On these pages, we feature aselection computer,click on any of the items to of the excellent work that has recently read the full article. Otherwise please been published in our sister journals. see the DOIs for easy online access If you are reading these pages on a through Wiley Online Library. Redox Chemistry B. Bagh, D. L. J. Broere, M. A. Siegler,J.I.van der Vlugt* Redox-Active-Ligand-MediatedFormation of an Acyclic Trinuclear Ruthenium Complex with Bridging Nitrido Ligands Three strikes aN2dyou’re out! The spontaneousazide decomposi- tion on mononuclear ruthenium complexes bearing aredox-active aminophenol-derived tridentate NNO ligand selectively generates a rare trinuclearcomplex with an unsymmetric Ru=N Ru N=Ru skele- À À ton, proposedly by oxidative nitride coupling. DFTand experimental data support apivotal role for the NNO ligand. The bridging bis- (nitrido) complex is reactive towards H2 and hydrogen-atom donor Angew.Chem. Int. Ed. species. DOI: 10.1002/anie.201603659 ArtificialPhotosynthesis H. Zhou,* R. Yan, D. Zhang,T.Fan* Challenges and Perspectives in Designing Artificial Photosynthetic Systems Let’slearn from nature:The developmentofartificial photosyn- thetic systems for water splitting and CO2 reduction on alarge scale for practical applications is the ultimategoal towards asustainable world. This Concepthighlights the state-of-the-artresearch trends of artificial-photosynthesis concepts and designsfrom some new Chem. Eur.J. perspectives. DOI: 10.1002/chem.201600289 Polymer Solar Cells Q. Wang, S. Zhang, B. Xu,* L. Ye,H.Yao, Y. Cui, H. Zhang,W.Yuan,* J. Hou* Effectively Improving Extinction Coefficient of Benzodithiophene and Benzodithiophenedione-based PhotovoltaicPolymerby GraftingAlkylthio Functional Groups What adifference an Smakes:Alkylthio substitution on the conju- gated thiopheneside chains in benzodithiophene(BDT) and benzo- dithiophenedione (BDD)-based photovoltaic polymer can effectively improvethe extinction coefficient. The higherextinction coefficient of PBD-S results in higher external quantum efficiencies (EQE) and powerconversion efficiency (PCE) in its corresponding polymer Chem. Asian J. solar cells. DOI: 10.1002/asia.201501387 ChemCatChem 2016, 8,2299 –2302 2299 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim Amyloid Structures M. Nagaraj, T. W. Franks, S. Saeidpour,T.Schubeis, H. Oschkinat, C. Ritter,B.-J. van Rossum* Surface Binding of TOTAPOL Assists Structural Investigations of AmyloidFibrils by DynamicNuclear Polarization NMR Spectroscopy Structural biology of functional amyloidfibrils:DNP NMR has been used to study the binding of TOTAPOL biradical to amyloid fi- brils. TOTAPOL was found to have ahigh binding affinity to the amyloid surface, similartothat of the fluorescent dye thioflavin-T (ThT). Most amyloids bind ThT,soour findings might be applicable ChemBioChem to other fibrillar systems. DOI: 10.1002/cbic.201600185 Molecular Dynamics Simulations T. A. Hilder,* N. Gaston Interaction of Boron Nitride Nanosheets with Model Cell Membranes Spontaneous attraction:Boron nitride nanosheets (in orange) are spontaneously attracted to the surfaceofamodel cell membrane. They do not pierce the membrane during unbiased molecular dy- ChemPhysChem namics simulations. DOI: 10.1002/cphc.201600165 Drug Delivery M. FouchØ,* M. Schäfer,J.Berghausen, S. Desrayaud, M. Blatter, P. PiØchon, I. Dix, A. Martin Garcia, H.-J. Roth Design and Development of aCyclic Decapeptide Scaffold with Suitable Propertiesfor Bioavailability and Oral Exposure Status: available!Ageneric decapeptide scaffold designed to ex- hibit good properties for permeability and oral exposure is reported. Cyclic peptides are shown to display aconformation that is ideal for cell permeation if coupled to the right NMe amide pattern. Accord- ing to NMR spectroscopy,compound 8,which displays excellent bioavailability,shows surprisingly higher conformational flexibility in apolarsolvents than in polar solvents, indicative of an entropic con- ChemMedChem tribution to permeability. DOI: 10.1002/cmdc.201600082 Batteries L. Estevez, D. Reed, Z. Nie, A. M. Schwarz, M. I. Nandasiri, J. P. Kizewski, W. Wang, E. Thomsen, J. Liu, J.