PROJECT TIMECOP-AE Toward Innovative Methods for Combustion Prediction in Aero-Engines Funding: European (6th RTD Framework Programme) Duration: Jun 2006 - Nov 2010 Status: Complete with results Total project cost: €7,110,272 EU contribution: €4,800,000 Call for proposal: FP6-2005-AERO-1 CORDIS RCN : 79955 Background & policy context: Predictive tools are required to be able to reduce NOx emissions, to decrease the development time and costs of new combustion systems and to improve the operability of lean-burn combustion systems. Most promising approaches to satisfy future emission levels regulations are based on lean combustion technology. However, lean combustion compromises combustor operability, including ignition, altitude re-light, pull-away, weak extinction performance and thermo-acoustic instability behaviour. Therefore it is of prime importance to evaluate the behaviour of the flame during these transient phases in the design stage and modelling tools are required. Without these tools the development of advanced combustion systems relies on many costly and time consuming rig tests. The high-fidelity simulations proposed in TIMECOP-AE are therefore a way to increase competitiveness. Objectives: The aim of the FP6 TIMECOP-AE project was to improve the necessary combustion prediction methods that enable the development of practical advanced combustion systems for future engines, with reduced emission levels and fuel consumption. The main objective of the project was to enable European industry to design and develop innovative, optimised, low emissions combustion systems within reduced time and cost scales. This would be made possible by the development of state-of-the-art methods in the field of combustion modelling. These prediction methods would give the European industrial partners the advantage to improve in three pertinent fields: Operability: ability to model a wide range of operating conditions, ability to model and cope with transient conditions, ability to model and thus avoid combustion instability, ability to model and secure capability for altitude re-lights. Emissions: capability to lower combustion system emission levels during the design phase, ability to handle different fuel chemistry and calculate biofuelled engine. Competitiveness: reducing development costs by attaining higher combustion module maturity before development tests, allowing more efficient design optimisation. Methodology: To reach the main objective of advancing LES methods into two-phase flows for gas turbine applications, TIMECOP was divided into 4 Work Packages and the technical activity distributed as follows: WP1 - Fundamentals Within this work package, numerical models for two-phase flow, chemistry and ignition were developed, improved, evaluated and tested. Both Eulerian and Lagrangian two-phase models were considered, and the performances of the two approaches compared. Chemistry models were developed to application to LES. Approaches are based on the Flamelet Generated Manifold method, the Conditional Closure Model, the Field PDF method, and the Computational Singular Perturbation method. Furthermore, a specific spark ignition model has been developed. The models were implemented in numerical solvers and exploited by industrial partners. WP2 - Validation experiments WP2 focused on teh development and application of advanced diagnostic techniques on geometries and flow problems ranging from very well defined, easy-to-characterise, academic test cases to industrial test cases. The former tests were used to support model development, the latter to validate models in presence of complex geometries and ambiguity in boundary conditions. WP3 - Numerical validation and implementation of fundamentals The aim of this work package was to integrate the fundamental models into the advanced CFD methods, in order to obtain the two-phase reactive CFD capability and resolve the intrinsic unsteady behaviour of turbulent flows. To ensure the proper implementation of these new models, validations were first performed on academic experiments. Once validated, the advanced CFD methods were ready to be tested on complex 3D geometry experiments. WP4 - Exploitation LES of reactive two-phase flow is the next evolution in CFD methodologies applied to the conception of aeronautical engines. It should complement and eventually replace existing RANS conception techniques. The justification of this evolution resides in the fact that engine performances and transient phases are not predictable with the only use of RANS. Parent Programmes: FP6-AEROSPACE - Aeronautics and Space - Priority Thematic Area 4 (PTA4) Institute type: Public institution Institute name: European Commission Funding type: Public (EU) Lead Organisation: Turbomeca Address: n/a BORDES France Organisation