israel Experience programs will Camp: www.onehappycamper.org. be funded by the Jewish Federation of NH on a rolling 2019 Peer Trips to Israel basis as long as money is available. Funding is offered to If you are considering a teen peer group trip to Israel, families who live in New Hampshire or belong to a NH now is the time to apply for an Israel Experience grant synagogue. from JFNH. Choose the program that matches your in- Jewish Summer Camp terests and JFNH will contribute up to $1,800. JFNH Every child should experience the magic of Jewish believes that continuing Jewish education linked with a summer camp. It’s where kids discover who they really peer trip to Israel will forge a strong Jewish identity. are, make lasting friendships, and gain skills they can Grants are not needs based and are made possible use for their entire lives. Jewish camp is mission driven, through the Irving and Bernice Singer Endowment and First-time campers of all ages are eligible for JFNH weaving Jewish values, culture, and traditions into the Camps continued on page 11 first-time camper grants. Support What You Love: 2018-19 Campaign Needs Your Help Calendar 4 By Melanie Zalman McDonald, with your help, we can get there. Federation Voices 5 JFNH Executive Director In a perfect world, our JFNH budget would Your Federation at Work 7 break even at year-end. Campaign Dollars at Work 11 Perhaps it’s the free PJ Library books that Our challenge is that at the From the Bimah 12 arrive for your children or grandchildren same time when our re- Summer Camp 13-15 each month. helps those most vulnerable among us. Or sources have plateaued, the Maybe it’s the engaging and entertaining Israel 16 that your support helps to provide enrich- needs in our state-wide programs about Israel presented by our shli- ment for Jewish seniors year-round. Jewish community have In the Community 17 cha, Noam Wolf? Maybe you support Federation to honor multiplied. One might ar- Education 18 It could be this month’s issue of The Jewish the memory of generations that came before gue (and we would agree) Arts & Entertainment 19 Reporter that you’ve just started to enjoy. you. Those who opened up the possibility for that even a non-profit is a Mitzvahs 20 Your warm feelings about the smell of vibrant Jewish life here in New England. business, and that we Opinion 21 challah coming out of our Jewish Federation Whatever your reason, Jewish Federation should find a way to meet Book Review 21 Preschool. of New Hampshire needs your support, and these needs despite a di- Recent Events 22-24 Perhaps it’s the plans you are making to en- there’s no time like the present. minishing overall revenue joy our 11th Annual New Hampshire Jewish Last year, with your help, we raised approx- Tributes 25 stream. We’re hoping that Film Festival. imately $180,000 – a significant increase over you feel as we do: Business & Professional Sentimental visions of attending Jewish Sum- recent years. This year, we are already at Services 26 That no Jewish child in mer Camp – or your very first trip to Israel. $150,000 with five months remaining in the Certainly, it’s knowing that your support fiscal year. Our goal this year is $220,000, and Campaign continued on page 9 Change Service Requested Service Change PERMIT NO. 1174 NO. PERMIT MANCHESTER, NH MANCHESTER, Manchester, NH 03101 NH Manchester, PAID 66 Hanover St., Suite 300 Suite St., Hanover 66 US POSTAGE US Jewish Federation of New Hampshire New of Federation Jewish ORGANIZATION The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter Jewish Hampshire New The NON-PROFIT JRF: Jewish Reconstructionist Federation URJ: Union for Reform Judaism The New Hampshire CONGREGATIONS USCJ: United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism Jewish Reporter VVolumeolume 39,3, NumberNumber 5 AMHERST HANOVER TEMPLE ADATH YESHURUN . Rabbi Beth D. Davidson FEBRUARY 2019 CONGREGATION BETENU * THE ROHR CHABAD CENTER 152 Prospect Street, Manchester Shevat-Adar 5779 Sam Blumberg (Rabbinic Intern) AT DARTMOUTH Reform, Affiliated URJ PublishedPublished by thethe 5 Northern Blvd., Unit 1, Amherst Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Rabbi Moshe Gray (603) 669-5650 Jewish Federation of New Hampshire Reform, Affiliated URJ 19 Allen Street, Hanover www.taynh.org (603) 886-1633 698 Beech Street Orthodox, Chabad [email protected] 66 Hanover St., Suite 300 www.betenu.org Manchester, NH 03104 (603) 643-9821 Services: Shabbat services the first Friday Manchester, NH 03101 Services: Friday night Kabbalat Shabbat Tel: (603) 