INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF °c 2008 Institute for Scienti¯c INFORMATION AND SYSTEMS SCIENCES Computing and Information Volume 4, Number 1, Pages 160{177 HADAMARD, KHATRI-RAO, KRONECKER AND OTHER MATRIX PRODUCTS SHUANGZHE LIU AND GOTZÄ TRENKLER This paper is dedicated to Heinz Neudecker, with a®ection and appreciation Abstract. In this paper we present a brief overview on Hadamard, Khatri- Rao, Kronecker and several related non-simple matrix products and their prop- erties. We include practical applications, in di®erent areas, of some of the al- gebraic results. Key Words. Hadamard (or Schur) product, Khatri-Rao product, Tracy- Singh product, Kronecker product, vector cross product, positive de¯nite vari- ance matrix, multi-way model, linear matrix equation, signal processing. 1. Introduction Matrices and matrix operations are studied and applied in many areas such as engineering, natural and social sciences. Books written on these topics include Berman et al. (1989), Barnett (1990), LÄutkepohl (1996), Schott (1997), Magnus and Neudecker (1999), Hogben (2006), Schmidt and Trenkler (2006), and espe- cially Bernstein (2005) with a number of referred books classi¯ed as for di®erent areas in the preface. In this paper, we will in particular overview briefly results (with practical applications) involving several non-simple matrix products, as they play a very important role nowadays and deserve to receive such attention. The Hadamard (or Schur) and Kronecker products are studied and applied widely in matrix theory, statistics, system theory and other areas; see, e.g. Styan (1973), Neudecker and Liu (1995), Neudecker and Satorra (1995), Trenkler (1995), Rao and Rao (1998), Zhang (1999), Liu (2000a, 2000b) and Van Trees (2002). Horn (1990) presents an excellent survey focusing on the Hadamard product. Magnus and Neudecker (1999) include basic results and statistical applications involving Hadamard or Kronecker products. An equality connection between the Hadamard and Kronecker products seems to be ¯rstly used by e.g. Browne (1974), Pukelsheim (1977) and Faliva (1983). Trenkler (2001, 2002) and Neudecker and Trenkler (2005, 2006a) study the Kronecker and vector cross products. For partitioned matrices, the Khatri-Rao product, viewed as a generalized Hada- mard product, is discussed and used by e.g. Khatri and Rao (1968), Rao (1970), Rao and Kle®e (1988), Horn and Mathias (1992), Liu (1995, 1999, 2002a), Rao and Rao (1998), and Yang (2002a, 2002b, 2003, 2005) and his co-authors. The Tracy-Singh product, as a generalized Kronecker product, is studied by e.g. Singh Received by the editors January 15, 2007 and, in revised form, April 30, 2007. 2000 Mathematics Subject Classi¯cation. 15A45, 15A69, 62F10. This research was supported by University of Canberra and by University of Dortmund. 160 HADAMARD AND KHATRI-RAO PRODUCTS 161 (1972), Tracy and Singh (1972), Hyland and Collins (1989), Tracy and Jinadasa (1989) and Koning et al. (1991). A connection between the Khatri-Rao and Tracy- Singh products and several results involving these two products of positive de¯nite matrices with statistical applications are given by Liu (1999). In the present paper, we make an attempt to provide a brief overview on some se- lected results recently obtained on the Hadamard, Khatri-Rao, Kronecker and other products, and do not intend to present a complete list of all the existing results. We stress that the Khatri-Rao product has signi¯cant applications and potential in many areas, including matrices, mathematics, statistics (including psychometrics and econometrics), and signal processing systems. Further attention and studies on the Khatri-Rao product will prove to be useful. In Section 2, we introduce the de¯nitions of the Hadamard, Kronecker, Khatri-Rao, Tracy-Singh and vector cross products, and the Khatri-Rao and Tracy-Singh sums, with basic relations among the products. In Section 3, we present some equalities and inequalities involving positive de¯nite matrices. We collect both well-known and existing but not widely- known inequalities involving the Hadamard product; on the other hand, the results can not be extended to cover the Khatri-Rao product. We collect several known inequalities involving the Khatri-Rao product and results involving the Kronecker and vector cross products, including those to be used in Section 4. Finally we com- pile some applications of the results involving the Khatri-Rao product, as examples to illustrate how the results can be used in various areas. 2. Basic results We give the de¯nitions of these matrix products and established relations among them. We deal with only real matrices in this paper. 