Website: http://www.turbomeca.com EU Contribution: €0 Partner Organisations: Rolls-Royce Deutschland Ltd & Co Kg Address: Eschenweg 11 15827 BLANKENFELDE-MAHLOW Germany Organisation Website: http://www.rolls-royce.com/deutschland EU Contribution: €0 Mtu Aero Engines Address: Dachauer Strasse 665 80995 MUENCHEN Germany Organisation Website: http://www.mtu.de EU Contribution: €0 Snecma Address: 2 Bd du Général Martial-Valin PARIS France Organisation Website: http://www.snecma-moteurs.com EU Contribution: €0 Avio S.p.a. Address: Via 1 Maggio 99 00187 RIVALTA DI TORINO Italy Organisation Website: http://www.aviogroup.it EU Contribution: €0 Centre National De La Recherche Scientifique - Délégation Normandie Address: 14 rue Alfred Kastler CAEN France Organisation Website: http://www.dr19.cnrs.fr EU Contribution: €0 Centrale Recherche S.a. Address: Ecole Centrale Paris - Grande Voie des Vignes CHÂTENAY-MALABRY France Organisation Website: http://www.ecp.fr EU Contribution: €0 Centro De Investigaciones Energeticas, Medioambientales Y Tecnologicas Address: Avenida Complutense 22 28040 MADRID Spain Organisation Website: http://www.ciemat.es EU Contribution: €0 Technische Universitat Darmstadt Address: KAROLINENPLATZ 5 64289 DARMSTADT Germany Organisation Website: http://www.tu-darmstadt.de EU Contribution: €0 Czestochowa University Of Technology Address: Dabrowskiego 69 CZESTOCHOWA Poland Organisation Website: http://imc.pcz.czest.pl EU Contribution: €0 Rolls Royce Plc Address: 65 Buckingham gate LONDON SW1E 6AT United Kingdom Organisation Website: http://www.rolls-royce.com EU Contribution: €0 Foundation For Research And Technology Address: N Plastira Str 100 1527 HERAKLION Greece Organisation Website: http://www.iceht.forth.gr EU Contribution: €0 Loughborough University Address: Ashby Road Loughborough LE11 3TU United Kingdom Organisation Website: http://www.lboro.ac.uk EU Contribution: €0 University Of Karlsruhe, Institut Für Thermische Strömungsmaschinen Address: Kaiserstrasse 12 6980 KARLSRUHE Germany Organisation Website: http://www.uni-karlsruhe.de EU Contribution: €0 Institut National Polytechnique De Toulouse Address: 6 allée Emile Monso BP 34038 TOULOUSE France Organisation Website: http://www.inp-toulouse.fr EU Contribution: €0 Office National D' Etudes Et De Recherches Aérospatiales Address: 29, avenue de la Division Leclerc BP72 CHÂTILLON CEDEX France Organisation Website: http://www.onera.fr EU Contribution: €0 Department Of Mechanics And Aeronautics, University Of Rome "la Sapienza" Address: Via Eudossiana, 18 00184 ROMA Italy Organisation Website: http://www.uniroma1.dma.it EU Contribution: €0 Technische Universiteit Eindhoven Address: Den Dolech 5612 AZ Eindhoven Netherlands Organisation Website: http://www.industrialdesign.tue.nl EU Contribution: €0 Imperial College Of Science Technology And Medicine Address: Exhibition Road, South Kensington LONDON SW7 2AZ United Kingdom Organisation Website: http://www.imperial.ac.uk EU Contribution: €0 The Chancellor Masters And Scholars Of The University Of Cambridge Address: TRINITY LANE THE OLD SCHOOLS CAMBRIDGE CB2 1TN United Kingdom Organisation Website: http://www.cam.ac.uk EU Contribution: €0 Centre Europeen De Recherche Et De Formation Avancee En Calcul Scientifique Address: Avenue Gaspard Coriolis 42 31057 Toulouse France Organisation Website: http://www.cerfacs.fr EU Contribution: €0 Deutsches Zentrum Fr Luft Und Raumfahrt E.v Address: Linder Hoehe 51147 KOELN Germany Organisation Website: http://www.dlr.de EU Contribution: €0 Ifp Energies Nouvelles Address: 1et 4 avenue de Bois-Préau 92500 RUEIL MALMAISON France Organisation Website: http://www.ifp.fr EU Contribution: €0 Key Results: Within the framework of TIMECOP-AE, the LES tools have gained a new critical capability: modelling of the liquid fuel combustion process for conventional and low-emission combustors, over a wide range of operating conditions. The operating conditions include the above-mentioned transient phenomena, such as ignition or extinction. The developments achieved in the simulation tools are concerned with models for turbulence, chemistry, turbulence-chemistry interactions, and liquid spray models. The methods and models developed within TIMECOP have been evaluated against high quality validation data issued from several validation test-rigs, from academic burners designed to validate a specific model up to a generic combustor, representative of an aero-engine combustor. The scientific production of the project is summarised here: 7 test-rigs 18 CFD codes or modules 94 technical deliverables validated 41 publications produced Technical Implications TIMECOP-AE has greatly helped introduce the LES tools into the industrial environment for aero-engine design. All
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