Howard University Digital Howard @ Howard University The iH lltop: 1990-2000 The iH lltop Digital Archive 8-30-1996 The iH lltop 8-30-1996 Hilltop Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000 Recommended Citation Staff, Hilltop, "The iH lltop 8-30-1996" (1996). The Hilltop: 1990-2000. 163. https://dh.howard.edu/hilltop_902000/163 This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the The iH lltop Digital Archive at Digital Howard @ Howard University. It has been accepted for inclusion in The iH lltop: 1990-2000 by an authorized administrator of Digital Howard @ Howard University. For more information, please contact [email protected]. :>lume eo, No. 2 Serving the Howard University community si nce 1924 August 30, 1996 • This Week's Highlights: Registration gets streamlined CAMPUS Accounts this summer. largely '·Last year ii was a fiasco. I stood majority of problems arise because Renovations attempt to By Reglnold Royston eliminated the need for students 10 in lines two hours only to find out students don't know how 10 or Hilltop Staff Writer wait in long lines 10 ,peak with I was in the wrong the hnc. I just got refuse 10 register correctly and clean up the image of Oiunc Wyau-Manrntond runs account analysts. my bill. It 's more organi1,ed," said make themselves available for from behind a hlue room separator Registering studcnis were asked the computer science major. "This billing. Only 4,(100 Mudents pre­ Drew l lall. ,\2. with a ticket in her hand. 10 fill out Student Account is too percent belier than last year. registered last Spring and with ·•Number 6 t6:' shouts the Adjustment Request (SAAR) I think everyone secs an nearly 300 students pouring Director of the Office of Financial Forms, explaining tbeir problems 10 improvemen1." through the front doors dail)\ the Services. 10 a group of students the business staff. Students received l3ut even with all the process was inevitably slowed in with account protilems in the replic.~ within 24 hours telling them improvements Howard didn't make some places. Blackburn Ballroom. exaclly what was wrong. it tlirou~h the process unscathed. "We worked all summer 10 II ·s almost 3 p.m. on a Friday "What we tried to do is make Alishia Zimmerman's welcome to im~rovc registration and we believe afternoon on one of the honest days rcgbtration as customer friendly. the University was less than we vc made some serious of the year. And with a steady Students should be able 10 rci;ister auspicious. Howard processed her improvements. President Swygert stream of students waiving in as minimal time possible. I man financial aid pae,:rs late and she said he didn't want to see anymore registration papers coming througl\ alumna, I want my ms1i1u1ion to be was prevented from registering of these horrendous lines and it the front door. Wyall-1fammond as efficient as possible,.. Wya11- because they didn't rcacli her Los happened," said Janice Nicholson, probably won·1 get home 10 until llammond !>aid. An_gelcs home until after she associate vice president for la1c ,tt night. With nearly 30 new Financial arrived in Washington. D.C. enrollment management. LOCAL For Wy:111-Hammond and the Office employtcs and help from When she did try 10 pay her Innovations like the SAAR Office ol Financial Services statT. volunteers from IIUSA, Student balance with scholarship money. forms, using volunteers like The color of hair. streamlining the registration Ambassadors. the president ·s offi~ the computers did not correlate with Registration Pals and having process this year has translated into and Campus Pals. students were what the analysts cold her. specific days for classes to register Black \vomcn, White long days and nights, but students able 10 get 10 find the lines they "It's just a hassle. If I was told hel~d smooth problems. have reaped the oenefits, checking needed and be regi,ter in the system everything when I kept calling I We had meetings every week -omen segregate themselves in and out in minutes where last without the trials of years past. would know exactly what I need. this summer. We intended tliis to be year may have taken hours. Alesha Lee, a sophomore who Bui nothing was ever updated as quick a registration as possible. when it comes to hair .. One Mudent told me 'I got off receives remis.~ion of tuition, said here." she said. We had all the schools come to work three hours early. somebody she thought the whole re{tbtration But the problem was taken care meetings;· Nicholson said. •·we salons. A4. better show me a line,"· Wyau­ process was much more simplified of 9uickly by the staff, who have volunteers from all over. the Hammond said. and exact this year. Oftentimc.