202 Articles by Hailiang Dong1, 2 and Bingsong Yu1,3 Geomicrobiological processes in extreme environments: A review 1 Geomicrobiology Laboratory, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, 100083, China. 2 Department of Geology, Miami University, Oxford, OH, 45056, USA. Email: [email protected] 3 School of Earth Sciences, China University of Geosciences, Beijing, 100083, China. The last decade has seen an extraordinary growth of and Mancinelli, 2001). These unique conditions have selected Geomicrobiology. Microorganisms have been studied in unique microorganisms and novel metabolic functions. Readers are directed to recent review papers (Kieft and Phelps, 1997; Pedersen, numerous extreme environments on Earth, ranging from 1997; Krumholz, 2000; Pedersen, 2000; Rothschild and crystalline rocks from the deep subsurface, ancient Mancinelli, 2001; Amend and Teske, 2005; Fredrickson and Balk- sedimentary rocks and hypersaline lakes, to dry deserts will, 2006). A recent study suggests the importance of pressure in the origination of life and biomolecules (Sharma et al., 2002). In and deep-ocean hydrothermal vent systems. In light of this short review and in light of some most recent developments, this recent progress, we review several currently active we focus on two specific aspects: novel metabolic functions and research frontiers: deep continental subsurface micro- energy sources. biology, microbial ecology in saline lakes, microbial Some metabolic functions of continental subsurface formation of dolomite, geomicrobiology in dry deserts, microorganisms fossil DNA and its use in recovery of paleoenviron- Because of the unique geochemical, hydrological, and geological mental conditions, and geomicrobiology of oceans. conditions of the deep subsurface, microorganisms from these envi- Throughout this article we emphasize geomicrobiological ronments are different from surface organisms in their metabolic processes in these extreme environments. traits. Our understanding of these organisms and their metabolic functions are hampered by the difficulty of cultivation. This diffi- culty is due to multiple, the subsurface conditions to grow microor- Introduction ganisms in laboratory and their slow growth rate is a major one. Nonetheless, our current knowledge based on culture-independent approach, limited success in cultivation, and isotopic evidence, sug- The last decade has seen an extraordinary growth of Geomicrobiol- gests that the subsurface microorganisms are often anaerobic and ogy. Microorganisms have been studied in numerous extreme envi- thermophilic chemolithotrophs that are distinctly different from sur- ronments on Earth, ranging from crystalline rocks from the deep face organisms. Some organisms have shown remarkable resistance subsurface, ancient sedimentary rocks, hypersaline lakes, to dry to radiation (Pitonzo et al., 1999; DeFlaun et al., 2007). There are deserts and deep-ocean hydrothermal vent systems. Even signatures generally three categories of continental subsurface environments: of possible ancient life on Mars are being presented. Studies of min- subsurface aquifers and/or hydrothermal waters; sedimentary eral-microbe interactions lie at the heart of this interdisciplinary basins/oil reservoirs, and crystalline metamorphic/igneous rocks. field, as minerals and rocks are the most fundamental earth materials Below is a summary of several major metabolic processes that occur with which microbes interact at all scales. Below is a short review of in these environments. certain topics. Because of the diversity of the topics and rapid devel- opment in this area, it is impossible to cover all aspects adequately. Metal reduction by thermophilic microorganisms We hope that this review will promote more focused research in Geomicrobiology, and encourage collaboration among geologists, Metal reduction by thermophilic organisms is of great interest for a number of reasons. First, hydrothermal systems are often con- geochemists, soil scientists, microbiologists, and environmental sidered as modern analogs of the ancient Earth’s biosphere, and engineers. Fe(III) reduction could have been an important process on early Earth (Vargas et al., 1998). Second, metal-microbe interaction is relevant as we search for life on other planets, as magnetite, a prod- Continental deep-subsurface research uct of microbial reduction of iron, may constitute a robust bio- marker that may have survived through later stages of alteration Investigations of geomicrobiological processes in the continental (Nealson and Cox, 2002). Third, metal reduction by thermophilic deep subsurface are driven by a number of theoretical and practical organisms is intimately connected to human life, such as bioreme- reasons. The theoretical reasons include our curiosity about the