The Inventory of the Irene Worth Collection #1649 Howard Gotlieb Archival Research Center Worth, Irene 12/11/02; 1/17 /03 Preliminary Listing I. Audio Materials. Box 1 A. Reel-to-Reels. 1. "Roshmersholm," 7 inch. 2. "E.P. EAF71," 7 inch. 3. "I.W. - 333 w56 NYCI0019," 7 inch. 4. Unlabeled, 5 inch. 5. "IW reading poetry, 7/27/1979," 2 reels, parts I and 2, 7 inch. B. Audio Cassettes. 1. "Chere Maitre;" 12/17-19/1998; 4 total (includes 5 ½ inch floppy disk, 12/15/1998). 2. "Gypsy and the Yellow Canary." a. 2/29/1996, 2 copies. b. Master copy. c. Pre-show master. 3. "Tango Argentina," Trio Hugo Diaz; 1993. 4. "Early Cante Flamenco;" 1990. 5. "La Edad De Oro Del Flamenco." 6. "18th Century Flute Concerti," works by various artists. 7. "Rachmaninov." , a. "Suite No. 17 Opus." b. "Suite." c. "Suite No. 2 Opus," 2 tapes, 3/7/94; includes untitled mini- disc. d. "Works for four hands or two pianos." e. "Mike and Ralph." f. "Tape 3." 8. "Joao Bosco, Giberto." 9. "7-Blind Geronimo Theme." 10. "Tobias Flanders Kirchwy;" 1994. 11. "Tango," Julio Iglesias; 1996. 12. "Flamenco Singers." 13. "Encoutros E Despedidas." 14. "Los Panscho and Met." 15. "Brahms: Piano Concerto No. 1," 2 copies. 16. "Bairagi Bhairau." 17. "Situr Ravi Shakev." 18. "194 7-The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes." 19. "Peter Eyre.". Page I of 29 20. "Irene Randell, Peter Sellers." 21. "Gwen and Clive." 22. "Tribute Ellen," text from IW, 150th Anniversary; 1998. 23. "An Evening with IW;" 6/7/1990. 24. "Gwen's Desert Island Discs;" June, 1988. 25. "Vera Balonya, piano;" May, 1995. 26. "Ellen Terry- IW." 27. "Irving (3)/Ellen Terry (3)." 28. "Gielgud Center Stage." 29. "Arvo Part;" 1984. 30. "I.R.S.W read T.S Elliot;" 1988. 31. "Liacusions," 2 copies. 32. "The Art of Ruth Draper," Vol. I, II, III, IV, V; 1983. 33. "Stroke and Others." 34. "100 Modern American Poets Reading Their Poems;" Vol. 17, 1998. 35. "Shakespearean Suite-Final," rough and final mix; 11/10/1994. 36. "Gardel." 37. "Unrielius;" 3/12/1990. 38. "65 th Inter-Tribal Ceremonial;" 1987. 39. "New York Philharmonic;" 10/23/1975. 40. "Schumann/Gries." 41. "Pipe Night at the Players Club;" 1963. 42. "Reginald Kell." 43. "Flute and Prayer Spngs;"1987. 44. "Communicator Series." 45. "Ruth Draper Main Punch." 46. "Untitled," 4 tapes. 47. "An English Ladymass." 48. "Ellen Terry." 49. "Eh Joe," Earl Kim. 50. "Side 1: Jolly Gardens"; "Side 2: Spanish Lady." 51. "Ellen Terry." a. "1 st Version;" 1997, 2 copies. b. "2nd Version;" 1998. 52. "Enough." 53. "IW's Tribute to Ellen Terry." 54. "NY Public Library;" 12/4/1997. 55. "Ted Hughes-The Poetry Center;" 11/22/1986. 56. "IW: An Actress and Her Time," tapes 1 and 3. 57. "Duende-Passion." 58. "Acting with an Accent Down East New England." 59. "Eh, Joe." 60. "WNYC 'New York and Company," IW-Ellen Terry Program; Page 2 of 29 12/3/1997. 61. "IW-Portrait of Edith Wharton;" 2/8/1998. 62. "Aunt Willa and the Menuhins." 63. "IW: Rehearsing with Mr. Eliot." a. 11/2/1998, 3 copies. b. No date. 64. "Nina de la Puebla." 