E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 106th CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 147 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 3, 2001 No. 1 House of Representatives This being the day fixed by the 20th in their counsel and gracious in their [Roll No. 1] amendment to the Constitution of the service. ANSWERED ``PRESENT''Ð429 United States for the meeting of the May this Congress, Lord God, be a Congress of the United States, the ALABAMA sign of unity and confidence to this Na- Members-elect of the 107th Congress Aderholt Cramer Riley tion; good news to the poor and an in- met in their Hall, and at noon were Bachus Everett called to order by the Clerk of the strument of peace in the world. Callahan Hilliard House of Representatives, Hon. Jeff Lord God, in You we trust now and ALASKA Trandahl. forever. Amen. The Chaplain, the Rev. Daniel P. Young PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Coughlin, offered the following prayer: ARIZONA Lord God, Almighty, by Your Divine The CLERK. The Members-elect and Flake Kolbe Shadegg Providence You have brought us to this their guests will please rise and join in Hayworth Pastor Stump new day. Bless us in our gathering, the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. form us by Your Word, guide us by ARKANSAS The Clerk led the Pledge of Alle- Your Spirit. giance as follows: Berry Ross The people of the United States, in Hutchinson Snyder order to form a more perfect union, es- I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the tablish justice, ensure domestic tran- United States of America, and to the Repub- CALIFORNIA quility, provide for the common de- lic for which it stands, one nation under God, Baca Harman Ose indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Becerra Herger Pelosi fense, promote the general welfare, and Berman Honda Pombo secure the blessings of liberty for The CLERK. Representatives-elect, Bono Horn Radanovich themselves and posterity, have acted Calvert Hunter Rohrabacher this is the day fixed by the 20th amend- according to the Constitution of this Capps Issa Roybal-Allard ment to the Constitution for the meet- Condit Lantos Royce country and by lawful elections they ing of the 107th Congress and, as the Cox Lee Sanchez have elected their representatives to Cunningham Lewis Schiff serve in this House as the 107th Con- law directs, the Clerk of the House has Davis Lofgren Sherman gress. prepared the official roll of the Rep- Dooley Matsui Solis resentatives-elect. Doolittle McKeon Tauscher Give this body an outpouring of Your Dreier Millender- Thomas Holy Spirit, that they may be wise in Certificates of election covering 435 Eshoo McDonald Thompson their judgments and serve freely the Farr Miller, Gary Waters seats in the 107th Congress have been Waxman best interests of all of the people of Filner Miller, George received by the Clerk of the House, and Gallegly Napolitano Woolsey this Nation. the names of those persons whose cre- Broaden their personal concerns that dentials show that they were regularly COLORADO they may seek the common good and elected as Representatives in accord- DeGette McInnis Tancredo always be attuned to the helpless sighs ance with the laws of their respective Hefley Schaffer Udall of the most vulnerable in our society. States or of the United States will be Clarify their vision, as they work to- CONNECTICUT called. gether in the search for the best ideas DeLauro Larson Shays and strategies to meet the greatest Without objection, the Representa- Johnson Maloney Simmons needs of our times. tives-elect will record their presence DELAWARE Bless all Members of this House, new by electronic device and their names and experienced. May their faith in will be reported in alphabetical order Castle You, Lord God, and in the destiny of by States, beginning with the State of FLORIDA this Nation, keep them humble in Your Alabama, to determine whether a Bilirakis Goss Scarborough service. quorum is present. Boyd Hastings Shaw May their families remain their deep- There was no objection. Brown Keller Stearns est love and lasting joy. Crenshaw Meek Thurman May all here who assist them in this The call was taken by electronic de- Davis Mica Weldon Diaz-Balart Miller Chamber, in congressional offices and vice, and the following Representa- Wexler Deutsch Putnam Young in committee responsibilities, be wise tives-elect responded to their names: Foley Ros-Lehtinen b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1 . H2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE January 3, 2001 GEORGIA Pascrell Rothman Saxton WASHINGTON Payne Roukema Smith Barr Deal Linder Baird Hastings McDermott Bishop Isakson McKinney NEW MEXICO Dicks Inslee Nethercutt Chambliss Kingston Norwood Dunn Larsen Smith Collins