AAIB Bulletin: 10/2007 CONTENTS SPECIAL BULLETINS None COMMERCIAL AIR TRANSPORT FIXED WING Boeing 767-300ER V8-RBH 03-Mar-07 1 British Aerospace Jetstream 4102 G-MAJZ 26-Jun-07 4 Cessna 401 N401JN 21-Jan-07 7 Cessna T303 Crusader G-PTWB 05-Aug-06 12 Fairchild SA227 AC Metro III EC-JCU 10-Oct-06 29 SD3-60 Variant 100 G-CLAS 11-May-07 37 ROTORCRAFT None GENERAL AVIATION FIXED WING Beagle Aircraft E3 (Auster AOP II) G-ASCC 29-Jul-07 39 Cessna 152 G-BWEV 02-May-07 41 Gardan GY80-160 Horizon G-ASZS 11-Aug-07 43 Luscombe 8E Silvaire Deluxe G-BPZE 08-Jul-07 44 Mickleburgh L107 G-BZVC 09-Jun-07 46 Oldfield Baby Lakes G-BTZL 12-Jul-07 48 Piper PA-38-112 G-BNVD 09-Dec-06 50 Slingsby T67M-MkII Firefly G-BUUD 16-Jul-06 54 Vans RV-7A G-CDRM 09-Jun-07 70 Vans RV-8 G-DAZZ 22-Jul-07 72 ROTORCRAFT Enstrom 480B N480KP 11-Jul-07 73 Robinson R44 Raven II G-CEFR 16-Dec-06 74 SPORT AVIATION / BALLOONS Cameron Z-275 balloon G-TCAS 08-Apr-07 77 Chevvron 2-32 G-MVGE 11-Aug-07 80 Pegasus Quasar TC G-MWSH 06-Apr-07 82 ADDENDA and CORRECTIONS None List of recent aircraft accident reports issued by the AAIB 91 (ALL TIMES IN THIS BULLETIN ARE UTC) © Crown copyrght 2007 AAIB Bulletin: 10/2007 V8-RBH EW/C2007/03/09 INCIDENT Aircraft Type and Registration: Boeng 767-300 ER, V8-RBH No & Type of Engines: 2 Pratt & Whtney 4060 turbofan engnes Year of Manufacture: 993 Date & Time (UTC): 3 March 2007 at 630 hrs Location: London Heathrow Arport Type of Flight: Commercal Ar Transport (Passenger) Persons on Board: Crew - 11 Passengers - 89 Injuries: Crew - None Passengers - None Nature of Damage: Falure of No wheel hub Commander’s Licence: Arlne Transport Plot’s Lcence Commander’s Age: 56 years Commander’s Flying Experience: 6,635 hours (of whch 7,654 were on type) Last 90 days - 62 hours Last 28 days - 60 hours Information Source: Arcraft Accdent Report Form submtted by the plot, and metallurgcal examnaton of components Synopsis History of the flight Durng the takeoff run the arcrew notced that a BRAKE The arcraft was on ts takeoff run on Runway 27L when TEMP warnng lght was llumnated. The StatUS the braKE temp warnng lght was seen to be llumnated. page showed that the temperature of the No brake was No other warnngs or captons were observed. The crew rapdly ncreasng. The takeoff was rejected at around checked the statUS page and ths ndcated that the No 90-00 kt and the arcraft was successfully stopped and brake was hot (level 6), and gettng hotter (level 7). turned off the runway. The passengers dsembarked normally. Intally the crew thought that there was a bndng brake, but as the temperature was hgh and ncreasng rapdly, The No wheel hub was found to have faled. The the takeoff was aborted at around 90-00 kt. The arcraft heat and mechancal damage to the hub was such that was successfully stopped and turned off the runway on t was not possble to determne the precse cause of the to a taxway. The No brake temperature subsequently falure. rose from level 7 to level 9. The fire services were requested and, although there was no fire, the wheel was sprayed wth water as a precauton. © Crown copyrght 2007 AAIB Bulletin: 10/2007 V8-RBH EW/C2007/03/09 The passengers dsembarked normally and no-one was The nner and outer wheel hubs were both manufactured njured. The No wheel was found severely damaged n 994. The wheel was last nspected and nstalled and was replaced before the arcraft was towed to stand. n December 2006, and snce then had completed The arcraft was subsequently ferred to the operator’s 1145 flying hours and 205 cycles. base staton for further mantenance. Engineering investigation In hs report the commander noted that there s no A large, almost-cylndrcal secton of the nner hub EICAS message or aural warning to alert the flight had become detached (see Fgures 2, 3 and 4). The crew of ths fault. approxmate locaton of the separaton of the nner hub nto two parts s also shown n Fgure . The wheel Wheel information was dsassembled nto ts nner and outer hub parts and The wheel hub s n two parts. The outer hub houses the subjected to a detaled metallurgcal examnaton. The outer bearng and the nner hub, whch s deeper, houses conclusons from the examnaton were: the nner bearng, (see Fgure ). Figure 1 © Crown copyrght 2007 2 AAIB Bulletin: 10/2007 V8-RBH EW/C2007/03/09 Figure 2 Figure 3 Regon of ntal falure Photos: Hugh Tyrer Consultants Figure 4 a) the nner bearng housng had become detached mechancal damage. The assessment was also and had severely overheated durng contact made more difficult by the rapid cooling of wth the