627-7679Tel: (603) 627-7679Fax: (603) 627-7963 www.dartmouthchabad.com of the month at 6 PM services at 7:30 PM [email protected] All other Friday nights at 7 PM Saturday morning twice a month, 9:30 AM Editor: Fran Berman Services: Friday Evening Shabbat services with some exceptions. Editor: Fran Berman BETHLEHEM and Dinner Alternating Shabbat services or Torah LLayoutayout and and Design: Design: 5JN(SFHPSZ Tim Gregory Shabbat morning services study Saturday mornings at 10 AM BETHLEHEM HEBREW CONGREGATION Call for times Advertising Sales: 39 Strawberry Hill Road TEMPLE ISRAEL Advertising Sales: KOL HA'EMEK UPPER VALLEY 603-627-7679603-627-7679 PO Box 395, Bethlehem Rabbi Jeremy Szczepanski JEWISH COMMUNITY thereporter@[email protected] Unaffiliated-Egalitarian 66 Salmon Street, Manchester Rabbi Mark Melamut (603) 869-5465 Conservative The objectivesobjectives of TheThe NewNew HampshireHampshire Roth Center for Jewish Life www.bethlehemsynagogue.org (603) 622-6171 JewishJewish ReporterReporter areare toto fosterfoster aa sensesense ofof 5 Occom Ridge, Hanover community among the Jewish people of New [email protected] [email protected] community among the Jewish people of New Nondenominational, Unaffiliated HampshireHampshire byby sharingsharing ideas,ideas , information,information, Services: Contact for Date/Time Info For Shabbat service times, call experiences and opinions, and to promote the (603) 646-0460 experiences and opinions, and to promote the President Dave Goldstone - (516) 592-1462 603-622-6171 x12 or visit agencies,agencies, projectsprojects andand missionmission ofof thethe JewishJewish www.uvjc.org Federation of New Hampshire. or Eileen Regen – (603) 823-7711 www.templeisraelmht.org. Federation of New Hampshire. [email protected] The New Hampshire Jewish Reporter is Weekly Services: July through Simchat Torah Call Stephen Singer, 669-4100 for more info. publishedThe Ne wmonthly Hampshir ten timese Jewish per year,Reporter with ais Services: Friday night Shabbat services published monthly ten times per year, with Friday: 6:30 PM; Saturday: 10 AM deadline for submissions of the 10th of the at 6 PM, led by Dartmouth Hillel NASHUA montha deadline before for publication.submissions ofThere the 10thare noof Saturday morning Shabbat services at Januarythe month or Junebefor eissues. publica Alltion. items, Ther includinge are no CLAREMONT TEMPLE BETH ABRAHAM February or August issues. An “Upcoming 10 AM calendar events, for the December-January TEMPLE MEYER DAVID Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett orEv May-Juneent” (Calendar) newspaper submission must be submittedfor those bymonths Nov. 10should or April be 10,submitted respectively. by December 25 Putnam Street, Claremont KEENE 4 Raymond Street, Nashua 10th or June 10th, respectively. Conservative Conservative, Affiliated USCJ CONGREGATION AHAVAS ACHIM Please send all materials to: (603) 542-6773 (603) 883-8184 Please send all materials to: Rabbi Amy Loewenthal [email protected]@jewishnh.org Services: Generally the second Friday of www.tbanashua.org 84 Hastings Avenue, Keene [email protected] the month, 6:15 PM, April to November. 6HQGLWHPVIRUWKHSULQWDQGRQOLQHSend items for the print and online Reconstructionist, Affiliated JRF [email protected] (603) 352-6747 -)1+&DOHQGDUDQG(1HZVWRJFNH Calendar and E-News to CONCORD Services: Friday night services 8 PM #MHZLVKQKRUJ www.keenesynagogue.org [email protected] TEMPLE BETH JACOB 1st Friday family service 7 PM Opinions presented in the paper do [email protected] Saturday morning 9:30 AM notOpinions necessaril presentedy represent in thethe paperviews doof notthe Rabbi Robin Nafshi [email protected] necessarilyFederation. represent the views of the Mon. - Thur. minyan 7:30 PM Federation. Photos submitted by individuals 67 Broadway, Concord Services: Regular Friday night services at Neither the publisher nor the editor can Reform, Affiliated URJ andassume organizations any responsibility are published for the with kashrut their 7 PM NORTH CONWAY permission. (603) 228-8581 of the services or merchandise advertised in Monthly Shabbat morning services at thisNeither paper .the If publisheryou have norquestions the editor regar dingcan KEHILAT HAR LAVAN assume any responsibility for the kashrut of www.tbjconcord.org 9:30 AM kashrut please consult your rabbi. [email protected] Hazzan Marlena Fuerstman theThe services New or Hampshirmerchandisee Jeadvertisedwish R eporterin this Check the website for time variations paper.
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