Av - - --r ..v. Ms. - - - - - v 'Ap if I II' IvC'l A' viCiLL . ' - . - X - -- . 1 1 . ' tubllliel July 1.IJ. .VOL. ISI-VN- 1 XXIX., XO. 5145 HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN DS, FIJI DAY, l'MUKFA KY. .;. TKN FAtW:.. riUCR FIVE CENTO. tat PROFESSIONAL CARDS. i- - I . I I; v. ; t r.i r-- t l foci in ON f 1 ' , AN in r SHOP CASE 1899 BLOCK -- ' I i:a:i : j. r.i:i(:i an I r . I fri:". :x. pm 1 uiv I :h haIS la icifl Hi - hbi by-I- a A.- .f Aalr.-AM'.lr.- ,;. J. Q. WOOD. IIUU i:i:l:u: :n:i and zl" It II u xnIel ui:r. c :io:i w t'.i. win Joiu o:ty retii. j in :nl..-r- tf Ati;!if.i: Ta unitary .irran cement of tb AT LAW AND NOTARY '.i ATTORNEY : :;nr f Hawaii in t a !:h of Il - t :;'.; lir.c is ecrl! v.'. .Modern Iciih Public. Office: Corner King and Ennlish . a4 Arfinmeiit Made on :uk.ii:u. ::i u:i;.:i . 4 Cl;tr. Elite BnilQiDn io Graw Up Oa tojit : will ! on Bethel Streets. ISffl nr.i ;cut"! all I f. .Kir. --Mr. Thurxo'a :.! n 1 a N '.v Yr'.: Th- - :iMlr.c :!1 ! of brick anJ i Clnrcli Controversy. ...-- )i v. DR. C. B. HIGH. Will buy for you whi. ho '..i:.m'.l a. ry Hole! Street. :el oon.'tfuctifTi t?irrupSioi:. tu thi.-- ; w Ii, r (... ri r fu-'- '. to p Th principal tenant mill le tjo Into t!io U it t an iL PHILADELPHIA DENT-a- :r.:;:tr. '.arit.c :n;nc l.ie!neM.nf Hart iv. IJU1. DENTIST. n. ! l ' ' il (iUf.-:io- College 1892. Masonic Temple. ANY fi:a:!o . i;. Truphascn n.ade th laaa for new 1 :K'k. i Telephone 318. ADDRESSES BY THE LAWYERS oooooooooooooooooo ENTERPRISE OF JAS. STEI1IER Stock or Bond o O 5R. A. C. WALL DR. 0. E. WALL o O - lord cii.xRi.r.s Rt:iu:sroiu Ik v. o O tkoli.i:v u stouaci:. DENTISTS OFFICE HOURS: 8 A. M. In this market or abroad. Character of Contract an Import o It is understood that the pro- O Modern Structure In Every Way. 4 p. m. Love Building, gram to Fort ant Consideration Discus- o contemplated by British O & Co-Offl- ccs "1 ara going down to Wash- Street. o Kenny Store of Hart of Commissioner for the O ington for a few days, partic- GEORGE R. CARTER. Treasurer. sion Differences. o unofficial entertainment of rd O Hall In Third Story. ularly to !vk at fome new kind M. E. GROSSMAN, D.D.S. Office: Next to Bank of Hawaii. Ltd. o Charles Bercsford will be some- O of electric tr.ator. and hoe that o what as follows, all arrange- O w i Ik able to pet hold of o ments necessarily leing de- O 98 Ho- - something ih Honolulu DENTISTS HOTEL STREET. GUIDE The demurrer filed by the Uimu1- o pendent upon the day and hoar O Contractor C. II. Patzlg will .t.irt hi Rapid Transit,fr which will en- nolulu. Office Hours: 9 a. in. to Har-,- 0 THROUGH in the injunction suit of CJ. S. of tho arrival of the steamer and O men at work Jaa. new ua voood --(rvic 4 p. m. ants ta Stiaer' able to hate HAWAII. ris et al. vs. Rt. Rev. Alfroii Willis.' o tlie convenience and plans of O lllite building, within a few tla5 now uliho.it oerhead wins and o Lord I I Charles himself. O U-for- e Bishop of Honolulu, was argued yes and It will not lx many months street jo!ei. Ulievc that A. DERBY. IKPRICE, 60c. o Reception of the committees O gvdng t mo ought DR. J. appearance hat to BEAUTIFULLY ILLUSTRATED. terday before Judge Perry. Tho de o of the British community and O the of Hotel direct will U hae. but It will be three or fonr murrer sots forth that the matter Is one o the Chamber of Commerce, villi O greatly Improved by the rrevtlon of a week tt the road will DENTIST CORNER FORT AND FOR SALE BY ALL NEWSDEALERS I lftre for ecclesiastical tribunals to pass up-o- i. o lunche on to officials and Invite o tnngniilcvnt three nory business block. !e ready for and it nie- Hotel Streets, Mott-Smit- h Block. o guests. trad. a civil court. The bill o The front of th. r.llte building will ce s or failure will really tdecide Telephones: Office, 615; Residence, rather than o livening reception, with danc- o Ili." V. IL 4. WOMEN'S EXCHANGE. b Hotel on Adams the 789. Hours: 9 to of injunction, as was stated at the time o ing, for invited guests. The In- o on street, turning Castle. fr 215 