The 1995 exhibition of the French Physical People and things Society was officially inaugurated on 3 October by Secretary of State for Research Elisabeth Dufourq. Here Jacques Haissinski (right) , Director of DAPNIA, Saclay (see page 15) explains to Madame Dufourq the structure of a superconducting magnet for CERN's future LHC proton collider. Centre is IN2P3 Director Claude Detraz and left is Denis Linglin, Director of LAPP, Annecy. (Photo M. Jacob) On people Aldo Michelini retires José Mariano Gago, president of LIP, Following a successful and wide the national Laboratory for experi­ ranging career at the forefront of mental high energy physics and particle physics, Aldo Michelini related research and development formally retired from CERN at the projects, in Lisbon becomes Portu­ end of October. guese Minister of Science and He joined CERN in 1960, following Technology. As well as being a a series of experiments with tracking prominent Portuguese particle chambers, including some time with physicist, Professor Gago is well Jack Steinberger's group in Colum­ known at CERN and played a vital bia. At CERN, he first worked on the role in his country's becoming a CERN Wilson chamber, which now CERN Member State from 1986. (For performs valuable service as an a report on CERN-Portugal affairs, aquarium! Four years later, he led a see September, page 22.) CERN/ETH Zurich/IC London col­ laboration studying strong interac­ CERN Research Director from 1989- tions using a then novel approach - 93, Walter Hoogland left CERN in spark chambers in a large magnet. October to return to the Dutch From 1969 - 73, he led the Omega NIKHEF Laboratory. Director General spectrometer project, a general Chris Llewellyn Smith recalled Walter purpose spectrometer initially Hoogland's valuable contributions in equipped with optical spark cham­ strengthening ties between CERN bers and downstream Cerenkov and non-Member States anxious to counters. Its huge superconducting participate in CERA/'S experimental magnet, and indeed all the magnets programme, and in the establishment of the Detector Research and Devel­ opment Committee which blazed a trail for work towards LHC detectors. Brian Foster of Bristol has been invited to serve for the period from 1 September to 31 December 1995 as a member and for the period 1 January to 31 August 1998 as Chairman of the UK Particle Physics and Astronomy Research Council's Particle Physics Committee, suc­ ceeding David Saxon. At CERN on 23 October, Swiss Federal Councillor and head of the Department of Transport, Communications and Energy Adolf Ogi (left) contemplates the immensity of the L3 experiment at LEP with Hans Hofer of ETH Zurich. (Photo CERN HI8.10.95) 24 CERN Courier, December 1995 Your partner for a full service: GEC ALSTHOM prepress - printing - binding - A commitment to excellence distribution in applied superconductivity . NbTi wires and cables . Nb Sn wires lannoo 3 . Cu/CuNi/NbTi wires and cables . Aluminium jacketed conductors Applications of our products are : fusion research, magnets for high energy physics, MRI-MRS magnets. LANNOO PRINTERS Kasteelstraat 97, B-8700 Tielt-Belgium T Tel. 32 51 42 42 11 - Fax 32 51 40 70 70 GEC ALSTHOM POWER GENERATION GEC ALSTHOM 3, avenue des Trois Chênes - 90018 Belfort Cedex, France Tel. (33) 84 55 25 37 - Fax (33) 84 55 16 15 - Telex 360965 F RESEARCH ASSOCIATE Postdoctoral Research Positions in THEORETICAL PARTICLE PHYSICS Experimental Particle Physics and Astrophysics INDIANA UNIVERSITY Department of Physics University of California, Riverside Applications are invited for the position of The Department of Physics invites applications for postdoctoral research associate in theoreti­ Postdoctoral Research positions in experimental par­ cal particle physics, available September 1, ticle physics and astrophysics. The appointed indi­ 1996. Initial appointment is for one year, with viduals are expected to participate in the ongoing probable renewal for a second year. We research projects of the group, which include the seek outstanding candidates in theoretical LSND neutrino experiment at LANL-LAMPF, and the MILAGRO cosmic ray experiment at Fenton Hill, NM, particle physics who have overlapping inter­ near LANL. The individuals will be located full-time ests with our group. Each application should at Los Alamos National Laboratory in New Mexico. include a curriculum vitae, a description of Candidates, who are recent recipients of the Ph.D. research interests and accomplishments, degree, should submit a resume and at least three and a list of publications. Candidates should references to Professor Gordon J. VanDalen, Depart­ ment of Physics, University of California, Riverside, also have at least three letters of reference CA 92521 -0413, USA. The deadline date is January 31, sent to: Particle Theory Group, Physics De­ 1996. Positions are subject to availability of funding. partment, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN 47405, USA. Applications received be­ fore January 15, 1996 may receive prefer­ The University of California ence. Indiana University is an Equal Oppor­ is