1 NOVA SCOTIA RAILWAYS – SL 14 10.07.19 page 1 of 7 PASSENGER STATIONS & STOPS Canadian National Rly (1-19), Dominion Atlantic Rly (20-22), Short Lines and Interurban Rlys (32-32) Former names: [ ] Distances in miles. Gauge 4’ 8½” unless noted. (date)t: public TT EPG: Eastern Provinces Guide; PG: Pathfinder Guide; IG: International Guide op. opened; cl. closed; rn. renamed; rl. relocated; tm. terminus of service at date shown; pass?: passenger service? Certain non-passenger locations shown in italics thus: (name) # names from Histories. (date)G: USA Official Guide Reference letters in brackets: (a), location shown in public timetable, but no trains stop. y-f = yzabcdef etc. CANADIAN NATIONAL RLY (CN) ex Intercolonial Rly (IR). Based on 1868G (y), International Guide 1884 (z), Canadian Rly Guide (CRG) 1913/IR 1911 (a), CN TTs 1923 (b), 1935 (c), 1956 (d), 1976 (e) & current VIA TT (f). Also, Pathfinder Guides 1876 (n), 1889 (n2) & 1894 (p), 1909G (q), Canadian Government Rly TT 1916 (q2), CN TTs 1919 (r), 1925 (s), 1928 (s2), 1932 (s3), 1942 (t), 1945 (t2), 1949 (t3), 1952 (t4), 1962 (t5), VIA TT 1988 (v) and Working TTs 1919 (w) & 1928 (w2). $ 1900 Baedeker Guide –passenger service implied? 1. HALIFAX – FORT LAWRENCE ex Nova Scotia Rly 75.2 Debert z-d 77.5 East Mines abcd 0.0 Halifax (3rd) b-f ** 1. 81.1 Londonderry z-d > 0. Halifax Ocean Terminal (boat trains) 84. Arcadia Iron Mines $ 3.5 Armdale cdev > 83.5 Probert bc 4.4 Southwestern Junction bcd 85.5 Mons (b) 4.9 Fairview Junction cd ** 1. 87.1 Aitken b 6.0 Rockingham a-ev 88.6 Folly Lake ncd [Folleigh ab ] 6. Four Mile House y 93.3 Wentworth z-d 7.0 Birch Grove bcd 97.8 Westchester abcd 7.8 Prince's Lodge bd [Princess Lodge c ] 99.2 Greenville z-d 9.2 Millview d [Mill View bc ] 101.9 Atkinson bcd 9.7 Moir w2 106.6 Thomson z-d 10.1 Isleview cd 110.7 Oxford Junction a-ev [Oxford (1st) z ] 10.6 Bedford y-ev 113.1 River Philip z-d 14. Rocky Lake y 117.0 Salt Springs abcd 14.3 Lakeview acd [Lake View b ] 121.4 Black River s 15.1 Cobequid Road cd 123.6 Springhill Junction a-f [Spring Hill z ] (24) 15.8 Windsor Junction y-ev (20) [Spring Hill Junction 1903t ] 16.4 Stephen w2 127.0 Little Forks b 17.3 Fall River bcd 129.1 Athol z-d 20.0 Kinsac abcd 132.6 Maccan z-d (25) 22.6 Fletcher bcd [Fletcher's y ] 136.2 Nappan abcd 23.3 Wellington z-d 140.8 Amherst z-f 25.0 Grand Lake yabcd 143.5 Fort Lawrence bd 26.3 Oakfield yabcd (Nova Scotia – New Brunswick border) 27.0 Sandy Cove d 146.9 Aulac (NB 1) 27.7 King d [King's bc ] 29.7 Enfield y-d ** 1. Former CN route until 1918: a2: 1914G 31. Malcolm’s Brick Works 1866t DA (20) contd. to terminate at Halifax (2nd) until 1928 32.1 Elmsdale y-e 33.8 Lantz bcd [Truro Road 1866t ] 0.5 Halifax Wharf (Pier 2) (immigrants trains) # 38.4 Milford z-e [Wickwire's y ] 0.0 Halifax (2nd, North St)(op.1877) za 40.6 Dewis bcd 0.8 Halifax (Richmond) a2 [Halifax (1st) y(tm) ] 42.2 Shubenacadie y-e [Richmond a ] 43. Lang’s Brick Works 1866t 2.5 Fairview Junction 43.8 Miller cd [Miller's b ] 46.7 Stewiacke y-e 2. HALIFAX – YARMOUTH 49.3 McKay bcd Lines 2 – 7 ex Halifax & Southwestern Rly (HSW), 51. Polly Bog 1866t, n Yarmouth -Barrington Passage ex Halifax & Yarmouth 51.2 Alton abcd a: HSW TT 1910 53.6 Brentwood bcd 56.0 Brookfield y-d 0.0 Halifax (3rd) (1 to :) ** 1. 59.6 Hilden abcd [Johnston’s Road 1866t ] 4.3 Southwestern Junction (1) > [Johnston's y ] [Johnston n ] 8.4 Summit b pass? ** 1. 61.2 Mill Brook Crossing d 9.1 Beechville abct3 64.0 Truro y-f (9) 12.1 Timberlea d [Bowser's a ] 66.6 Onslow b [Bowser bc ] 71.6 Belmont abcd [Ishgonish n ] 16.5 Hubley bcd [Hubley's a ] 2 21.3 French Village abcd 250.4 Lovitt Street bc 22.8 Indian Lake d 24.8 St. Margaret cd [St. Margaret's Bay ab ] ** 1. Former route until 1919: [St. Margaret's s3 ] 25.7 St. Margaret's Siding (b) 0.0 Halifax (2nd) (1) 27.5 Boutilier bcd [Boutilier's a ] 0.8 Halifax (Richmond) (1) 30.0 Ingramport cd [Ingram Port ab ] 6. Summit 33.0 Queensland cd 36.4 Hubbard's ad [Hubbard bc ] 3. MAHONE BAY – LUNENBURG 44.2 East River abcd 50.4 East Chester abcd 0.0 Mahone Bay (2) 52.5 Chester abcd 4.6 Schnares Crossing d 54.3 Marriott cd [Merriott's Cove s2 ] 7.0 Lunenburg z-d [Marriott's Cove s3 ] 58.0 Chester Basin abcd 4. BRIDGEWATER JN - PORT WADE 61.7 Western Shore abcd 65.7 Martin's River abcd 1.1 Bridgewater Junction (2) 71.0 Mahone Bay bcd [Mahone z ] (3) 5.7 Mossman bcd [Mossman's a ] [Mahone Junction a ] 8.4 Northfield z-d 72.5 Blockhouse z-d 10.9 Pinehurst bcd [Riversdale za ] 76.0 Maitland abcd 15.4 Caledonia Junction bct3 (5) 82.2 Bridgewater z-d 16.5 New Germany z-d 83.4 Bridgewater Junction bcd (4) 23.1 Cherryfield z-d 90.6 Conquerall abcd 26.0 Hastings Junction ab (26) 93.6 Italy Cross abcd 26.4 Springfield z-d 96.9 Middlewood bcd 29.2 Ridge Road abcd 100.5 County Line abcd 32.9 Dalhousie z-d 104.8 Medway abcd 37.5 Scragg Lake t3 111.8 Brooklyn abcd 39. Waterloo a 113.4 Liverpool abcd (6) 39.6 Squirreltown bcd 121.1 Hunt's Point abcd [White Point Beach rt3] 42.9 Albany z-d 125.7 Port Mouton abcd 44.9 Alpena z-d 135.8 Wilkin's as2 49. Cleveland z 142.2 Sable River abcd 50.8 Nictaux z-d 148.6 Lockeport abcd (7) 54.3 Middleton Junction bcd > 156.4 East Jordan abcd 55.0 Middleton (DA) z-d (20) 159.0 Jordan Falls abcd 59.4 Elliot bcd [Elliot's a ] 164.4 Shelburne abcd 62.6 Clarence abcd 171.2 Birchtown abcd 67.9 Bridgetown (CN) abc.d(tm) 175.9 Gunning Cove abcd 73.9 Belleisle bc [Belle Isle a ] 179.6 Roseway abcd 76.3 Granville Center ab.c(tm) 184.5 Greenwood abcd [Greenwood's 1907t ] 82.1 Granville Ferry ab 187.2 Port Saxon abcd 87.5 Karsdale ab 189.4 Port Clyde abcd 