THE ADVANCED COMPUTING SYSTEMS ASSOCIATION The following paper was originally published in the Proceedings of the FREENIX Track: 1999 USENIX Annual Technical Conference Monterey, California, USA, June 6–11, 1999 pk: A POSIX Threads Kernel Frank W. Miller Cornfed Systems, Inc. © 1999 by The USENIX Association All Rights Reserved Rights to individual papers remain with the author or the author's employer. Permission is granted for noncommercial reproduction of the work for educational or research purposes. This copyright notice must be included in the reproduced paper. USENIX acknowledges all trademarks herein. For more information about the USENIX Association: Phone: 1 510 528 8649 FAX: 1 510 548 5738 Email: [email protected] WWW: http://www.usenix.org pk: A POSIX Threads Kernel Frank W. Miller Cornfed Systems, Inc. www.cornfed.com Intro duction pk makes use of a literate programming to ol called noweb. The basic concept is simple. Both do cu- mentation and co de are contained in a single noweb pk is a new op erating system kernel targeted for use le that uses several sp ecial formatting conventions. in real-time and emb edded applications. There are Two to ols are provided. noweave extracts the do c- twonovel asp ects to the pk design: umentation p ortion of the noweb le and gener- A ates a do cumentation le, in this case a L T X le. E notangle extracts the source co de p ortion of the Documentation: The kernel is do cumented us- noweb le and generates a source co de le, in this ing literate programming techniques and the case C source co de. noweb [4] to ol in particular. POSIX Threads with Memory Protection: The The main consequence of using literate program- concurrency mo del is based on the POSIX ming, and noweb in this case, is that changes to the Threads aka Pthreads [2, 3] standard, how- system after initial development are p erformed on ever, the kernel also provides page-based mem- the noweb source les. Since the co de is intermixed ory protection using Memory Management with its asso ciated do cumentation, it is more likely Unit MMU hardware. that the do cumentation will b e up dated at the same time. This short pap er discusses these facets of the pk ker- This is the rst non-trivial pro ject I have under- nel pro ject. The use of literate programming is pre- taken using literate programming, and I have seen sented rst, followed by a brief description of some an evolution in my use of the to ols as I have pro- of the pk design issues. gressed with it. As with many pro jects, it was b e- gun drawing on co de from another pro ject. In this case, I drew on some elements of the Roadrunner op erating system [1]. These were basic elements, Literate Programming like initialization, interrupt pro cessing, and memory management, that were needed to get a new ker- nel up and running quickly. These reused elements Do cumentation is as imp ortant as the software it were not do cumented with noweb initially and some do cuments. This b elief led me to contemplate how remain undo cumented still although my goal is to to do cument the pk kernel design as a primary goal. do cument the entire system using noweb over time. In my exp erience, the biggest problem with gener- ating do cumentation is that it often seems to be The rst new element to b e written was the set of a secondary activity, p erformed after the co de is basic Pthread routines. I rst wrote the co de and written. I b ecame interested in the p otential for only after it was completed and tested to some de- the documentation discipline asso ciated with liter- gree, did I go back and overlay the do cumentation ate programming techniques and decided to make and formatting to turn the C source co de les into use of these techniques with pk. noweb les. This pattern rep eated itself during the implementation of mutexes and condition variables. By discipline, I refer to a structure within whicha noweb do cumentation was added only after the fact. pro ject is p erformed that provides an incentive to generate do cumentation as the co de is b eing writ- It happ ened that once I had completed the Pthreads ten. Literate programming to ols provide a mecha- routines, I decided to investigate the addition of pro- nism that fosters such structure. tected memory to the kernel. Design issues asso ci- small routines or the co de itself maybesointuitive ated with this decision are discussed in the next sec- that only high-level prose is required to get across tion. Continuing here, I want to discuss the implica- their function. tions on do cumentation that presented themselves. It was this decision that resulted in the rst signi - One interesting p oint ab out the use of literate pro- cantchanges to existing source co de that had b een gramming seems to b e that the licensing asso ciated do cumented using noweb. Sp eci cally, the mem- with the source co de must also apply to the do c- ory management co de, which maintains the heap umentation, since the two are linked in the source of available physical pages, and various parts of the les. pk is available under a BSD-style copyright, Pthreads co de needed to b e up dated. which places essentially no restrictions on redistri- bution. A similar pro ject released under the Gnu My rst thought when I went to make changes to Public License GPL would require the changes to the rst source co de le was, \don't worry ab out the do cumentation to be redistributed in addition the do cumentation, you can come back a x that up to changes source co de. later." I had no so oner op ened my second source le when I realized I would forget what I had done if I There are a variety of literate programming to ols didn't take care of the do cumentation. This would available. I evaluated cweb, written by Donald result in a do cument whose prose didn't match the Knuth, and noweb written by Norman Ramsey. co de asso ciated with it. I had to go back and Knuth's cweb generates do cumentation of co de frag- change it. This was the discipline I had hop ed would ments that are \pretty-printed", i.e. they havean present itself. Iwent back and made the do cumen- algorithmic style reminiscent of textb o oks on com- tation changes. puter science theory. The noweb to ols utilize a small set of simple formatting rules and generate co de At rst this felt cumb ersome, it added time to co de fragments that lo ok cosmetically like they were ex- maintenance. However, two unexp ected e ects b e- tracted from a source co de le. This style seemed gan to emerge. First, I found that my design was more in tune with a systems programming pro ject, cleaner. When I mo di ed the co de and changed like an op erating system kernel, and so I decided to the do cumentation, I thought ab out the problem use noweb over cweb. twice. This led in several instances to a more concise change. Second, I found that I could makechanges more quickly in co de that I had not visited in a while. It may seem obvious, but the do cumentation Pthreads and Memory Protection was right there next to the co de, and this allowed me to refamiliarize myself with it more quickly. Ihave now b egun to implement pieces of co de in the noweb source format as they are written for the rst time. pk is based on the POSIX Threads concurrency The p ower of the conciseness e ect I discovered dur- mo del. Pthreads were originally designed under the ing maintenance is also present when writing co de assumption that all of the threads would execute and do cumentation together during an initial imple- in the same address space. In fact, this address mentation. space was intended to be within a UNIX pro cess. However, the Pthreads API is also used in real- The granularity of the do cumentation varies over time kernels that provide their applications a single, di erent parts of the co de. There are several reasons physical address space. pk is also targeted at real- for this. Foremost, di erent areas of the co de have time and emb edded applications, but it augments b een do cumented at di erent times, and the do c- the Pthreads design to include page-based memory umentation for a particular segment of co de might protection using the MMU. Such a design falls some- not be p erformed all at one sitting. This results where in b etween the basic Pthreads mo del and the in sections of co de that are \complete", i.e. they more substantial pro cess concurrency mo del. are do cumented in great enough detail to under- stand all asp ects of their semantics. Other p ortions Since pk is targeted at time-critical applications, are coarser, p erhaps only setup to t into the over- paging and/or swapping to secondary storage can- all structure of the piece of do cumentation, but not not be utilized. This is b ecause of the signi cant yet completed.
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