-G. Zhang,V.Sprenkle, B. Li* TunableOxygen Functional Groups as Electrocatalysts on GraphiteFelt Surfaces for All-Vanadium Flow Batteries Tunablebatteries:Adual oxidative approachusing O2 plasma fol- lowed by treatment with H2O2 was used to tailor the amount and type of oxygen functional groups on the surface of agraphite felt electrode. It was found that O C=Ogroups improvethe cells per- À formance whereas the C Oand C=Ogroupsdegrade it. The reason À for the increased performance was found to be areductioninthe cell overpotential after functionalization of the graphite felt elec- ChemSusChem trode. DOI: 10.1002/cssc.201600198 ChemCatChem 2016, 8,2299 –2302 www.chemcatchem.org 2300 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim Water Gas Shift Reaction C. Marras, D. Loche, D. Carta, M. F. Casula, M. Schirru, M. G. Cutrufello,* A. Corrias* Copper-Based Catalysts Supported on Highly Porous Silica for the Water Gas Shift Reaction Don’t gather round!Successful strategies for the design of nano- composite catalysts for the water gas shift reactionrely on the prep- arationofcopper-based nanoparticles finely dispersed in highly poroussilica matrices (see figure). Different catalytic performances are explained on the basis of different dispersibility and reducibility of copper phases on silica aerogelsand templated mesoporous ChemPlusChem SBA-16 silicas. DOI: 10.1002/cplu.201500395 DNA A. Estrada-Vargas, D. Jambrec, Y. U. Kayran, V. Kuznetsov, W. Schuhmann* Differentiation between Single- and Double-Stranded DNA through Local Capacitance Measurements Distinguishing features:The determination of local capacitance by using either scanning electrochemical impedance microscopy (SEIM) or alternating-current scanning electrochemical microscopy (AC-SECM)allows areas on agold electrode modifiedwith single- or double-stranded DNA to be distinguished. ChemElectroChem DOI: 10.1002/celc.201600075 Boron Liquid Crystals J. Pecyna, R. Z˙urawin´ski, P. Kaszyn´ski,* D. Pociecha, P. Zagórski, S. Pakhomov Polar Liquid Crystals Derived from SulfoniumZwitterions of the – [closo-1-CB11H12] Anion – Zwitterionic derivatives of the [closo-1-CB11H12] anion form liquid- crystalline phases and improvethe dielectric properties of nematic liquid-crystal materials. Eur.J.Inorg. Chem. DOI: 10.1002/ejic.201600240 Fullerodendrimers D. Sigwalt,R.Caballero, M. Holler,J.-M. Strub,A.Van Dorsselaer, J.-F.Nierengarten* Ultra-Fast Dendritic Growth Based on the GraftingofFullerene Hexa-Adduct Macromonomersonto aFullerene Core Afullerene hexa-adduct buildingblock bearing an azide functionali- ty was prepared in six steps, andgrafted onto acentral fullerene core under copper-catalyzed azide–alkyne cycloaddition conditions. The resultingtridecafullerenederivative is afirst generation dendri- mer with 132 peripheralethyl ester groups. Eur.J.Org. Chem. DOI: 10.1002/ejoc.201600439 ChemCatChem 2016, 8,2299 –2302 www.chemcatchem.org 2301 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim EnvironmentalChemistry H. Zänker,* S. Weiss, C. Hennig, V. Brendler,A.Ikeda-Ohno Oxyhydroxy Silicate Colloids:ANew Type of Waterborne Actinide(IV) Colloids Assessingalternative actinide colloids!Atnear-neutral and reduc- ing aquatic conditions, the actinides Th, U, Np, and Pu are tetrava- lent, that is, they are sparingly soluble. Therefore, Actinide(IV) (AnIV) are often assumed to be immobile in the environment. However, AnIV speciescould become mobile if they occur as colloids. Anew type of AnIV colloids, AnIV oxyhydroxy silicate colloids of< 20 nm ChemistryOpen which are stable over years, is described. DOI: 10.1002/open.201500207 Animation Z. Du,* Y. Yan, Y. Fu, K. Wang Palladium-CatalyzedDirect Amination of Allylic Alcohols in AqueousMedia A’ll have some of that:APdCl2-catalyzed efficient and direct amina- tion of allylic alcohols with aromatic amines to form N-allylated amines in moderate to excellent yield in the aqueous phase under mild conditions is developed. It is an economical andenvironmen- tally friendly protocol for N-allylamine synthesis. The method has a Asian J. Org. Chem. wide substratescope and broad functional group tolerance. DOI: 10.1002/ajoc.201600116 Photocatalysis W. Yin, S. Bai, Y. Zhong,Z.Li,* Y. Xie DirectGeneration of Fine Bi2WO6 Nanocrystals on g-C3N4 Nanosheets for Enhanced Photocatalytic Activity Graphic C3N4 nanosheets coupled with controllable Bi2WO6 nano- crystalsare directly generated using the nanosheets to adsorb Bi3+ ions as widespread nucleationsites for the growth of Bi2WO6 nano- crystals. The hybrid nanostructures belongtoType II heterojunc- tions andshow significantly enhanced photocatalytic activity under ChemNanoMat visible light. DOI: 10.1002/cnma.201600041 C. Buse, D. Esposito Sustainable Chemical Building Blocks from Lignin In “Behind the Science”, ChemViews Magazine gives readers apeek behind the scenes of aresearch article. This time, Cordula Buse, ChemBioEng Reviews,talks to Davide Esposito, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces, Germany,abouthis article on the prepa- ration of sustainable chemicalbuilding blocks from lignin biomass. ChemViewsmagazine DOI: 10.1002/chemv.201600032 ChemCatChem 2016, 8,2299 –2302 www.chemcatchem.org 2302 2016 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH &Co. KGaA, Weinheim.
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