diation of heavy metals and radionuclides in abandoned nuclear origin of life and possible presence of life on other planets such as facilities and landfill sites. Mars. On the practical side, microorganisms isolated from the deep Thermophilic metal reducers are present in virtually all possible subsurface often contain unique assets, and they are ideal for envi- habitats, ranging from sedimentary basins (oil reservoirs), terrestrial ronmental bioremediation, microbially enhanced oil recovery, and hydrothermal waters, to deep subsurface crystalline rocks. Ther- biotechnology development. The conditions of the deep continen- mophilic metal reducers are widely distributed in 15 bacterial and 4 tal subsurface are typically represented by anaerobic conditions, archaeal genera, and most of them are only capable of reducing high or low pH, high temperature and pressure, high radiation Fe(III) in either aqueous or chelated form, with a few being able to (from decay of radioactive elements), and high salinity (Rothschild reduce crystalline iron oxides (Slobodkin et al., 2005). Magnetite September 2007 203 and siderite are common products depending on environmental con- tified in these environments (Thermoanaerobacter, Thermodesul- ditions. Heterotrophy is a dominant metabolic pathway with a few fovibrio, Thermotoga, Thermococcus, Methanothermobacter, organisms capable of autotrophic growth coupled with iron reduc- Methanococcus, and Methanobacterium) (Nazina et al., 2000; tion. Interested readers are strongly advisted to refer to a review Orphan et al., 2000), SRB (Amend and Teske, 2005) and paper (Slobodkin et al., 2005). Recently, a new anaerobic, ther- methanogenic archaea are of special importance. Thermophilic SRB mophilic, facultatively chemolithoautotrophic bacterium has been are mainly various species of Desulfotomaculum, Thermodesul- isolated from terrestrial hydrothermal springs that are capable of dis- forhabdus, and Desulfacinum (Amend and Teske, 2005). In petro- similatory Fe(III) reduction (Zavarzina et al., 2007). Thermincola leum reservoirs, abundant organic compounds provide growth sub- ferriacetica (Isolate Z-0001) is able to grow chemolithoautotrophi- strates for these heterotrophic sulfate reducers. In a recent study, Cai cally with molecular hydrogen as the only energy substrate, Fe(III) et al. (2007) reported that SRB are capable of coupling U(VI) reduc- as electron acceptor and CO2 as the carbon source (Zavarzina et al., tion with oxidation of petroleum with implication for a microbial 2007). Strain Z-0001T is the first thermophilic bacterium capable of role in U ore deposit formation in the Shashadetai deposit, the north- both dissimilatory iron reduction and the anaerobic growth on CO, ern Ordos basin, NW China. coupled with hydrogen formation. In sedimentary basins without petroleum potential, these organ- One interesting feature with certain thermophilic, acidophilic isms, which live in highly-permeable sandstones, actually depend on metal reducers is the ability to conserve energy from both Fe(III) organic materials from adjacent shales for growth (Krumholz et al., reduction and Fe(II) oxidation (Acidimicrobium ferrooxidans, Sul- 1997; 1999). The interface between aquifer (high permeability) and fobacillus thermosulfidooxidans, Sulfobacillus acidophilus) (Bridge aquitard (low permeability) appears to be the most important location and Johnson, 1998). These organisms are capable of iron redox for a number of biogeochemical reactions including sulfate reduction cycling when they are grown in batch cultures at atmospheric partial (McMahon, 2001). More recently, a new anaerobic, thermophilic, O2 pressure. Zhang et al. (unpublished data) recently observed iron facultatively chemolithoautotrophic bacterium was isolated from ter- cycling with a neutrophilic thermophile (Figure 1). Initially, it was restrial hydrothermal springs (Zavarzina et al., 2007) This organism thought that iron redox cycling was carried out by an enrichment cul- is capable of dissimilatory Fe (III) reduction. ture. However, iron cycling persisted after multiple transfers and iso- lation. The reduction of Fe(III) in iron oxides and clay minerals and Sulfur oxidation oxidation of Fe(II) in iron sulfides operated at different pH condi- tions, with slightly acidic pH favoring Fe(III) reduction and alkaline In geothermal vents, solfataras, and hot springs, reduced sulfur pH favoring Fe(II) oxidation. Lactate served as an electron donor compounds may be more important electron donors than organic during Fe(III) reduction, and acetate was believed to be the electron carbon compounds, as these environments often contain high con- acceptor during Fe(II) oxidation. Molecular analysis identified a sin- centrations of inorganic
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