Trial Witness Denies Plot to Commit Perjury

Trial Witness Denies Plot to Commit Perjury

The Pickering 28 PAGES ✦ Pressrun 46,600 ✦ Metroland Durham Region Media Group ✦ SUNDAY, OCTOBER 17, 2004 ✦ Optional delivery $6 / Newsstand $1 A MICROCOSM BOX STORES Ajax neighbourhood The new way of shopping has many cultures is changing the GTA Diversity, Page 10 Boom town, Page 17 Open house Trial witness FULL CONCENTRATION TO SMASH THE RETURN will focus on denies plot to Seaton environmental commit perjury assessment ‘Infatuated’ woman 2001 murder of Roy Jones, said Fri- Ontario Realty day she didn’t help him commu- a hostile witness nicate with a man who was being Corporation to called as a witness by the Crown. describe process By Jeff Mitchell Ms. Whelan was being ques- Staff Writer tioned by Paul Burstein, who PICKERING – The Ontario Real- DURHAM – A woman who ad- represents Sean Hall, a long-time ty Corporation is holding a public mits she was “infatuated” with friend of Mr. Jacobson’s and his meeting to describe the environ- Cosmo Jacobson has denied being co-accused in the murder. The mental assessment process being part of a plot to commit perjury at two men were being tried together undertaken in Seaton. his first-degree murder trial. until their cases were severed early The open house and public Maryanne Whelan, who be- this month. meeting take place Wednesday, friended the Pickering man while Mr. Burstein presented evidence Oct. 20 at Agape Temple Seventh he was in jail awaiting trial for the which he says shows Mr. Jacob- Day Adventist Church, 1999 Fair- son conspired with Kirk Rainford, port Rd., south of Finch Avenue, his cousin, to alter testimony at from 5 until 9 p.m. the trial. Mr. Rainford testified a The ORC, on behalf of the pro- shaken Mr. Jacobson showed up at vincial government, has com- Sat., Sept. 18th his Toronto apartment hours after menced a study regarding the 10am - 2:30pm Mr. Jones was shot in Ajax Feb. 4, acquisition of developer-owned 2001. Mr. Rainford testified under lands on the Oak Ridges Moraine Customer Appreciation Day oath that Mr. Jacobson told him in Richmond Hill and the sale or Win a $2,500 Vacation Voucher that night he had been standing transfer of provincially owned lookout when Mr. Jones was shot. lands in Pickering. The land-swap 239 Station St., Ajax meet former Maple Leaf Testifying in his own defence, Glenn Healy deal was announced last month Call 686-2445 Mr. Jacobson said Mr. Hall fired but the details of which parcels of FREE BBQ • REFRESHMENTS • FACE PAINTING * Some conditions apply. Call for details. the fatal shots. Mr. Hall denies tak- land are being exchanged have yet ing part in the murder and has said to be made public. he was many kilometres away, in Marshall Macklin Monaghan Blaisdale Brantford, when Mr. Jones died. has been retained to conduct the MONTESSORI Mr. Burstein has theorized Ms. class EA and complete the EA School Whelan carried messages to Mr. study report. Rainford about what he should say The purpose of the public meet- Best Private School under questioning. A.J. Groen/ News Advertiser photo ing is to identify and describe what In testy exchanges with Ms. PICKERING – Daniel Chiu of Pine Ridge Secondary School pre- the ORC and the consultants are As voted by Ajax/Pickering Whelan, identified as a hostile wit- doing and to evaluate the alterna- Readers’ Choice Awards pares to unleash this forehand shot during a match at the LOSSA ness, Mr. Burstein portrayed her as tennis competition at Whitby’s Iroquois Park this week. Daniel lost tives. The open house runs from 5 Limited spaces available a hopelessly smitten woman who the match to Matthew Paplyk of Monsignor Paul Dwyer Catholic to 7 p.m. with the presentation and Call Head Office 905-509-5005 High school. public comment period running 12 mths - grade 8 ✦ See Former page 8 from 7 to 9 p.m. 5 Campuses in Durham !00!'%.%73!$6%24)3%2 /CTOBER ÜÜÜ°`ÕÀ >Ài}°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