65. "L'Invitation au Chateau." 66. "Ms. Irene Worth." 67. "Mrs. Mathis-Milledgeville;" 5/25/1976. 68. "Clouehs Marie." 69. "Painters in Paris Philippe de Montebello;" 4/27/2000. 70. "Seals and Crofts." 71. "Gene Austin's Greatest Hits," tape unlabeled, paper inside case. 72. "Southern Dialect-Mockingbird and Bob White." 73. "Irene Worth in Samuel Beckett's 'Happy Days,"'1979, 2 tapes. 74. "Stravinsky L'Histoire du Soldat with John Gielgud." 75. "Stravinsky Without Narration." 76. "Lillian Gish Remembered," N.Y. Public Library for the Performing Arts, 3/6/97; featuring IW; includes program. 77. "Ethan Frome," by Edith Wharton, read by IW, 2 tapes, 1992. 78. "Acting with an Accent: Upper- Class New England or Kennedy­ esque," 1 tape; includes "Leaming from Performers: Irene Worth­ the Lover as Hero," 11/5/91. C. Compact Discs. , 1. "Infinite Variety Suite." 2. "Carmen Amaya." 3. "Her Infinite Variety: Irene Worth as the Women of Shakespeare," 2 copies. 4. "Irene Worth for Dizzy Downes: Matisse and Thoreau." 5. "Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina," the Tallis Scholas, Directed by Peter Phillips, 4 discs. D. Record Albums. Box21 1. "Nana: Excerpt Read by Irene Worth." 2. "Irene Worth in Samuel Beckett's Happy Days," 2 copies. 3. "T.S. Eliot: Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats." 4. "Julie of the Wolves." 5. "Anna Karenina: Excerpt Read by Irene Worth." 6. "Madame Bovary: A Portrait of Emma Bovary." 7. Privately produced copper record, unlabeled, no title. IL Film and Video. Box 1 A. Beta tapes. Page 3 of 29 1. "Merchant's House," 3 tapes, 10/28/98. B. VHS, U-matic tapes. Box2 1. "American: And Howe; Ghosts." 2. "King Lear." 3. "King Lear/ P. Brook." 4. "Ariane." Berger, 2 tapes. 5. "Panther Panchali." 6. "Arts and Entertainment Revue, Episode #120," 9/12/90. 7. "Mr. Bobby: Robert Semell." (Final cut). 8. "State of The Art# 818?" 2/28/90. 9. "IW: Seton Hall.," 3/15/89. 10. "All About Looking." 11. "Happy Days." a. 6 VHS tapes. b. 1 U-matic, "Ver-1, Reel 1-2." 12. "Victorio-Excerpt Carmen Amaya,"1947. 13. "John Gielgud 1 ½ Hours." 14. "John Gielgud, An Actor's Life," 11/25/88. 15. "Tribute to Peter Brook. 1993 Meadows Award Presentation." 16. "Carmen Rosa Ponselle." 17. "Robert Wilson- Prometheus." 18. "1. Broadcast segment; 2. NJN Filming; 3. Choreography for L'Histoire Geulah Abrahams." 19. "Displaced Person." 20. "Jim Dine- A Self P,ortrait on the Walls." 21. "Lillian Gish Remembered." C Film Reels. 1. "Old Vic Studies African Dance," 35 mm; 1 reel. 2. "A Conway Wilson Young Film Production: Irene Worth in Seneca's 'Oedipus," 35 mm; 2 reels (1 includes death scene with John Gielgud). 3. "Orders to Kill," 16 mm, 3 reels. Ill. Correspondence. A. General, to and from IW, 1953- 2002. Box3 1. 18 TLS, ALS; includes newspaper articles. [F. 1] 2. 4 ANS, 1979-1982; notable correspondents include: [F. 2] a. Beckett, Samuel: 2 ANS, 9/2/79; 9/29/80; 1 quote by SB (French) on verso of ANS from "George S.," no date. 3. 