man part of the nner hub. Ths was the hub that occurred as a result of the water lkely to have been the cause of the temperature applied by the fire service; warnngs; e) There was no evdence of a falure to ether the b) the ntal falure of the nner hub had taken nner or outer bearngs. place n the regon shown by the n Fgure 4; Comment c) the lkely cause of the falure was probably fatgue, Whlst the wheel had been manufactured n 994 t should or stress corroson, or a combnaton of both; not have faled n servce. Snce the precse cause could d) a precse assessment of the falure to the hub not be determned, no safety acton or recommendaton was mpossble due to the extensve heat and can be made. © Crown copyrght 2007 3 AAIB Bulletin: 10/2007 G-MAJZ EW/G2007/06/15 ACCIDENT Aircraft Type and Registration: Brtsh Aerospace Jetstream 402, G-MAJZ No & Type of Engines: Garrett Aresearch TPE33-4GR-807H Garrett Aresearch TPE33-4HR-807H Year of Manufacture: 997 Date & Time (UTC): 26 June 2007 at 745 hrs Location: Brmngham Arport Type of Flight: Commercal Ar Transport (Passenger) Persons on Board: Crew - 3 Passengers - 9 Injuries: Crew - None Passengers - None Nature of Damage: Nose gear collapsed Commander’s Licence: Arlne Transport Plot’s Lcence Commander’s Age: 50 years Commander’s Flying Experience: 6,652 hours (of whch 434 were on type) Last 90 days - 38 hours Last 28 days - 54 hours Information Source: Arcraft Accdent Report Form submtted by the plot and AAIB nqures Synopsis After a normal pushback the pushback crew were unable durng the pushback and communcaton was va to dsconnect the towbar. The arcraft commander hand sgnals. When the pushback crew attempted to decded to return the arcraft to the stand. Headsets had dsconnect the towbar from the tug they were unable to not been used durng the pushback and communcaton do so, despte several attempts. The arcraft was now was va hand sgnals. The tug attempted to pull the blockng the taxway and obstructng another arcraft arcraft back onto stand whlst the arcraft parkng brake that was waiting to taxi. The flight crew obtained ATC was stll appled, and the nose gear collapsed. permsson to return to the stand. The commander used hand sgnals n an attempt to communcate hs ntentons History of the flight to the pushback crew. They attempted to reverse the The arcraft was pushed back from Stand 2 at tug towards the stand whlst the parkng brake was Brmngham Arport onto the centrelne of Taxway W, stll appled, and the nose oleo of the arcraft collapsed the parkng brake was appled and the nosewheel was forward onto the towbar. chocked. The pushback crew dd not wear headsets © Crown copyrght 2007 4 AAIB Bulletin: 10/2007 G-MAJZ EW/G2007/06/15 Report from aircraft commander sgnals, gave ndcatons that were understood by the pushback crew to mean the brakes were off and that The commander reported “a normal pushback, albet he wanted to return to Stand 12. The nosewheel chock wth hand sgnals” untl the pont where the pushback was removed and the drver reversed the tug. The nose crew attempted to dsconnect the towbar from the gear of the arcraft then collapsed. tug. They were unable to remove the towbar despte several vgorous attempts usng a varety of technques. Pushback procedure Meanwhle, another arcraft had pushed back from an The arport operatonal nstructon regardng pushback adjacent stand and ts progress was now obstructed by operatons stated: the Jetstream. The commander was ntally reluctant to return to the stand as he was concerned that t would ‘The person in charge of the operation be difficult to communicate that request to the pushback must be connected to the aircraft’s internal crew wthout headset communcaton. Further attempts communications system, via a headset, to ensure to remove the towbar were n van and the commander proper communications between the ground crew then made the decision to return to Stand 12. The first and the captain of the aircraft.’ officer obtained ATC permission whilst the commander tried to attract the pushback crew’s attention. The first The operator’s Ground Operatons Manual procedure officer flashed the aircraft taxi lights and waved his for towng arcraft requred voce communcatons arms to attract the pushback crew’s attenton, but was between the person operatng the arcraft brakes, the unable to do so. Eventually, the commander was able person approved for the towng operaton and the person to make eye contact, and he pointed first at the aircraft who operates the tractor.
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