THE INDIANAPOLIS STAR, FIUDAY, MAV 0, 10m BASEBALL, BOXING, GOLF, SWIMMING, BILLIARDS, BOWLING NEWS TENNIS, OTHER NEWS •JOHN W. HEAD, EDITOR" "CURLEY ASH, ASSOCIATE' Strangler Lewis in New Role* ANOTHER AUTO Tennis Is Keeping Step RACERARRIVES Robert F. "Strangler" Lewis, the wrestler, was married at Mercer, Pa., yesterday afternoon to Dr.. Ada Scoit. The wedding was FOR BIG EVENT With Baseball in A. E. F. the culmination of a romance begun two :years ago iu San Jose,' Cal., Leaves This Morning for Game Today and Sunday With | when Lewis suffered a broken leg in a wrestling bout .-md.Rr. Scott, then a railroad surgeon, attended him. The nwrm^' imil been Dario Resta in City arfd Helps to Keep Men .in Conditioned Frame of Mind, as Well, as Patsy Flaherty's Proteges—Satuflay Will Find Athletes! Hits Homer in the Third scheduled for Youngstown, O., but as the Ohio 1»« i>r-\\ \<-<\ \\\>n ,,ae Start Work—To Drive a in Fine Physical Condition—Taking Its Place With National of the contracting parties be a resident of t!v *',,!(• \< u;.-. .1., ..i,.(j & . ... Witnessing Kentucky Derby—Several Men on Team Not in Inning. to have it at Mercer, Sunbeam. Pastime, Basket Ball and Track—Net Players May Slay Condition—Cavet' Will Pitch First Game, Rogge Next. Overseas for Time to Play in Matches. |- BROOKLYN, N; Y., May 8.—Tom Dario Resta, winner of the 1916 cham- Griffith's double in the first inning and , ionshlp race on the Indianapolis motor his «peed-way, and victor In'the contest for BY JOHN W. HEAD. Igotikted the home plate against the i drive over the right field fence in "Tennis Ss. taking its place along- 1 •ie American driving championship Isphere will do much for its international Kansas City, club, but failed by inches, j the third for a home run won today's side of baseball, basket ball and track standing." The Louisville Colonels will find that Duke has made several errors andncted by the A. A. A. that year, picking- on cripples this afternoon will-outfield, but that was due more to $| ! game from the Phillies by 2 to i. • athletics' in the American Expeditionary That the recognition thus .accorded singles and a double scored the Phillies' as arrived in Indianapolis for- the in- tennis in-the army's athletic program be a rather dangerous occupation, .for i lack of condition than anything, else, Force to keep men in a contented frame is of particular significance is seen in n n j only run in ' tho seventh. Pfeffer -rnational,500-mil6 Liberty sweepstake? .the battered Indians are Just in the -"^^ Dukw(]1 e ]11{e]is y»™, ™ <Ji S * of mind,' as well as in fine physical con- Lol, Johnson's comment on the inter- up In great fanned Pt-arct, Adams and Watson in n the local speedway, May, 31, and will mood to drop into'the lair'of. the enemy dition. ' The effect which participation allied games: "It is- fliwtUfiss to say form from thi..s. time- ori.... Duke seems the third inning. Pitchers Mitchell arid 'nmediately enter ..upon a campaign of and show enough flght to take the two to be a different ball player this year. Miljus arrived from overseas. The In all manner of athletic games is hav- that our Interallied Barnes .to be hc-!o .Active preparation for that event. m Paris wlll.be unique in the Malory Louisville games. Tho first game with He seems to be out there working score: ing upon morale and contentment, of the goods Resta was accompanied by Louiss or the world, and ; he winning of tho the Colonels will be played this after- Phlla. AB H O A Brook. AB H O A the men in the American Expeditionary various, international titles should be Calalian.rf. 0 2 0!OUon.s.... 'oatalen,-chief engineer and managing noon at Louisville, while the other, one WlIlamH.cf 1 4 3M-ag«e,2... 4 Force, who are waiting their turn to something that every man will be proud ,WhItte<l.lf. 1 'Urector of the Sunbeam factory at to accomplish." . -. n Js oh the card for Sunday. Monday and Having Trouble With Legs. OiGrlfflth.rf.. 3 go home, is almost beyond belief, an Tuesday games have been transfered 0 10 OlVVhcat.If... 4 n olverhaaptoh, England, who Is re- Yerke's and Zwliling are having a lot Balrd.3.'..'. 1 2 HMyern.cf... 4 -ponsible for the design of the Sunbeam with the backing we are receiving 1 roin Wants Players Left Over. and will be played at Washington Park. Kicking.. 1 1 IjKonetchy.l.. 3 everybody, including our commaiider- In- view of the scope of the .program On May 14 the Indians will go to of trouble with their underpinnings, Pearce,2... 