Plutarch's Moralia

Plutarch's Moralia

THE LOEB CLASSICAL LIBRARyT .jr^ FOUNDED BY JAMES LOEB, LL.D. X^ ^ EDITED BY tT. E. PAGE, C.H., LITT.D. E. t CAPPS, PH.D., LL.D. t W. H. D. ROUSE, lttt.d. L. A. POST, L.H.D. E. H. WARMINGTON, m.a., f.r.hist.soc. PLUTARCH'S MORALIA VI PLUTARCH'S MOKALIA IN FIFTEEN VOLUMES VOLUME VI 439a— 523b WITH AN ENGLISH TRANSLATION BY VV. C. HELM BOLD TRINITir COLLBGK, UABTTOKD, COKX. CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS HARVARD UNIVERSITY PRESS LOKDON WILLIAM HEINEMANN LTD MCMLXU First primeaprinted 1939iaj» ^^ . Reprinted 1957, 1962 W jX ?>RA DECl c; 11536 Printed in Great Britain — CONTENTS OF VOLUME VI PAOK Preface vii The Traditional Order of the Books of the MORALIA ix Can Virtue be Taught ? Introduction 2 Text and Translation 4 On Moral Virtue— Introduction 16 Text and Translation 18 Ox the Control of Anger— Introduction 90 Text and Translation 92 On Tranquillity of Mind— Introduction 163 Text and Translation 166 On Brotherly Love— Introduction 245 Text and Translation 246 V CONTENTS OF VOLUME VI PAGE On Affection for Offspring— Introduction 328 Text and Translation 330 Whether Vice be sufficient to cause Unhappiness— Introduction 361 Text and Translation 362 Whether the Affections of the Soul are WORSE than Those of the Body— Introduction 378 Text and Translation 380 Concerning Talkativeness— Introduction 395 Text and Translation 396 On being a Busybody— Introduction 471 Text and Translation 472 Index • 519 PREFACE In proceeding with this edition of the Moralia a few changes have been made from the standard created and maintained by Professor Babbitt. The spelling fiiyvvij.1 has been adopted, and yivo/iai and ytrwo-Kw have been preferred. But variation of t- and era- has been allowed. Elsewhere the orthography adopted by Mr. Pohlenz in the Teubner edition has been followed, or not abandoned ^\^thout reason. The expert assistance of Professor F. H. Fobes of Amherst College and that of Professor L. C. Barret and Mr, J. A. Notopoulos of Trinity College must be gratefully acknowledged. All three read the proof, and the tAvo last, parts of the manuscripts. They removed inniunerable errors and inconsisten- cies, but for blemishes that may yet remain they are not responsible. W. C. Helmbold THnJiTY College, Habtfobd, Cons. vu THE TRADITIONAL ORDER of the Books of the Moralia as they appear since the edition of Stephanus (1572), and their division into volumes in this edition. PAGB 1. De liberis educandis (Ilepi naibcav dyQtyrjs) 1a Quomodo adolescens poetas audire debeaf (Ilais' 8c' Tov v4ov noa][}V aKOveiv) I7d De recta ratione audiendi (Ilept tov okovhv) 37b Quomodo adulator ab amico internoscatu. (IlaJs av Tt? hiaKpivei€ tov KoXaKa tov <f>iXov) 48k Quomodo quis suos in virtute sentiat profectus (IIcDs ai' Tty aladoiTO iavrov ttpokotttovtos iir dp€T^) ..... *5a 11. De capienda ex inimicis utilitate (Jiios dv rts im' €)(dp<i}v op^AoiTo) .... BOB De amicorum multitudine ((Ilept TroAu^tA/a?) 93a De fortuna (Ile/jt rvxfs) 97c De virtute et vitio (Ilepi dpeTrjs koI kokUis) 100b Consolatio ad Apoilonium (Tlapafivdrp-iKos irpo? ' \TTo\k(l3VlOv) ..... iOIf De tuenda sanitate praecepta (Tyi€im -nap- ay/iXfxaTa) .... 