2.1. De¯nitions. Consider matrices A = (aij) and C = (cij ) of order m £ n and B = (bkl) of order p£q. Let A = (Aij ) be partitioned with Aij of order mi £nj as the (i; j)th block submatrix and BP= (Bkl) beP partitionedP with Bkl of orderP pk £ ql as the (k; l)th block submatrix ( mi = m, nj = n, pk = p and ql = q). The de¯nitions of the matrix products or sums of A and B are given as follows. 2.1.1. Hadamard product. (1) A ¯ C = (aijcij )ij ; where aij cij is a scalar and A ¯ C is of order m £ n. 2.1.2. Kronecker product. (2) A ­ B = (aijB)ij ; where aij B is of order p £ q and A ­ B is of order mp £ nq. 2.1.3. Khatri-Rao product. (3) A ¤ B = (Aij ­ Bij )ij; P P where Aij ­ Bij is of order mipi £ njqj and A ¤ B is of order ( mipi) £ ( njqj). 2.1.4. Tracy-Singh product. (4) A on B = (Aij on B)ij = ((Aij ­ Bkl)kl)ij; where Aij ­ Bkl is of order mipk £ njql, Aij on B is of order mip £ njq and A on B is of order mp £ nq. 162 S. LIU AND G. TRENKLER 2.1.5. Khatri-Rao sum. (5) A ¦ B = A ¤ Ip + Im ¤ B; where A = (Aij ) and B = (Bkl) are square matrices of respective order m£m and p £ p with Aij of order mi £ mj and Bkl of order pk £Ppl, Ip and ImPare compatibly partitioned identity matrices, and A ¦ B is of order ( mipi) £ ( mipi). 2.1.6. Tracy-Singh sum. (6) A¤B = A on Ip + Im on B; where A = (Aij ) and B = (Bkl) are square matrices of respective order m£m and p £ p with Aij of order mi £ mj and Bkl of order pk £ pl, Ip and Im are compatibly partitioned identity matrices, and A¤B is of order mp £ mp. 2.1.7. Vector cross product. (7) a £ b = Tab; 0 0 where a = (a1; a2; a3) and b = (b1; b2; b3) are real vectors, and 0 1 0 ¡a3 a2 Ta = @ a3 0 ¡a1 A : ¡a2 a1 0 For (1) through (4) see e.g. Liu (1999). For (3) introduced in the column-wise partitioned case, see Khatri and Rao (1968) and Rao and Rao (1998). For (5) and (6) see Al Zhour and Kilicman (2006b). For (7), see Trenkler (1998, 2001, 2002) and Neudecker and Trenkler (2005, 2006a). Note that there are various di®erent names and symbols used in the literature for the ¯ve products mentioned above; e.g. block Kronecker products by Koning et al. (1991) and Horn and Mathias (1992), in addition to some other matrix products. In particular, the Tracy-Singh product is the same as one of the block Kronecker products and the Hadamard product is the Schur product. Further, the Khatri-Rao and Tracy-Singh products share some similarities with, but also are quite di®erent from, the Hadamard and Kronecker products, respectively. Certainly the connec- tions and di®erences need attention, and we refer these to e.g. Koning et al. (1991), Horn and Mathias (1992), Wei and Zhang (2000) and Yang (2003, 2005) regarding matrix sizes, partitions and operational properties for these matrix products. In the next subsection, we report some relations connecting the products. 2.2. Relations. 2.2.1. Hadamard and Kronecker products. It is known that the Hadamard product of two matrices is the principal submatrix of the Kronecker product of the two matrices. This relation can be expressed in an equation as follows. Lemma 1. For A and C of the same order m £ n we have 0 (8) A ¯ C = J1(A ­ C)J2; 2 where J1 is the selection matrix of order m £ m and J2 is the selection matrix of order n2 £ n. HADAMARD AND KHATRI-RAO PRODUCTS 163 For this relation, see e.g. Faliva (1983) and Liu (1999). For J with properties including J0J = I and applications, see e.g. Browne (1974), Pukelsheim (1977), Liu (1995), Liu and Neudecker (1996), Neudecker et al. (1995a, b), Neudecker and Liu (2001a, b) and Schott (1997, p. 267). We next present the relation between Khatri-Rao and Tracy-Singh products which extends the above. 2.2.2. Khatri-Rao and Tracy-Singh products. Without loss of generality, we consider here 2 £ 2 block matrices µ ¶ µ ¶ A A B B (9) A = 11 12 ; B = 11 12 ; A21 A22 B21 B22 where A, A11, A12, A21, A22, B, B11, B12, B21 and B22 are m £ n, m1 £ n1, m1 £n2, m2 £n1, m2 £n2, p£q, p1 £q1, p1 £q2, p2 £q1 and p2 £q2 (m1 +m2 = m, n1 + n2 = n, p1 + p2 = p and q1 + q2 = q) matrices respectively. Further, µ ¶ µ ¶ M11 M12 N11 N12 (10) M = 0 ; N = 0 ; M12 M22 N12 N22 where M, M11, M22, N, N11 and N22 are m£m, m1 £m1, m2 £m2, p£p, p1 £p1 and p2 £ p2 symmetric matrices respectively, and M12 and N12 are m1 £ m2 and p1 £ p2 matrices respectively. De¯ne the following selection matrices Z1 of order k1 £ r and Z2 of order k2 £ s: µ ¶0 µ ¶0 I11 011 021 0 I12 012 022 0 (11) Z1 = ; Z2 = ; 0 0 0 I21 0 0 0 I22 0 0 where Z1Z1 = I1 and Z2Z2 = I2 with I11, I21, I12, I22, I1 and I2 being m1p1£m1p1, m2p2 £ m2p2, n1q1 £ n1q1, n2q2 £ n2q2, r £ r and s £ s identity matrices (k1 = mp, k2 = nq, m = m1 + m2, n = n1 + n2, p = p1 + p2, q = q1 + q2, r = m1p1 + m2p2 and s = n1q1 + n2q2), and 011, 021, 012 and 022 being m1p1 £ m1p2, m1p1 £ m2p1, n1q1 £ n1q2 and n1q1 £ n2q1 matrices of zeros.
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