0 2 aviation motors that played such a Urge part in maintaining allied air su- in-chlef down to the lowest private, Is Columbus to engage in the first series of but should bo in condition in a short Adam.s.c.. 1 1 """.'3 indeed ait incentive to everyone in on outlined, Col. Johnson paticularly de- the season with Grover Hartley's gang. time.. Zwilllng -contracted a charley- Watson,p.. 0 0 Sjpfeffer.p. premacy during the recent world war. sires that the American tennis play- On May 18 the Toledo team will be bat- .n the racing cars to .be campaigned the game to do. his utmost. I could tled, while the same two.clubs will jump horse in traveling to third on a long Totals.. 31 5 24 lo! Totals.. 30 7 A II at Indianapolis this year by thfc Sun- write volumes on this subject telling ers now in France be left overseas for back to Indianapolis for a four-game wallop a week or so ago,- However, Philadelphia. 000000 1 0. 0—1 beam organization, Coatalen has incor- you of our football, basket ball, boxing, the. time being, for-he writes: 'T\-<» series, beginning May 22. Columbus this sterling outfielder is playing a Brooklyn./.. 1 010-0000 '—2 porated several aviation principles, no- wrestling, In fact all manner of sports; nope to be .able-to persuade Williama then jumps in and plays four games, whale of a fielding game and is working Error—Balrd. Two-base hits—Balrd, tably the perfect stream lining of the however , : I will not inflict this upon to remain over here for our finartou-- hard. In the last few games he has Griffith. Home run—Griffith. you." , . aaments. With him, Washburn and a being followed by the Louisville Colonels, i bases—Sicking1, Adams, Myers. Sacrifice bodies, and the- embodiment of several Who will be here on Decoration day for I Picked up in his batting and has. been hit—Pfeffer. Double play—Balrd to improvements in the engines that 'make Sending Teams'Around. young player from the. Pacific -coast a double-header. hitting them with-old-time ability. Pearce; Base o'n balls—Off PfelTer,, 1. Hit 3** consWerab'ly faster and more pew- : Thus Col. Wait C. Johnson, athletic named Breck, who played remarkable June 1 and 2. ar_e_ ope_,„n. dates fo.„r. th„ e Tex Covington didn't show^any espe- by pitcher— By Watson, 1 (Griffith). erful than heretofore. ' tennis at Cannes—and gave Williams Indians, but on June 3 ,the first swing | cial prowess with the bludgeon last Strucuck out— By Watson, 1; by Pfeffer, 5. officer of the A! B. P., -writes to Gedrge his hardest, match, running him to tv,-o around the western end of tho circuit 1 season, with the Indians, but last year Will Drive a Sunbeam. T. AcJee, president of'the United States aeuce sets, In each one .of which he ••will be on. It opens with Milwaukee as shouldn't be taken as a barometer of a HAMILTON BEATS CARDS. That the Sunbeam.-cars are fit to National Lawn" Tennis Association, de- was several times holding • the .match the-opponents. All four of the western ball player's ability. They, had .too scribing condition's In spbrt over seas. point—we, are sure to make -a good clubs will be played before the Indians many other things, to think about. PITTSBURGH, Pa., May 8.— The Pitts- capture:first honors in the Indianapolis showing, in the interallied tournament. return to their own .back yard. burgh Pirates won their first home game With reference to the army's program, This season TeX is putting a mighty Liberty Sweepstakes has ample guaran- he says: "We are endeavoring'to in- 'If It is In your mind to write to-any wallop into his drives, with the result today by a score of 4 to 2 from St.. Louis, culcate throughout Europe the Ameri- .of our prominent tennis players here Hendrlcks A^ter Pitcher, that he has connected for .three triples Hamilton holding the Cardinals to five tee in the fact; .that. the formidable urging, them to make effort to get back ' 1 hits. Sherfleil pitched well until the sixth can love for outdoor sports. Our Inter- .The Indians an? in such a crippled- and « a home•. r Jn the game" ._ s. , o, n the, . hom, e innlnp+1...J*.,,., whetwivnt hji'ej passeuds d two men, fol- Resta has.consented'to.'.drive one of allied games in June, we hope, will have to. the United • States during jtm'e, •• eat ln u please forbear, for -I • am firmly con- ; condition now that Manager~Hendrlcks card. .It appears, as If this walloping lowed by a droppe,.._.-d fl„ by Smith lii cen- , *jfT fl ence In this direction.
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