~ she sectioned off a separate area for vice president office everybody Major changes in regiMration said staff didn't know what to do people with financ1nl problems. A came together we've been Photo by Aida Mullleh procedures by the Office of with students like her who only new organization called motivated 6y the things we've seen NATIONAL Financial Services, which need validation slickers and Registration Pals helped facilitate on campus. with the renovations A student reads while waiting to combined the Student Loans and printouts. But this year the run questions quickly. and the students arc happy.'· enter Blackburn Center 10 register Nation of Islam leader Collections Office with Student around stopped. But Wyatt-Hammond said a for classes earlier this week. Louis Farmkhan a,ks gowrmncnt to acc.:pt Simpson's visit to monetary gift from Lib}a University enlightens to help Black. 1lispanic businesses. AS. some, dismays others By Donya Matheny and Natalie Y. Moore Hilltop Staff Wetters O.J. Simpson made a campus TEl\lPO appearance yeslcrdu)\ jus1 one oay after a welcome at a Northwest What's in? What's out? Washington church. But Simpson said 1h1s stop on his agenda had N' Style, that is. more nostalgic cones 10 11. "I certainly have memories of Check out fresh fall visiting my daughter. Of course my life was different then," he said, fa5hions. Bl. stroll ing across "the Yard," rememtiering aspects of th e University. Simpson's eldest daughter, Arnelle, graduated from PULSE Howard in 1992. Students and faculty alike Toni Braxton is back with a swarmed the cordial former football player in the 80-plus degree heat as nc" album. It is no · Secret' he signed nearly every autograph Photo by Atoyta O.,ans and posed for pictures. Through O.J. Simpson bears the heat that her ballads will be shoves and pushes anxious as he signs autographs students tried 10 shake the "Juice's·• Thursday on "The Yard" a success. B2. Photo by Nalahe Moore hand and have him sign everything during a short campus visit. Julie NcConlne holds a cardboard sl9.n expressing dismay over Simpson's appearance from add/drop slips to homework 1 wednesday In Northwest Washington. ' I find It offensive,'' she said of his visit to the Black assignments. anyone who denotes otherwise. church. •;11 was important for him to "People arc quick 10 try to imply SPORTS come to campus. It allows us to hear judgments. Well, I say they don I his side, get a belier know me. They can·1 say anything;· Bison football favored D.C. residents welcome Simpson understanding." said Ryan Akins, a Sim_pson said. former student. Similarly, may Simpson recalled encounters to win the M EAC students chanted in favor of with the police-his own and his Media, protesters combat former football star Simpson's innocence of murdering friends. He said before the trial he championship; women's his ex-wife and her friend. was aware of legal mistreatment. "It's been great," Simpson said but the trial brought ii out more 10 \-Olleyball season Simpson visit remains unclear, of vi~iting the Mecca in between his a11cn1ion. Simpson said he didn't By Steven Gray one thing is certain: Simpson - greeting fans. beat the system. but worked begins. 86. Hilttop Staff Wr~er whether sincere or not - Simpson made no formal through ii. extended a hand of reconciliation speech, as he has done at other Not all students risked skipping Like a wounded soldier 10 a skeptical Black community, colleges globally. Accompanied by class to meet the man who was returning home from war, O.J. citing plans to unite Black, Latino an entourage, he toured the main acquitted of murder. Simpson received a hero's and Muslim student unions at campus. When students and ' I feel he should have come 10 Howard when he was a big shot. not welcome Wednesday night as ... ,,•• ,H • o several Los Angeles universities bodyguards aucmptcd lo lead .., ... ,, ,.,. a abou\ 2,000 pe<>plc packed the .,,.,.,. ' .....,.,,. n and other community Simpson into the Blackburn Center, after the trial;' said Stacie O11lcy, a ~ .... ,,.. ........ r torrid Scripture Cathedral Baptist ..•.,..... ,,. ..,., .. empowerment projects as part of he was rejected al the door. senior psychology major. Church in Northwest Washington .' .,............. ,. .." " . ~ that move. "The University didn't want 10 "If hes sincere in hi; desire lo u to hear the one-time all-American --·· __ .. ,,.. The forum. sponsored by the become a center for O.J. It was recognize his Blackness, more poster boy-turned-accused Black Attorneys for Justice, reported by Harry Robinson (vicc­ power 10 him . l 'm not convinced,'' murderer play a game of ·•rin,B• rcnected a cross section of Black prcsidenl for academic affairs) there said Angela Polk, a graduate around-the-ro5y" with the media.
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