1042 THE EDINBURGH GAZETTE, DECEMBER 11, 1936. " Edinburgh Evening Dispatch newspapers calling Special Drainage District; Whitecraig Special Water " upon all parties who desire to be heard to appear District; Whitecraig Special Scavenging District; " before the Sheriff, within the Sheriff Court Sherwood and Poltonhall Special Lighting District; " House, George IV. Bridge, Edinburgh, on Poltonhall Special Water District; Poltonhall Special " the 20th day of January nineteen hundred Drainage District; Poltonhall Special Scavenging " and thirty-seven, at 11.30 o'clock forenoon, District; Auchendinny Special Drainage District; " at which Diet the Sheriff appoints all parties Kirkhill, Eskbridge, and Harper's Brae Special " whom he shall judge to have an interest to appear Water District; Kirkhill, Eskbridge, and Harper's " and be heard in such manner and to lead such Brae Special Drainage District; Silverburn Special " proof as he may deem fitting; such intimation Water District; Silverburn Special Drainage Dis- "being made at least ten days before said Diet; trict; Bilston Special Water District; Bilston Special " meantime appoints the Writ to lie with the Clerk Drainage District; Bilston Special Scavenging Dis- "of Court subject to inspection; grants Warrant trict; Newtongrange and Gowkshill Special Water " to cite Witnesses and Havers." District; Newtongrange and Gowkshill Special Scav- (Sgd.) " CHAS. H. BROWN." enging District; Newton Special Water District; Of all which in terms of the foregoing Interlocutor Old Craighall Special Water District; Old Craighall Intimation is hereby given. Special Scavenging District; Wallyford Special Drainage District; Danderhall Special Drainage Dis- GAVIN BELL, Solicitor, Agent for the trict; Edgehead Special Water District; Edgehead County Council of the County of Special Drainage District; Temple Special Scaveng- Midlothian. ing District; Fala Special Drainage District. County Rooms, Edinburgh, G. J. M'GREGOR, County Clerk. 9th December 1936. County Rooms, Edinburgh, 10th December 1936. MIDLOTHIAN COUNTY COUNCIL. King's and Lord Treasurer's OTICE is hereby given, in terms of Section Remembrancer's Office, Exchequer Chambers, N 44 (2) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act, 1894, and Section 14 (2) of the Local Govern- Edinburgh, 1, 8th October 1936. ment (Scotland) Act, 1908, that at a Meeting held ' OTICE is hereby given that the Estate of within the County Rooms. Edinburgh, on Wednes- N MRS. ELIZABETH EMMA MORGAN or day, 9th December 1936, the County Council of the KEEGAN, The Rest, 8 Park Avenue, Dunoon, who County of Midlothian resolved as follows :— died there on 27th January 1936, has fallen to His (a) To form an area at Bellsquarry, in the Majesty as idtimus hceres. Parish of Mid Calder and County of Midlothian, JOHN A. INGLIS, K. & L.T.R. into a Special Lighting District to be known as BELLSQUARRY SPECIAL LIGHTING DIS- TRICT; King's and Lord Treasurer's (b) To adopt for the purposes of the said Special Lighting District the provisions contained in Remembrancer's Office, Exchequer Chambers, Sections 99 to 105, inclusive, of the Burgh Police Edinburgh, 1, 8th October 1936. (Scotland) Act, 1892; OTICE is hereby given that a moiety of the (c) That the debt incurred or to be incurred in N Estate of MRS. ANNIE (otherwise known as connection with the said Special Lighting District ANNE) M'LEOD or ALEXANDER, of Crossways shall be met by assessment imposed upon and paid Cottage, The Grove, Kingsdown, near Sevenoaks, by the ratepayers within the area thereof ; and Kent, who died there on 12th March 1936, has fallen (d) That the said Resolution shall take effect as to His Majesty as idtimus hceres. The deceased was from 15th May 1937. born at Stonehaven 69 years ago. A Plan showing the boundaries of the said Special Lighting District along with the full terms of the JOHN A. INGLIS. K. <£• L.T.R. Resolution may be inspected at the Office of the Subscriber during business hours. King's and Lord Treasurer's G. J. M'GREGOR, County Clerk. Remembrancer's Office, Exchequer Chambers, County Rooms, Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 1, 8th October 1936. 10th December 1936. OTICE is hereby given that a proportion of the N Estate of MRS. JESSIE WILSON CALD- WELL or M'MARTIN or WALKINSHAW, some- MIDLOTHIAN COUNTY COUNCIL. time of 83 Green Street, Calton, Glasgow, and latterly of Kilmuir, Brisbane Road. Largs, who died HOUSE-LETTING AND RATING (SCOTLAND) at Largs on 23rd March 1935, has fallen to His ACT, 1911. Majesty as ultimus hceres. OTICE is hereby given that at a Meeting of the JOHN A. INGLIS, K. A L.T.R. N County Council of the County of Midlothian, held within the County Rooms, Edinburgh, on Wednesday, 9th December 1936, after one month's RUTHIN CASTLE LIMITED. previous notice in a newspaper published or circulated in the undermentioned Special Districts formed under TNTIMATION is hereby given that in the Petition the Public Health (Scotland) Act, 1897, or the Local JL presented by the above-named Company incor- Government (Scotland) Acts, 1889 to 1908, For the porated under the Companies (Consolidation) Act, purposes of Water Supply, Drainage, Lighting, or 1908, and having its Registered Office at 1 Diamond Scavenging, it was resolved to adopt the House- Street, Aberdeen, to the Lords of Council and Session Letting and Rating (Scotland) Act. 1911, within the for Confirmation of Reduction of Capital, the Court said Special Districts, viz. :—Balerno Special has pronounced the following Order :— Drainage District; Currie and Balerno Special Scav- " 4th December 1936.—Lord Carmont.—Act. enging District; Ratho, Ratho Station and New- ' Williamson.—The Lord Ordinary having con- bridge Special Scavenging District; Kirknewton ' sidered the Petition (no Answers having been Special Lighting District; Mid Calder, .East Calder, ' lodged) along with the Report by Alexander and Kirknewton Special Scavenging District; Mid ' Ogilvie, Esquire, W.S., Edinburgh, No. 28 of Calder and Pumpherston Special Drainage District; ' Process, and heard Counsel, approves of said Re- East Calder Special Draina.ee District; West Calder 'port; finds that it is unnecessary to apply the Special Lighting District; Polbeth Special Drainage ' provisions of Section 56, Sub-section (2), of the District; Loganlea and Woodmuir Special Scaveng- ' Companies Act, 1929, as regards the Creditors of ing District; Loganlea Special Drainage District; ' the Company or any class of them; confirms the Loganlea "Special Lighting District; Breich and ' Reduction of the Share Capital of the Company Woodmuir Special Lighting District; Whitecraig ' resolved upon by the Company under the Special.
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