rr, E I EE I n I 1"./ INDIA I N I '4Fb--wt qlrqqEirlfd wEST BENGAL 30AB 210557 I I I I SPECIFIED AGREEMENT I .> s THIS S PEC I FIED AGREEMENT is made on the 20fra^y t$ "t $r, ,or, (rwo rhousand and Nineteen) BETWEEN I SMT. MAI{JUSREE DAS (PAN No. AWAPD4460H) daughter of- I Late Hiralal Das, by faith Hindu, by occupation - House-hold tI work, by nationality- Indian, residing at- 88, Mahim Halder Street, P.0. & P.S.- Kalighat, Kolkata- Z00026, hereinafter t referred to as the OWNER NO. I s. P. cqNsTRrJcTI0N t I l,rr*^Lt' 4*J"'L n{;k}tP I fia^^,ll,^WU."J.,7 S. P. CONSTRUCTION -dL- I Dd) ffirym^- I / vU I5U, frerernalter celled +r"- r\EirrErr ,\Ehh \$""\\\ $' . r1,$);1"- G l''1. der 1:: DEB Sontl'pur A. S O., Kol.-150 2 -A N D- SRI SAMBHU MAZUMDER (PAN No AEWPMl859H) son of- Late Radharaman Majumdar, by faith- Hindu' by occupation- Business' by nationality- lndian, residing at 16, Cobinda Bose Lane' P O - Bhawanipore, P.S.- Kalighat, Kolkata- 7OOO25, hereinafter referred to as the owNER nO. 2 -A N D- SRI sAt{TI GANGULY {PAN No ADYPG2l74L) son of- Late Gosto Behari Ganguty by faith - Hindu, by occupation- Business, by nationality- Indian, residing at- Fartabad Ganguly Para' P.O.- Garia, P.S. Sonarpur, (olkata- 7OOO84, hereinafter referred to as the owNER NO. 3 (which term or expression shall unless excluded by or repugnant to the subject, context or meaning thereof be deemed to mcan and include their.heirs, successors, executors, administrators, legal representatives, assigns) of the ONE PART AND s.P. coNSTRUCTION (PAN NO. ADlF56473Q) a Partnership Firm having its office at - 610, East Tentulberia, PO- Panchpota' PS- Sonalpur, Kolkata- 7OOl52 and represented by its Partners namely Il) RI SUK KUMAR DAL {PAN NO. AHBPMlO94Q) son of Sri Subir Mondal, (2) SRI SUBRATA NASKAR (PAN NO. ACKPN6880H) son of Sri Santosh Naskar, both by faith - Hindu, by occupation- Business, residing at Dhalua, P.S.- SonarPur, Kolkata-700I52' (3) SRI PINTU DEBNATH (PAN NO. ACHPD48IgP) son of- Late Anil Debnath, bv faith- Hindu, by occupation- Business, by nationality- lndian, residing at- L-7, Sreenagar Main Road, P.O.- Panchasayar, Police Station- Purba Jadavpur, Kolkata- 7OOO94 and (41 SRI PINTU MONDAL (PAN NO' BWCPMTO3OB) son of- Sri Kanai Chandra Mondal, by faith- Hindu, by occupation- Business, residing at- Radhanagar, P.S.- Sonarpur' Kolkata- 700150, hereinafter called as the DEVEL OPER (which terms or expressions shall unless excluded by or otherwise repugnant to the subject or context be deemed to mean and include their heirs, S. P. CQNSTRUCTION Sr^)'' €?^A-t' (h*^&+-u^+,"g r'^H;,* 6u*tl*qu.*/rt s. p. coNsrRucrlor'l Oiay^{"'Xifu Kt'-w"' " ,/,Qr,/v%,,- Az,, b"<o'''4' ; a'fio t 3 and assigns) successols, executors, administrators, legal representatives ^f rhc OTHER PART Joint Venture WIIEREAS the Landowner herein have entered into a for development of Agreement on 1l 04.20l9 with the Developer herein herlandmeasuringaboutloIten)cottahsS{elght}chlttackso (zcro) .q. ft., morefulty and particularly described in the Schedule written hereunder; made by the AND WIIEREAS this Specified Agreement is being LandownerandtheDeveloperherein(whichhasbeenagreedbetweenthe dated 04 10 2018) Parties herein as.per the Joint Venture Agreement dated leaving the previously executed Joint venture Agreement modified 04.lO.2Of8 between the Parties herein as intact with certain terms and conditions made on this' JJ c( IO MO IED is T SA ON zx\ E property ,d\F r) That the entire work of development of the said Schedule will and the construction of the proPosed multi-storied buildings =r{: Plan bearing No :zl,t be done in accordance of the sanctioned building 2g6! lcBlogt:r dated Ol.L2'2O03 which was subsequently :+n revised vlde plar no 1824/REvlCBlO4l2u dated Ol/O1/2Or3 o t lg''t' and s, bsequentry modlried ":IlortTq,"" "'o"tio" "':s.|SJgol issued by the Rajpur Sonarpur Municipality' l0-2018 2l That previously in the Joint Venture Agreement datcd 04 'ls by and between the parties herein ! it has been intcr-alia agreed F.q- q, will get the following allocations:- that the owners H5=* or z,t a. Owner No. 1 wiu get 2 (two) flats cach measuring more Ot third floor and less 650 sq. ft. super built up area in the ;Ftr one shop room measuring more or less 50 sq ft super built up area in the Oround Floor of the Basement + G + 4 S. P/:ONSTRUCTION linLs*tnt4 S,**'4'-tr"t', ' - llnlut^.,",tjr., S. P. CONSTRUCTIO.N mHY'o- bMffiffi; 4 land more fully described storied building standiog on the Agreement dated in the Schedule "D'of the Joint Venture interest in the 04.10.2018 together with proportionate and facilities along tand therein and