122b Coniugalia praecepta {TofjuKd napayye^aTa) 138a Septem sapientium convivium (Twv e-ma ctck^ ovfxTToaiov) .... i4bB De superstitione (Ilepi SeiatBaifiovias) 164e 111. Regum et imperatorum apophthegmata {'Ano- ^ey/iara ^aaiXitov kox arparqywv) 172a Apophthegmata Laconica (' Airo4>6eyfjuiTa Ao- KOiVlKa) ....... zOoA Instituta Laconica(TdiroAoia toh' AoifcSot/uwiow fTTirqbfVfurra) zoOF VOL. VI A 2 ix . THE TRADITIONAL ORDER PAGT? Lacaenarum apophthegmata (AaKatviov diro- ^diytiara) 240c Mulierum virtutes (TwaiK&v dperai) 242e IV. Quaestiones Romanae (Ama 'PcoficuKd) 263d Quaestiones Graecae (Airta 'EXX-qviKa) . 291d Parallela Graeca et Romana (Swayojy^ laro- picJjv napaXX'qXcoi' 'EAAiji'i/ccoi' Kal 'Paj^a'CKcov) . 305a De fortuna Romanorum (Ilepi t}}s 'PcofjxiUov Tvxvs) ... 316b De Alexandn magni fortuna aut virtute, li- bri ii (Ilept rfjs 'AAe^ovSpou rvx"]? v aptrqs, Adyoi/S') . .... 326d Bellone an pace clariore- fuerint Athenienses {Horepov 'Adrjvatoi Kord wdAe/xov ij Kara ao<f>iav evBo^orepoi) .... 345c \. De Iside et Osiride (Ilept 'latSos koX 'OalpiSos). 351c De E apud Delphos {Hepi rov EI tov iv AeX(f>ols) 384c De Pythiae oraculis (Ilejoi tov n-q XP^" e^iixerpa vw TTjv TlvOiav) ..... 394d De defectu oraculorum (Ilepi tu>v iKXeXot-norwv XprjcrrripLcov) ...... 409e VI. An virtus doceri possit (Ei SiSoktov ij dpenj) . 439a De virtute morali (Ilept rfjs rjdi-Kijs dpeTrjs) . 440d De cohibenda ira (Ilepi dopyrjoias) . 452e De tranquillitate animi (Ilepi evdvfiias) . 464e De fraterno amore (Ilepi (fttXaSeXcjyias) . 478a De amore prolis (Ilepi rijs els ra eicyova (f>iXo- crropyias) ...... 493a An vitiositas ad infelicitatem sufBciat (Ei axndpicqs r) Kaxia irpos KaKoSaifJLOviav) . 498a Animine an corporis affectiones sint peiores {Horepov rd r^s >pvx^S ^ rd tov awp,aTOS irddT] Xeipova) ...... 500b De garrulitate (Ilepi dSoXeoxias} 502b De curiositate (Ilepi TToXvirpaynoavvTis) . 515b VII. De cupiditate divitiarum (Ilepi (fnXonXovrCas^ . 523c De vitioso pudore (Ilepi 8t;aa>7riay) 528c De invidia et odio (Ilcpi <f>Q6vov k<u uiaovs) . 536e De se ipsum citra invidiam laudando (Ilepi tov eavTOv eTTaLvelv dveTTt<f>86vcos) • 539a De sera numinis vindicta (Ilepi twv vtto tov deiov jSpaSe'coy TifiuipovixevMv) . 548a THE TRADITIONAL ORDER PAOI Oe fato (Ilept eLfxapfiein)s) .... 568b De genio Socratis (tlepi. tov UtoKparom Saifioviov) 575a De exilio (Ilepi 4>vyijs) . 599a Consolatio ad uxorem ( Ilapafiv&rp-iKos -npos rifv YwcuKa) . ..... (jOSa VIII. Quaestionum convivalium libri vi {"Lvniroaia- 5"') KWV TTpO^XTJfidTCOV jSt^AtO . 6 120 1,612c: II, 629b: III. 644e: IV. 659e : V 672d : VI, 686a IX. Quaestionum convivalium libri iii {Xvfi-noaia- Kcjv irpo^XTuxaLTwv ^i^Xia y') 697o VII. 697c: VIII. 716d: IX. 736c Amatorius ('EpamKos) 748e X. Amatoriae narrationes ('Eporrufoi Sn/y^ets) 771e Maxime cum principibus philosopho esse dis- serendum (tlept toO on fuLXiara toIs qytftoai Set rov <l>iX6cTO<f>ov SiaXeyeadau.) 776a Ad principem ineruditum (IIpos riyefjLOva dnai- Beirrov) ...... 779c An seni respublica gerenda sit (Ei irpta^vrfpo) 7ToXlT€VT€Ov) .... 783a Praecepta gerendae reipublicae (YIoXituco. napayyiXfuira) . 798a De unius in republica dominatione, popular) statu, et paucorum imperio (Ilept novapxias Kox STjfWKparias Koi oXiyapxias) . d26A De vitando acre alieno (Ilepi toiJ ^^7 8€a> 8av€i- Ceo^ai) 827d V^itae decern oratonim (Ilcpt Tt3i» Sdxa pijro- puiv) 832b Comparationis Aristophanis et Menandri com- pendium (XiryKpioecjs ' Apurroifxivovs koI Mev- dvSpov eiTiTOfji-q) ..... 853a XI. De Herodoti malignitate 1 Ilepi i-ijs 'HpoSdrow KajcoTjdeias) ..... 