an Equal Opportunity/affirmative action employer. tunity/Affirmative Action Employer. People and things Aldo Michelini - formal retirement from CERN Dario Squeri, President of the Italian province of Piacenza, addresses this year's interna­ tional Amaldi Conference. On his right are Giacomo Vaciago, Mayor of Piacenza, President of the Amaldi Foundation Nicola Cabibbo, and Italian Minister of Scientific and University Research Giorgio Salvini. Under the title 'Overcoming the obstacles to peace in the post-cold war era', the conference was the 8th in the series, founded in a world academy context by Edoardo Amaldi and Wolfgang K.H. Panofskyin 1988. (Photo Ballardo) ofAldo's later experiments, were built by his good friend Mario Morpurgo. The validity of the Omega concept, which first went into action at the PS and was later resited at the new SPS proton synchrotron, is underlined, 1995 Amaldi Conference Pep progress more than 20 years later, by the continuing vigour of its experimental The Fondazione Edoardo Amaldi, October saw the successful commis­ programme. founded in 1992 to honour the sioning of the portion of electron In 1973 Michelini became responsi­ memory of the distinguished Italian injection line for the the PEP-II ble for a group studying a general scientist and CERN founding father, electron-positron collider being built purpose spectrometer for the SPS hosted in October the 8th interna­ at the Stanford Linear Accelerator North Area. This led to the NA3 tional Amaldi Conference, held this Center (SLAC - October, page 9) experiment whose valuable measure­ year in the Amaldi home town of This line extracts electrons from the ments included production of (Drell- Piacenza. Under the title 'Overcom­ main linac and carries them along the Yan) muon pairs and of direct pho­ ing the obstacles to peace in the length of the linac tunnel. The cel­ tons. Following the success of NA3, post-cold war era', prominent interna­ ebration was the first PEP-II commis­ in 1981 he became spokesman of tional personalities discussed press­ sioning event en route to project the Opal experiment at the LEP ing problems in conventional, nu­ commencement of operations in electron-positron collider, a demand­ clear, biological and chemical September 1998. Fora PEP-II ing post which he held until recently. warfare. President of the Foundation progress report, see October, page The success of Opal owes a great is Nicola Cabibbo, who is also 9. deal to the care with which he guided President of the Italian Atomic the formation of the collaboration, Energy Authority. The annual Amaldi and the construction and exploitation Conference, founded by Edoardo New ISIS instrument programme. He has always appreci­ Amaldi and Wolfgang K.H. Panofsky ated the efforts of team members at in 1988, alternates between venues Under a £2.5 million grant, a general all levels and his colleagues admire in Italy and other countries. materials diffractometer, GEM, will be and enjoy the agreeable working installed at the ISIS pulsed neutron atmosphere which he has created. source at the UK Rutherford 26 CERN Courier, December 1995 People and things The Holland at CERN industrial exhibition from 17-20 October attracted 22 high technology companies. Applying the accelerator Judged by feedback, the special July/ August issue of the CERN Courier - Applying the Accelerator', covering the uses to which particle accelera­ tors have been harnessed - was appreciated by many readers. How­ ever as usual, when trying to cover a major topic once and for all in a single issue, some fish slipped through the net. In particular, the dynamic growth area of spallation neutron sources was overlooked and will be covered in a forthcoming issue. Publication of that issue also drew our attention to a document Impact and Applications of Nuclear Science in Europe: Opportunities and Per­ Appleton Laboratory in the beamline intent is to define and sharpen the spectives', published by NuPECC, currently occupied by the LAD scientific focus of the physics at the Nuclear Physics European Liquids and Amorphous Diffract- RHIC. It is hoped that a workshop Collaboration Committee, which ometer. environment will encourage examina­ covers similar ground, but with 184 To be operational early in 1999, tion of the theoretical foundations of pages compared to the 24 editorial GEM will combine high resolution existing models of ion-ion collisions, pages of the July/August issue of the with high count rate, and be able to and will further point these models CERN Courier, could do so more monitor the behaviour of a wide towards observables measurable in lavishly. range of materials in varying condi­ the proposed detectors. The topics Copies are available from the tions of temperature and pressure to be considered include: Thermody­ NuPECC Scientific Secretary, and while undergoing chemical namics; Hard processes; Phenom­ Gabriele-Elisabeth Korner, reaction. enology, Simulations and signals; Physikdepartment E12 der and Chiral symmetry and coherent Technischen Universitàt Munchen, effects.
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