94.0 Port Wade ab [Victoria Beach 1907Glist ] 196.7 Barrington abcd 200.0 Barrington Passage abcd 5. CALEDONIA JN - CALEDONIA 202.7 Atwood Brook d [Atwood's Brook abc] 205.8 Shag Harbour d [Shag Harbor abc] 15.4 Caledonia Junction (4) 208.2 Lower Woods Harbour t5 [Wood Harbor abc ] 15.9 Highway Crossing c [Lower Wood Harbour d] 20.6 Hemford abct3 212.0 Upper Woods Harbour d 22.1 Nineveh ct3 [Upper Woods Harbour abc ] 25.9 Colpton bct3 215.1 Lower East Pubnico abcd 27.9 Pleasant River abct3 217.7 D'Entremont cd [D'Entremont's ab ] 30.4 Brookfield Mines abcdt3 219.4 East Pubnico abcd 34.0 South Brookfield abcdt3 222.0 Pubnico abcd 37.3 Caledonia abcdt3 225.6 Lower Argyle abcd 228.2 Central Argyle abcd 6. LIVERPOOL – RAPID FALLS 231.1 Argyle abcd 236.5 Belleville abcd 0.0 Liverpool (2) 239.4 Tusket abcd 1.1 Liverpool Town a 241.3 Pleasant Lake abcd 1.7 Shipyard a 242.8 Ferry Road a 2.4 Milton a 245.2 Arcadia abcd 3.4 Potanoc r [Potanook a] 250.0 Yarmouth (CN) abcd 4.8 Rapid Falls a 3 40.4 Asylum bc 40.7 Stellarton (1st) z-ev [Coal Mines 1870IG ] 7. LOCKEPORT BRANCH 41. Stellarton (2nd) f 42.0 Lourdes bcd 0.0 Lockeport (2) 42.8 New Glasgow y-ev (13, 14) 4.2 Lockeport Town w2 46.1 Academy (b) 48.6 Woodburn abcd [Glenfalloch z ] 8. WINDSOR JN – UPPER MUSQUODOBOIT 52.9 Egerton bcde [West Merigomish a ] * service originally from Richmond on causeway over river, [Merigomish (1st) z ] destroyed 1880's? 56.3 Merigomish (2nd) a-ev [French River z ] 0.0 Windsor Junction (1) 61.1 Piedmont z-d 2.1 Waverley abct3 64.9 Avondale a-e 3.9 Lake William b 66.9 Barney River abcd [Barney's River z ] 6.6 Bog (b) 70.8 Marshy Hope z-d 10.0 Burnside bct3 74.7 James River z-e Richmond (1) * 78.7 Brierly Brook zw2d [Brierly's Brook a] 10.8 Tuft ct3 [Tufts Cove b ] * > 82.5 Sylvan Valley w2 12.5/0.0 Dartmouth ad(tm)bc 84.2 Antigonish z-evf 2.1 Woodside q2 89.2 South River z-d 2.6 Imperoyal bcd 91.0 Taylor Road w2 [Taylor's Road zw1 ] 4.6 Eastern Passage bcd 94.0 Pomquet z-e 8.0 Cole Summit cd 96.3 Heatherton z-e 9.3 Cole bcd 98.6 Bayfield Road z-d 13.4 Naugle bcd [Naugles q2 ] 100.0 Afton z-d 14.6 East Lawrencetown d [Lawrencetown bc] 102.2 Deloreys w2 16.3 Lloy cd [Loys q2 ] 104.1 Tracadie z-d [Lloys b ] 105.3 Girroirs z 17.2 Terminal Beach b 106.3 Monastery bcdev 19.0 Fathom bcd 108.8 Linwood abcd [Little Tracadie z] (15) 20.9 Seaforth bcd 116.2 Havre Boucher (2nd) dev 22.7 Dessert bcd 123.6 Auld Cove de 24.0 Petain bcd 125.7 Port Hastings b-e 26.4 Porter bcd [Porters q2 ] 128.7 Port Hawkesbury b-f 27.9 Dyke Brook cd [Dykes Brook s2 ] 129.7 Inverness Junction abc 29.4 Chezzetcook bcd [Point Tupper Junction q ] 30.6 Gaetz cd 129.8 Hawkesbury 1907t 35.0 Musquodoboit Harbour cd [Harbour b ] 130.0 Tupper d 43.7 Gibraltar bcd 132.1 St.
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