854b De placitis philosophorum, libri v (IIcp. to* dpfOKOVTcjv TOIS <j>LXoo6<f>ois, ^i^Xla e'i 874d Quaestiones naturales (AtTta i^wTiAca) 91Io XII. De facie quae in orl)e lunae apparet (Ilept tow ifufxuvofidvov npoaunmv tw kvkAcu rrp aeX^ tn}s) ...'..'.. 920a De primo frigido (Ilept rov npurroK ^^wxpoiJ) 945e xi THE TRADITIONAL ORDER Aquane an ignis sit utilior (IlepL tov noTepov vScop rj vvp xpiTjaiiiuiTepov) .... 955d 'I errestriane an aquatilia animaiia sint callidi- ora (ndrepa rojv l,<i)(uv (jipovifxciTepa to. -j^epaala rj ra evvhpa) ..... 959a Bruta animaiia ratione uti, sive Gryllus (Ilepi TOV ra aXoya Xoyw xPV^^'^^) • • • 985d De esu carnium orationes ii (Ilepi aapKO<f)ayias Adyot P') 993a XIII. Platonicae quaestiones (IlXaTojviKa irp^iiaTa) . 999c De animae procreatione in Timaeo (Ilepi rrjs iv Tifiaio) ilivxoyovia?) . 1012a Compendium libri de animae procreatione in Timaeo ('ETriTO/iii) tov Trepi rfjs ev tco Tifiaico fpvxoyovLas) ...... 1030d De Stoicorum repug-nantiis (Ilept JItwikwv evav- Tiuifxarcov) .... I033a Compendium argument) Stoicos absurdiora poetis dicere (£woi/rts toC on napaBo^oTepa oi YiTOJLKol TU)v rT0L7]TU)V Xiyovoi) . 1057c De communibus notitiis adversus Stoicos (Ilepi TcDv KOivayv ewoiiov rrpos tovs ^tcolkovs) 1058e XIV. Non posse suaviter vivi secundum Epicurum ('On ov8' rjSetos Cv^ *o^' '<^'''' '^mKovpov) 1086c Adversus Colotem (Ilpds KwXuirrjv) . 1107d An recte dictum sit latenter esse vivendum El KoXcos etpTjTaL to Xdde ^icuaas) . • 1128a De musica (Ilepi iMovaiKijs) .... 1131a XV. Fragments and Index CAN VIRTUE BE TAUGHT? rAN VIRTUS DOCERI POSSIT) INTRODUCTION This slight and possibly fragmentary essay, or de- clamation, makes no considerable addition to the theory of knowledge. Virtue is assumed to be an " " art ; since the practice of all other arts is un- successful without instruction, Virtue (dperrj), or the Good Life (to ev (yjv), or Prudence (4>p6yr](ris)—for Plutarch appears to equate the three — must be learned, if we are to be successful in the dependent arts. Plutarch appeals as usual to common sense, but does not take the trouble to prove any of his assumptions ; yet the work, even in its present mutilated state, is a graceful exercise in popular philosophy. While Plutarch's slipshod and half-defined position is not directly contrary to that of Plato (e.g. in the Meno),it must be observed that two pupils of Socrates, Crito and Simon, wrote works with the titles, "Ort ovK sK Tov /xaOeiv ot dyadoi (That Men are not made Good by Instruction) and TLepl apirrjs on ov StSaxTov (That Virtue cannot he /"awg^^), respectively." Whether these books differed radically from the Platonic or Socratic position, as developed in the Meno and the Republic, cannot be argued here. We must note in passing that G. Siefert (Commen- tationes lenenses, 1896, pp. 102-105) held that Plutarch " Diogenes Laertius, ii. 121, 122. CAN \1RTUE BE TAUGHT ? A\Tote this work in connexion with the De Fortuna (see the parallels recorded in the notes) and that it is not mutilated, but unfinished." This is quite possible.* The text is very uncertain, for although the essay appears in several important classes of Mss., they differ considerably among themselves. The text which must serve as the basis of the present translation is only presented ^^ith the greatest hesitation. The work appears as No.

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