57 TLS, TL, ALS, ANS, postcards, holiday cards; notable correspondents include: [F. 3] a. Coward, Noel: TLS, 12/22/69; 5 holiday cards, 1971-1972, no date. Page 4 of 29 b. Eliot, T.S.: 1 holiday card, 1952. c. Snowdon, Lord Tony: 4 ANS, no date. 4. 59 TLS, ALS, postcards; includes photographs, and printed items, postcards of Victorian era actresses (some signed by actress). Notable correspondents include: [F. 4] a. Eyre, Peter: postcard, no date. b. Lijn, Lilliane: postcard, 7/12/94. c. Snowdon, Lord Tony: 7 ANS, 4/29/60, 10/8/86, 11/26/01, no date; 2 ALS, 9/22/86, 3/23/01. 5. 72 TLS, TL, ALS, postcards, holiday cards; notable correspondents include: [F. 5] a. Marcus, Frank: TNS, n.d. b. Moore, Henry: 2 ANS, 12/14/59, 12/8/ no year; postcard, no date. 6. 57 TLS, ALS, postcards, holiday cards, invitations (1 envelope with broken molar ofIW); includes photographs; notable correspondents include: [F. 6] a. Bogarde, Dirk: TLS, 11/15/97. b. Casson, Dame Sybil: ALS, 2/17 /70. c. Eliot, Mrs. Valerie re: IW tribute to T.S. Eliot: TLS, 4/24/65. d. Fiennes, Ralph: ALS, 11/15/97. 7. 56 TLS, ALS, CSLS, holiday cards, postcards, invitations; includes photographs; notable correspondents include: [F. 7] a. Hubbard, Eqmund and Kate (daughter): 11 ANS, ALS, holiday cards, 1975-1993. 8. 405 TLS, ALS, ANS, CSLS, holiday cards, postcards; includes printed material, manuscripts pieces, and holograph notes; notable correspondents include: [F. 8-15] a. Albee, Edward: 4 TLS, 12/23/64; 2/4/66; 3/9/66, 10/22/71. [F. 8] b. Davies, Dame Gwen Ffrangcon: 4 ALS, 5/15/87; 6/25/88; 9/14/88 (photocopy); 1/24/90. [F. 11] c. Hughes, Carol: ANS, 11/25/98 re: death of Ted Hughes; includes obituaries. 9. Guinness, Alec (from): 45 ALS, AN, holiday cards, postcards, 1967- 1994; includes IW's "Tribute to Alec Guinness." [F. 16] 10. Re: the White House, 5 invitations to banquets, 5 holiday cards from President Bill and Hillary Clinton, 1993- 2000 (facsimile). [F. 17] 11. Invitations from: Secretary of State, December 2, 7, no year; from various Royalty, 1960, 1975, 1976, 1986. [F. 18] 12. · 14 ALS, ANS, post card, telegram to IW from (ANS unless noted): [F. 19] Page 5 of 29 a. Bloom, Claire (ALS, 2/15/78). b. "E.S.H." (postcard, no date). 1 c. Hepburn, Katharine (11/75; 7/2/76; 11/9/90). d. Fontaine, Joan (6/1983; postcard, 3/1988; includes uncashed check from IW for $35.00). e. Kline; Kevin (1/2002). f. Levey, Richard (ALS, 3/7 /02). g. Streep, Meryl (2/24/96). h. Streisand, Barbra (ANS, 5/1990) 1. Thompson, Emma (4/1992). j. Williams, Tennessee (telegram, 4/18/76). 13. 49 postcards from various friends, 1956- 2001. [F. 20] 14. 74 TLS, TNS, ALS, ANS, CSLS, postcard, telegram to and from IW. [F. 21] 15. 35 TLS, TNS, ALS, ANS, CSLS from various friends, 1963-2002. [F. 22] 16. From Gish, Lillian: 5 TLS, 7 TNS, 1 ALS, 1 ANS, 1 telegram, 1966-1990. [F.23] 17. 6 ANS, 2 TLS, 1 ALS, 2 postcards, 1 holiday card (all photocopy) to IWfrom: a. Beaton, Cecil: ANS, no date; 2 ALS, 5/7/60, no date.
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