Merchant St. of its filing, contains a petition to re- o vitations will necessarily have o I.ane. It will bo of gray pressed brick Makes a specialty of o to be issued by telephone. o will be highly GEO. H. HUDDY, D.D.S. ancient Hawai strain Bishop Willis from revoking the o and terra rot la and or ian Curios, and also carries the best license of the Rev. Alexander Mackin- The Intention of the Commis- o namental in Italian Renaissance. "Klitc! assortment of modern Hawaiian work o sioner apparently includes an o 1h DENTIST FORT STREET, OPPO-Hour- s: to be found in Honolulu, including tosh, pastor of th? second English o opportunity for almost all who o ls?j" will lnxnirats m the it co.mi:s ahoc r site Catholic Mission. Mats, Fans, Leis, Bamboo. Lauhala speaking congregation at St. Andrew's o desire to meet Lord Charles in o main ecrnb s of th center part u( the 9 a, 4 p. IN NATLTtAI. WAY. From m. to m. and Cocoanut Hats, Etc., Etc. Tel. 659. Cathedral and further sets forth that o do so. o buieling. At cither end will ? tvo, by written contract, the floors of the o o highly ornamental .ivll!.ins crowneJ Why New Two-Ce- nt Statupn DR. A. H. SINCLAIR. FRANCIS BERRY. be closed to congre- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO b .in elalKirate finish in terra rott.i. Arc J. church cannot this Kcd .Money ! .Made. ' gation. If the demurrer is sustained Tl;e store front will be mdern. :ich CIIIMCSi: LOTTKKV There wa ;t miel nation yter-da- y 413 KING ST., NEXT TO THE OPERA ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT the whole matter is thrown out of as U funI In the 2.irg cities In the fen House. Office hours: 9 to 10 a. m Law. Will practice in the U. S STARTS UI AC JAIN. when the new two-er- a: tb-- e larg plate g!a vln- - ;oiaiya 1 3 p. 7 8 p. court anil decision of the church State, i:tr.i to m.; to m. Sundays: Federal and State Courts. Pro dt.ws will be Inserted. Ordinarily tatnp tv placd on It 12 m. to 2 p. m. Telephone 741. gress Block, corner Beretania ant authorities will be final. In other point in is A Charge i heavy Iron ar for notf.l jtt mce they were rc--l Fort streets, rooms 5 and C. words the ciucial the fuit Ouintcttc in i eiltimns u.I the that in , reached. Drawings Held. lionts f tho larger building. Th imo a- - th fv-- v while tho GARVIN, Mr. McCIanahan. junior counsel for Iia. iM-r- n done away villi by the C. L. M.D. I , oM t hrx week! ANNOUNCEMENT. the petitioners, began the debute yes A Chinese lottery pakapio) it,-- I so that the store front will not 1h tw?s. rxhanel terday afternoon. Mr. McCIanr.han started up yesterday There were; too heavy. Thca!i of this fnal will n bmwii. OFFICE No. 537 KING STREET, Ik !. ; Conjectuie wan cliango MISS E. CLARK, OF B. F. EHLERS contended that tlwe defendant was about drawings between Sand I In the aft consttcu tcl t.f mh r.fe tn the of near Punchbowl. Hours: 9:00 to -. to revoke the license of the minister ot 1 The store will le enrercl through a'jnie .m l m-t.- .f - & Co., ab- 0 No all xam were mjod 12:00 a. m.: 7:00 to 8:00 p. m. has left for the coast to be and and al r.Iht. l..rv large 17 h sent six weeks. desiring the second English speaking congrega- e?uibule. feel wide and feci illyirg a!out. General Telephone No. 448. about Those of St. Cathedral, fur- winning were made, though i gr"i: deep. On the llw.i end will the en- Po!ni:rr Oat the latest in fashionable dressmaking tion Andrew's and le wa d delay bjr ther, that the Bishop refuses to I icon?? many tickets were out. The I.".ery trance to the upper storic and office.. lnirrl' w;.h.ut a will do well to -- es await her return. This cidtbule wid SxS. Itoth ves-llbat- repn n tJf the Advert DR. WALTER HOFFMANN. 5114 .ny other. That act, he said, would has been advertised for sever.:! diy. le r.!a:le iT. Tbe take the life from the congregation. It It Is In Hotel street, near River in the buieling will !e la! I In o:firi.i aJ I ii re wai nothing1 I'Urj'rtJ1- - was as necessary to have a minister stievt.
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