27472 Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 97 / Thursday, May 20, 1999 / Rules and Regulations [FR Doc. 99±12588 Filed 5±19±99; 8:45 am] Global Positioning System (GPS) incorporate by reference two recently BILLING CODE 6560±50±P information to aircraft equipped to use revised FAA Advisory Circulars. The advanced landing systems in response Report and Order in this proceeding to a petition for rule making filed by the modified the Commission's rules to FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). increase the safety and efficiency of COMMISSION This R&O also allows the use of hand- aircraft navigation and movement of held radios for direct communications aircraft in and around airports. 47 CFR Parts 17 and 87 between ground service personnel and 4. The public interest is served by flight crews on frequencies allocated to modifying our rules to permit the [WT Docket No. 96±211, FCC 99±40] the Aeronautical Enroute Service in operation of aeronautical advisory Use of 112±118 MHz for Differential response to a petition for rule making stations (unicoms) in an unattended, Global Positioning System (GPS) filed by Aeronautical Radio, Inc. automated mode, allow aeronautical Correction Data and the Use of Hand- (ARINC). Finally, this R&O updates part ground stations to transmit differential Held Transmitters on Frequencies in 17 of our rules to incorporate by GPS augmentation data to aircraft, allow the Aeronautical Enroute Service reference two recently revised FAA the use of mobile radios for direct Advisory Circulars. The actions will communications between ground AGENCY: Federal Communications increase the safety and efficiency of service personnel and flight crews on Commission. aircraft navigation and movement of Aeronautical Enroute Service ACTION: Final rule. aircraft in and around airports. Further, frequencies and incorporate, by these amends should promote the use of reference, two FAA Advisory Circulars. SUMMARY: This Report and Order (R&O) new radio technologies beneficial to II. Summary of Significant Issues amends the Commission's rules aircraft without allocating additional Raised by the Public Comments in regarding the use of 112±118 MHz for spectrum. Response to the Initial Regulatory differential Global Positioning System Administrative Matters Flexibility Analysis (GPS) correction data, the use of hand- held transmitters on frequencies in the Final Regulatory Flexibility Analysis 5. No comments were submitted in Aeronautical Enroute Service, and to direct response to the IRFA. We have, 2. As required by the Regulatory however, reviewed general comments update Part 17 of our rules to Flexibility Act, 5 U.S.C. 603 (RFA), incorporate by reference two recently that may impact small businesses. Initial Regulatory Flexibility Analyses 6. Much of the impact will be on revised FAA Advisory Circulars. These (IRFA) were incorporated in the Notice amendments were adopted in response small businesses that use, manufacture, of Proposed Rule Makings WT Docket design, import, or sell equipment, and to petitions for rule making filed by the 1 96±1 and WT Docket 96±211. The will increase safety and efficiency at Federal Aviation Administration and Commission sought written public the Aeronautical Radio, Inc. The effect airports by allowing new uses and comments on the proposals in the technologies for the purpose of of these amendments would increase Unicom NPRM and Aviation Safety aircraft and airport safety and facilitate communicating important information NPRM, including on the IRFA. The for flight and ground safety. the efficient use of aeronautical radio Commission's Final Regulatory spectrum. Commenters submitted suggestions to Flexibility Analysis (FRFA) in this improve the technical and operational DATES: These regulations are effective Report and Order conforms to the RFA, criteria of the proposals. This Report May 20, 1999. The incorporation by as amended by the Contract With and Order directly benefits small reference of certain publications listed 2 America Advancement Act of 1996. businesses by providing smaller airports in the regulations is approved by the I. Need for and Objective of the that do not have sufficient resources to Director of Federal Register May 20, Proposed Rules staff a unicom station with an 1999. automated and economically viable FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: 3. Our objective is to improve safety in air navigation by increasing pilots' alternative to provide important James Shaffer of the Commission's advisory information, providing airports Wireless Telecommunications Bureau at access to advisory information, promoting the use of satellite with satellite technology for the (202) 418±0680 or via email at precision landing of aircraft to facilitate [email protected]. technology for the precision landing