E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 166 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 No. 107 House of Representatives The House was not in session today. Its next meeting will be held on Thursday, June 11, 2020, at 9 a.m. Senate WEDNESDAY, JUNE 10, 2020 The Senate met at 10 a.m. and was The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without let the First Amendment become an- called to order by the President pro objection, it is so ordered. other casualty of this troubled mo- tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). f ment. No matter how charged the issue, peaceful protests must be pro- f THE PRESCRIPTION DRUG PRICING tected, from suppression by govern- PRAYER REDUCTION ACT ments or hijackings by violent mobs. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, In the United States of America, people fered the following prayer: the virus pandemic underscores the get to protest. Let us pray. very vital contribution pharmaceutical Our Father in heaven, may Your In our country, people also get to sciences make for our Nation’s public worship. As I explained yesterday, name be praised. Lord, use our Sen- health, our Nation’s economic pros- local officials cannot selectively en- ators today to permit justice to rule in perity, and our way of life. It also con- force health restrictions to privilege our land. Remind them that righteous- firms that we need a policy solution to some First Amendment gatherings ness exalts a nation, but sin is an equal treat soaring healthcare prices. opportunity destroyer. As our law- The American people want the best over others. If mayors are posing for makers strive to do Your will, reward medical cures at prices they can afford. photographs in massive demonstra- their faithfulness. Illuminate their The Prescription Drug Pricing Act is a tions, there is no reason why small, hearts with Your wisdom and love. winning solution. Let’s get it to the careful church services should stay Help them to remember that the entire President’s desk without delay. It will banned. ethical requirement is fulfilled by lov- help secure our American way of life in These are formal constitutional ques- ing your neighbor as you love yourself. a post-pandemic world for generations tions, but our American culture of free May this love for those in need hasten to come. expression and open debate is not only the day when justice will roll down like I yield the floor. threatened from the top down by the waters and righteousness like a mighty I suggest the absence of a quorum. government, it can also dry up from be- stream. Continue to be our strength The PRESIDING OFFICER. The neath. and fortress, sustaining us with Your clerk will call the roll. If we are to maintain the civic dis- amazing grace. The senior assistant legislative clerk course that has made us great, Amer- We pray in Your merciful name. proceeded to call the roll. ican citizens and American institutions Amen. Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, need to want it. In the last several f I ask unanimous consent that the order years, the New York Times has pub- for the quorum call be rescinded. lished op-eds from Vladimir Putin, the PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without foreign minister of Iran, and a leader of The President pro tempore led the objection, it is so ordered. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: the Muslim Brotherhood. They have f published an essay arguing for greater I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Repub- RECOGNITION OF THE MAJORITY normalization of pedophilia. As far as I lic for which it stands, one nation under God, LEADER know, none of those decisions occa- indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The ma- sioned public revolts from the paper’s The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. jority leader is recognized. staff, hand-wringing apologies from the editors, or an overhaul of the mast- LOEFFLER). f The Senator from Iowa. head. Presumably, it was understood Mr. GRASSLEY. Madam President, I THE FIRST AMENDMENT that pushing the envelope and airing ask unanimous consent to speak for 1 Mr. MCCONNELL. Madam President, disagreements are necessary in a free minute in morning business, please. yesterday, I explained that we cannot market of ideas. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S2839 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 01:51 Jun 11, 2020 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4637 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A10JN6.000 S10JNPT1 CTELLI on DSK30NT082PROD with SENATE S2840 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE June 10, 2020 But 1 week ago, the Gray Lady fi- Oh, but the facts couldn’t hold a can- South Fork of the Cumberland, by the nally met her match. Vladimir Putin? dle to the hurt feelings. The New York hikers who camp and plot weekend es- No problem. Iranian propaganda? Sure. Times erred grievously by making peo- capes in Shenandoah and Joshua Tree, But nothing could have prepared them ple confront a different viewpoint. by the school groups and researchers for 800 words from the junior Senator They had hurt their feelings by making who connect with history at Gettys- from Arkansas. them confront a different viewpoint. burg and Mesa Verde. Senator COTTON wrote an op-ed ex- They had to atone. So when the dust Every year, hundreds of millions of plaining a position which one survey settled, a top opinion editor was gone. our people—our fellow Americans and found 58 percent of Americans agreed His deputy was reassigned. The piece visitors from around the world—share with. He argued that leadership in sev- was pulled out of the print edition, and the gift of our Nation’s public lands. eral cities had proven they either a wandering multiparagraph apology Even more Americans in surrounding couldn’t or wouldn’t stop the riots, so now precedes it online. We are talking communities benefit from the jobs and President Trump should use Federal the New York Times. I understand the the prosperity that are supported by troops to secure the peace, as several new editor has made it clear that staff tourism and recreation. Presidents have in our history. His should notify her immediately if any This country’s public lands comprise view was controversial, no question, published opinion makes them uncom- a tremendously diverse array of land- but there is also no question it was a fortable—if any published opinion scapes, wildlife, historic sites, and nat- legitimate view for a Senator to ex- makes them uncomfortable? ural resources. They are spread out press. One of our Nation’s most storied across 419 parks, 568 refuges, and hun- Looting and arson were crippling cit- newspapers just had its intellectual dreds of millions of acres of managed ies nightly. Some local authorities independence challenged by an angry space. seemed to be functionally sacrificing mob, and they folded like a house of They didn’t pop up overnight. It has their cities’ small businesses to ap- cards. A jury of people on Twitter in- taken more than a century of dedicated pease the mob. In Chicago, we have dicted them as accessories to a thought work to designate, acquire, and main- since learned, even Democratic alder- crime, and instead of telling them to tain the public lands Americans enjoy men were literally crying and pleading go take a hike, the paper pleaded today. It is the Land and Water Con- with their Democratic mayor to do guilty and begged for mercy. Their servation Fund, which this legislation something, they said. So a U.S. Sen- readers’ comfortable bubble was re- will give permanent support, that ator wrote about it. inflated. Their safe space was safe makes them accessible for generations Immediately, his idea was met with to come. strong criticism. Now, that ought to be again. Now, our colleague from Arkansas Today, more than 5 million Ameri- par for the course. In a free and open has a unique job. The far left cannot cans rely directly on outdoor recre- society, speech begets speech. Argu- write angry emails to a university ation for their livelihood. They con- ments beget counterarguments. We dis- tribute to $778 billion in economic ac- cuss and debate as fellow citizens. But president or a publisher to get him fired. He cannot be silenced by profes- tivity. In recent years, their industry’s that is not quite what happened. In- growth has outpaced an economy that stead of trying to win the argument, sions of outrage or the use of magic was red-hot in its own right. A bright the far left tried to end the discussion. words like ‘‘problematic.’’ His only future for our public lands is a bright By now, we all know the routine. We bosses are his constituents. have seen this movie before. Rather This broader, leftwing obsession with future for our Nation, and a predict- than actually rebut speech, the far left banning heretics from the public able, consistent support provided by tried to silence the speaker with a mix- square will be poison for this country if the LWCF will play a critical role in ture of misrepresentations, sanctimo- it persists. Our Republic can survive a these efforts. Take my home State of Kentucky, nious moralizing, and bizarre, emo- pandemic, it can survive civil unrest, tional word salads that nobody else but ideas and deliberation are our very for example.
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