Lewis Udall Wilson WEST VIRGINIA HAWAII NEW YORK Capito Mollohan Rahall Abercrombie Mink Ackerman King Rangel Boehlert LaFalce Reynolds WISCONSIN IDAHO Crowley Lowey Serrano Baldwin Kind Petri Otter Simpson Engel Maloney Slaughter Barrett Kleczka Ryan Fossella McCarthy Sweeney Green Obey Sensenbrenner ILLINOIS Gilman McHugh Towns WYOMING Biggert Hyde Phelps Grucci McNulty Velazquez Blagojevich Jackson Rush Hinchey Meeks Walsh Cubin Houghton Nadler Weiner Costello Johnson Schakowsky b Crane Kirk Shimkus Israel Owens 1236 Kelly Quinn Davis LaHood Weller The CLERK. The quorum call dis- Evans Manzullo NORTH CAROLINA closes that 429 Representatives-elect INDIANA Ballenger Etheridge Myrick have responded to their name. A Burton Hostettler Souder Burr Hayes Price quorum is present. Clayton Jones Taylor Buyer Kerns Visclosky f Carson Pence Coble McIntyre Watt Hill Roemer NORTH DAKOTA ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CLERK IOWA Pomeroy The CLERK. The Clerk will state that Boswell Latham Nussle credentials, regular in form, have been Ganske Leach OHIO received showing the election of the KANSAS Boehner Kaptur Regula Honorable ANIBAL ACEVEDO-VILA as Brown Kucinich Sawyer Moore Ryun Chabot LaTourette Strickland Resident Commissioner from the Com- Moran Tiahrt Gillmor Ney Tiberi monwealth of Puerto Rico for a term of KENTUCKY Hall Oxley Traficant 4 years beginning January 3, 2001; the Hobson Portman Fletcher Lucas Rogers Jones Pryce election of the Honorable ELEANOR Lewis Northup Whitfield HOLMES NORTON as Delegate from the OKLAHOMA District of Columbia; the election of LOUISIANA Carson Largent Watkins the Honorable DONNA M. CHRISTENSEN Baker John Vitter Istook Lucas Watts Cooksey McCrery as Delegate from the Virgin Islands; Jefferson Tauzin OREGON the election of the Honorable ENI F.H. FALEOMAVAEGA as Delegate from Amer- MAINE Blumenauer Hooley Wu DeFazio Walden ican Samoa; and the election of ROB- Allen Baldacci ERT A. UNDERWOOD as Delegate from MARYLAND PENNSYLVANIA Guam. Bartlett Ehrlich Morella Borski Greenwood Peterson f Cardin Gilchrest Wynn Brady Hart Pitts Cummings Hoyer Coyne Hoeffel Platts ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE CLERK Doyle Holden Sherwood MASSACHUSETTS English Kanjorksi Shuster The CLERK. The Clerk will state that Fattah Mascara Toomey Capuano McGovern Olver since the last regular election of Rep- Gekas Murtha Weldon Delahunt Meehan Tierney resentatives to the 107th Congress, a Frank Moakley RHODE ISLAND vacancy now exists in the 32nd District Markey Neal Kennedy Langevin of the State of California, occasioned MICHIGAN by the death of the late Honorable Ju- Barcia Hoekstra Rogers SOUTH CAROLINA lian C. Dixon. Bonior Kildee Smith Brown DeMint Spence f Camp Kilpatrick Stupak Clyburn Graham Spratt Conyers Knollenberg Upton Dingell Levin SOUTH DAKOTA ELECTION OF SPEAKER Ehlers Rivers Thune The CLERK. Pursuant to law and to MINNESOTA precedent, the next order of business is TENNESSEE Gutknecht McCollum Ramstad the election of the Speaker of the Kennedy Oberstar Sabo Bryant Ford Jenkins House of Representatives for the 107th Luther Peterson Clement Gordon Tanner Duncan Hilleary Wamp Congress. MISSISSIPPI Nominations are now in order. TEXAS Pickering Taylor Wicker The Clerk recognizes the gentleman Shows Thompson Armey Frost Ortiz from Oklahoma (Mr. WATTS). Barton Gonzalez Paul Mr. WATTS of Oklahoma. Mr. Clerk, MISSOURI Bentsen Granger Reyes the Congress and the Nation have been Akin Emerson Hulshof Bonilla Green Rodriguez Blunt Gephardt McCarthy Brady Hall Sandlin blessed these past 2 years by the inspir- Clay Graves Skelton Combest Hinojosa Sessions ing leadership of a gentleman whose Culberson Jackson-Lee Smith only special interest in these United MONTANA DeLay Johnson, E.B. Stenholm Doggett Johnson, Sam Thornberry States of America is these United Rehberg Edwards Lampson Turner States of America. We are deeply NEBRASKA grateful for his selfless devotion to this UTAH Bereuter Osborne Terry institution and to the advancement of Cannon Hansen Matheson NEVADA the American people and the American Republic. Berkley Gibbons VERMONT Sanders Mr. Clerk, as Chairman of the Repub- NEW HAMPSHIRE lican Conference, I am directed by the Bass Sununu VIRGINIA unanimous vote of that conference to Boucher Goode Sisisky NEW JERSEY present for election to the office of the Cantor Goodlatte Wolf Speaker of the House of Representa- Andrews Holt Pallone Davis, Jo Ann Moran Ferguson LoBiondo Davis, Thomas Schrock tives for the 107th Congress the name Frelinghuysen Menendez M. Scott of the Honorable J. DENNIS HASTERT, a January 3, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H3 Representative-elect from the State of Leach Pryce (OH) Souder Strickland Towns Waxman Lewis
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