in the common areas space' roof' with rights of easements and user of common provided in and stairs, passages and facilities as is with the around the said building in compliance sanctioned building Plan' measuring more or b. owncr No. 2 will get 2 (twol flats each in the Third Floor and less 550 sq.ft' super built up area less 50 sq ft super ono shop room measuring more or the Basement + G + 4 built up area in the Ground Floor of land more fully described storied building standing on the Agreement dated in the Schedule 'D' of the Joint venture in the 04.lO.20l8 together with proportionate interest and facilities along land therein and in the common areas space' roof' with rights of easements and user of common as is provided in and stairs, Passages and facilities viti alound the said building ln coopliancc sanctioned building Plan' I (one) measuring more or less c Ownet No.3 will get I flat Third Floor and one 7OO sq.ft. super built up area in the sq ft supe! built shop room measuring more or less 162 * O t 4 up area in the Cround Floor of the Basement \ fully described storied building standing on the land more dated in the Schedule "D" of the Joint Venture Agreement in the 04.10.2O18 together with proportionate interest and in the common areas and facilities along .;, P AONSTRUCTION land therein space' roof' with riShts of easements and user of common ffiw.", in and stairs, passagcs and facilities as is provided .. P. CONSTRUCTION W"ffi# D-a/ compliance with the around the said building ln sanctioned building Plan' oi the and physical measurement 3) That, after detailed discussion the been agreed by and between flats and shoP- room s it has herein will get the following parties herein that the ownels allocations:- flats out of which one being a. Owaet fio. I will get 2 (two) measuring more or less 692 Flat No. C on the Third Floor F on and another being Flat No sq. ft. super built up area or less 731 sq ft super the Third Floor measuring more being Shop No l l bullt up area and one shop room in sq ft super built up area measuring more or less 64 + C + 4 storied building the Ground Floor of the Basement described in the Sch€dule standing on the land more fully dat€d 04 IO 2018 'D' of the Joint Venture Agreement in the land therein together with proportionate interest facilities along with tights and in the common areas and space' roof' stairs' of easements aod user of common provided in and around the passages and facilities as is the sanctioned building said building in compliance with Plan' taking possessron of BE IT TO BE NOTED TBAT before the Owner No' I her above-mentioned allocations Rs 4'30'5OO/-\ herein will pay a total amount of Five Hundred) (Rupees Four Lakh Thirty Thousand 3500/- per only to the Developer' i e calculated @Rs' ft of flat as sq. ft. for the excess area of 123 sq' P S. CONSTRUCTION mentioned hereinabove' D+i"+-)w'*) one being f will get 2 {two) flats out of which r:l-Y'tdl!Peflnef ' b' Osaet No. 2 mqls s1 lsss 705 Flat No. E on the Third Floor measuring S. P. CONSTRUCTTON t"^.s,,-t'"Gffi^-;b'Art*'^ // *,*JU^;;-utr-tr"^il,( Jh'^7+,'- ow 6 sq. ft. super built up area and another being Flat No A on the Third Floor measuring more or less 395 sq ft super built up area and one shop room being Shop No 13 measuring more or less 68 sq.ft. super built up area in the Ground Floor of thc Bas€ment + G + 4 storied building standing on the land more fully described in the Schedule "D" of the Joint Venture A8reement dated 04 lO 2Ol8 together with proportionate interest in the land therein and in the common areas and facilities along with rights of easements and user of common space, roof' stairs' passages and facilities as is provided in and around the said building in compliance with the sanctiooed building plan. c. Owlrcr No. 3 witt get I (one) flat being Flat No D on the Third Floor measurinB more or less 702 sq ft super built up area and one shop room being Shop No 12 measuring more or less 164 sq.ft. super built up area in the Ground Floor of the Basement + G + 4 storied building standing on the land more fully describcd in the Schedule "D'of the Joint Venture Agreement dated 04.10.2O18 together with proportionate interest in the land therein and in the common areas and facilities along with rights of easements and user of common space, roof, stairs, passages and facilitics as is provided in and around the \ said building in compliance with the sanctioned building plan, 4) That by this Specified Agleement apart from the above-mentioned Landowner's Allocations thc Dcvclopcs will 8et the rest Flats, S.
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