of aircraft and allowing ground crews to approaches and landings in poor SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This is a communicate with aircraft on weather conditions, and improving the summary of the Commission's R&O, aeronautical enroute frequencies, and to safe ground operations at airports and FCC 99±40, adopted February 25, 1999, improve the provision of services and and released March 3, 1999. The full 1 Amendment of Part 87 of the Commission's supplies to aircraft on the ground. These text of this Report and Order is available Rules to Permit Automatic Operation of actions should increase the safety and for inspection and copying during Aeronautical Advisory Stations (Unicoms), WT efficiency of aircraft navigation and normal business hours in the FCC Docket 96±1, Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 11 movement of aircraft in and around FCC Rcd 1084 (1996), 61 FR 8905, (March 6, 1996), Reference Center, Room 246, 1919 M (Unicom NPRM); Amendment of part 87 to Permit airports. Street N.W. Washington, D.C. The the Use of 112±118 MHz for Differential Global III. Description and Estimate of the complete text may be purchased from Positioning System (GPS) Correction Data and the the Commission's copy contractor, ITS, Use of Hand-held Transmitters on Frequencies in Number of Small Entities to Which the the Aeronautical Enroute Service and Amendment Rules Apply Inc., 1231 20th St. N.W., Washington, of Part 17 Concerning Construction, Marking, and D.C. 20036, telephone (202) 857±3800. Lighting of Antenna Structures, WT Docket No. 96± 7. The rules adopted in this Report 211, Notice of Proposed Rule Making, 11 FCC Rcd and Order will affect small businesses Summary of R&O 15391 (1996), 61 FR 60673, (November 29, 1996), that use, manufacture, design, import, 1. This R&O amends Part 87 of our (Aviation Safety NPRM). sell, or use aviation equipment designed 2 Public Law No. 104±121, 110 Stat. 847 (1996) rules to permit aeronautical ground (CWAAA). Title II of the CWAAA is ``The Small for an automated unicom, a GPS stations to use frequencies in the 112± Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of augmentation system operating in the 118 MHz band to transmit differential 1996'' (SBREFA), codified at 5 U.S.C. 601 et seq. 112±118 MHz band, and mobile radios VerDate 06-MAY-99 16:02 May 19, 1999 Jkt 183247 PO 00000 Frm 00028 Fmt 4700 Sfmt 4700 E:\FR\FM\20MYR1.XXX pfrm08 PsN: 20MYR1 Federal Register / Vol. 64, No. 97 / Thursday, May 20, 1999 / Rules and Regulations 27473 used for direct communications manufacturers which are small the unit type accepted by the between ground service personnel and businesses.3 Commission under the technical criteria flight crews on Aeronautical Enroute set forth in the Commission's Rules. In Estimates for Differential GPS Service frequencies. There are no order to have a unit type accepted, a Commission-imposed requirements, 10. Differential GPS is ground small entity would have to test the radio however, for any entity to use these reference stations licensed to private equipment and provide clerical support products. entities using unassigned VOR to file the requisite FCC application frequencies in the 112±118 MHz band to forms. Both of these functions could be Estimates for Unicoms transmit differential GPS augmentation handled by a third party. We estimate 8. The unicom service provides for data to aircraft to improve safety in that the initial cost to the manufacturer air-ground communications primarily approach and landing of aircraft. For the to meet this requirement, if done by a between general aviation aircraft and purpose of determining whether a third party, is $900 to test the airport facilities. Unicom transmissions licensee is a small business as defined equipment and complete the filing are limited to the necessities of safe and by the Small Business Administration information, and would require the expeditious operation of aircraft, (SBA), each licensee would need to be electronic engineering professional including runway conditions, types of evaluated within its own business area. skills. Additionally, there would be a fuel available, wind conditions, weather Additionally, there are small businesses $425 equipment authorization fee to file information, dispatching, and other that will manufacture, design, import, or the application for type acceptance. necessary safety information. Unicom sell equipment. We concluded that These costs are one time costs to type transmissions may include, on a these small businesses are classified in accept the equipment and assure that secondary basis, communications Communications Equipment, N.E.C., interference to other radio users is pertaining to the efficient portal-to- (Standard Identification Code 3669) as minimized.
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